Black Man One Ch. 15


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I had thought Julie didn't want to speak to me. I was sure that she wasn't even there. Her sudden appearance in her regular black leotard and white tights uniform startled me. My eyes fell to the floor like they were weighted as I glanced to my side to see the young black thug of a man removing his sweat-soaked leopard-print bikini underwear. He held them in his hand.

"And, when I said you're jus' gonna listen I meant it too boy!" he directed towards me.

I didn't think this could get more humiliating, but it did. Unbelievably, it did!

With utter disdain, the black stud took the flimsy leopard-patterned nylon spandex bikini underwear into his hands and then placed his other hand onto my face firmly. He squeezed my face cheeks until my mouth opened as I knelt there completely defeated and ashamed. To make matters even more degrading, the stud "stuffed" the sweat-drenched crotch portion of his bikinis into my defeated mouth.

"You keeps quiet now, boy. Ya' hear? Julie, you say what you needs to say." he ordered.

"Don't be long, girl. I'll be waiting at my place." Tra'mon directed her.

"Yes, Trey. Okay, Trey." Julie answered him as the young black stud walked out of the gym completely nude.

Julie's eyes followed the nude black stud as he departed. Then, she slowly turned back to me.

My wife had seen everything. Now, she was looking at me kneeling in shame with the sweaty crotch of another man's bikini underwear stuffed into my mouth.

She had seen me get slapped by the black man several times as I cowered in fear before him. She had witnessed him holding my arm behind my back as he literally adding numerous swift kicks to my backside. She had seen him making me kneel before him as he held my hands on the top of my head while he slapped me. She had heard him calling me a "pussy" and heard me begging him to not beat me me up. And, she had watched in amazement as the younger black man made me kiss his asscheeks several times while I groveled before him, begging for mercy.

As my beautiful young blonde wife gazed upon my humiliation, she seemed to have no words. Her look of disbelief and pity for her weakling wimp of a white husband appeared to be overshadowed by something I could not understand.

I had never been so ashamed as I tried not looking directly into my wife's eyes. Yet, the look in her eyes caused me to stare in disbelief myself as she finally began to speak.

"Listen, Richard. I'm really sorry it had to come to this." she began.

"I mean, I tried to tell you that Trey was getting really upset by all your text messages to me." Julie continued.

"I'm so sorry that Trey beat you up again." my wife apologized.

"Really, I am." Julie stated.

"But, Trey has such a temper. Trey was so mad. 'm sure Trey didn't want to beat you up. Really, he didn't." my blonde wife continued.

"But, you kept persisting and well ... Trey didn't like that at all. I wanted to talk to you and tell you, but Trey said not to." she continued curiously, as my eyes widened in shock by her words.

Here I was kneeling on the mat of the gym in silence listening to my wife's words. She could see what a "wimp" I was compared to the younger black stud. I was kneeling there with the young black man's bikini crotch planted in my mouth after he had just beaten me up. And, he had demoralized me in front of her to show her that he was more of a man than I was. My face was a fire-engine red as I knelt there in humiliation trying to figure out what Julie was trying to say.

I was beginning to wonder why Julie was speaking in this manner, and why she was listening to the black man during this personal family crisis.

"I guess I should just tell you." Julie began, again, as I looked at her in confusion.

"Well, Trey and I are kinda seeing each other now. It just happened." she announced.

My heart nearly stopped.

"It just sorta happened and I don't like seeing him getting all mad and fighting with you." my wife continued.

"I don't want to see you get hurt and beat up all the time, Richard." Julie added.

"I didn't want it to happen this way and, well, I didn't know how to tell you." she said.

"We just need time away from one another. Maybe seeing other people will be a good thing for us. At least for now." she said with a tone of finality.

"But, I have to go now. Trey is waiting. I don't want Trey to get mad, okay?" Julie said, looking at my defeated face.

I could not answer due to the black stud's bikini underwear in my humiliated mouth as I looked at Julie's beautiful face. She seemed genuinely sorry for me, yet she was so consumed with the black man that I could hardly believe this was happening.

