Black Rock City Pt. 01

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A couple has fun at a desert rave.
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If this story seems familiar it's no surprise. I am re-working a previously published one (Fake Memories of a Desert Rave - Darcie). The viewpoint was changed from first to third person, and the story will no longer focus on experiences at Burning Man. Instead, the idea that emerged from the original story will be fleshed out, turning this into a Fantasy story. The first three parts will be very similar to the original ones, but then veer off into a different direction.

I would be very interested to get feedback from people who have read both versions. Which works better, the first or third person view point? Fellow Burners, leave comments, stories, story ideas.. This should be a very fertile place for all sorts of stories, and I'm willing to write some of them.


Burning Man is an enormous week-long art festival taking place in the Nevada desert. It combines large art pieces, music, performance art, as well as a wild party scene. The festival is a two-mile wide horse-shoe of tents and camps, with the central empty space (the "Playa") forming the main display area for the art pieces. The open end of the horse-shoe leads to the Deep Playa, a wide open expanse where more art pieces are scattered. The space is wide enough that bicycles are required to travel from place to place.

There is no commerce allowed. Everything is freely given and shared. People set up bars, chill tents, performance spaces or any form of hospitality they can dream of. Emphasis is placed on participation, silliness is the norm, and nudity is accepted (but not required). Some of the larger dance camps are enormous and run by professionals, so the night time parties are some of the best in the world.

In reality there is a police presence which prevents wilder antics, but in my version the risks of arrest are nil.

Part 1

Darcie had taken to Burning Man like a fish to water. By the end of breakfast on the first day she was already planning next year's trip. Jeff was pleased as punch. It was his third burn, so he took a real joy at her obvious enthusiasm. Sharing something you loved was always the best feeling, especially if it was appreciated. As soon as their little camp was set up, she had her hat on, ready to go exploring. They hopped on their bikes and off they went.

Darcie was a tall brunette, with sweet curves in the right place, cute b-cup boobs, and a wild streak about a mile wide. She was pretty and funny, and always a pleasure to have around. She had thrown on a blue bikini on that first day, wrapped a sarong around her waist, strapped on the obligatory goggles (in case of dust storms), plopped a hat on her head, and looked ready for fun. Jeff had on his sarong (with nothing underneath), as well as a loosely knit t-shirt, which was actually part of a Swedish submariner's official work uniform. A great Army surplus store find. It fir well his wiry frame and chiseled features, his short blond hair covered by a floppy green hat. Hatted and be-goggled, Jeff led the way. Unlike her, Jeff actually knew where they were going.

Jeff took her on a tour of the Playa, with all the large art pieces, and the Esplanade, which was the edge of the horse-shoe of camps that faced inwards towards the Playa. Camps on the Esplanade had to have some kind of interactive element to them, whether it was a DJ set up and a dance area or a bar and lounge. Or a roller disco. Because there's a roller disco at Burning Man, and you can borrow roller skates.

Darcie used to be a figure skater in her youth, until boys distracted her and she dropped out of the rigorous training regimen that national competitions would require. She threw herself at the roller disco, skating and twirling around the plywood deck. From time to time she would just laugh when she realized where she was, and what she was doing. Jeff was just standing by the side of the deck, watching her. Jeff had skinned enough knees to know that he was not to be trusted on roller skates. Jeff happily cheered her on, proud of her skills. A lot of other people watched her, this pretty girl weaving through the stumbling crowd with graceful ease. She cut quite a figure out there, her long legs criss-crossing as she skated around, her long brown hair trailing behind her.

She skidded to a stop in front of Jeff, panting, a big smile on her face.

"This is awesome!" she said giggling.

"You can come back here every day if you want." Jeff told her.

She plopped down next to him and started pulling off her skates.

"Oh, I will. This is so fucking insane and cool. They're playing disco!" She almost screamed in delight.

"It's that older black guy over there who brings the whole set up and all the skates" Jeff said, pointing at the aging man gracefully gliding on his skates around the dance floor.

"That man is gonna get a hug from me before the end of this. This is.. mind-blowing." she said looking both happy and confused.

"We've barely started. Let's go!" Jeff exclaimed.

