Bound and In Love Ch. 03


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"I love you." Michael whispered and wrapped his arms around Thomas' broad shoulder.

"I care for you so much, Michael." Thomas stroked his face and made him come. Michael couldn't stop the sob that escaped his body as his orgasmic pleasure washed over him. Thomas kept looking him in the eyes as he joined him. Michael hadn't even realized that Thomas was stroking himself the whole time.

"I don't think I could survive without you." Thomas admitted into his neck as they washed each other clean.

"You're my soul, Thomas. I'd never leave you. I couldn't. How would this work if I can't be your sub?"

"We'll make it work. I need you in my life, Michael."

"I love you."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise." Michael's kissed the patch above Thomas' heart and Thomas clutched him to his chest with a kiss to the top of his head.

"Now I have you in my life I finally feel complete. I can no longer feel my demons inside me."

"I've loved you for so long, Thomas. I can't remember a time when I didn't love you." Thomas lifted Michael and took his to the bedroom. They both lied on the bed just looking each other in the eyes. A few admissions were made throughout the day but nothing major.


"When are you going home?" Michael asked the next day as he pushed his books into his backpack. Small cries of passion were drifting from Sebastian's room and had been for nearly an hour.  The couple had finally decided to act on their actions. Michael licked his still salty lips remembering the blowjob Thomas had demanded when he'd woken this morning.

"I wasn't going to go home until you had a break. If that's alright with you I mean..." Thomas wrapped his arms around Michael from behind him and kissed his neck before running his hand down the front of his black shirt. "I could leave a little earlier to set things up for our week."

"I'd love for you to stay but won't it hurt your club?" Michael turned into the big arms and rested his head over Thomas' heart.

"No, I asked Gabe to cover for me."

"He can?" Michael rubbed his cheek against the soft cotton of Thomas' work-out shirt and sighed quietly.  He would have loved to have another day at home with his man but college called regretfully.

"Yes. He's been in the scene for almost as long as me so knows what is good and what is bad."

"There was something I've been wondering."

"What's that, darlin'?"

"You said you and Rudy got together when you were fifteen, right?"

"Yeah..." Thomas sat on the edge of the sofa and surveyed Michael from across the room.

"Well Chad told me that Blaine told him that you'd just gotten out of a ten year relationship. You'd had to have been eighteen."

"I officially started dating Rudy when I was twenty. I never told my family about him before then. I understand what you mean by the misunderstanding."

"I was confused because at one time it was ten years and the next it was eight. That is all. Thank you for clearing it up for me."

"Anything else you want to know?"

"Yeah, Blaine told me that you told him that your first time was in the back of Paul's which is now Midnight."

"I lost my virginity when I was 17. Rudy never touched me in that way. Not until I was legal anyway. He never knew about me and Gabe, I never wanted him to."

"Wow. I always thought Rudy was some pedophile who liked teenage boys. And I didn't know you slept with Gabe," Michael swung himself onto Thomas' lap and kissed him gently with a smile. "I'm glad he wasn't the one to take your virginity."

"What about you? Who did you first fuck with?"

"I told you. I've only been with one guy...well two now if you count."

"I remember you saying his name was Robert. How did you meet him?" Thomas stroked his fingers down Michael's ribs and watched as the smaller man shivered and sighed quietly.

"Do I really have to tell you about this?"

"Please? I want to know everything about you."

"We were both in the LGBT club at school. We were both virgins and decided to get it out of the way. I topped him then he topped me."

"So you've topped?" Thomas grinned and leant back in the armchair, having great fun watching his Michael squirm under the stare.

"Once..." Michael trailed off as Sebastian came out of the bedroom in a robe. He blushed prettily and waved at them. "Did you have sex?"

"Um...yes..." Sebastian nodded and Michael stood up with a grin and a squeal. He wrapped his arms around Sebastian and jumped up and down.

"Was it good?"

"Michael, stop fishing for details. You've got to go to college."

"So have they!" Michael whined and turned to Thomas with a pout.

"Actually we've got the morning off. Lucas told the professor about our relationship and he demanded that we go get tested." Sebastian chewed on his bottom lip and fiddled with the bath robe.

"Are teachers allowed to do that?" Thomas asked as he stood and handed Michael his backpack. Michael took it with a pout and turned to Sebastian again.

"I guess so. Tell me everything when I get home?"


"Come on, brat. Let's get you to college before you get into trouble." Thomas squeezed the back of Michael neck and tugged him to the door. Michael sighed loudly but allowed Thomas to take him to the little garage behind the apartment complex.

"Put this on." Thomas handed him a motorbike helmet and Michael slid it over his carefully styled hair and grinned at Thomas. "Why have you got your sex grin on?"

"What's a sex grin?" Michael tilted his head to the side and watched as Thomas shrugged into a leather jacket and stuck his helmet on his head.

"You get this little grin when you're horny. It's adorable to be honest."

