Bonded and Bred Ch. 15-16

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A shape shifter story.
3.4k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/19/2015
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Chapter Fifteen

Laurie's flat was a twenty minute walk away normally, but the two of them achieved it in less than ten.

Iris pressed the button on the intercom and waited sickly to see if her sister was even there.

The wait seemed to last forever, but just as she was about to give up and dig out her bundle of keys, there was a hollow sounding hum.

"Hello?" the echoey voice sounded wonderful to Iris as she leaned closer.

"Laurie it's me."

"Iris!" there was a pause, and then a buzz. "Come on up, Iris."

Although Iris now new that Laurie was safe, she knew that she would still not breathe easily until she saw her in the flesh - until she could look her sister in the eyes and know that she was okay.

She marched across to the central elevator and punched the button.

Laurie would have pressed another button on her intercom to allow the elevator to come up to the top floor, and sure enough as they stepped into the little box, the top floor light was lit up on the control panel.

Iris pressed the button next to it and the doors closed and then a second later, the box lurched into motion.

Laurie was waiting for her on the top floor, and the first thing that Iris thought was, 'she looks excited'.

"Iris!" she exclaimed again happily. "This is nice... and James?" her eye brows went up in surprise.

She led them into her apartment, and once the door was closed, Iris explained.

"I missed your text earlier, and when I tried to call you - and you did not answer I got worried... why didn't you answer?"

They sat down in Laurie's living room, and Laurie blushed guiltily. "I was in the shower; I didn't even hear my phone."

"Oh, well anyway James was with me - at the office, when you did not answer my call, and so he insisted on coming with me to make sure that you were okay."

Laurie looked puzzled. Iris had always been protective of her, but this seemed excessive even for her.

"I am sorry that I missed your call," she looked at James anxiously. "And I am really sorry that you were inconvenienced like this."

James smiled at her in reassurance. "Iris helped my younger sister and me earlier today when her little boy took sick with chicken pox, so the least I could do was walk around here with her - after all it was because she was helping me with my personal troubles that we were still at the office at this time in the evening."

"But any way..."

"It's nothing, Laurie, a cup of coffee perhaps will more than make up for it."

He was obviously teasing her, and Laurie smiled with relief.

"Of course." she sighed happily as she stood up and walked through to her kitchen.

Iris and James, sat in silence for a moment, but then Iris spoke quietly. "I'm sorry too, James, but after what had nearly happened, I guess I wasn't thinking straight, I was overwrought and I guess that I just panicked."

"And like I said to Laurie, I owed you one anyway, so don't you worry about it either... and I do understand why you panicked as well."

He smiled at her, and as their eyes met and locked, the bond reasserted itself, and her green eyes glittered.

The gold flickered into James's brown eyes and he let out a low husky growl.

"Don't make any plans for this weekend," he ordered. "I think that I should take you back to my country place."

Iris nodded weakly as she once again surrendered to his authority.

"I guess I should go and give Laurie a hand?"

"Yes, do that."

As her boss, James would never speak to her like that, even though he was her boss and therefore in charge. But for the wolf in each of them there had to be an order of command. James was the one who was in command and Iris's wolf knew and respected that, just the same as she had always bowed down to her father's authority.

"Why did you want me to ring you?" she asked Laurie, as her younger sister placed cups on a tray.

"Oh it was nothing... silly really."


"I just fancied a chat..."

"Oh? About anything in particular?"

Even though she was standing with her back to her Iris sensed something in Laurie.

Suddenly she turned around to look her in the eye, and Laurie's blue eyes were lit up with excitement.

"It's just that I met my neighbour for the time today... he rode the elevator up with me."

"Oh, did he seem nice... what did he look like... did he say anything?" Iris guessed that this was important to Laurie in some way.

"He was tall, I mean really tall - like James, he had dark hair and really dark eyes - almost black... he only said good afternoon to me and that was it, I think after that I did not even exist to him..." Laurie looked peeved at that thought. "But for a moment our eyes met... and well..."

