Bobbie's Lesson


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"That's sweet. Okay, ever get jealous of another girl over Bobbie?"

"Yesss... Lori," Heather answered quickly, "the girl Bobbie mentioned earlier. She came over for my slumber party but then she disappeared. I went to look for her and I found them kissing in the basement."

When Heather looked up at her brother it was soft and apologetic, "That's why I got mad, Bobbie. I'd... I'd never seen you with another girl. I was jealous."

Sam nodded. "That's my girl. Okay, cummie time, honey. Listen to me. I want you to think about the birthday cake. And about what it felt like to kiss your brother for the first time. And about how, for that moment in the basement, you wanted him all to yourself."

Heather closed her eyes and moaned.

"Okay, that boy, the one you love and trust and care so much about... he's making love to you right now. His long, hard cock is inside you and he's fucking you with it. Just like he's always wanted to.

Heather moaned again.

"And he's watching your girlfriend kiss your big perfect titties while he takes you. Soon, he's going to cum inside you again. He's going to soak his big sister's hungry little pussy with his second load of thick, hot eighteen year-old cum."

Heather and Bobbie groaned now. Sam's words were getting to him too.

Heather's nostrils flared and she mewled, "God, yes." She looked up at her brother. "Do it Bobbie. Cum for me. I want to feel it. I want to feel you cum inside me again."

Heather's hand became a blur at her clit. Sam finally fell silent, licking and slathering at Heather's chest while Bobbie pounded them both towards their orgasms.

Moments later, Heather teetered over the brink and tumbled into her orgasm with a shrieking, "Aaahahaha!" Her hips jerked up up into her brother, burying his entire length. She winced as he bottomed viciously against her she still ground herself against him, craving the deep, deep contact.

Her brother growled and came with her. I watched Heather's mouth fall open when she felt Bobbie's cum splash inside her again.

The siblings finally collapsed down onto the bed together, gasping. Then Bobbie rolled off his sister to lie on his back.

Sam sank down the bed beneath Heather with a keen, hungry look. She'd been waiting patiently for this part.

But Heather had reached her limit sexually. She covered her groin with one hand and tried to wave Sam off with the other. I didn't blame her, the tired teen looked like she couldn't take another orgasm. And she was sure to come again if she let Samantha suck out the two loads of cum that were even now dribbling slowly from her thoroughly used little hole. Her body could only take so much. Between me and her brother, she'd been fucked for nearly an hour and a half straight.

But Samantha had been too patient for too long and she was not about to pass up on a deeply depraved opportunity like this. How often would she get the chance to dig a brother's cum out of his sister?

Sam didn't look like she cared that Heather wanted no part of it. She swatted Heather's hands out of the way and took hold of Heather's still-trembling legs by each ankle. Heather's eyes widened as Sam yanked her legs apart. Then she winced weakly when Sam pressed her face to her sex and began to lick and lap. At first Sam was gentle, she used little teasing licks. But she quickly lost herself and grew greedy. Sammie was soon slurping at the delicate folds of Heather's pink flesh.

After several juicy tongue passes, Sam pushed Heather's legs up again until her knees mashed the giant spheres of her own breasts flat. Then Sam slid her face down Heather's crotch slowly. I watched her cheeks collapse inward as she sealed her lips on Heather's bald little pussy and sucked. Heather twitched at the nasty sensation of Bobbie's cum being dragged forcibly from her.

I watched Sam swallow several times as she got was she wanted. Then she brought a thumb up to circle the over-sensitive little nub of Heather's clit. The contact made Heather jump and she reached a hand down to Sam's forehead to try to push her away. Again, Sam wouldn't listen. Again, she batted Heather's hand aside.

Sam continued to work on Heather's exhausted pussy, basically against the teenager's will. Licking, sucking, slurping, and lapping, Sam drilled at the young blonde's battered hole, digging inside it for more fluids. All the while, Sam continued toying with Heather's sensitive nub with her thumb.

Past exhaustion, Heather gave up and let Sam have her way. She laid there panting, her head rolling from side to side. Her face, already flushed before, approached crimson as she gave in to Sam's forced treatment. Finally, Heather even slid her hands down to hold open her now-tender outer lips for Samantha's ceaseless tonguing. She must have figured there was no sense in fighting anymore.

