All Comments on 'Blood from a Turnip: Her Side'

by cpete

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demantoiddemantoidabout 13 years ago
Well written and a fun follow up!

I enjoyed this story because it was so different from the first. Obviously, the first story was mainly revenge. This story was a tale of bi polar disease. It was not as exciting as the first, but very compelling. The wife's naivet was endearing as well as her redemption. Two very different stories of the same story. Quite clever and well written...and very erotic!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Should have left the story alone. This story lets the wife off the hook she has been a bitch to her husband and family and she comes out of it smelling of roses. There are no consequences for her in any way shape or form. I am sorry I read part two. And the husband still comes out of it looking like a wimp and seems to have accepted that he was a cuckolded husband.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
come on friends

she suffered enough, hubby made sure, i like how hubby dealt with situations, i liked his mind games, leave no way out for bitch, make yourself safe first, those husbands are coward who keeps their love for their wife above their children, like forgiving and let her go with, she deserve happiness, and all that stuff, same applies for wives.this was handled better way, most of all he did all for his kids, there is nothing wrong, whats wrong with , a father wanting to be with his kids, sure got shot, but she was not sane either, and this sickness drama is too much to digest, people do things they want to, no medical reason. all bullshit.

we all have different ways and values, some people will like revenge, but here hubby had taken no revenge, he just fought till end and fortunately won. it is better than letting things happen and then take revenge. As much as i fighting for right cause, i dont like burning the bitch to curb, and beside she loved her kids, who cud be better than their own mother, those who think she shud have tossed out of their life, think about kids dudes, instead of male ego, atleast it better than hubby letting her wife cheat for kids shake, where real loser are kids, with unhappy parents, here atleasy on parent is completly happy and other is getting wht she needs , whats wring with that.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 13 years ago
A good other point of view story

A little rehash of the first story, but still a good read. I couldn't wrap my mind around the mind set that Lisa had about her dating other men.

That should have been a flag telling her that she was wrong in her view.

Thanks for the good read

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 13 years ago
Cpete, I am becoming a fan...

Loved the story the first time and while this story is mostly a retelling of the original it does shed some insight into the wife's mind set. Just like a woman to think that just because a man does not specifically tell her no at a certain time that it is okay to do what she planned. The story just shows how whacked out the divorce laws are in this country. Vince's actions, while overboard, are understandable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Really enjoyed this POV.

Obviously, this slut ex-wife is still a selfish bitch but they have arrived at a fair solution. Hats off to the author on this one.

PTBzzzzPTBzzzzabout 13 years ago
needs work

Spellcheck would have caught most of the errors. The rest were just plain sloppy writing.

bruce22bruce22about 13 years ago
Another compelling and tragic story

The thoughts that she vocalized sound like many people I have heard in the past talking about similar problems. She has done no wrong and she has a clear understanding of what will happen next.

In this story the bitch, or would it be victim? Better yet the confused person seems to have worked out a solution without going on drugs, alcohol, or mindless sex sessions, or perhaps even suicide... More power to her, but it would have been nicer if she had understood what was implied by his statements rather than fixating on one word!

Excellent work.

Mousse9Mousse9about 13 years ago

I rarely think of this when reading about the wives in LW, but I think she was redeemed, even if it was only a little.

Throughout the story, Lisa kept thinking she wasn't cheating, it was Vince's fault, etc etc, even with the freaking riot in front of her house, subsequent imprisonment, AND divorce. Heck, BRANDY told Lisa she was cheating, and STILL Lisa thought she was completely innocent.

Only during/after her jailtime, and (shockingly) being allowed to stay in the house with her ex and children, did she change.

But...aside from the physical scars, there was little repercussion. Lisa may not live in the house anymore, but she can come over anytime she wants, and she and Vince have sex as well. The only change is the legal document that they're divorced, not married anymore.

And she can still see her kids anytime she wants.

Still, she has changed, visible through her inner monologue and actions. Not bad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good job

while I still have a problem with her assumption that her husband would go along with her date night, the confrontation with the police was realistic. I don't like any of the characters except Tommy and Candy. Everyone else is a selfish liar. Please keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Telling the EXACT same story from a different narrator adds very little to the story.

m48gunnerm48gunnerabout 13 years ago

I enjoyed it the second time around. Still pretty sad that it all went to hell in a handbag, but something was salvaged from the relationship, so the romantic in me wasn't totally disappointed, and there were consequences so the "hard ass" in me also got taken care of.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

What was in it for Randy? He had a hot babe, friend with benefits, and was a college jock. Other than just a different woman why did he pay for a lab test, undergo an interview, etc.?

bigguy323bigguy323about 13 years ago
Like I said in my comment on Part 1, he should have raised the barrel and shot both in the chest and head.