"Did you bond with him?" Iris asked in shock.

Laurie shrugged her shoulders and her gaze fell away from her sister's awkwardly.

"He was just so strong... I could not help myself... I knew that he would always be able to protect me."

She shivered and her smile faded. "Of course he did not even realise, he will not understand what happened, so..."

"Oh love!"

It was as though those two little words told Laurie the full extent of her mistake, and a tear trickled down Laurie's cheek.

"I know - I was stupid... but I just could not help myself!"


They did not stay with Laurie for much longer than the time it took to drink the coffee.

Iris would have liked to have stayed longer, to stay with Laurie and try to comfort her, but she was painfully aware of James, and the fact that he was probably itching to make up for the time he had already lost today, with his business, and his workload.

Outside on the pavement, Iris smiled up at him gratefully. "Thank you for coming with me tonight, but I know that there are things that you need to be doing, so I won't keep you."

"No you won't," he agreed easily. "You will walk briskly the five minutes it will take us to get to your place, and then I can be on my way again."

"It's not fully dark yet, and the streets are still busy... I can manage." Iris persisted stubbornly.

"I am going your way anyway, but now you are just wasting our time."

He sounded so long suffering as he countered her arguments that she found herself chuckling even as she began to walk.

"Good girl," James muttered, and although Iris would have taken offence to such a condescending remark in the past, now she found herself feeling all warm and cosy from such a little comment - because it was James who had given it, and he had meant it sincerely and not patronisingly.

They stopped outside Iris's apartment block shortly after, and James looked down at her. "I'll see you in the morning." he told her almost regretfully.

"Yes, okay then, I will try to get in a bit earlier so that we can make up for the time lost today... go home, James and get some rest; there is nothing that won't wait until tomorrow, now."

"No... I suppose that you are right about that... okay I feel like I have been through the mill enough today anyway..."

"How were Leila and little Toby, by the way, when you left them?" she asked as she thought about his day.

James sighed. "Well she had settled him down for the night - a bit early perhaps but the poor little tyke looked done in... and Dad and Cindy will be back tomorrow - so the pressure will be right off me by then."

"That will be a relief for Leila too, I should think," Iris murmured softly. "She knew that she was inconveniencing you, and that was just adding to her stress."

"Yes, I know that you are right about that... she kept on asking me if I wanted to go, telling me that she was fine on her own; but I felt that she was just saying it rather than meaning it."

Iris had the impression that Leila's entire family had a tendency to mollycoddle her, and she was not sure that they were doing her any favours by it.

"Well, go home and get some rest, and tomorrow will be another day." She said trying to sound wise, but just managing to sound silly.

She blushed as his chuckle seemed to confirm that thought.

"Good night, James," Iris snapped feeling embarrassed and surly.

He reached out to pull her against him, and bent to kiss her hard on the mouth.

"Good night my Iris, my beautiful wolf," he murmured against her lips, before letting her go again.

He turned on his heel, before she could catch her breath. "See you in the morning - bright and early," he said over his shoulder, but did not wait for her to reply, as he strode purposefully away.


As Iris settled herself in bed later that night she touched her fingers to her lips again. She had been doing that all evening, ever since that kiss from James, which had burned and branded her to him.

As she lay in her bed, she thought of the night before, of their night of almost animal passion.

Her hand ran up her thigh, as she remembered the trail of kisses that he had planted there.

Her fingers curled into her inner thigh as they followed his journey.

He had kissed ever inch of her, had tasted every part of her, and now her fingers were celebrating some of his touch.

Her eyes closed as she curled her fingers again and began to gently rub, where he had licked.

Her juices began to flow, and her fingers quickened whipping up her feelings of excitement.

She buried her face into her pillow, and smelled him, his aftershave and his own scent; it was all over her bedding. "Oh James," she whispered as she reached another James fuelled orgasm - this time without him even being there.

Iris shivered and shook for a moment, and all of her pent up emotions from this day, just melted away.

She curled up with a little sigh of contentment as she closed her eyes, and within seconds she was fast asleep.

