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"So what did he say?"

"He blew his top; I had all on to keep him off me!" I smiled at that, I could imagine him doing just that.

"But I managed to calm him down, made him listen to me, and then asked him to discuss it with you. That's the top and bottom of it, and that's what happened."

"Wow," I said. "And here I am?" I said somewhat sardonically.

"Yes Charly, here you are, and apart from all of that, is there any chance that you might be feeling a little better about it, being here with me?"

"Taking it all into consideration, I have to say that I have found you to be a very charming man and fun to be with."

"It has nothing to do with this then?" He picked up his beautiful black woman killer and waved it at me. I laughed out loud.

"Again, yes it has a lot to do with it," I said, as I swapped his hand for mine.

We kissed a lot and fumbled with each other, I really was getting into him now. Was I falling in love, was it possible for me to do that. He is a black man, he wasn't my husband, and I knew now that I did love all of this. But unknown to me for now an even bigger upset and surprise was waiting for me down the line.

We went back to sleep and rose early the next morning, Paul hired a driver for the day for a sight seeing tour of things we didn't know about. We seemed to go every where, Paul took dozens and dozens of photos of things and places we went to, including lots of me, I took lots of him and he asked different people to take lots of us, arm in arm.

We had a quick afternoon tea, I was in my element here in Paris, it was a city to fall in love with and with the person you are with too. I was becoming more and more comfortable with him around me.

When we got back we shared a bath, it was the most intimate of things I had ever done. I absolutely marvelled at his chiselled back, the water cover black skin that I loved sliding my hands over. We washed and toyed with each other, but there was one thing I wanted to do now that I couldn't in here, suck his beautiful black, red purple topped angry looking cock!

He tortured my nipples, drove me and my pussy insane. He also fingered my ass, which pulled me up; he saw the look of concern in my eyes and took his finger away. He wanted to make love to me in the bath but I said no, I have something else in mind.

"Come on Paul, let's get dried?" He obeyed me, he followed me into the bedroom, and I told him to stand in the middle of the room. I had planned this moment within the last 15 minutes. I went o his jacket and removed his camera. I turned and he was smiling. He knew what I intended, or thought he did. He was in for a big surprise, I hoped!

I got him nice and hard, and I had tell him to keep his hands to himself while I was ready for him, again he obeyed me. This had to be the most patient man on earth. I had his gorgeaous staff hard and proud, I circled him taking pictures from all sides, and including close ups of him anf that big life giver.

Then I handed the camera to him, dropped to my knees and sucked his cock into my hungry mouth. I heard him gasp in appreciation, but he got the message when I clicked my fingers at him. 'Start taking photos' was what I was saying. He did, he snapped away as I went up and down that heavenly black cock.

I kissed and licked my way up and down, taking his dark hairy balls one by one, sucking them in. Burying my face and nose into him, breathing in his black aroma. He got me in every place, this all made me go at him harder, if it was possible I wanted him to capture me capturing him when he came and shot his load into me, and me swallowing all he gave me.

He nearly fell over a couple of times but he snapped away as we went, it was truly the most erotic thing that could happen, two lovers giving their all for the other. He came then, a loud grunt, sag of his knees, his insistence to stay on his feet was won. And he snapped away at all of it.

When we finally recovered to be able to get to the bed we crawled on to it. He pulled me to him, and said.

"Charly that has to be the finale of all finales, nothing could ever again top what you have just done for me, and splendid isn't the word for it, in fact there isn't a word that can ever adequately cover it."

I smiled in happiness, beamed with pride, what I had just done had taken even me by the short and curlys; I had actually stunned myself too. He was becoming such a special man to me now. Then the best part, he loaded the camera onto the computer that was stood on the credenza in the corner of the room, it was a fully loaded one with all the connections world wide including a printer.

He connected it to the wide screen TV fitted into the foot of the bed and we settled down to watch. But first we watched the days pictures, we laughed and chatted about it, what fun.

Then the photos we had just taken came on. I gasped in total admiration for the first one, he was stood there in the centre of the room in all his absolute naked glory, he was the epitome of man. A black god, stood there as if made from oak!

I saw all the pics I had taken as I circled him, my hand found his prick as I watched. Then came his pics, I was astounded at them, they were so erotically unbelievable, I watched my face going in and out as I sucked him, my lips and cheeks billowing, my eyes fixed on his. My white skin was pressing to him as I did, my blond hair flowing around as I sucked that magnificent black tool.