I heard Samantha chuckle from somewhere deep in her chest at Heather's submission.

Soon, Heather was gasping weakly and started humping up into Sam's mouth. Sam's lips slid up Heather's sex and latched onto Heather's clit to suck on it directly. She eased a small thumb into Heather's cunt. Then she care fly pressed her other little thumb into Heather's ass. Heather was too exhausted to protest.

The young blonde shuddered as Sam's digits worked on her body. The stimulation of Sam's little thumbs and the direct contact at her clit raced up her spine. She jerked weakly as Sam dragged her remorselessly towards one last orgasm. As it neared, Heather's hands flew up to her own full tits to pinch and pull roughly at their pink nipples. She winced as she did it - those nipples were already raw from all the attention they'd gotten that day.

At last, Heather pitched into one last body-wrenching climax. Her hips twisted slightly one way then the other as her reddened young face furrowed almost in pain. Her delicate golden eyebrows knit together showing the difficulty of suffering one final cum in her exhausted state.

"Huuuuh huh huuuuh huh," she cried, bucking spastically as she came and immediately went limp in Sam's hands.

Samantha kissed Heather's raw outer lips as they slid closed and then slunk up the bed to carefully stretch her small body out on top of Heather's. Sam kissed her bright red cheeks, stroked her damp hair, nuzzled her sweaty neck, and nibbled an earlobe gently.

Heather finally giggled softly when Sam gnawed further up on her ear. At least we knew that Heather was alive.

"Whoa," Bobbie gasped, "that was awesome! I can't wait to do this again."

Heather was only semi-conscious but she still managed to roll her head over to look at her brother. "You will Bobbie. I promise."

But then she smiled sadly, "Just not with me."

"But..." The blood drained from Bobbie's face.

Heather was already shaking her head. "I love you. And if you asked me, I'd have a hard time saying no..."

Bobbie smiled hopefully, maybe he'd misunderstood.

"No, let me finish. But I would. I would say 'no' to you Bobbie." Heather glanced at my alarm clock and chewed her lip. She slipped out from under Sam to rise off the bed onto wobbly legs. Skipping the t-shirt and bra, she clumsily pulled her sweatshirt over her head. "I, we - Sam and Hero and I - have something very special. I can't risk that. Not even for the perverted pleasure of boinking my sexy kid brother."

Bobbie was struggling to keep up and failing. "But I love you. And you love me. I've... I've dreamed of being with you like this my whole life!"

By then, Heather was pulling on her small cotton shorts, not bothering with the soaked panties that lay in a mangled ball on the floor.

"I know, Bobbie. And don't get me wrong - today was amazing for me too. You're a studmuffin in the making brother dear." Heather smiled wistfully at her brother. "But now we both have to let go of what happened here. It served its purpose. Take what you need from it and move on."

"Wait... sis?" Bobbie moved towards her.

But Heather shook her head and held up a hand to stop him.

"We love each other Bobbie, but it's not the right kind of love for this. What we have is safe old family love with a good dash of young lust. It's seductive because it doesn't have any risks - because you know I already love you and you know I'll love you no matter what. But if you don't take any chances in your life you'll never grow. You'll never find what you really need. Like what I found. Here. With them."

Heather looked from Sam to me, then straightened her shoulders and her voice became more confident. Richer. Stronger. I'd never seen her like this. Frankly, it was sexy as hell.

"You wanted a love lesson, Bobbie? This is the most important one I can give you as your big sister: take chances with your heart. Like I did. Don't ever settle. There's something wonderful out there for you too. I know it."

Heather's words rang true but they weren't penetrating Bobbie in his current state.

"What? No!"

"I'm sorry. It's true. And I know this is going to seem crazy, but right now I have to go do something. Something for you. I'll be back in a little bit and everything will be better. I promise." Heather gave him a sad half-smile and ducked out the door.

Just like that, Heather was gone and the three of us felt naked and awkward all of a sudden.

"Come on Bobbie," I said softly, "Let's put some pants on and get out of this room."