"We just had a small disagreement and she ran into the arms of this young black stud so easily?" I thought to myself.

"Maybe be can talk in a few weeks or so, Richard. Okay?" Julie exclaimed.

"When things settle down." she added.

"But, I really have to go now before ..." she started to say.

"Listen, I'll ask Trey not to beat you up anymore. Alright?" my blonde wife said, adding insult to injury.

I watched as Julie walked out of the small workout center and headed for the black man's condo unit number one. Defeated beyond human explanation, I knelt there for awhile with the black stud's bikini crotch in my mouth. I was in shock and degraded beyond words, and somehow the defeat I just experienced kept me frozen in my own degradation.

Shamed, I finally removed Tra'mon's leopard-print bikinis from my mouth and walked back to my own condo. It would be the first time that I knew for sure that my beautiful blonde wife would not be coming home that night.

Despite our brief separation, I had always felt that she could be coming back home at any moment.

Now, things were different.

It felt more humiliating than I would have ever imagined it could be. Being defeated by the superiority of the black man in such a blatant and disgraceful manner couldn't have been more embarrassing. Yet, at the time I stupidly felt as if I would still have that one in a million chance to have my beautiful white wife return to me.

"She has to see just how rough and aggressive this young black man is." I hoped.

"Perhaps, Julie will take pity on me and come home?" I prayed.

Unfortunately, the demoralization continued.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

My cup of tea



Sub_HubbieSub_Hubbieover 11 years ago
loving it

great storytelling

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I enjoy this entire story. This Chapter was excellent. Can't wait to read the rest

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
What's next?

I assume Trey and the wife go after the Wimp's money. To get as much as they can. Maybe the condo complex wimps will stand together and make a contest of it. No sign of that so far.

The biracial gym day care was a nice touch. I agree with the comments that said the story was good but that there needed to be other scenes shown that had some more eroticism.

spyintheskyspyintheskyover 12 years ago
My take

Well i find it extremely erotic and well written but the problem I see is that now it seems Trey is indeed fucking Julie one presumes pretty exclusively too so not sure why she isnt looking like the other women we have seen, or are they only treated like that after he has effectively tired of their freshness? But I digress yes the problem is that now we know that they are fucking after all the build up to it we have been kept completely away from any actual evidence or excitement of it.

I always thought that the wimp not checking out the club was a lost opportunity to build up the knowledge of what she was likely doing after all holes and dirt on tights is hardly very erotic, and why oh why did he not spend the night staring out his window to see what happened when they returned from that club on a regular basis I doubt that Trey simply kissed her good night. Even if wimp had tried and fell asleep it would have been something that any husband would have done along with checking the club on the internet in the end. Now after a week of her being in this guys condo as mentioned below he hasn't even crept down to it to see what he can hear and didnt Julia appear at the weekend while she was staying at Treys I cant imagine trey would let her stay hiding in side when he could display her to all and sundry. Again no mention of any other women/wives visiting him (despite the normal flow previously) during this week or more and no actual sign that Julie had been making up for it with Trey. A lot of this story is so good but be careful not to exclude us from the actual signs of sex going on too, it doesn't have to be too graphic but our minds do need a gradual move towards that rather than simply the brutal behaviour from Trey time and again while we are simply left to expect what else is happening. Certainly the wimp seeing one of the other wives creeping out of Treys condo previously would have been sexually charging for the reader or one of his sluts leaving we knowing now that J is in there. So many erotic imagination stiring possibilities have not been exploited and now we are like the wimp being left as distant neigbours who hear about some naughtiness down the street about that nice couple but left desperately wanting to know more or knowing it third hand.

Stir our imaginations a little more and this will still be an excellent series as it heads towards its conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Who is going to be the real winner?

