Blind Date Awakening Ch. 03


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It was Stan who spoke first. "Charles, if you weren't my boss, I'd stand here and rail at you for keeping us in suspense this entire weekend! C'mon, we set the date up for you. The least you can do is tell us how it went!"

Charles stepped over to the breakfast bar area so that Stan and Lori's backs would be to the hallway. He showed them a half smile, and quietly said, "Instead of telling you how it went, how about if I show you?"

That was Karen's clue to step out into the hallway. Just as Stan was yelling "What does that mean...," Charles pointed to Karen. It was Lori who turned first, and saw a hugely smiling Karen standing there. Her mouth dropped open, before she let out a yell and went running to Karen, reaching out to embrace her with a full bear hug. By this time Stan had turned and looked at Karen with a shock, then back to Charles, where his face also broke out into a big grin.

"Charles, you sly devil, you! Obviously the date must have turned out very well!"

Charles nodded. "It couldn't have worked out any better. I will forever be in debt to you and Lori for setting it up and making sure I went!"

Stan walked over to Charles, and the two embraced in a "bro" hug. By this time, Lori had released her hug on Karen, and Charles' sister made her way to his side. Charles put her arm around Karen, and the two couples just looked at each other, until finally Charles broke the silence.

"Let's go sit down for a few minutes, and we'll tell you SOME of the story of our weekend -- not all, but some!"

They all moved over to the couch -- the same couch where just a few hours before, Charles had exposed Karen's nipple and munched on it for a few minutes. When they were settled, Charles began to share perhaps the most personal and private information of his life.

"First of all, I want to apologize for my two years of despair. Stan, I will always owe you for taking over for my department at the phone company until I was capable of returning. But even after my return, I know I was lost in a dark stupor all the time. And again, I know that you risked our relationship by forcing me on this blind date on Friday. But in the short time span between now and then, I can tell you that this date you set us up go on has lifted the darkness from my life. It was nothing short of a miracle!"

"Wow, Charles," replied Stan. "The goal was for you to just have a good time with a beautiful lady. I didn't know we were going to renew your life here, but I don't mind taking credit for it!"

Lori felt the need to interject. "You take the credit? I think I might have had something do to with this also!" With that, she reached over and patted Karen on the shoulder.

"Okay, you two, you both deserve the credit, and I owe both of you!" Charles had a story to tell, and he didn't want their playful arguing to delay his task.

Charles continued. "The fact is, it worked out so well" -- he paused to look at Karen -- "That we haven't been apart more than 10 or 15 feet the entire weekend."

It was Lori's turn to show shock on her face. "You mean....."

Karen answered her. "Yes, we mean what you think we mean. Let's just say that we both needed each other this weekend, and we weren't hesitant to show each other.

Now it was Stan's turn to respond. "Gosh, Charles, I didn't know that you were going to be so forward!"

"Neither did I, but apparently it was meant to be that way."

Stan just shook his head. Charles looked at Karen again, and realized she was blushing -- a look he rather enjoyed.

He continued with his story. "Well, it turns out that there's more that you need to know." Charles paused as if to heighten the surprise that was about to be revealed. "You see, the blind date you arranged wasn't exactly the first time Karen and I had seen each other."

A confused, 'what-the-fuck' look came over both Stan and Lori. Charles tried to keep a straight face, but a little curl of a smile escaped from the left side of his lips.

It was Lori who spoke first. "What do you you mean you knew each other before the blind date?"

It was Karen's turn to talk. " fact, we've known each other for a long time -- a VERY long time. We've known each other all our lives."

"How can that be?" asked Stan, still sporting the puzzled look on his face. "Do you mean to tell me that we set you up with another person from that podunk little town where you grew up? What are the odds of that happening?"

"Can you believe it?" asked Charles. "We could barely believe it when saw each other for the first time on the date." As he spoke, he noticed that Lori's expression suddenly changed, as if she was trying to figure out a math problem on a test. Karen noticed it as well.

Stan wasn't thinking at all -- in fact, he was grinning again. "Wow, I guess I should go into the matchmaking business. My first time, and I'm batting a thousand! I don't know how I am, but I'll take it!

