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Mary understood Jims feelings more than many could realize. Her own husband had told her those same things verbatim when he refused to talk to her about her cheating and the possibility of taking her back.

He had even been ashamed that he'd let her talk him into an hour long talk to his soon to be ex, knowing that she'd try to talk him out of the divorce. In the end he'd stood strong and left her. Neither had married since then and Mary was sure that her ex didn't even date ... and their divorce had been over two years before.

Mary had her painful prior experience with divorce, and now she'd do whatever she could to help Giselle with her pain. She knew how Giselle was feeling, and just how devastating it was to be served those papers. Giselle needed her help more than she realized. Far more than she would know for quite some time.

Back to Jim:

I'd been at work for a few weeks when the call came.

"Jim, she wants to talk. She's refusing to do sign anything, and she's said that she'll fight the divorce tooth and nail."

"Oh man. Why? She has the man she wants, so why would she fight it?"

"Because she doesn't have the man she wants? I've seen this before. Trust me Jim ... she is dying inside right now because you found out, left her, and then hit her with the divorce. I'm not real certain your actions were the best way to go about doing things, but I do understand why. In the end, she'll fight it, delaying the whole mess until it costs a bunch in legal fees. I recommend that you sit and talk with her. Get her to give it up. Maybe she'll see how serious you really are and walk away then."

"NOW she wants to talk? NOW? I tried for months to get her to open up and talk. I tried for months to turn her around and back into the woman I loved and desired. NOW she wants to talk? Fuck. Sorry ... I don't mean to blow up like this. It just pisses me off so much."

"Well, you could probably use the good news then huh?"

"Good news?"

"Yeah, Sammy boy, her lover, just went down hard. Seems he tired to force his way in on Giselle, all pissed off about her breaking it off with him and meaning it. The cops were called, and as they hauled him off to jail, I hear that some other women called the cops and started filing charges too."

"How'd the other women know? OH, wait, don't answer that. I think I know what little birdie got the word out about him."

"Why Jim, I'm surprised you'd think that I, an officer of the court, could or would do such a thing."

"I never said you did Amanda. I can see the light though. Not to worry, I won't ever tell. I hope the son of a bitch goes away for a long, long time."

"You and me both Mr. You and me both. Anyway, you want me to set up a meet between you and Giselle?"

"Fine. Make it for next Saturday, in the afternoon. I'll meet her at Charro's bar. She'll know where that's at I'm sure."

"Hey, you doing okay Jim?"

"Yeah. Still hurts. My new job is keeping me plenty busy though, so I don't have to think too much about things. Thanks Amanda."

"You know, you're one of the few good guys Jim. I respect you and how you tried to fix things before they got to this point. Too bad Giselle didn't see that until it was too late."

"Yeah. Too bad."

Giselle finishes:

Our talk wasn't good. Jim flat out refused to agree to any chance of reconciliation. He told me I'd burned the bridge to ashes and there was no structure to repair. Our marriage was dead and he wanted it buried. I finally was forced to sign off on our marriage. I was forced to give up. Once I heard his voice, saw the look in his eyes, I knew I'd screwed up. I knew he'd never bend on this. Maybe, had I seen something like this coming before, I would have had a chance to save our marriage, but now ... not a chance in a million.

The worst part of all of this? I love him completely, totally and forever. I just didn't realize how much until it was too late. He found a new job, moved away and led me to believe he'd be home at the end of the week. Yeah, he lied to me. The problem I have now is to know that I lied far more, for a far longer time, and in a far worse way. My life is empty. My lover gone, evidently headed to jail. My husband gone, and soon to be my ex-husband. All that's left of my marriage is his signing the decree.

I'm still young enough to start over, but the clock is ticking and soon I will be in that danger zone for having children. I couldn't keep my first husband, who I loved dearly, even though through my cheating. I clearly showed the opposite to those who saw what happened. I signed the final papers today. 'Decree Nisi' being the beginning of the end... 'Decree Absolute' being what I signed today. So ... cold. So ... formal. So ... empty.