But, since he didn't I suppose it's okay for him to use the bitch as a cum dump. That's about all she's good for.

BillPorterBillPorterabout 13 years ago

The Story, to be honest it was not worth reading, after reading the original.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Don't understand the negative comments

It was a decent story. So what if it duplicates in part the first story? I have never understood the anger that some feel when reading a story--especially when the wife slips up once and is remorseful. There's a crowd that wants her cast to the curb with no reconciliation possible.

sherlock40sherlock40about 13 years ago
The first part of this story could have been in the humor section

I was laughing reading about her justifying her cheating on him. The rest of the story was good. It was a good reflection of the original story.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 13 years ago
I dont get it ...its forced dumb and contrived

whats the purpose here? the original story was absurd and seriously flawed and so was this one. The story's premise is suppose to be about a MIS-COMMUNICATON.

The STORY is interesting but the premise vile shallow stupid and is NOT developed at all. The cunt whore wife thinks that cheating is always wrong but if the other spouse agrees to it it is not cheating

OK... fine.

The wife's argument that her husband did not say DIRECTLY NO... is absurd since she did NOT directly tell him what she wanted to do.

The husband 's reaction at the door pathetic. He never says " I did not agree to this "...which of course he should of said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
good pov

she still does not get it, does not understand what she did was wrong. even at the very end of the story, after getting all kinds of therapy and mood stabilizing drugs, she still has a mental block about her guilt and how she broke their vows and the relationship; and how she was/is selfish. she is a sociopath.

that is well written.

some of the weakness in the story:

1. is that this behavior never showed earlier in the marriage, that Vince never knew. although the author did a nice job foreshadowing in the story, someone who is so sociopathic show the problems earlier in life.

2. Vince now knowing her problem still lets her into the the house and into a kind of relationship. it might be guilt for his crimes, but thinking of the kids, i can't help thinking she should be kept away on supervised visits.

and of course, Vince was no saint either, lying, twisting the truth to get his way. there is no one to cheer for in this story, well, maybe Tommy and the dog.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Candy the Doberman

I enjoyed the read on the two versions.

The only character in both stories with any value was Candy the doberman.

Could we have another version from Candy the dog's POV?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I thought it was only the Taleban that regards women as chattels

But there seems a lot more on this site who call for eternal damnation on straying wives but never criticise stories where husbands commit similar transgressions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

All cheating wives should be stoned to death as happens in the Arab countries.

grogers7grogers7about 13 years ago
Some humor, some well disguised reality

Reading the completely different understandings that Vince and Lisa derived from the same conversations was humor. Lord Bless me for the hours I have spent trying to understand what my wife and daughters are saying to me that does not appear to be in their spoken words.

The disguised reality is the bipolar nature of Lisa. Bipolars do not live in the same rational universe that normal people do. There is sometimes a way to understand their psychological reasoning, but that is for professionals who can tease out the places where their beliefs are irrational and follow their thoughts and actions down such perverted pathways. It is sad, it is not always apparent in earlier life, it can develop gradually, and it is devastating to their family and friends -- especially their spouses.

jasonnhjasonnhabout 13 years ago
I don't see that this added to the story

Lisa was an arrogant bitch with some emotional instability. She teams up with a similar person, Brandy. He husband was clever enough and nasty enough to manipulate her into the gutter. <br><br>

The second part didn't really change anything. There were no real revelations from reading Lisa's thinking. The only thing I think I got out of this is that her thinking was incredibly obtuse and locked into her own point of view. We basically knew it from the first chapter but this confirmed it. But it really made no difference. She had no real personal revelations or growth. As a matter of fact I liked her better at the end of the first story than I do at the end of this one because her thoughts are still about her own selfish desires. I thought she had wised up at the end but apparently not. Beyond that it was just a retelling of the story.

MissouriUSAMissouriUSAabout 13 years ago
Not Bad!

It wasn't bad. I like the cheating spouse's point of view once in awhile. Sometimes a story that ends in between a "torch the bitch" scenario and a reconciliation scenario works "ok". Both stories were entetaining. I appreciate your efforts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
same story twice

and it was utter shite both times.

cpetecpeteabout 13 years agoAuthor
Thank for reading , commenting

Quick note. Judge Reynolds in "Turnips" is based on a current elderly judge still sitting on the bench. The retelling of an event where child custody was given to a drunk passed out mother is a real event told to me by my neighbor who was the court reporter.