The wheels were aligning in Lori's head. She looked up at Karen and Charles again as she processed the information she had just heard. Stan was still oblivious to where she was going with this, but Charles and Karen knew.

Lori leaned a little closer and looked first at Charles, then at Karen. It was as if she had just put the last piece of the puzzle together. She thought she knew what was going on, but it wasn't something that you just blurted out if you weren't sure. To make a wrong accusation would not be a good thing.

Finally Lori spoke. "Okay, I think it's time for a little question and answer. I'll ask yes or no questions only, and you two must promise to tell the truth."

Karen responded. "Sounds fair to me. I promise that I will answer each question truthfully. Charles?"

"I promise as well."

Lori began her interrogation. "So Karen, you say you have known Charles all your life?"


Lori continued. "Are you both actually from the same town?"

Charles took this one. "Yes, both from the same town."

Lori looked back at Karen again. "So if you both are from the same town, did you know that both of you were now living in the city?

Karen said, "Yes for me, but no for Charles."

Lori thought back over her questions, and realized she had missed one. "Charles, Karen says that she had known you all of her life. Have you known Karen all of your life?"

"No, there was two years that I didn't know her."

The expression on Lori's face changed, as if a light bulb went off in her head. "Are you going to make me ask a potentially awkward question here?"

Charles looked intently at Lori. "No, I won't make you ask, although I think we could string Stan along for at least another 10 minutes or so." Charles squeezed Karen's hand, and continued. "Stan and Lori, you set me up on a blind date with my sister."

The silence in the room was deafening. No one had a clue what to say at that point. Finally Charles broke the silence.

"Before you say anything, hear us out a little bit. Stan and Lori, you two are our best friends -- actually, you're our only friends, and we felt we needed to tell you our little secret out of respect for that friendship. I'm not asking you to agree with our decision, or to even understand our decision. But know that we are telling you because you deserve to know."

Charles tried to gauge their reaction as he continued. "When I saw that it was my sister you had set me up with, I was at first amused. But it was exactly what we needed, because we were both locked into feeling sorry for ourselves about what life had dealt us. I was so into my own dark place that I didn't even know that Karen had filed for divorce from her idiot husband. So to get a chance to sit down and talk about it meant that we had found a way to begin the thawing of our frozen lives."

"After the dinner was over, we didn't want the evening to quit, so we went back to Karen's apartment. We innocently hugged each other, not thinking that it was going to become something more, but it became bigger than us, and we...well, we crossed the line. But there was no hesitation, and while we did have some moments of pretty serious discussion the next morning, we both believed it was the right thing -- in fact, the best thing for us. It took a taboo act to get us back amongst the world of the living."

"We haven't been apart since. That first night we spent together in Karen's apartment was the last night she will ever sleep there. She has moved in with me. In addition, I found out that she's not had any luck finding a job, so I'm going to call in some favors at work this week and get her an interview. If she can charm me out of my two-year black hole, I'm sure she will be able to convince the company that she's the employee they've been looking for."

"We've covered all of the possible problems with this relationship. We both know that one day, although we think it's unlikely, one of us may wake up and not be able to handle what we are doing, and we've agreed that if that happens, that person is free to get out of it. We won't have to worry about kids -- back when we had our second daughter, Jessica and I were still struggling financially with the cell company, so I had a vasectomy to prevent us from having more kids which we would not be able to afford."

"The only thing we have left to do is tell my daughters, and we haven't figured out that part yet. But we both knew we had to tell you, and we just hope that you will understand. Again, we don't necessarily expect your blessing, but we hope you'll at least keep on being our friends. As much as you stuck with me during my rut, I kind of feel I need to make it up to you."

Charles looked over at Karen, who, during his explanation to Stan and Lori, had snuggled over even closer to him. They looked deeply into each other's eyes, hand in hand, as they waited to find out if they still had friends or not.

Lori and Stan looked at each other as well. Then Lori leaned in to Stan and whispered something into his ear, and Stan nodded in response. She stood up, and walked over to the couch where Charles and Karen were sitting and sat down beside her friend.

