Boss From Hell Ch. 08

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Tammy's story comes to an end.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 05/23/2014
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Sandy, insisted that I take her to a fancy restaurant in the next town. I gave Marie enough money to buy pizza for her kids and my own . They would spend the night at her place, which was not uncommon when it was the weekend. The fact that It was Monday caused Marie to ask pointed questions which I had to dodge. Leaving my neighbor with more questions than answers, I at last made my escape.

I did not consider this cheating on my wife. It was research needed to liberate her. Sandy looked very nice indeed in her slinky shimmering dress. Her dark hair and flashing eyes were quite beautiful as was her slim, taught form. Brandon always did have excellent taste in women. When Sandy looked at me she had lust in her eyes. I was going to try my best to get out of this night without having to be unfaithful to my wife, but if need be I would exchange sex for the information I needed.

"Am I still beautiful, Randall?" was her first question. I spent the very expensive dinner buttering her up. At first all Sandy wanted to do was make eyes at me and whine about what a bastard Brandon is. To make any headway I finally I had to level with her and tell her the entire situation.

"So Brandon is keeping Tammy as a slave?" she asked.

"Yes. I need your help to end this."

Sandy got an angry look in her face and said, "Brandon always was a bastard, but this is pathetic even for him. I always liked Tammy even if she is a little blonde angel who makes it so much harder for perfect brunettes like me. There was a time when I hated Tammy because you found her more attractive than me, but that passed with age. When I was married to Brandon I thought his wealth and promises of affection could keep me happy. Now I just like to spend his alimony on pretty things that dull the pain. I should have been like your Tammy and married a genuine guy. Brandon is phonier than a three hundred dollar bill. I will give you the information you want Randall but you have to make me feel beautiful and desired tonight. I'm shallow, I'll admit that, but unlike Brandon I am fully aware of how shallow I am."

I left Sandy's luxury apartment at six the next morning. I felt like a cad. Sandy gave me the information I needed in carefully rationed increments. She would not spill all of the beans until I took her home and gave her what she wanted. Naked Sandy is really something but Tammy is so much more beautiful. I had to admit that my serpent brain took more than a bit of delight in sexually satisfying a woman who had once been Brandon's. Still, I hoped that if the time ever came when I had to confess this infidelity to Tammy that she would understand and forgive me.

My timing in sweet talking Sandy could not have been better Tuesday turned out to be the butler's night off, the perfect day to strike. The kids would have field day all day at school. I called in sick and started to work on getting my wife back. It took me all day and the fees for all the copies I made was a dent in my pocket I did not regret in the least. I had Marie bring the kids to and from soccer practice after school. When they got home I ordered Chinese and bribed them into going to bed early. Fortunately field day and soccer had completely worn them out and they were soon asleep. It was too dangerous to hire a sitter under the circumstances so I took a calculated risk of leaving the kids unattended in a locked house. It was time to make like a ninja.

One of the few great things about living in a small town is that you come to know every street, every building, and every shadow along the roads. I spent hours adhering lovely photos of Brandon to every lamp post, wall and public space. I had grabbed the picture from one of the video clips he had sent me. The lighting and shadows were perfect. Using photo shop I took away his six-pack and shrank his penis to infant size. It was an expert job if I do say so myself. Adorning it was the legend "Revealed, the REAL reason why his wives left him!" Even if my handiwork was discovered before daybreak, there is no way that Brandon's people could remove them all before every citizen in town saw one on their way to work or school. Brandon needed to be humiliated as well as dropped from his pinnacle. How could he answer the evidence in my poster? Fax everybody in town a picture of his junk?

At about the same time every negotiator for the union at the mill and nearly every voting member anonymously received the clip of Brandon pontificating to Tammy. That the clip included Brandon saying "I'm smarter than any of the monkeys that work for me especially those dolts who negotiate their contracts with me. If they knew how much the mill was REALLY bringing down, those sharks would eat me alive." was pure manna from heaven

Now for phase two. In addition to telling me which night the butler was off, Sandy told me where Brandon kept the key to his back door and where the switch to the home security system was. Sandy said that when she lived there the password had been "Brandon Is cool" all strung together as one word Brandon was not the sort of guy to change a password he liked even if his ex wife knew it. Sandy drew a basic layout of the house as well. I had to go down on her for an hour and a half to get that diagram.