They moved on, though she kept a huge grin on her face the rest of the day. They hit several of the fun camps on the Esplanade, playing on the adult-sized jungle gym that had been set-up, or simply lounging and drinking the margaritas that one of the camps was passing around. By the time the sun set, they had hit a groove. After had a quick dinner they headed back out to hit the dance camps. Several hours later they crawled into their tent and collapsed on the inflatable mattress.

The next few days quickly established a rhythm. Mornings were spent getting ice, cleaning up the camp and general relaxing in their little part of the campground. After a light lunch, they retreated to the tent for a nap and some sweaty sex. By early afternoon they were ready to really hit the Playa.

Darcie had brought several bikinis, figuring correctly that they would be her main attire during the day. That day she was wearing a little black bikini that tied around the sides. Jeff had spent the better part of the morning tugging at those ties, watching it fall off half a hip, revealing a pale ass cheek. It had become a game Jeff was enjoying tremendously, but she finally put a stop to it. They were in the final stages of their preparations for the afternoon fun when Jeff pulled on those strings one time too many. She turned to face him, hands on hips, frowning in mock anger. Instead of saying anything, she shimmied her hips until her bikini bottoms feel to the ground.

"There," she said "happy now?"

She was standing there in her sarong and bikini top. Knowing she was naked underneath that sarong made his cock tingle.

"Not yet. Can I see?" Jeff said, grinning, but keeping his eyes locked on hers.

She slowly pulled her sarong up. The fringes of the sarong slowly lifted, passing her long smooth thighs. She kept moving up until, finally, her pussy was revealed. Darcie was one of those fairly hairless women, and never had to shave. A fan of black silky hair spread above her clit, her pubes long and thin. It left the lips of her pussy deliciously bare, a delicate pink peach barely split by her clit hood.

Jeff growled. He moved towards her.

She took a step back, pushing her sarong down and covering her pussy.

"No! We are heading out!" She warned him.

She jumped on her bike and headed out. She stood on her bike pedals and waved her ass at him.

"Are you coming?" she yelled out, a smirk on her face.

"You won't let me!" Jeff yelled back as he jumped on his bike.

She laughed and pedaled away.

They hit their usual drinking spots, snatching shots of tequila at a Tiki bar, some strange concoction at a small dance dome, even some shaved ice from an alaskan fisherman. By the time they hit the Esplanade they were both pleasantly buzzed.

Jeff collapsed on a big bean bag chair at the jungle-gym camp. Darcie was not with him. Jeff looked around and finally saw her. She had stopped at the jungle gym itself and had started climbing it. It wasn't much of a jungle gym, more like thick wooden poles tied together, forming a network of rope bridges and climbing nets. It was popular and a lot of fun as an adult to rediscover the simple pleasure of climbing all over shit.

Darcie was climbing the low net that led to the rope bridge. She had either forgotten that she was naked under her sarong, or simply didn't care. But it was impossible to climb this structure in a lady-like way; it required you to use your hands for balance and to spread your feet from rope to rope. At this point, Darcie was no lady.

Jeff approached the jungle gym and noticed that two or three other guys were approaching as well. Darcie was just a few feet off the ground at this point, pulling herself up along the net. But even from a distance the pale tan lines of her naked flesh were starkly outlined against the tanned skin of her thighs. As she made her way up, her legs would scissor open, revealing a broad triangle of pale skin, and the fan of black pubic hair at the center of it.

The other guys were moving towards the net, as if to climb as well. But their eyes were fixed on Darcie's long legs. So were mine. She finally made it up and stood on the rope bridge. She crossed it quickly and reached the next section, which was an overhead net you were meant to hang from and cross hand over hand.

Jeff had followed her, pacing her progress from the ground. She waved happily when she saw him, then threw herself at the net, grabbing hold of the ropes. Her legs swung out and apart. As she swung from rope to rope, her legs would swing from side to side, revealing her bare pussy first to one side of the jungle gym, then the other. From his vantage point Jeff could see clearly as her sarong inched higher over her legs until the pale orbs of her ass were in view. She would swing and turn, reaching for another corner of the net, her legs swinging open and suddenly her pussy was exposed, the full line of her slit from ass to pubes, her soft lips opening with her legs, revealing the deeper pink if her inner labia.

Finally she jumped down and hugged him, a big smile on her face.

"That was fun!" she said.