"I'm not going to lie," Lori said quietly. "It's a little creepy to think about. But I'm also going to tell you that I've never seen you this happy, Karen, and if being intimate with your brother is the cause, then I'm not going stand in the way. Stan, do you feel the same way?"

Stan nodded, then said, "It's been a long time since I've seen this smile on your face as well, Charles. I'm ready -- no we're ready -- to start spending good times with you!"

Once again, Lori reached over to give Karen a hug. Charles stood up and as he reached out to hug his friend Stan, he shouted out "Thank you, my friend -- you don't know how happy you've made me feel!" Lori took her turn hugging Charles, whispering in his ear, "I am so happy to see both of you happy. I can tell you truly love each other." Charles choked up and whispered back, "Thank you."

With the pressure of the situation being relieved, the two couples switched to party mode as they began to celebrate. First up on the agenda was a swim in the outdoor pool. They spent over an hour splashing around like kids on the first day of summer break. Charles watched as Karen and Lori interacted with each other. He knew his friend Stan was smart, but he had a feeling it had been mostly Lori's responsibility to get the blind date set up. He also smiled as he watched Karen in her black one piece suit. She looked pretty amazing in it, even though he was still dying to see her swimming in her white bikini.

After the swimming was over, they went back upstairs and prepared dinner. Charles and Stan spent most of the time cooking steaks out on the balcony grill. Lori and Karen fixed the rest in the kitchen. They laughed and talked through dinner, each couple sitting together on their own side of the table. As they ate, Charles felt Karen's hand sliding along his leg, before boldly reaching over and grabbing his crotch, causing his cock to jolt at the unexpected attention it was receiving. Lori caught the action, and laughed as she said, "Okay, you two -- hands above the table!" Karen blushed, and brought both hands up so Lori could see them.

As the temperature of the hot day began to wane, they took a couple of bottles of wine and relaxed on the balcony. It had been a wonderful day, and Charles and Karen knew that even if Stan and Lori didn't necessarily agree with what they were doing, they were at least willing to still be friends. To Stan and Lori, they could tell that Charles and Karen's relationship wasn't just based on taboo sex, but rather seemed to be deep-seated and rooted in love.

Charles stood up from his chair. "I want to offer a toast -- to Stan and Lori, for being the best friends anyone could have. You put up with me when I didn't want to be friendly, and you encouraged me to move past the darkness and into the light of the day. Most importantly, you brought my sister to me when I was too stupid to find her for myself. Lastly, you're standing with us now, knowing what you know, and are still able to love us and be our friends. Thank you, Stan and Lori -- thank you for your part in saving my life."

They clanked their glasses against each other, then finished the wine the glasses contained. They made their way back inside, and Stan and Lori prepared to leave. Before they could make it to the door, Charles said, "By the way, Stan -- I won't be coming to work tomorrow. Karen and I have a few things to take care of with her apartment, and we need to get her car back over here. I know you can handle it -- you've been covering me for two years."

Stan replied, "Charles, I think I can handle it for another day. Take the time you need, and I'll keep the division going."

"One more thing, Stan -- I think it's probably best that you let me share my new relationship status with the office crew. I'll get to that on Tuesday. Can you keep it under your hat until then?"

Stan laughed. "I don't know, it's going to be hard. I'll do my best!"

With that, Stan and Lori left, and Charles and Karen were alone again. Karen looked at Charles and cried out, "I've been dying to do this all day!" as she moved over to him and attached her mouth to his. Charles responded by grabbing her into his arms with a giant hug.

By the time Stan and Lori had left, it was nearing 10:00, and was completely dark outside. As they broke their hug and kiss, Karen looked up at Charles and said, "Are you sleepy, or do you still have some energy you need to work off?"

Charles grinned. "I think I still have some stamina left. What do you have in mind?"

Karen kissed the tip of his nose, then replied with a smile. "Tell you what -- you stay right there, I have a surprise for you!" She laughed and turned and walked into her bedroom. When she came back out 10 minutes later, Charles' breath caught up -- she had gone and put on the white bikini! Once again, Charles' cock jumped in anticipation of the sight before him.

Karen batted her eyes as she slowly and sexily walked over to Charles. "How about a late night swim, big boy? Think you can handle being in the pool alone with me?"