It courthouse common knowledge. Attorneys repping the mother fight to get on his docket. Lawyer's for Dad delay and do everything they can to avoid his court. Sad but true.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
this is your only

halfway decent story so far. eventhough the character are a bit fucked up too but at least not as bad as the other stories. your plots, besides this one, are shit. and part one did not need this part where you have shown that the woman is far from normal.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 13 years ago
Realistic portrayal of the (ex) wife

The female in this series could be one of PapaToad's or JPB's women - no remorse, it isn't her fault, life isn't fair, etc. Well written character - realistic. She never takes ANY responsibility for her actions and is completely unrepentant. My only criticism is that IRL the husband would never have hired her to take care of the kids; she's too unstable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
I'd like to say the wife is over the top stupid

But in certain parts of this world there are people as down right thick ignorant and dumb. I refer to places like Detroit, Ohio, Alabama where there is subculture of people so happy to ignorant they refuse to see the truth when it's shoved right in their face.

Lisa and Brandy are written just the ignorant pieces of shit that live those places. Tommy and Vince sound too Italian to be the right fit, I'm think Clint and Leory might be better names.

Oh and the doberman should bea pit bull.

daluentdaluentabout 13 years ago
Very Different

These two stories just point out that female brains are wired very different then men's brains. No wonder men can't figure out their women. Sometimes you need a translator.!!!!!

OldHidekiOldHidekiabout 13 years ago
This works.

It show the other side, even how ludicrus it is. Lisa is obviously a pragmatist, that believes she could get away with anything. She was the one who decided to play with fire, and got burned.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
good story

the only trouble was that he did not aim the shotgun at the middle of the door....then she could not meet any more Randys with half a face. Now that she is a convicted felon she will not be able to vote for Palin in 2012

harbormaster1harbormaster1about 13 years ago

She is blowing a guy half her age.....after her husband tells her no way on this date thing.....then she thinks "a few days of his favorite meals"....a few blowjobs.... an ass fuck...the all is well? Kick her ass to the curb.......WTF

KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 13 years ago
Enjoyable add on POV

I did enjoy your first story. Of course I don't think police would really have bought a self beating as a real one. Of course I could be wrong since that is not part of my world view or been my situation.

Over all this Lisa POV didn't differ from your first. But did show your writing from a the women side and her motiviation (or confusion). No great add to the original story. Still I found it enticing to read and since the first Turnip was good and enjoyable.

Will read more of your stories.

Thanks for posting

RedbeakRedbeakabout 13 years ago
Totally stupid

Stupid plot, stupid characters and stupid me for reading all the way to the end.

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
Another hit cpete

now i know this what pysco bitchs think about before they fuck off. nice story telling. also pay no attention to the haters. they complain about spelling or comment about the story being stupid, "FUCKEM"

FD45FD45almost 13 years ago

It was a repeat and I found her rationales unpersuasive to say the least.

There are no good rationales for cheating, but this one was worse then most.

The first story was far better and this added nothing.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 13 years ago
Worth while effort -

Thanks for the alternate perspective -

It really did show another way of seeing and hearing the conversations that took place - when self centered people asked questions, make statements, and declare intent it is true they see people from only their side of the conversation.

Lisa knew her husband but saw his respo0nses through her own bias and assumption, he did not say NO so it meant YES - she never specifically said she wanted to do anything be she knew she meant to do something so he must have understood too right??

It is why communication - clear concise, complete communication is so vital to any relationship - assumption - presumption - mind reading, knowing better all are useless garbage. Not that every conversation needs the structure of a legal contract - it does need the clear statement of desire, intent plan etc. There must also be explicit response and agreement or there will be misunderstanding and damage.

That seems to me to be the ultimate value in the second part to this story - she made a bad decision on faulty information she gathered in effectively and then made more assumptions about how things would go from there.

Thanks a lot for the work -

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
we need more

Can you write more into this story? By far this two sided tale has everyone looking for more, about her thoughts during the pre date process in her mind..mood swings. Was she thinking about her hubby? What about any late actions? ...we need more, reopen this a mature woman this needs more to satisfy me.....I can see me waiting for that hunk to arrive...skinny jeans I would be wearing a short mini skirt and perfumed shaved pussy...wrestler I would have taken on that young girl in the car..rub my A cup tits I would have taken on each guy and gal at that party..smoking joints at age 40+.....eating cock eating pussy..I never want to go home to those kids and boring husband ...fight on the porch...I would have still be in the car with the college boys and girls

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago

"Thousands of studies show children are most always better off with their mothers." That is a BS comment. No valid study shows that. Single mothers make very poor parents. Mothers don't provide discipline. They are over protective. The children have low self-esteem, the girls are far more promiscuous and into drugs and the boys are wimpy, and commit far more crimes and in prison more.