Getting over the fence in back of the house would not be a problem. Brandon spent most of his security dollars on the front of his property. Brandon thought he was smarter than the security guards who wanted to alarm the whole property. Brandon can nickle and dime with the best of them, by scrimping on the back fence he saved a whopping 1,000 dollars.

Still clad in black I scaled the fence in the darkest part of the yard. I was extremely fortunate that Brandon hated animals of all kinds. He could not even abide having guard dogs on his property lest he step in an errant pile of crap. In retrospect, fucking Sandy was completely worth it. The key was just where she said it would be. Brandon never considered moving the key. Tammy told me that he was a creature of habit once he decided on a place for something it stayed there.

I did not have the time to get a gun. I also feared that had I bought a gun I would have gone in firing rapidly and might have hit Tammy. Also I'm not a murderer no matter how many times I envisioned slitting Brandon's throat only bad things would come to me if I killed him. For enforcement I carried a Louisville Slugger. Whether I used it or not would be entirely up to Brandon. I let myself into the house silently, turned off the home alarm system and made a bee line for the bedroom.

Tammy caught sight of me first. She was facing the foot of the bed while Brandon's cock was sliding in and out of her anus. Brandon's eyes were closed, a blissful smile on his face. I realized that another few steps I would be on camera.

Tammy's eye's grew large and she gasped.

"Oh you like that, don't you my little slave."

"Unhand my wife!" I yelled.

Brandon's eyes snapped open. Tammy slid to the floor.

"You! Get the fuck out of my house Randy! This deal is off!"

"The HELL it is! Replied Tammy.

"The key is in the right hand drawer of that desk honey." said Tammy as she pointed to a piece of furniture behind me. I bashed open the lock on the drawer with my bat and quickly located the key. As I preformed this task, Tammy turned to Brandon and said.

"Brandon you worthless shit. I'm going home!. I fulfilled your bargain your creepy pervert and I know the box number in the bank. If you do not end our deal and let me go home with my husband. I will tell him to go to work with that baseball bat. Afterwords I will tell the cops that you tried to rape me and that he came to my defense. Face it Brandon, you may have power in this town but you are not loved. Do you REALLY think the cops are going to investigate your death that thoroughly? "

Tammy then picked up a wine glass from a table next to the bed, poured its contents on the white shag rug and proceeded to break the stem off the wine glass. Before either Brandon or I realized what was happening, Tammy plunged the jagged edge of the wine glass stem into Brandon's crotch! Blood spurted out and Brandon began to writhe in pain.

"THAT is for permanently marking me you prick!"

As Brandon lay there trying to staunch the flow of the blood and crying like a little girl. Tammy grabbed one of Brandon's robes and threw it around herself.

"Let's get out of here darling," she said to me as I pocketed the key.

"But I thought you loved ME!" croaked Brandon between his cries.

"You wish Brandon. I won't deny you are a talented lover but you have the personality of a sump pump. Any chance that you had with me ended when you made your alterations to MY body. If you weren't such an asshole, I MIGHT have considered, at least for a little while, moving in with you. But no, you had to become my god. I'm through worshiping you Brandon and I hope your pecker NEVER works again."

I made a move to take Tammy in my arms but she insisted that we get out of the house as quickly as possible. I agreed and we sped out of Brandon's mansion. My car was parked in a dark side road.

As we drove home Tammy said,

"What took you so long? I don't know how much more of that I could have stood."

When we arrived home we could hear the sound of sirens. Not doubt the cops and an ambulance off to Brandon's place. Tammy and I stayed up all night, expecting a visit from the police any moment but no patrol car appeared before our door. Brandon no doubt realized that his cameras, while capturing Tammy's crime, were also full of malfeasance on his part.

The kids were overjoyed to find their mother home and wanted to skip the half day of school. However we made them go so that the two of us could get to the bank the moment it opened. As we drove to the bank Tammy laughed at the dozens of posters of my version of naked Brandon that we passed. Even now some of Brandon's lackeys were diligently trying to expunge them from public view.

I could not help but notice that some of Brandon's own people were chuckling as they took down my art work.

I found out that I did not have to go to work that day. The union at the mill had called for a wildcat strike to cause immediate renegotiation of the contract between it and plant management. Brandon Ferris had woken up to the worst day of his life.