Then the ultimate of photos, he had managed to capture the moment he blew, his hips jerked forward, I went back with him, my cheeks swelled, my head bobbed, you could see the suction I was applying to get it down, but not before my taste buds had their fill. Each photo was different, close in, far off, eyes closed, eyes popped wide open. Then one of the last, his wet sticky dripping cock falling out from my captive lips, oh, ooooh!

"We'll check these out later Charly, they are too good not to go thought them again, agreed?" He asked.

"You bet Paul you bet," I said, and snuggled into him. Something was changing between us I could feel it, but I kept it to myself, I could sense he was feeling something too.

We showered and got ready for dinner. I made myself look as good as I could for him. I wanted every head to turn when we walked into the restaurant. I wore a long flowing black dress, heels, a gold chain; I had the hotel hairdresser come to do my hair for me. She piled it high on my head, glorious big loose curls. And I achieved the look I wanted, and it was all for him.

What did I wear under my dress? Nothing, I was as naked as the day I was born, nothing was going to spoil my entrance. Paul was dressed in a black dinner suit, he looked so good I drooled, crisp bright white shirt, bow tie. I knew we looked like the town couple, and every head did turn when we swished by.

It was a lovers dinner, we hardly noticed anyone, we only had eyes for each other, and those eyes were talking between them too. Was I falling in love, I felt it in my chest, I know the feeling, that aching feeling. I just wanted to be close to him, near him, touch him, and most of all to love him. It choked me.

Three hours later we were back in our room, I was expecting to go straight to bed and make love. What a wake up call I had, a few minutes after we got there, there was a knock on the door. Paul smiled at me quizzically and opened it.

In walked a trio, a violinist, a man with castanet's, and another with a clarinet. They stood off to one side and started playing soft romantic music for us. Paul asked me to dance, it was so magical and romantic it made me cry. We floated around the room for a while, then we sat on the balcony and had a glass of wine while they tootled away behind us. I sat there with my head on his shoulder, his arm around mine.

After they left Paul undressed me in the middle of the floor, wasn't hard though was it? All I had on was my dress and shoes! I was naked in a moment, I got his off after a while and we sank into bed, the love we shared that night was made in heaven. Nothing could have been better, nothing at all. Just before I went to sleep my mind turned to my husband Jack. I realised I hadn't thought of him for a long times.

The next morning we woke love in our hearts and sex on our minds. But?

Paul in between other things fingered my butt again. It was then I knew what he was after, I had never done this, I had always shied away from it. I knew it would hurt, I thought it was a little dirty and also a little kinky.

Before I had married Jack I had always flatly refused my boyfriends access to my ass. But as Jack was my husband I would never refuse him anything he wanted, if he wanted my ass he would get it. But he never had so I was happy not to do it. But I knew Paul wanted me there now, it was obvious.

"Paul," I said, "I'm not sure about that." But he just kept twiddling away, the look on his face was inscrutable. It suddenly dawned on me that he wasn't taking no for an answer, was this to be our first disagreement? No it wasn't, he jammed his finger all the way in and bit my nipples at the same time. I exploded into a raging boiling arousal.

He kissed me, "Charly," he whispered, "I need you darling, I need this." How could I say no to him? The answer was I couldn't so I didn't.

"Yes Paul you can have me anyway you want, anyway, I don't care as long as it's me that you want." He gave me the longest of looks that said, 'I will want you for ever Charly.'

"How do you want me?" I asked.

"Up on your knees to start with honey." He told me softly.

"Okay," I said, and got up on them, he got behind me and slipped that wonderful prick deep into my slick wet pussy, he rodded me a long time, getting me hotter and hotter for him. Then I felt the first nudge on my ass. I cringed.

"Relax Charly, relax, I'll be as gentle as I can."

And he was too, I felt my ass giving way, expanding slowly, then pop it was in. The head of his cock opened me up, the intrusion made me fall flat on my face, he pushed a little, I squealed in fear and intrepidation. But I was also determined to give him what he wanted no matter what pain I felt.