It is the fathers that give children self-esteem and the discipline to develope into healthy well-adjusted adults. Although two parent homes are best for children, the second best are single fathers.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago
I rated it 5*****. Her side may even be better.

However, the law does not treat women like they do men because, regardless of what happens, it is the man's fault. Like in a ddomestic violence 911 call, the police handcuffed and started to arrest the husband even though he was bleeding from a knife attack. It was only after an officer talked to the children and they confirmed that their mother attacked their father with a knife and he only attempted to defend himself that he was released.

Was the wife arrested? Don't be obtuse. NO! The police only said she needs to get some theraphy and left.

It is likely the women would not have been arrested because it the men were at fault because they caused them to behave that way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

You are a sad, sad man-hating bitch. You are always right no matter what real life shows DOES and can happen.

All you do here is irritate other readers with your holier-than-thou attitudes.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago


hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 12 years ago
Frankly Lisa

I could give less than a rat's ass about Lisa's point of view!

LegionsOfLiesLegionsOfLiesover 12 years ago

You really make me want to hurt you for your stupid comments sometimes, don't ever insult single mothers my mom gave all she had to raise her kids alone guess what I don't drink alcoholic beverages, I don't do drugs, I don't engage in promiscuous sex and I am crime free. Single parents have a fuckload to do and usually nobody to help don't go insulting them.... Anyway Cpete nice story from the ex/wife perspective but she seemed crazy even with the crazy meds.

RonRWoodRonRWoodover 12 years ago

This was a good and realistic story. I have a bi-polar Niece that is something like this. She married a childhood sweetheart and had a child, doing both at 21. A month later she ran off with a drug dealer and became a druggie. 15 years later they live alone on a hillside in Montana on a reservation. They still are not married, she swears he is her soulmate and is a God. Other times she thinks she is normal and that everyone is trying to turn her children against her and her God-like boyfriend. This type of thinking by her is never all the time...most of the time she is reasonable. You just never know when!

Mr. Dwornack? If you are going to be a know-it-all, get your info straight. A police officer arrests the spouse that inflicts any 'injury on' the other, 'imprisons' the other, 'restricts' the movement of the other, (including the use of a phone). Extortation (believable threats) to the other applies as well. Police do not care whether or not either spouse files anymore because they will themselves. The DA's Office determines whether charges are pressed.

This was a good story of miscommunication. But then, most misunderstandings between Spouses are aren't they. Preconceived notions and actions, current actions & reactions, final actions and notions of the previous events. Mole hills blown up into Mountains in peoples minds.

The truth is... Vince, the kids, and the protaganist, were a family, and they still needed each other.

Vince won. He got the upper hand and he gets things his way because he won all the battles! She never got to screw anybody else. He could have but still has her available and in hand. He even marked her up good so she can't stray. I say he made out on all counts, with or without the bi-polar excuse.

This was a great wife-bashing story. The brothers got two for one. One in prison and off Tommy's back so he can play and have everything. The other wife scarred and just happy to be able to see the kids, and hubby when and if he wants her.

You are very, very, naughty...cpete!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Been there, done that

Besides stepping out, however, my wife (now ex) also came to think I was planning to murder her. Apparently, her menopause exacerbated an undiagnosed cyclothymic disorder (a milder bi-polar or manic-depressive condition). Things got pretty crazy in our life--the course of which she began to determine by the turn of Tarot cards and the fall of Chinese Chi sticks. I mean weird!

I managed to get her to a therapist, but she immediately bought into all my wife's delusions. I explained my wife's history of noticeable highs and lows, but the therapist saw this as the typical cop-out of an abusive husband and urged my wife to divorce me.

I tried to keep things, and us, together, but she served me with divorce papers. It was a blessing in disguise. While separating tore my heart out, it also led to my first full-night's sleep in nearly a year and an end to constant bouts of stomach acid and jaw-aching teeth-grinding. All of our friends were flabbergasted by her behavior and outlandish claims. She saw them as traitors and soon they became just my friends.

I can only expect that the author, or someone close to him, has also been there, done that.

cohibaIVcohibaIVover 12 years ago
Hate the sin, love the sinnner ...

.... then how about, "Love the story, hate the character"?

Have just read both sections for the second time, and I am struck by how awful and self-absorbed Lisa is. Maybe it's her hormonal condition, or maybe the writer isn't aware of just how selfish and cynical a character he has created. From her reminiscing about early in the marriage right to the end, it is all about her. She describes her sons like they are possessions, and even at the end, we are given very little indication that she even likes Vince.