The three of us dressed in silence, Bobbie still a seething mix of confusion and frustration. We went down to the kitchen and Sam immediately poured herself a large glass of red wine.

I needed a drink too but I made the mistake of talking instead, "Look, Bobbie, it's amazing that you and Heather were even together this one time. Can't you just be happy that..."

"Shut up!" Bobbie yelled. "If it weren't for you, both of you, Heather and I could be together. She loves me. She said so."

"Bobbie, I don't think you were listening..."

That's when Robert took his swing at me.

It's when I stopped Samantha from kicking his ass all over the house.

And it's when we finally ended up sitting quietly in my kitchen waiting for Heather's brother to come to grips with two things. First, that he had finally made love to the older sister he had coveted for years and it was everything he'd ever dreamed of. Second, that they would never do it again.

I kept quiet this time around because I had absolutely no idea what to say to him.

Of course, Sam did. But then she had a peculiar knack for this kind of thing - seeing into people. She moved to sit next to him and reached towards him carefully, slowly. When he didn't move away or fend her off, she touched his shoulder. She began to rub it gently. "It'll be okay, Bobbie. It'll be okay." She repeated it over and over. The repetition of Sam's soft voice was smooth and hypnotic. It was even relaxing me from across the kitchen.

Soon, she tugged Bobbie towards her until his face was buried in her tiny shoulder. She stroked his blonde hair and she rocked him gently, providing some comfort as he struggled to make peace with everything that had happened. She did this for him because she could tell it was what he needed, because she knew first-hand how delicate incest was, and because she cared.

It was the most tender thing I'd ever seen Samantha do. My heart swelled.

The three of us sat there together like that for more than half an hour before Heather came back.

"Guys, I'm back. And I've got someone with me..."

Bobbie straightened up and rubbed his face. His tears had long-since dried and he was back together - or at least he looked like he was. We stood up and moved towards Heather and her mystery guest. Heather gestured at someone on the other side of the doorway, visible to Bobbie but obscured to me and Sam behind him.

"Bobbie, this is Stacey. Remember she used to play field hockey with me? I ran into her just now as she was finishing her shift at work. She asked me how you were doing and I thought maybe you guys might want to grab a cup of coffee."

Stacey turned the corner into view and even I gaped a little. She was teenage sex on a stick - the closest thing to a rival for Peaches' title of adolescent uber-hottie that I had ever seen. In her tight, green vintage t-shirt and hip-hugging mid-rise jeans, Stacey radiated a really hot, really sexy, girl-next door quality. Her deep coppery auburn hair fell past her shoulders in soft waves and glowed against her flawless porcelain skin. Her big, beautiful grey-green eyes twinkled with mischief. She was maybe a couple of inches taller than Heather with slender hips that collapsed into an absurdly small waist. She sported full, round boobs and yet she probably weighed just barely over 100 lbs.

"Hiya," she said, with a quick hand wave. Standing there casually and comfortably, Stacey looked relaxed in her own skin. Confident without being arrogant. It was a rare quality in a teenager. Peaches had it too. Most importantly, Stacey was looking at Robert with genuine interest. When she smiled at him warmly, her full bee-stung lips parted for a perfect white smile.

Robert had hit the jackpot.

Sam's mouth fell open further than mine. I understood why when she leaned into me to murmur, "Jesus Hero, that's Berry. Heather's last girlfriend. She's even prettier than I remember. Oh crap, I get it... but I don't believe it. She must be the girl Bobbie likes. The one he's been scared to ask out."

Stacey saw Sam and gave her a quick wink.

I shook my head in amazement. Heather was matching her old love up with her brother. I'd heard Heather's stories about Stacey. Robert had won the sexual lottery if Stacey was finally converting to guys now.

Even money said Robert had no idea about any of this. I wondered if he ever would.

In the meantime, Robert handled himself well. He kept it short and his voice did not crack when he looked at Stacey and smiled, "Sure, let's get some coffee." Then he groaned. "Wait, we don't have a car. Heather drove you too, right?"

Stacey nodded, pouting.