Jim finishes:

My life has gone through a metamorphosis. With Giselle gone, living in a new city and my new job keeping me busy, I haven't had a lot of time to dwell on the recent past. I have had some nights that were long, cold, and yes, empty. I see some silver linings beginning to show up though.

My process program is working far better than even I hoped for. Our business is leaping ahead with a growing momentum thanks to our combined efforts. I've found a nice house that I moved into, and one day I hope it becomes 'home' to me too. Lastly, there's a few nice prospects for female companionship on my horizon.

I'm a bit gun shy of new relationships, but I have dated a bit here and there. I hope to get over the nasty mess behind me soon and then I can begin to look for someone special again. I'm pretty sure they won't look or even sound or act anything like Giselle. That's okay with me though ... I'm about over her totally now. Just a little more time and I'll bet even the looks, sounding or acting like her won't even get to me. Too much.

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Too much lead up and not enough follow through, not enough after the hammer drops.

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

To Anon JR: IMHO, not necessarily so. Women can be a hot mess when it comes to sex. When I was young, I had a woman tell me once that "you know, every once in a while, I just want you to fuck me." To say I was shocked was an understatement. Since then, I've had others tell me the same thing, but differently. "Sometimes you can just take me" or "sometimes I like it when you just have your way with me." Of course, no means no in the eyes of the law, so you can end up walking a really fine line...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I like this author and for the most part I liked this story but I found myself frustrated to see yet another recurrence of one of the most irritating stereotypes that have been done to death in LW; the woman who wants to be 'fucked like a slut'. In a world populated by several billion people I'm sure that there must be some women out there who are inclined this way but they have to be few and far between and probably make a living in the porn industry rather than an office.

Aside from that gripe it was a good read in the best traditions of LW drama.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Another of the petulant, butt-hurt, beta-boi runaway stories. This man gave up everything because he couldn't find the guts to confront. The conclusions he draws are pathetic. It's the adult equivalent of the childhood fantasy of the angry child: "When I'm gone, they are gonna be soooo sorry!" In the end, the result is the same, except now, he joins the legions of crybaby, passive-aggressive LW characters in version ten-thousand-and-? of the same story with the same end. "A brave man dies a single death, while the coward dies each day."


On the technical side of this tale, the inner dialogue for both Giselle and Jim felt jumbled and overblown. Too many repetitive themes, and too much going over the same ground. Then, at the end when a dialogue of Jim letting her have it was called for, we got a summation, a commentary. Come on, OP: 'Show, don't tell!' You need to edit, edit, and edit. Finally, do they live in a city where nobody knows Giselle? Hell, I've run into people I know when dining in suburbs thirty miles from my home. 3 stars for effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

There is a thousands year old discussion between philosophers, poets and "ordinary" people to define what love is, specifically romantic love.

I think what can safely be said is that the depth and structure of this feeling varies from person to person and also changes over time.

Personally, when being in love, I was never even tempted to be unfaithful. I'd still recognize the beauty of other women, but more in a way an art lover appreciates a beautiful painting that he know will never be in his possession.

But than there are lust, infatuation, sympathy and empathy, terms that are somewhat defined, and romantic love certainly is a composition of emotions including those just mentioned.

The whole topic is important for every human being, and still most of us live in a fog regarding the reality of living together with a spouse. Both Jim's and Giselle's inner monologue and narrative convey that they are pretty clueless. I guess a teally good counselor could set them straight, if it would help them to "dave" their marriage is questionable, perhaps they would do better next time, especially Giselle. If both of them continue to make their decision regarding their love life based on ignorance they most likely will repeat damaging and self hurting behaviour.