Basically, Lisa is a monster, but that doesn't change the fact that I loved the story - both sections. You're a heck of writer, you handle plot and dialogue well. Nice work.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdover 12 years ago
Still no answer on her transistion

You glossed over her transition from conservative anti-cheater to aggressive slut just like you did in the original. I liked the first story, but this story did little to further explain her metamorphosis. Maybe another chapter to offer some clarity.

bruce22bruce22over 12 years ago
Interesting Contrast with the first chapter

Everything about the facts agree but the spin is different. Still I did not get the feeling that there was any love or caring in the wife, even while watching through her eyes. She was just a manipulator who got out-foxed...

It seems to me that she was always a bomb waiting to be set off.

dramafandramafanover 12 years ago

Good story. Well written and the ASA humor was spot on. The mood ring joke pushed the story into the 5 category for me. Keep up the good work!

sbart921sbart921about 12 years ago
Still Sucks

It's just a shame that this well of a written story can be destroyed by a wimpy character. The bitch lied and was involved only in herself throughout the story and she still gets away with it. You are a much better writer than this ending. Don't stop!

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

ever make things normal back to square one, TK U MLJ LV NV

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 12 years ago
Adds little

Sometimes a story recounted from the other (usually Sweety) PoV changes almost everything. Sometimes it only answers one or two pesky 'unknowns!'. In this case, the ONLY insight not already in 'Blood' is a commenters observation that she shows little or no affect about her former relationship. Only her concern about her boys and fondness of her nephews are suggested.

I have no reason to award fewer points than I awarded 'Blood'. 5*

OldHidekiOldHidekiabout 12 years ago
What a self centered bitch!

I wanted to see some glimmer of love, but saw only manipulation. She was playing the "woman gets everything" card the whole time, and it backfired. Thank You.

RedbeakRedbeakover 11 years ago
Even more stupid than the original

Why bother to rehash the whole story? You haven't added anything, and the plot seems even thinner and more contrived on a second reading.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

and reading ones own thought into conversations. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Oh yes

Another story where the man is a saint and the woman is a dumb slut. Do you men really hate women so much that you feel compelled to write this drivel?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Keep taking the tablets

"I no longer needed attention from others to provide my self-worth". Really? This whole shitstorm re-affirmed her sense of self-worth? Have I missed that bit of the story? She should keep taking the never know.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
So Many Negatives

She had a mental imbalance due to some chemistry or hormone problem. Her exposure to Brandy and the feeling many married women get about liking to feel attractive just triggered some fantasy that made sense.

Apparently the pills now straightened her out BUT, her case worker has yet to have her understand why she did what she did when she really did care about her family and - believe it or not - love and fidelity.

Oh well CPETE, you did a lot of thinking and writing so we can't think of everything, besides - she ended up where your story finished and at least had him for emotional stimulation on occasion.

As a guy, I hate seeing men lose everything to a cheat and having watched Brandy with Tom and listening to her threats - I think he did the right thing...Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Notice that when she's leaving with 'Moose' she's already threatening to gut and cripple Vince. Real scheming bitch of a 'loving wife'!8DF9

monkcalmmonkcalmalmost 11 years ago
to the anon female


Oh yes

Another story where the man is a saint and the woman is a dumb slut. Do you men really hate women so much that you feel compelled to write this drivel?

My only question is prove it wrong "woman is a dumb slut", and no not all of them but the stats say they(mostly young women)are becoming this, and each generation is worse, men are getting married less and less, why?, simply put they are not very loving any more, feminist movement = better jobs but less respect for men, now all women want is the big dick and quick fuck the very definition of a dumb slut, the death of the middle class has killed the "good woman", so yes some write what they know, and the sad truth is that the dumb slut is all we are knowing now more and more. The other sad truth is we no longer have that many women out there that inspire men to become better "you make me want to be a better man". My proof is those role models that we mocks the honest mom and dad as a joke, porn is everywhere and the "porn stars" support it, more and more girls do it, but to be honest they have less value to the planet than a used tissue, and i am not saying men are so great i am just saying women are becoming what they want to be, or at least seem to want- slut rallies?. so men dont have to devalue women, we are no where as good at it as you are.

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 11 years ago
don't worry about the anon comment monkcalm

its not even close to being right, look at the stories on this website. There are about 900,000 cuckold stories or close to being cuckold stories. And about 400 stories where the was like this husband and have a back bone. That anon is just one of the CLW clan, that believe women are this fragile little people that don't plot, cheat or want to fuck just as much as a man. What I find funny, are all the excuses that writers come up with to justify her cheating. While anon feels that cpete version of a male is no believeable. But a male that cheats on his wife and leaves her and the kids for his 23 year old babysitter is a common thing. A flawed woman is just so unbelieveable.