Sam fixed the small transportation glitch by smirking and plucking the keys to her sporty little black two-seater off the countertop. She swaggered over to Robert and dropped them into his shirt's front pocket, letting her hand linger lightly on his chest. "Take mine Bobbie," she smiled and glanced at Stacey then looked back up at him, "my way of saying thank you for, you know... earlier."

Sam's flirtation was a wicked trick that would have scared most women off of Robert. But Sam knew that Stacey wasn't most women. With a few words and a touch, Sam had just endorsed Robert's newfound bedroom skills while posing a subtle challenge to Stacey's claim on him.

Okay, so Sam was still just a tiny bit Sithy.

Stacey's eyes widened slightly. I watched her mental wheels rotate then lock them onto something like, "Oh no you don't, he's mine!"

Girls can be fun that way.

Of course, these subtleties were lost on Robert. He just said a cheerful, "Thanks!" and grabbed Stacey's hand, pulling her towards the garage.

"Wait!" Heather said a little too loudly. "Bobbie, take good care of Stacey, she's, well... she's..."

Stacey turned to smile at Heather. The mischievous look in her large gray-green eyes flared brightly and one slender auburn eyebrow cocked upwards. She was waiting for what Heather was going to say next. How much was Heather going to tell her brother?

Heather sighed, "...special. Stacey's very special."

Heather looked over at her red-headed ex-lover and fixed her with a serious stare. "And you, girlie, you better be nice to my brother. We don't have any other siblings for you to date, understand me?"

"Yeah," Stacy nibbled her lip and nodded. "Thanks, Bubble... errr... Heather."

Bobbie quickly tugged Stacey towards the garage.

"Could you two have my car back before noon tomorrow please?" Sam yelled as Robert and Stacey disappeared. Robert never even said goodbye. Ahhh, youth.

"Wow, I guess that was easy," I marveled, after the door to the garage shut. We heard Bobbie start Sam's little coupe with an excited whoop.

Dammit, that kid had all the luck. Sam rarely let me drive her car.

Heather twisted one of her golden locks with her finger and looked at me proudly. "Yup. By now Hero my love, you should know that it's all about...".

"... connections." I finished for her, still shaking my head in amazement.

Sam nodded at me, "Awww, look Peaches, he's learning. He's pretty smart for a guy."

"Now do you guys see why Bobbie had to have a little experience under his belt beforehand? Berry's never been with a guy before but she's got high standards. And she's seriously into sex. I wanted it to be good, you know, for both of them. I want them both to be happy. Plus, Berry is going to eat him alive. He'll be too exhausted to miss me," Heather snickered as she headed for the stairs.

She paused at the bottom of the steps to invite us back upstairs, "Can we get back to the bedroom for a little longer? Believe it or not I could use one more little round. I drove Stacey here and we had to stop at a few traffic lights on the way. I forgot how good a kisser that damn girl is."

"Slut," Sam chuckled, joining Heather on the stairs, "Honestly, I'm still trying to get over the fact that you actually had sex with your little brother."

"Jealous much?" Heather grinned at Sam.

"Yeah, maybe a little," Sam laughed and shrugged at the same time. "It's one thing I'll never get to do. My big brother is gay. I've got zero chance of luring him into bed." Sam looked at me and cocked her head, "Unless..."

The blood drained out of my face. "Aww, hell no! You want to know where my limit is? It's right there! I'm not helping you seduce your gay brother."

"Wuss," Sam giggled, looking down the stairs at me. "Then how about we pretend I'm your little sister again later? You seemed to like that last time."

I didn't even try for a poker face. I nodded eagerly. "Like" was an understatement - I still masturbate in the shower thinking about the ridiculous night that Sam appeared in my bedroom, playing the perfect role of sex-starved teen sibling.

I followed the girls swaying asses up the stairs - Heather's juicy, nineteen year-old bubblebutt and Sam's tiny, well-muscled dancer tush. Frankly, watching Heather and her brother make love still weighed on my mind a little. I felt a primitive urge to reclaim her. Actually, reclaim both of them. He'd fucked Sam too and from the look of things at the time, she'd really enjoyed it.

So that late afternoon, with these two amazing women stretched out, naked and sweaty and gasping beneath me, I was the one who got just a little bit Sithy.