As soon as possible, Tammy and I said our goodbyes to Waterford. We were very quiet about our departure. We had a small going away party with a few friends and packed everything that would fit into a moving van and our cars. I drove the kids for a last look around and then sped out of town to catch up with Tammy and the van.

Brandon did not make trouble. He refused to name the woman who had maimed him to the police. The local cops snickered and figured that Brandon had at last met a housewife or secretary capable of saying no. Brandon's power was such that the cops chose to not push the issue. Tammy was pissed when she heard from rumor central that his injuries, despite being very bloody were not serious. I was relieved. It was probably a major reason Brandon was letting us go. Brandon was concerned about bigger things now. Getting the union to even sit down with him was going to severely cut into his bottom line. Brandon threatened to move the operation to China, but everyone at the mill knew better. The mill was Brandon's livelihood. Selling the plant would not bring him enough money to retire on and the way Brandon spent money, he needed a steady income. Of course now he would have to reign himself in somewhat, but the townsfolk would all be living better.

Our new home is our every dream come true. The kids made lots of new friends and love the summer people when they come. They also love it when they have the town to themselves and a few of their friends in the off season. Tommy and I love the hunting and the fishing. Gretchen and Tammy are a bit less enthusiastic about that but they devour the naturally beauty just as much. The girls love the shopping in town in all the quaint shops with the same fervor we boys like to fish.

A few nights after I liberated Tammy. The two of us had a heart to heart talk. Tammy confessed that she really enjoyed a lot of the sex with Brandon. "If he had a real personality he could be the best husband and lover on the planet, but his ego is too shallow and self-absorbed. But he IS phenomenal in the sack. It is really weird how he understands instinctively what to give a woman in bed but hasn't the faintest notion on how to treat her anywhere else."

Tammy said that she did not want to hurt me just that she was being honest. I confessed to her that the way Brandon treated her turned me on far more than I wanted to admit. When Tammy viewed the videos she saw what I meant and agreed that she looked very beautiful in them. She wanted me to save the videos "For those days, years from now when I am an old crone." I told her she would never turn into one of those. At last she broached the real subject. The time with Brandon made Tammy realize how much she enjoyed sex and how our own sex life had been lagging lately and how it had little variety or novelty. ... Eventually Tammy confessed that she wanted to take an occasional lover. She thought I would benefit from one as well. "There are a lot of things I sublimated as a housewife," she said. That night we talked well into the next morning. I eventually saw the wisdom of Tammy's idea. It helped that she wasn't pissed in the least when I told her what I had to do to get Sandy to cooperate.

There are many young and beautiful couples who come to this resort. They enjoy the summer air and look very handsome on the sunny beaches.We make enough money now to hire a nanny. On summer nights you are apt to find Tammy and I engaging in conversation with these young, and often horny, couples. A few times a summer, we encounter the perfect couple and we let them take us home. I can still recall one night, while enjoying another wife, I looked across the room just as her husband discovered Tammy's tattoo. As he oohed and aahed, Tammy winked at me and signaled in our secret language "I love you."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

If this story was real life, the husband is a total cunt, just buy a fuckin gun and shoot the sob while he is fucking your wife and claim he was raping her, no one would question it, but it seems the husband is another sad jerk happy to pimp out the woman he loves for his own kicks, loser.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 2 years ago

She liked it. She told her husband. Therefore this was just cheating and she should be dumped accordingly. What husband wants to hear that his wife enjoyed the man who abused and tortured him emotionally and psychologically? The author needs help.

camtrezcamtrezover 2 years ago

Yes the story is fairly enjoyable. Why do so many writers at the end of these kind of stories introduce the swapping of partners as the next part of thier characters lives ?

Would it not be sufficient for them to reignite their sexual relationship after the brutality that she suffered at the hands of Brandon by experimenting?

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

This story of two very co-dependent, mentally damaged people wouldn't be so bad, except they're raising children. This evokes that famous line, "You need a license to own a dog, but any butt-reaming asshole can have a kid!"

Harvey8910Harvey8910over 3 years ago

I did not find the story erotic at all. It was a story of power. Brandon enslaved Tammy and taunted Randy about it. Randy got together with Sandy and learned enough to take Tammy back, destroy the union support for Brandon, and move the family to South Carolina. I got through all eight chapters and my comments often after reading a chapter what "more of the same"

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The best part about this story is the wildly erratic comments.