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 11 years ago

dont know if i did not like it before but i sort of liked it now. so if she learned her lesson he can still fuck her and gets a maid too. every day is a sure thing.

OneShotOneOneShotOnealmost 11 years ago
Now that I've read her side

i'm glad there was no reciciliation and I'm sorry for the understanding they came too. She was an absolute bitch and it was all about her.

Another quibble I have with the story is her bail after the fight with the lady cop. No one would have been allowed to post their own bail after such a melee. At least not with themoney they got from an ATM. And the muscle head boyfreind and his cohorts would have been looking at several felony charges. The loss of his scholarship would have been the least of his worries.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Yep, thousands of cluck stories..very few scores with husbands not wimps.

It has been suggested (often) that cheating wife stories be in another category. Maybe "Married Slut Whores."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Just another cold, callous cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
And just another mysoginist

Who thinks that depression is not a real illness and sickness and health is a vow you can ignore but burn the bitch if she breaks the forsake all others while "ill"

And at the same time make up lies and shoot your partner. All set for male bonding here. Just don't invite me to your redneck party.

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307over 10 years ago
Okay, this was fiction and unrealistic, even for fiction...

... but every man who's ever been through a divorce has to have a warm place in his heart for Vince and his antics. Even though we all know little, if any, of Vince's tactics could work in real life, we can still dream.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
self serving to say the least

this woman comes over as one of the most self centered egotistical females u could run across. What did he ever see in her in the first place. And the scene Brandy describes of her drunk at the party, I would have left her there and never spoken to or about her again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
what a story

read your newest 2013 story saw a reference to this story...very powerful ...I cannot believe the depth of these people...please write another story like this...Blood from a Turnip needs a concluding chapter

krosis666krosis666about 10 years ago
Just goes to show

A woman will NEVER admit being in the wrong, ever if she lives to be 1000, she will convince herself she is right, and everyone else is wrong. That`s why when men have an argument, they may beat the shit out of each other, but a few days and a few beers later, they are pals again, just like before. Even if one is not in the wrong, he will admit to some fault, in order to save the friendship! When 2 women argue, however, that friendship is done. Forever. Neither one can see past themselves, and will never admit fault. Queens of the self-serving rationalisation.

Same in marriage. Even if the husband is completely right, he will take all the blame, in order to save the marriage, and to have a quiet life. The wife will NEVER admit to being wrong, or if she does, she will add on: " But if was still your fault because...."

And only the dumbest of husbands will ever hold their breath waiting for an apology. Suffocation is not a nice way to go! And don`t worry, because he WILL pay, sometime, someway.

Same thing here. To the day she dies, Lisa will heap all the blame on Vince.

"He never said no". Really? He has to spell it out as if talking to a retard? He has to beg and plead in order for his wife to be faithful? From the sounds of things, that boat sailed years ago. So he never said no. She NEVER ASKED A FUCKING QUESTION!

And not saying "NO" doesn`t work for rape, and it doesn`t work here either!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
My 2 Cents

I think the best portion of this POV was her meeting with her lawyer in the hospital. The lawyer cut thru her bullshit including her bi polar hormonal condition and told her like it was.

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

but you can make a hell of a Borscht/ TK U MLJ LV NV

searching0240searching0240about 10 years ago
Don't Understand Female Reasoning

Anonymous below, seems to think this is just about the wife choosing to have sex outside of the marriage.

Marriage is a contract. An agreement about the conduct of a relationship. The wife chose to unilaterally change the rules of the marriage. I tend to think that if two people can't agree on the rules, they should get a divorce and move on.

It's her body, she has right to do with it what she wants. But he has the right to not stay around to deal with it. Uniquely, she was willing to share him with other women as well. So at least she wasn't a complete hypocrite.

But the wife threatened to take his children and bankrupt him if he did not go along with her plan. That is bullying and coercion. She and the legal system forced him into a corner. And used any means, fair or unfair to right a wrong.

Further, she never recognized that she had done anything wrong. She understood that he was upset. But she didn't feel that it was her fault.

He was a fool to have shown her any mercy at all. I like a reconciliation story. But only when the offending party shows real remorse.


sdc92078sdc92078about 10 years ago
She never did get over her delusion

She might not be bipolar anymore, but she still doesn't see that she cheated and threatened her husband until he had no choice but to do something underhanded that he would otherwise never have done. He needs to get her out of his life or he'll never have a life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Rapists of the world; Rejoice!

He didn't say NO to a question she never asked. So anything she did was ok then.