Humiliated? Yes, but he is still trying to fight for his wife. He puts himself in a position of pain and suffering for her, and yes, he has suffered profusely for doing so. Is she worth it? Not on your life!!! She wants to be treated like all the other sluts that have fallen prey to Tramon and his so called friends. Just a bunch of users that will eventually self destruct. I've seen it in the past. Bright, blazing stars that burn out quickly, and leave a trail of destruction in their path. Personally, I think he is a rather heroic figure, but his wife and her lover are the bottom of the barrel. I'm sure the author doesn't see it this way, but life experience tells me that he will see himself through this travail, but Julie and Tramon will eventually suffer tragically. Everything Tramon is doing is illegal or risky, and draws way too much attention to himself and his cohorts, while placing himself in legal jeopardy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Could have been much better

Why didn't Trey have Richard in his condo to hear him fucking one of the other 12 white wives by now? Why didn't Richard go down and listen at the bedroom window a few days befor when he found his wife was staying with Trey? Why didn't Richard after 10 minutes go down to Trey's condo and listen as Trey fucked the shit out of Julie? When did Trey first fuck Julie or is he putting her off till later? How about getting more play by play sex in great detail. If you have ever had sex or read stories on this site you know what I mean. The story is well written other wise. I'm sure you have more of this in you that needs to come out.

NJW7NJW7over 12 years ago
Lousy style


Is it necessary for each line to have it's own paragraph?

It makes it annoying to read.

As if the subject matter wasn't lame enough (although that is admittedly subjective).

Glad this has come to an end.

Nothing at all erotic in any of the installments.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Headed for a lame finish

As I suspected from the long delay in the story update, the story is headed for a lame finish.

I did expect Julie to (sooner or later) move in with Trey for a while.I did expect Julie to announce that she was seeing Trey. I did expect Richard to grovel and beg her like a wimp to return, and to hope for her to return.

I didn't expect that Julie would dump Richard, despite him being a wimp. Having seen what a wimp he is openly, she could easily 'have her cake and eat it too'...stay married to Richard, move in back with Richard after a while...and continue 'seeing Trey' openly. She wouldn't be the first blonde woman on the block married to a wimpy white guy and having a black boyfriend 'on the side' openly. The separation ought to have taught her wimpy husband to be grateful for what he has, and I'd have expected her to move back in her wimpy husband once she's driven home the point to the wimp, to appreciate what he has.

But, the story doesn't appear to be headed in that direction. Too bad. Atleast, we can hope that when she moves back in (even if it's temporary, as it appears to be suggested by the author), Trey would've gotten her tattooed with the workout center logo, and Julie would rub that in his face every day..

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
White men really are stupid

because they slave away at making a living and pay taxes so the lazy black man can kick back and collect welfare, buy drugs (with welfare money or from selling stolen items) and otherwise live off the efforts of the white man. The black man has taken the honest effort society has made in trying to get rid of racial discrimination and perverted it for their own agenda. The author is not a wimpy white man but a pathetic black man attempting to spread subversive propaganda. Stories like this one only further the fallacy that the black man is superior. If the black man were so superior, why is it that Africa is not one of the world powers considering they have 90% of the platinum, 50% of the gold and 30% of the diamond reserves in the world not to mention all the other natural resources there. If they are too lazy and or stupid to capitalize on these resources ar they really superior to anyone???? Author, stop believing in your own propaganda and get a real job!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Get help.

Or better yet get a gun, knife, bomb, poison, acid anything that can kill maim, destroy the bitch and her stud too. Make it slow and painful, don't forget everyone has to die sometime and we all are evry easily killed it only takes two seconds or less to fire a gun into the cold black heart or your bitch cunt wife then follow it up with a bullet in the black mans groin and then cut off his dick and shove it down his throat so he slowly chokes to death.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Thanks For Continuing

Is this really the end? It's a good story but more is needed. At least the wife should announce she's pregnant with Trey's child. Anyway, thanks for the story. Too bad others can't see the humor in it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

dont you think it would be better, if we were to find out when exacly the first sexual act between them took place, how and when and what happened

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Come on, admit it

Come on, admit it, you want this black guy to fuck you... And maybe it can happen before chapter 25.

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here but you're wearing me out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
no stars - zero

get on with it or drop it....

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