Not that it's important, but based on my own commitment when in love I wouldn't call Giselle's feelings toward Jim as love. She seems to love the warmth, security, safety and stability the marriage to Jim provides her with, she also is or was attracted to him at the time they lerned to know each other, but that's not love with a capital L. Without sympathy there's nothing that won't weare off sooner or later, and any emotion you have that's not based in empathy can't be called something more than infatuation, crush, lust or desire.

Jim doesn't know what's going on in Giselle's head. But from her actions she seems to lack empathy and sympathy for her husband, she is acting on her momentary emotions without restricting herself according to social norms that she herself accepts, she feels entitled and puts instant gratification above her self professed long time goals. In other words, as soon as he was aware what was going on he should have realised that his wife is not the person he thought she is. Since he is not inclined to being a cuckold and especially if the couple lives in a no fault state Jim had to have instantly separated and started divorce proceedings. No personal contact without witnesses. Again, he must have come to the conclusion by now that he doesn't really know his wife and that he is pretty clueless about the human/male/female psyche. To keep up the ongoing affair his wife is constantly lying to him, the level of disloyalty, deceit and disrespect are intolerable. So what if she or even he believes she still loves him? You'd never know what she's up to as soon as her affair isn't secret anymore. She could try to smear him, and things like that have happened. If he is still in love there still is the possibility of counseling, if only to overcome his naivety and to learn to know his probably soon to be ex wife better, in this case to understand her vapid, shallow, unprincipled personality. Just so that he is absolutely sure about dumping her. She is NOT wife material, and certainly not fit to be a mother, IMO.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

If the wife was serious about saving their relationship, she should have located her husband and moved to be near him. He waited for months in hope she'd come to her senses. Maybe he would respond to a big and continuing demonstration of her commitment even after he filed for divorce. The odds would not be in the repentant slut's favor, but she would make me move if she were truly devoted to the possibility of a reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

TexMan1970, crap. He did more than enough. It was all in her.

He shouldn't have had to be in that position in the first place, when they married, all other side action was out of bounds.

TexMan1970TexMan19703 months ago

Well told story. Hubby should have moved harder to let her know what he knew if he really wanted to save the marriage. Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The story read like a too long summary of 6 months of a one sided marriage. It was also kind of flat....

oldpantythiefoldpantythief4 months ago

This story plot is a lot like a bunch of the LW stories, but I still liked it, it's always nice when there's a BTB. Not sure if I would have stayed with her for as long as he did trying to win her back though. Like Mary said, he might be able to forgive but he'll never forget. Love can really mess with a person's head. Really didn't need the blow by blow cheating sex between the two, made me want to scrub my brain with Draino.

I did wonder why Mary was so set on getting Giselle and Jim together? Seems she just needed to butt out after telling Giselle how stupide she was for cheating on Jim.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Way too many paragraphs on the actual cheating! Disgusting! 2-3 lines is all you need on that. Plus, his intent to forgive her is bull! Lastly, payback on the wife is weak. How about some sneering from her friends and family at least?

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

People don't understand the difference between love and empathy. Gisselle might love Jim, but she had no empathy for him. I'm sure everyone has heard the saying, "You always hurt the ones you love" - well this is the reason why. Love isn't enough to keep you from being a selfish asshole. It's not enough to keep you from hurting people. It's not even enough to keep you from taking advantage of the kindness and love of other people. What is, however, is empathy - empathy is that ability to feel the pain that other people are going through. Empathy is actually the thing that keeps you from hurting people, even people you don't love and that's the secret about cheaters - it's not that they don't love their victims, it's that they have almost no empathy for them.

nixroxnixrox4 months ago

3 stars - only because he divorced the stupid SLUT.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The woman is so out there with her rationalization prep. scenarios that she didn't have a clue. Also the husband seemed very prepared for a move on situation. Finally, I would say she got exactly what she deserved.

FluidswallowerFluidswallower5 months ago

A well-written tale with good plot and character development. Thanks for an excellent read!!!+

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You need a lot more practice writing BTB's. You didn't even let the bad guy knock the slut around a little. And boo boo for the dumbass MC.

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