Therefore, if we follow that reasoning, if a guy doesn't ask a girl, and gags her so that she doesn't say NO, it's ok to fuck her. It's not rape, if she cannot speak!

At least that's what this author is saying. He didn't say the word NO. Getting angry, and shaking his head, and being blatantly obvious in his refusal doesn't count. The word NO must be spoken aloud, or it doesn't count!

Good to know. Does the same go for murder? Nobody told me NOT to murder my annoying neighbor, so does that mean I won't be charged? Sweet!

Now then, where did I leave my gun?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Can you say slut?

Self deluded slut never sees anyone's position but her own. Too stupid to learn and too mentally bent to see herself for what she was.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 9 years ago
It would be to be able to say she was stupid...

But the truth is that she's so confident in her assurance of what she knows is right that it never ONCE occurs to her that she could be wrong.

If she could have just been open-minded enough to entertain a possibility of being wrong, she'd have realized the truth of what he was trying to tell her so blatantly.

I don't know...... maybe she IS stupid. =)

Nope, just one of those females who knows men don't know anything, even what's in their own mind.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

look back at the cesspool you had to climb out of. TK U MLJ LV NV

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013over 9 years ago
How is her view supposed to help?

We already know the story, hearing her side did not change the story in any way. She cheated and paid the price which she thought was to high, so what? This part was a huge waste of the readers time, my time and nothing more was learned. I gave it a rating of "2".

Tim413413Tim413413over 9 years ago
I only skimmed this.

cpete wasted his time and ours.

fifteen16fifteen16over 9 years ago

I have read both stories twice, demantold has made a comment about bi-polar disorder. Many years past people would make remarks like, he/she is a bit weird, strange, funny in the head, not the full shilling (old coinage in U.K.), away with the fairies. It is now known there are many mental disorders that affect what people say and do. For example four out of ten men will suffer from a depression in their lifetime, I do not mean someone who has simply had a bad day but something that builds over a period time and changes the personality with disastrous consequences for them and those around them. Whether we like it or not we are all fragile human beings and a combination of events coupled with a chemical deficiency and we are away with the fairies. Just a story I know but many stories here raise real issues. Must finish now this fairy mask I am wearing is a bit hot.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 9 years ago
5 all your stories are great

love how they end!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

bipolar can have some effect, does cause bad decisions in some circumstances.

He would not have know after all that time married she has mania episodes? and she would not suddenly develop these sort of bad decisions, or was the reference to her making out with a guy at a party when younger count?

In any case she was what happened to sister in law. And, when husband says leave and we are done, mania or not that sort of spells it out. Also during date she knew not to have sex.

So frankly, she wanted to cheat and didnt care if it destroyed her children or her husband. ike so many women, its all about them.

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

a sequel or long epilog. TK U MLJ LV NV

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago

Just because you tell your husband doesn’t mean it’s not cheating, ESPECIALLY when he says don’t do it!

“Vince never once said HE would object -only about Tommy.”

Vince made it VERY clear that he agreed with Tommy – and she calls HIM dense! She’s only hearing what she wants to hear. And CERTAINLY when she started out on her date he made it EXCEPTIONALLY clear that he was NOT okay with it, yet she did it anyway!

“Was Vince changing his mind at the last second?”

Just because you chose to hear a “Yes” that wasn’t there doesn’t mean he’s now changing his mind. And even if he is, that’s his right and she should respect it!

“But if after I return from this date and tomorrow you are still upset- I won't go out again until we talk about it some more."

She’s not even committing to not do it again if he’s still upset, only to not do it again until they “talk about it some more.” At a MINIMUM, she should promise that if he was still upset she would NEVER do it again unless he agreed.

“It was Vince who agreed to everything-he never said No-then that son of a bitch goes and changes the rules at the last second. Besides it was only a single night.”

Not saying “No” is NOT agreeing to “everything”, and would SHE let HIM get away with “only a single night”?

Didn’t the Christmas Party episode show her that Vince was NOT okay with her playing around?

“Vince may just bundle up the kids and make a run for the border."