He held me by my shoulders, I could feel it and him pressing, pulling, as slowly millimetre by millimetre he sank further and further into me. It did hutrt like hell I moaned and groaned. Paul shushed me, kissed my neck and shoulders. But he kept up his onslaught slowly. I was wriggling under him, tears were in my eyes.

But slowly the pain subsided and was replaced with a feeling I had never known. It was sublime to say the least, and I think it was the fact that it was Paul on me doing what he wanted most, this turned me on knowing I was giving him me.

"Paul," I whispered over my shoulder.

"Yes Charly?" He asked softly, still working slowly in me, my ass was full to bursting point, or so it felt.

"Do me Paul," I said, "do my ass, give it to me Paul I want all of you Paul do me anyway you want." It was a submissive demand from my own lips, what was I saying!

Paul, to coin a phrase went at me like a bull at a gate. I was swamped by him, he fucked my ass like a man possessed. Only it was I that was possessed. Possessed by him. He pummelled me totally. I had spread and expanded now, there was no resistance from me or my ass. It was his now, as I was.

Then if it was at all possible my ass expanded some more, because I felt heat filling me like a blast from a napalm bomb, he was cumming in me, my insides were on fire, it was glorious. I had a gigantic climax of my own to go with his.

When it was over and we had both come down from wherever we had been deposited. He slowly slipped out of me, that actually hurt too. But the feeling of utter contentment, fulfilment and satisfaction could not, nor ever would be replaced.

After forever I got up, but not before swapping lots of spit and tonsil dancing with him, I went into the shower to gather myself up. When I returned about an hour later he was on the computer.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, my wet blond hair trailing down his flat muscular black chest.

"What are you up to Paul?" I asked.

"Well Charly, I've just had a bit of a shock!" I was alarmed.

"What is it?" I asked him. I sat in his lap, but thinking, how comfy does a woman have to be to behave with a man like this? I thought, as I snuggled down on him.

"I don't know if you are going to be very happy Charly, but I think you have a right to see and know this." He said.

"What on earth are you talking about Paul?" I was worried now.

He clicked a button and a picture came up, it was Jack with a bag over his shoulder leaving our house. Then several more followed until they culminated in him entering my friend's house. Her name is Davina. Paul pointed to the date on each photo, it was Saturday, the day I left to come here with Paul.

The next lot showed him leaving, the date and time was the following day, and in one of them he was kissing her as if saying goodbye! That's when the penny dropped, the bastard was having an affair while I was here with Paul, but the I realised that it couldn't have just started.

"What the fuck is he doing?" I said, but demanded to myself.

"He is having an affair with that woman, who ever she id Charly, I'm sorry."

"But why, he was devastated about you and I, how could he?"

"I don't know, but he obviously is, it confirms what I was thinking about him." Paul said.

"What do you mean Paul?" I asked him.

"He gave in too easily Charly, about letting you come with me. It made me wonder why."

"But you must have known, and who has taken those photos?" I said, bewildered.

Before he answered he showed me more photos, this time it was her who entered my home, my home! And the last date was this very morning, and again they sneaked a kiss before she left.

"Charly when I first told Jack what I wanted, he did rear up about it, and I had expected it. But he soon calmed down and agreed to talk to you. If you had been my wife and it had been him proposing this, I would have killed him. He just walked away and here you are. And there they are, and that's why he let it happen, it's given him two weeks with her.

"That fucking bastard!" I yelled. "He let me believe he was blackmailed when all along he was looking forward to time with her, that ugly fucking bitch!" I was yelling at the top of my voice. Paul held me close and tight. I broke down in tears then.

"How could he Paul, how could he do this to me, I'm his wife, I've never done anything wrong, I've loved him and given him everything he ever wanted. I've never been unfaithful, not until now. And I was forced even into this!"

I went to bed and cried, Paul came to me, and held me in his strong arms, I did appreciate that.

"I'm sorry Charly, I really am, but because I have a suspicious mind I had him tagged to see what he was up to. After all I did/do have a lot of money invested in him. But I didn't know of this I swear."

"Don't worry Paul, I believe you." I told him. Then I went to sleep, I was exhausted. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was him, he was at by me, watching over me. He looked so sad.

"Come here," I told him, he crawled in next to me. I had made my mind up.

"Paul we are going to have a ball for the rest of the time we are here, I'm forgetting all this until I get home, then you just watch the fireworks.