Neither of them minded a bit.


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DadiesdreamsDadiesdreamsabout 2 months ago

I have to say that was a really wonderful prequel, interesting being told from the other character we didn’t really get to know. I love little girls/women and Sam being Latin by the sounds of it would be exactly my type. My ex was Argentinian and 5 foot tall And very similar to your description of Sam sadly it didn’t last past two daughters and 20 years.

I loved the sex scenes especially the love scene with the brother and sister, the description of the childhood relationship was so beautifully done, it would not be hard to imagine. But I never had a sister a year above or below me in age that was a firecracker, my sister was eight years younger and we were never that close as I left home very young. And she was only a kid.

I am really enjoying this writer style and character building skills very sexy and very well written seems like it’s written by a female because of the understanding from female perspective .

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Really involved with each other. Someone was grooming a long time for this incest relationship to be natural. No, 'I can't believe we did this!' More like, "It's about time!" Mom and dad had to be in on it.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Didn't like. This whole series is silly. The more stories you write about Heather the more I dislike her. I just about puked at her little speech on her "we have something special and I can't risk it" LOL what BS!! How many men and women has she screwed since the start of their triangle? Who keeps bringing people into their triangle to screw? If she's a nimpho fine but stop the lie she committed to and in love with the other two.

Time4LuvTime4Luv6 months ago

The end was fucked up. Heather didn't have to crush him like that. Brother gets sisters hand me downs and showers would have been nice. I could say more but there was secrecy that left me sour.

JSA69JSA696 months ago

Six stars. Maybe more.

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My second time reading this, 9 months apart. My comments stayed the same,but I rated it one star higher this time.

Bill S.

intifada1intifada1over 1 year ago

I would love to read a sequel with Bobby and his sis. Hoping the series will go on

KittyLover80KittyLover80over 1 year ago

What a great story. Amazing characters. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

For all those misinterpreting things story, go go the author's biography; he gives the order to read the stories.

Sam has a hangup that precludes vaginal intercourse with anyone but Hero. Stacy was Heather's former younger, soccer teamate, and lesbian lover. Thus, Heather knew how experienced Stacy was and wanted her brother suitably prepared for Stacy.

Makes lots of sense when you understand the backstory. GREAT writing. I miss this author a lot.


unclebeardyunclebeardyalmost 2 years ago

Laved (not 'lathed') has a meaning similar to 'washed'

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

"...Bobbie shivered as she lathed his sensitive end. ..."

If she had it'd be much shorter and bleeding from a stump:

because a lathe is a machine for cutting wood or metal turning the piece against a set of adjustable cutting tools...

Perhaps you intended some other word?

Good yarn.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

One of the Best Anal scenes I have read on this site...Samantha is Any Man's Dream Anal Partner...Mine was Melissa...While not a Tiny Ballerina, She knew what she wanted and how to get it...We both worked for a Large Liquor Wholesaler in Baltimore 40 some years ago...They held Monthly Sales Meetings on Thursday Nights and after the BS was over we all went out to drink...This one A-Hole got Stupid and would not leave Melissa alone (Blonde Big Tit German Girl in her mid 30's) I did not like the guy to begin with so I jacked him up by the neck and dropped him on the floor...Needless to say Melissa was Impressed and Very Grateful...Took me back to her condo and proceeded to Fuck My Brains out...The Final Act that night (Early Morning?) was to ask me to "Please Put it in My Ass"...Damn, had never done that and told her so...Her responds was "Don't Worry...I will Show you How"...Woke up the next morning with my Cock in Her Mouth asking if I wanted to do it again! Bill K

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

From reading other comments I gather this was a next chapter of a longer story. Perhaps that’s why I didn’t get Involved in the story, but I didn’t think a lot of it. 3 stars at best.

Bill S.

MfkndragonMfkndragonabout 2 years ago

@marshalla in what universe did the sister do that out of love there was nothing loving about that she used his feelings for her to realize some fantasy her and her 2 friends had then panned him off on someone else knowing she betrayed him she used his feelings for her to have sex with him than just ditched him like he meant nothing if I was him I would disown her have nothing else to do with her or her little group of friends

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