Her night was spent dreaming of James; as a boss, as a wolf, and then as a man.

He invaded every part of her life, nothing was spared from his dominant influence, and for the first time in her life, Iris felt complete, she felt whole and protected.


Chapter Sixteen


It was a busy week, they seemed to have a sudden influx of interested clients, and James worked steadfastly; drawing up plans and designs, in between meeting with people, to discuss and exchange ideas, and update his clients on his progress, making adjustments as they saw their dreams coming to light, and had second thoughts, or different ideas.

Iris was kept busy too, as she typed up reports, and sourced materials, she made sure that James had everything he might need to complete his designs, and she kept track of his materials, reordering things a second before he would get low.

She also read through all of the projects on his desk, and made a note of any potential needs.

"Iris, I am going to need some variations on red brick work, I will need patterns compositions and prices," James said as he walked out of his office and into her little room, on the Thursday afternoon. He was carrying his mug with him, and Iris realised that it had been a while since she had had a drink, and she was feeling quite dry in the mouth.

"Is this for the Billing's home, project?" she asked as she stopped typing and turned to look at him.

"Yes, that's right."

She turned back to her desk and opened a drawer, to pull out a small folder.

"These are what I have found so far," she told him holding it up to him.

He looked surprised for a moment; as he flipped open the cover, to read the top sheet. There were small thumb print images, along with a brief description of size composition and pricing.

He grinned across at her, and his brown eyes twinkled. "Perfect... what would I do without you?"

Iris couldn't help but smile back, it had been a busy week, hectic almost, but not once had he looked stressed, nor had he snapped at her, as he worked doggedly on to complete his projects.

"What are you doing now?" he asked almost lazily.

"Oh, I am just finishing the report for the Jacob's rebuild assignment - a quick summary and then it will be ready for you to look over and sign."

"Great, I'll make us a drink, then; and then we can sit down and go over it, and discuss what is happening tomorrow... I think that I have two meetings?"

She nodded her head, and reached for her diary.

"Wait," he held up his hand. "Finish that report, and get it printing, and I will make us a drink."

"Very well, James."

As she turned to start typing again James picked up her mug and left her to it for a bit.

She had saved her document and sent it to the printer, and was arching her back, when James came back with the two hot beverages.

"So where are we at?" he asked as he placed the two mugs on her desk.

"The report is being printed off now," she stood up as she spoke, and walked across to the active printer, where she scooped up the printed papers. "There you are." Iris waited for the printer to grow silent, and then handed him the finished report.

James sat flicking through the pages, and placing each checked sheet face down on her desk.

Finally he nodded. "Yes that is all in order. Can you bind it and get it sent off in today's post please, Iris."

"Yes, of course." she nodded as she picked up her mug, and took a cautious sip. It was still a little too hot, and so she put it back down on its coaster.

"So what have we got happening tomorrow?"

She pulled the diary to her, and opened it up.

"You have an appointment at ten in the morning, Mr Potts; he wants to build a new home, for his son and his son's young family."

"That's very nice of him," James murmured as he glanced over her shoulder, he frowned as he looked at the afternoon appointment. "R T Beaumont Property and Development... isn't that your aunts company?"

"Yes," Iris nodded awkwardly. "She popped in the other day, wanting to talk with you - about a venture she is planning to do..."

"So it is business that she is coming in for?" he asked a little worriedly.

"Yes, of course..." She hesitated for a moment. "I am hoping that you won't have a problem doing business with a female of our race?" she asked anxiously.

"What? No of course not! I do not hold with those old fashioned out dated ideas, any more than you do, Iris!"

"Good!" she said her tone full of relief.

James grinned at her, as he sat back in his chair and sipped at his own drink. "So are we all set to leave for my place tomorrow night? If you bring a bag in with you, we can leave straight from work?"

She nodded. "Yes, I spoke with Laurie, and she said that she wanted to spend this weekend on one of her design projects, she said she wouldn't have been much company anyway."