Charles reached out and put his hands on her exposed waist and felt her silky smooth skin. "No, I don't," he honestly answered, "but I don't care. I'm willing to try anyway!"

He ran into his bedroom and quickly put on his trunks. Then stopping to get them each a towel, he ran back out, grabbed Karen's hand, and pulled her into the hallway as they started their trip down for their late night swim.

The water was still warm from the heat of the day. Charles had an urge to pick Karen up and throw her in the pool, but he knew her shriek would wake up half of the building. So instead, they went to the steps together, hand in hand, and slowly descended into the water. They turned to each other and kissed, starting with soft pecks on the lips, then moving on to full kisses, and finally opening their lips and chasing each other's tongues around. They slowly made their way to the deeper end of the pool, stopping with the water level just below Karen's breasts, standing proudly in her white bikini top. The kiss with Charles caused her nipples to grow, and the thin material of her top wasn't strong enough to contain them.

They hugged again, and Charles plunged his hands underwater and grabbed her ass, pulling her closer. The attention he was paying to her body was causing his body to morph, and it wasn't long before she could feel his erection growing into the front of her bikini bottom. Charles knew that seeing her in this bikini would likely cause him to lose control. He was now experiencing that loss.

As much as he was enjoying massaging her ass, he wanted more, so he brought one hand up and yanked one of the triangles covering her breasts away, exposing her stiff nipple to the cool outside air. He marveled as tiny goose bumps appeared around her areola. He quickly lowered his mouth to cover her nipple, eliciting a moan as he warmed the dark tip of her breast with his invading tongue. Charles abandoned her ass for a moment as his other hand found its way to her other breast, baring it before finding its nipple with his fingers as he pinched and rolled it back and forth.

Karen had enclosed her fingers around the back of his head as he attacked her nipple with his mouth. She let go of his head and broke away, playfully splashing him and turning as if she was trying to get away from him. She made it to the other side before he caught up to her and grabbed her. His now stiff cock poked into the back of her bikini bottom as he grabbed both of her breasts and bent her over the side of the pool. This caused her ass to stand prominently out. It was too much for Charles, and he let go of her breasts and reached down and pulled her bikini bottom down over the soft globes of her ass, stopping it about half way down her thighs.

After exposing her ass, he quickly took his own trunks down until they gathered at his feet in the water. He lunged forward and buried his cock between the cheeks of her ass. Karen couldn't handle this new feeling, and cried out, which brought a playful swat upon her ass as Charles said, "SSSSSHHHHHH!" He continued with his cock between her cheeks, gliding it up and down, pausing every once in a while to splash a little water on her ass to reduce the friction his actions were causing. He loved watching the head of his cock appear between her cheeks with each thrust up, then watching it disappear again as he fucked her cleft of her ass this way.

Charles stepped back, removing his cock from between her ass cheeks. He knelt down in the water and slid her bikini off the rest of the way, so she could spread her legs to get ready for his assault. He came back up to her, grabbed his cock, located her pussy between her legs, and gently stroked it up and down over her engorged pussy lips. As he did that, he whispered to her, "I don't know how you are going to keep quiet, because I am going to fuck you, and fuck you HARD!" As he said that, he rammed his cock deep within her pussy.

Karen loudly whispered "OH FUCK!" at this sudden intrusion into her vagina. She barely had time to adapt to its length and girth before he pulled out, then jammed it in again. He repeated this motion over and over -- driving it deep, then pulling it out slowly, then driving it in hard again. The more she took of his pile driving, the lower and raspier the grunts escaped from her throat. She lowered her head down so that her mouth was buried into her arm in an effort to muffle the rising volume of her grunts as he began to pick up speed.

Already feeling incredible from having Charles' cock pound her pussy, she lost it when he reached around from behind and found her clit with his right hand. Between the rapid thrusting of his cock and the rapid rubbing of his hand on her clit, Karen lost her battle to keep quiet. She screamed into her arm as her orgasm overtook her. Charles didn't stop, but spurred on by her orgasm, soon found his as well, and he unloaded deep with her hot, slick canal. Over and over he spurted, until finally spent, he collapsed on top of her back, relaxing the muscles of his legs that helped him drive deep into her.