He was as happy as I had seen him, he kissed me, I kissed him back and then we fucked, oh did we fuck. I was manic to say the least, I had a lot of pent up emotion to get rid of. And Paul was the beneficiary, or the target if you like, either way he knew he had been in a fight!

That night in bed after another wonderful day, he told me quietly that he loved me!

I never said the words back but I felt them, I had to wait until I had confronted Jack, but I think I knew I loved Paul too.

On our last day he showed me all the other photos there were of the happy couple.

"I want copies of them in my hand for when we get back Paul." He never said anything, but he did look at me with concern.

We arrived home, Pauls car dropped me off and I entered my home, but I didn't feel like I was home at all.

"Darling, oh darling you're back, oh Charly I've missed you so much, I've been going crazy worrying about you, are you okay?" He sounded so sincere I nearly clapped my hands at his performance.

"I've never felt better Jack, what have you been up to while I was on my enforced caused by you blackmail trip with Paul Rafferty?" I was leading him to my knockout punch.

"I've just been here Charly, pining for you, apart from work I haven't been out of the house."

"No?" I said, then I dropped the incriminating photos on the table.

"How's Davina, hope she's well?" I said. His face dropped.

He picked some up, looked at them, his face lost all colour.

"You are a cheating lying bastard Jack, you forced me to go with Paul and all the time you were having it off with my supposed fucking friend!" I screamed at him.

"But Charly, it was just a fling, someone's shoulder to cry on while you were away, I swear." He bleated.

"Fuck off Jack you have been fucking her for, how long Jack hey, how long?" I demanded. He knew he was caught.

That's when he started coming out with reason's and excuses, I let him finish, then said.

"You and I are through Jack, I want a divorce, we are over, and I want half of everything we have, including the business.

This shocked him to the core, I could tell.

"But Charly, please, lets talk baby, we can put this behind us, I love you." He moaned.

That's when I kicked him in the balls, shoe point first.

"Divorce Jack, that's all we have now." I picked uop my bags and left. Pauls car was still there I had asked the driver to wait for me, I knew I would need it.

"Mr Rafferty's home please?" I told him. When I arrived, I rang the bell. He opened it, his mouth was wider than the door on seeing me there.

"By the way," I said, " I love you too, can I come in?"

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janice kjanice kover 6 years ago
Another Great Story

I loved the story.. The ending didn't go like I thought it would but none the less, I wasn't surprised that she ended up with Paul...I kinda knew that would happen after the first night she finally submitted to his black cock.. I can relate to how much she enjoyed it as my first time with a black man was a life-changing experience for me also..

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Tacked on the ending

You made the husband a cheat to try and justify the wife having an affair with the negro. hypocritical rubbish

near1111near1111over 8 years ago

that is a 5 star Story. i realy love the way Paul won her trust by simply beeing a gentlemen. your writing skill is very good and the sex Scenes were hot too...espacialy their first anal Scene in which she gave her totaly to him.

i realy like to read more stuff like that about a blackmail turning good.

bettyluvsitbettyluvsitabout 11 years ago

i love this author great hot stories for sure , real turn on's keep it up

bettyluvsitbettyluvsitabout 11 years ago

i loved it , if my husband sent me to paris with a good looking black man like that it wuld be only if i could see him every week once we got back

and yes i would suck his cock for him and give him 30 min to draw a crowd

and he could have this blond's white ass also lol

cheryl_4funcheryl_4funabout 11 years ago

wow would not any blond love that trip i know i would , havin a black cock

for 2 weeks evry day wow, now bck home getting it every day and a rich one also i am hooked reel me in

james_38671james_38671about 11 years ago
good story

wife and i dolike black men but even so she still loves me and always

comes back and treats me great even more loving after we have been with

black lovers

really a "pretty woman " story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Oh horse shit, she sleeps around on her husband to save their shared assets, never shows any serious regret for it, has herself fantastic sex, and a stimulating emotional affair that he never consented to and it's a problem that her husband's getting some strange too? Pathetic, and more than a little hypocritical. Oh, and she's fallen in love with a guy that had even less conscience as was willing to coerce another man's wife (mind you, that's completely illegal) into sex with him. Still deciding on what to give the score - the characters are all unlikeable hypocritical sleazebags and the plot is a touch broken.

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