"That's okay then, and it would not be good for her to grow too dependent upon you as well, you know." he said thoughtfully.

Iris grinned, and her green eyes glittered. "That's funny because just the other day I was thinking almost the exact same thing... about your sister Leila."

James looked taken aback for a moment, and the colour winged across his cheekbones, as he nodded slowly.

"Yes, I can see why you might think that... but you have to understand, that she is only human and..."

He was interrupted by the telephone which began to ring.

"Good afternoon Atherton Architects, how can I help you?" Iris grabbed her pen and note pad, and began to scribble even as she nodded. "Yes, thank you, I will let you know our decision by the end of next week."

She replaced the telephone and continued to write for a moment longer.

"Who was that?"

"Oh, those red bricks that you are after... that was one of the manufactures following up on their quote. They are offering us a discount of twenty percent if we place out order before the end of the month, and promise to have them delivered by the end of the following month."

James sat forward. "That was a bloody good deal!" he exclaimed, "We should snatch their hand off."

"It is a good deal," Iris agreed with a nod, "But we don't want to be too eager, and anyway you need to approve them first, they are sending a sample, by the way, which should arrive on Monday."

"Excellent!" he grinned again as he sat back in his chair. "You really are very good at what you do, aren't you... I am surprised that your last employer let you go so easily."

"Oh Mr Godford was very upset when I resigned my position, but he could not, and certainly would not have tried to stop me."

"You sound like you were fond of him?"

"I was; he was a very good, very clever man... and a real pleasure to work for."

"So why did you leave?"

Iris sighed regretfully. "He hired a new junior, a Mr Pranning who was going to shadow him for a year before being promoted... it meant that I had to work very closely with him..."

"And he was not very nice?"

"He was okay I suppose, it was just... well it was coming up for a full moon, and I had foolishly not been home for a few months... I was on edge, and well - you know how it can be, I guess I was... frisky."

"And he misread it, and thought that you were coming on to him?" James guessed.

"Yes!" she sighed again sadly."I ended up slapping him across the face and storming out; and the next day he was all apologetic, but deep down I knew that it was my fault, and I knew that our working together would be full of stress and awkwardness - and I really did not want it to become like that!"

"I am sorry that was how it was for you, but if it hadn't of happened you might never have come to work for me, we may never have met... tell me, Iris; do you believe in fate?"


Iris packed her bag that night very carefully. She wanted to look and feel nice, but she also needed to be prepared for any shift that might occur.

She kept thinking about James's comment, over whether or not she believed in fate. She had a feeling that James might do, and that he thought that the two of them might be fated to be together. Iris was pragmatic by nature; she saw what she could see and took it at face value. But the idea that maybe the two of them, together were something special... well that was a feeling that she could not quite shake off.

She dug into the back of her closet, and found what she was looking for, an emerald green, pure silk robe, a gift from her aunt, when she had turned twenty one.

She folded it gently and put it on the top of her other clothes, and then zipped up her overnight or weekend bag.

She sat filing and painting her nails, on her fingers and her toes, and she rubbed in creams and moisturises, until she felt like a slithery mess.

She would shower in the morning - but the creams and moisturisers would have had all night to seep into her pores, and do their jobs.

She wanted to look and feel good for James. She wanted to be irresistible to him; she did not realise just how successful she would be!

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elspethsheynaelspethsheynaover 8 years ago
well written

This was really good can't wait for you to submit the next installment.

Thanks for a great read!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
love this

please continue cant wait to read what happens next

WolfkittyWolfkittyover 8 years ago
I don't know

James does not feel like Alpha material. He is kind of selfish. Can he really protect and take care of three or more women? Though Iris's pack is very small, it is very wealthy. It also has smart, young, talented women in it. Even the aunt is still young enough to bear healthy children. What lazy, bully of a male wolf wouldn't want to get his hands on Iris's pack and all it's riches, money and women? Will James be able or capable to step up to the plate?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good read

Chapter could be longer, to far apart.But I'm in love with this story.8FE1

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