He said “MAY”, he never said that Vince WAS taking off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I enjoyed your series of stories with these people but where did she not hear that her husband didn't want her to go fuck some guy. Only a complete moron would think that their hubby/ wife would allow that . You want to feel good about the other sex hitting on you so you still feel desirable is one thing but having a date with potential for any type of sexual contact is crazy. As a happily married man with kids( this might be a bit overboard) I'm not sure if I found out that she was talking to a guy about going out or just set it up like she did that I would start divorce process. Never mind having a guy there to pick her up and kiss, feel , oral or fucking would be all the same for me. Hormones or not there would be no way I wouldn't have put something over the guys head before I threw her ass out of the house maybe she could see what a mistake she made then. I would take a whole lot of begging at that point but leaving the house with him would make me act as crazy as he did. His brother should've stopped working and put some pressure on his slut ex earlier , no one should ever be taken that advantage of . I also read your newest one and liked that also look forward to more stories from you

sugnasugnaabout 9 years ago
The Hard Way

Lisa chose to learn about life the hard way. Her behavior was so over the top that I could well believe that she was mentally ill. Even so, the results are the same. Who needs a cheating wife, mentally ill or not? As far as the kids are concerned, do they really need a mentally ill mother in their lives? When a person pulls crazy shit like Lisa did with her "date" they are not "one offs". They are part of a pattern of crazy, selfish behavior. This pattern is not likely to change into that of a warm and fuzzy "den mother". Sorry, but just like a cheater - once crazy, always crazy. Drugs only can do so much and have other weird side effects. The brutal truth is that in cases like this, the husband would keep the crazy mother away, turn his sons against her and they would all suffer. There is no happy ending for this condition in the real world.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 9 years ago

Here Lisa showed she was more self-centered than I thought. Sorry, hon, the world doesn't revolve around you. She's lucky she is in the position she's in.

Lucky me, a new chapter to read. Still doing PG.

krosis666krosis666almost 9 years ago
Blood from a turnip

That analogy could also apply to anyone attempting to find a brain cell in Lisa's head! You could literally HEAR the air rushing between her ears!

One sentence in the the story defines her. "I hadn't felt that much electric pain since I stuck a fork in the toaster as a kid". That line tells you all you need to know about her. She was THAT kid. You know the one. The kid whose mother sits by her bed all night, saying "Breathe in, Breathe out!", over and over again, in case the dumb as nails kid forgets!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Linguistic problem?

I think part of the problem is the use of the term "cheating" for adultery. It carries connotations of obfuscation and deception. Cheating is appropriate for games, where, when rules are broken, known penalties are imposed. Then the exercise is to evade the eye of the umpire or referee, and get away with it. Human relations don't work like that.

Call a spade a spade, and adultery by its name. Forsaking all others does not mean that a compliant partner can give exemptions. It means exclusivity, not openness.

GoesGruntGoesGruntalmost 9 years ago
@ Anon on 09/02/15

"Cheating is appropriate for games, where, when rules are broken, known penalties are imposed."

Then cheating works. According to the story their marriage vows, the rules of the game, included forsaking all others.

Lisa's perspective was warped. It was even warped when it came to defining sex. Hand jobs, blow jobs and finger fucking are also sex...

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

It’s interesting that in part one her public defender tried to use hormone imbalance or something to excuse her actions, when HE had suggested getting a medical work up and she shut him down!

And what makes her think that he will listen to Randy? If he won’t believe HER, he certainly isn’t going to listen to her boy-toy!

“I no longer needed attention from others to provide my self-worth.” – Bingo! If more of the wives here understood that we wouldn’t have Loving Wives stories!

racfguyracfguyover 8 years ago
Stupid broad

Lisa is dumber than a box of rocks. SHE is the one that doesn't get it. Cheating is cheating.

She's listening to that bitch Brandy and has no clue.

Lisa got what she deserves.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Re-Reading, Again!

“Brandy felt she was getting old and was seen as nothing but a mother and Tommy's husband (I think you meant WIFE!).” – And I’m sure that Tommy felt that HE was getting old and was seen as nothing but a father and Brandy’s husband. Does that excuse HIM if he wants some strange? And would it be okay as long as he “told” Brandy?

"Well it is too late now-Randy is already here." – Well, big fucking deal! Tell Randy there has been a misunderstanding, and he has to leave!

"Are you Lisa husband of Vince” – Argh! WIFE of Vince!

She says Vince never said, “No.” She never actually ASKED him!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Still As Stupid As The First Story

You desperately need an editor or proofreader. Not one single sentence changed the overall view from Lisa's POV. She was a cheater and still refuses to see it. Telling your spouse you are going to cheat DOES NOT mean it isn't cheating! If I tell you I am going to take your possessions... Does that mean I didn't actually steal from you? If I tell you I am going to kidnap or kill your child...Does that mean I am not guilty of kidnapping or murder? I swear. Women who believe if they tell their husband they are 'going to have sex with another man' does not constitute cheating makes their thinking less than a kindergarten student. Women who think like this need to be locked away in padded cells and be under shock treatment and strong experimental medications. No better score here than the first story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
This was a hoot

Awesome job of portraying twisted logic by the wife. She was making ME crazy, and it was just a story. Lots of fun. Thanks.

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