"That was fun for everyone who was looking." Jeff said.

She shrugged with fake innocence.

"I'm just wearing what you wanted me to wear." she said, before giving him an evil grin.

She grabbed him by the hand.

"Come on, I need a drink!" She exclaimed.

They drank the camp's margarita's and continued on. Their next stop was a Western shack, complete with swinging doors and horns over the entrance. The place was barely big enough for two dozen people, and they were all there. In one corner was a small bar, in the other was a tiny dance space where a DJ had a computer propped up on a folding table. There was also a stripper pole in the middle of the dance floor. The space was filled with dusty dancers, all dressed in colorful and weird outfits.

Darcie and Jeff took the offered shots of cinnamon flavored whiskey (which was awful) before dancing. She threw herself into the music, a big grin on her face. By then they were both very buzzed by all the booze they had ingested. Jeff knew that if Darcie had one weakness, it was booze. There was a line that was crossed at one point in her drinking, where Jeff had to question whether she was just having fun or if she was doing something she would regret the next morning. Jeff had the feeling they were approaching that line. Jeff was heavier than her, so if he was feeling the effect of the alcohol, she must have been far further gone.

She grabbed hold of the stripper pole and started gyrating around it, making exaggerated sexy motion, clearly taking it all as a fun joke. Jeff was dancing around her, but not with her. She was having her own fun. She started leaning back into the stripper pole, then bending forward at the waist so that she spread her ass cheeks on either side of the pole. She rode the pole for a few beats, making exaggerated sexy faces. A few people whooped their approval. That was all she needed.

She turned around, hanging on to the pole, her feet wide on either side. She shook her boobs and shook her hips. She let go of the pole and started dancing towards Jeff, her hands on her sarong. She started swishing the fabric like a can-can girl, giving him glimpses of her pussy. Jeff smiled. She cuddled up to him, kissing him lightly on the lips. She turned and rubbed her ass against him, feeling his thickening cock nestle between her ass cheeks.

She danced away before Jeff could grab hold of her waist. Jumping to the beat, she made her way back to the stripper pole. She circled it once, hanging off of it. Then reached back and untied her bikini top. She pulled it off in one go and another whoop of cheers went up. She twirled the bikini over her head like a flag, shaking her pink breasts at the same time. The rounded flesh of her breasts swayed enticingly as she moved, heavy enough to move with gravity, small enough to remain firm. The tiny pink nipples were framed by the triangle of pale tan lines, making her even more naked in Jeff's eyes. These were not usually public breasts, and yet here she was showing them off to a crowd of strangers.

Darcie continued to dance, her bikini top in her closed hand. Her hands drifted further and further down, pushing and pulling at the edges of her sarong. Before long, she was flashing her pussy with every other step, jumping and twirling to the music, baring her body to all.

Jeff danced closer to her, trying to get her to talk to him. Was this Burning Man giving her license to be free, or was she simply too drunk to care? Jeff danced in front of her. She smiled and her eyes lit up.

"Hi!" Jeff yelled over the music.

She put her hands on his shoulders and for a moment they danced together, smiling at each other.

"You're feeling ok?" Jeff asked.

"I'm feeling great. Why, are you worried about something?" She asked, suddenly concerned.

"No, you're just very free with your body right now. I don't get to see that side of you very often."

"Well its your fault. I was ready to be a good girl all week, but you took away my bottoms. What's a girl to do? Do you like it? This side of me?" She asked with a wicked smile.

"Yes. I do" Jeff replied, kissing her.

"Good." she said, and pushed him away. She shook her bare breasts at him before twirling away to dance some more.

It was still light when they finally left the shack. They had a few more hours before the sun set and they had to be back to camp for dinner and warmer clothes. They staggered out of the shack, Darcie still topless. Her sarong had been rolled up around her hips so that now it came barely to mid-thigh. It also hung low enough to make it obvious that she was not wearing anything underneath it.

She stood by her bike, pulling her hair up and off her neck. She was gleaming with sweat, mostly naked, and sexy as hell. Jeff leaned over and kissed a small nipple. She smiled, her eyes heavy with desire. Her dancing had obviously had an effect on her.

"I need another drink" she said. " All this dancing made me thirsty."

Jeff circled his bike until he was in front of her.