This isn’t a story about a cheating wife / cuckold fetish, it’s a story about a couple who were blackmailed and the wife was raped, abused and degraded NONE of those things are erotic at all. If this fictional couple in this fictional story were able to spruce up their fictional sex lives the good for them.

So in other words it’s an absolute waste of time, well almost at least now I know to put the author on my *ignore* list.

Overall it’s cliched, predictable and plain depressing.

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Another chapter

Where she goes back to him would be nice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I dont know why cuck dont just admit they are self hating closeted wimps

and just start taking cock directly rather than second hand

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
maybe go back to brandon?

Maybe have her go back to Brandon and leave him?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Disappointing conclusion

I don't think anyone wanted a happy ending!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Unfortunate ending...

It feels like the story ended way too suddenly, almost like the writer lost his story and needed to end it quickly.

The other chapters were great, this one wasn't.

MunchDKMunchDKalmost 7 years ago

A lot of anonymous readers do not seem to understand the concept of fiction?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Ending Sucked!

So the happy couple ride into the sunset having their marriage scarred by that asshole. She said to her husband what took you so long to rescue me? This from the woman who convinced him to give her over to that asshole in the first place? The final straw was her telling the asshole that she may have left her husband if he had been kinder to her? So in less than a month she went from victim to a potential lover to the asshole? The fact that her husband bought all of this in the end makes him a wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Worse story

it bares any logic. Does the author live in a nuthouse? Or what's the reason his characters are all as dumb as a bread? Really worse what kind of "authors" are allowed to publish their crap on this board...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
A stock market metaphor

If one can suspend disbelief that a loving husband would agree to something so bizarre as giving his wife up to slavery even for a day much less a month, this story idea had a lot more potential but was just one slow abusive sex romp by an egomaniac.

As a metaphor for the stockmarket, things start out on an "up" day, there's a price spike of titillation, then the stock bubble bursts with interracial, forced piercings and a tat.

There's a dead cat bounce near the end when Randy does his ninja thing and his wife does the broken glass stabby thing, the stock stalls with the rushed relocation from town. Sadly, things crater to penny stock status when the wife said she wants to have more lovers.

I guess an "I love you" in sign language is as easy to say as the 3 little words, and just as meaningless to some people.

impo_60impo_60about 9 years ago
I agree with @javmor79...

I agree with @javmor79...As soon as the wife said: " If you weren't such an asshole, I MIGHT have considered, at least for a little while, moving in with you." the husband should have known that their marriage was over, that she didn't love him or the children!!! She would easily trade them for the lover if he was a tender guy with lots of money!!! 1*

hardwettalkhardwettalkover 9 years ago

My god how do the anonami do it, a bible in one hand a 2 inch dick in the other and they still manage to type.

Hot story, well written. Its good that Tammy gets to pass her bush around once in a wile. its good for the sole and makes her hotter for you. A human dynamic the bible thumppers will never get, woman own there bodies, taking it out for an oil change keeps the performance up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
great ending!

I wish they didn't want to bring other people into their bed and instead were gloriously kinky in a monogamous way - still I am glad they got back together...

javmor79javmor79over 9 years ago

She admitted that she would have left if Brandon had a better personality, and he feels that she loves him? This should scare the shit out of him. All she needs to do is find a guy worth leaving him for and she is in the wind. The fact that he doesn't see anything wrong with this is both sad and funny.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
What a crappy story.

For those who loved this shit, get a life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well now that we ALL no that Tammy is no longer a faithful wife ...

... and is instead now just another cheating, disgusting, three hole cum dump, WHORE to be used and then discarded like so much used toilet paper we can all move on!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Read the whole series and it's the best I've ever read. Few things don't make sense but hey it's a story. Good work I enjoyed this a lot

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Ending was too short!

There is a lot of passion that the ending might have covered. What about Tammies drug usage? Her recovery and cleaning up would prove a lot of love and agony. What about her readjustment to being with kids all day? That takes at least a bit of doing. Last of all, about her readjustment to housewife, and soccer wife, after everything being about pure sex? The ending might have been best of all...

FA_JFFA_JFabout 10 years ago
Nonnie Tammy =

So what does that make Randall, the hubby that gave her away and Brandon, the asswipe who forced her away? And I think hubby was all aboard for the later swinging, was he not?

I'll wait patiently over here for the answer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Tammy =

Cheating, Three Hole, Cum Dump, Skank, Cunt ... nothing more needs to be said!!!!

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