"Ok. Somewhere chill or more dancing?" Jeff asked.

Meanwhile, Jeff had his eyes fixed on her pussy, which was clearly visible when she sat on her bike. There was no way no hide her nudity from anyone they would pass on their ride. Jeff loved looking at her naked, but he was starting to feel weird about so many strangers staring at her. It was a short-lived feeling, more like a loose tooth. Because Jeff also couldn't help but feel both proud and turned on to be with her. His cock was practically at half-mast just from standing near her.

"Let's go somewhere chill" she said.

Jeff lead her to a small structure a few blocks away. It was a simple tent with a small bar in one corner, the rest of the space filled with big pillows you could flop on. The bar was only big enough for two stools, and they were taken. This bar also only served a homemade batch of absinthe. Darcie flopped onto a pillow, and Jeff got them two shots of the homemade brew.

They sipped their drinks, but before long they were both essentially out. That absinthe packed a punch.

Jeff was laying back on the pillow, his arm thrown over Darcie's shoulder, her head in the crook of his arm. Jeff noticed a guy sitting at the bar, watching them. This was a small tent, they were barely six feet away from him. He was youngish guy, toned, dressed in a pair of tight striped pants, no shirt and a top hat, looking very dapper. He was staring intently in their direction.

Fighting through the fog of the absinthe, Jeff tried to get his bearing. That's when Jeff noticed that one of Darcie's knee was up, and she was closing and opening her leg in a slow, hypnotic rhythm. The guy at the bar was staring straight between her legs, and her pussy was winking at him every time her knee moved to the side. He licked his lips. His tight pants could not hide his erection.

Jeff looked down at Darcie. She felt his movement so she looked up and smiled at him.

"What are you doing?" Jeff asked softly.

"I'm teasing that poor guy" she said.

At first Jeff was floored. She was exposing herself on purpose. To someone else. His cock twitched against his thigh. Her hand fluttered onto his lap, her fingers brushing against his growing erection.

"I'm so turned on right now" she whispered. " I think my pussy is wet. Should I check?"

She looked up at Jeff, her eyes heavy with lust, her lips full. Jeff nodded yes. His cock twitched against her fingers.

She slowly reached down with her other hand and placed it between her thighs. She slipped a single finger between the lips of her sex, tracing the length of her pussy from bottom to top, circling her clit as she went. Her finger glistened with her juices as she brought it to her lips. She moaned as she slowly sucked on her finger.

Her other hand had gently closed around Jeff's hard cock, stroking it through the thin material of his sarong.

"He has a nice cock." she said.

She turned on her side, halfway on top of Jeff, throwing a leg over his. The guy on the stool had a fantastic view of her ass, and of her wet pussy peeking out from underneath. Darcie continued playing with Jeff's cock.

"It's not fair, leaving him like this. It's kinda my fault." she said to Jeff, acting coy, despite her hand gently stroking his cock.

"What do you mean" Jeff asked.

She hesitated for a second. She looked at him from under her lowered brow. She bit her lip before speaking.

"Can I blow him?" she said.

Jeff felt shocked, but his cock jumped in her hand, rock hard. Again, Jeff had to wonder if it was the booze talking. Jeff decided, maybe because he was slightly drunk too, that maybe it didn't matter.

"I'll make it worth your while, later" she whispered.

For some reason, Jeff nodded yes. She leaned forward and kissed him. She gave his cock a last squeeze before getting up. She turned to the guy at the bar and took his hand, pulling him to his feet to lead him out of the tent. He followed her, surprise and delight on his face.

Jeff got up as soon as they had stepped out of the tent and followed them. They were nowhere to be seen. A sense of panic started to swell in his chest. But they couldn't be far. Jeff looked around and found them almost immediately.

She had taken him around the corner and pushed him between the wall of the absinthe bar's tent and a Camper trailer parked besides it. It was hardly a private place, but it was off the main avenue. She had pushed him against the trailer and squatted at his feet, her knees wide open on either side of his legs. When Jeff turned the corner she had just extracted his hard dick out of his pants.

She held his thick cock in one hand, her other hand brushing against his belly and legs. She closed her eyes and placed the tip of his cock against her lips. Slowly, she opened her mouth and slipped the head of his cock into her mouth. Jeff could see her cheeks bulge as she tongued it.