"I do not!" Michael glared at Thomas who just chuckled before climbing onto the green and black bike. He patted the seat behind him and Michael climbed onto the contraption before wrapping his arms around Thomas' hard stomach.

The trip to the college wasn't long and Michael was soon climbing off the bike. Thomas swung his leg around but didn't get off the bike.

"What do you mean sex grin?" Michael put his hands on his hips and frowned at Thomas who was still laughing.

"Every time you get horny you have this grin. It's a mix between a smirk and a grin. That's how I know you want to fuck."

"Thomas..." Michael blushed as a group of cheerleaders bustled past them, all giggly and smelling like perfume.

"I'll get you to say it more, darlin'. I love when you talk dirty." Thomas stood and pulled Michael into his arms and stopping his protest with a kiss. Michael melted immediately into his arms and accepted the kiss. A bell rang in the background and Michael heaved himself away with a disappointed sigh.

"Until later, love."

"I love you."

"Later, Mikey." Thomas kissed his cheek before hopping back on the bike and riding down the gravel road to the college. His first lesson was biology so he trotted to the lab with his backpack. They had to take swabs of the interior of their mouths to compare the cells to the inside of an animal's mouth.

He swiped the cotton bud on his tongue and cheeks before wiping it over the little glass slide. He squeezed the two glass slides together and watched his saliva pool into a circle. He then slid the glass under the microscope and zoomed into the saliva. Lucas patted him on the back and Michael waved with one hand at him.

"Let me see." Lucas grabbed the microscope from him and looked inside. He came up with a puzzled expression.

"I know. I don't think things should be swimming. Right?"

"Maybe we should ask the professor." Michael frowned and chewed his bottom lip. There was a cancer in the salivary glands. His heart pounded as Lucas waved Mr. Parker over and the older man hobbled his way to their table.

"What's wrong?"

"There is something swimming in mine." Michael turned the microscope to the professor who looked into it. He came up with a startled expression and Michael began to get worried. Maybe there was something wrong with him.

"What's the matter with it?"

"It's sperm..." Mr. Parker bent and whispered in his ear and Michael flushed as tears prickled his eyes. Embarrassment flooded him and he avoided eye contact with the professor. "It's perfectly normal."

"Are you okay, buddy?"

"I hate Thomas. That was his fault." Michael wiped at the tears and clenched his fists tight. He knew getting upset wasn't going to fix this but it made him feel a whole lot better.

"What was it?"

"Sperm. Thomas wanted me to suck him off before we got out of bed this morning." Michael clenched his fists and tried to stop the tears flowing.

"Are you alright?"

"I just want to go home." The class bell rang and they were dismissed.

"Michael one second please." Mr. Parker asked and he stood behind as the rest of the class exited.


"I just wanted to let you know that it is perfectly normal and we hold a LGBT club every Thursday if you're interested."

"Thank you. I'll think about it."


 Michael asked to leave early and Mr. Parker granted him permission to have the rest of the day off. Instead of calling Thomas to come and pick him up he decided to walk.

It didn't take that long to get home and when he did he was angry. Every time he thought about it he just got angrier. He slammed open the door and watched in satisfaction as it bounced against the wall before bouncing back. Thomas was in the living room lifting weights as Michael tossed his bag on the sofa.

"Why are you home, darlin'?"

"I hate you!" Michael yelled and grabbed a nearby book to toss at Thomas who neatly dodged it with a concerned frown.

"What have I done?"

"We had to do saliva samples this morning and there was sperm in mine!" Michael cried as Thomas smiled and started to laugh. "It's not funny. It was humiliating and your entire fault."

"I'm sorry? Accidents happen."

"Yeah they do! You fall over and scrape your knee. Not having sperm show up in your saliva!" He stomped his foot as fresh tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Calm down, sweetheart. You're getting yourself worked up over nothing." Thomas stepped forward and placed his hands on his panicking man. Michael sniffed and hiccupped before resting his head on Thomas' broad chest.

"I'm sorry too. I don't hate you."

"I know."

"How about we go to bed?" Thomas stroked his hand down Michael's face and bought the pretty blue eyes to look at him.

"That is what got us here in the first place. I'd rather talk."

"What about?" Thomas sat on the ratty sofa and pulled Michael down to an embrace.

"Anything. Everything."

"I want to learn more about your past sexual experience." Thomas stroked his fingers through blonde hair and looked down at Michael.

"Can we talk about anything but that?" Michael blushed and hid his face in Thomas' shoulder.

"Why? What is so embarrassing about your past?"

"I'm nineteen and only slept with two people my whole life and with one of them I got caught by his parents the other likes to show me off to a bunch of people. Nothing exciting or extraordinary."

"I like that you've only slept with two people. I being one of them is even better. If you don't want me showing you off then I won't."

"I like you showing me off." Michael admitted.

"Good, because I love doing it. So you've never had any experience in the scene whatsoever?"

"No. I told you that when we were at your home."

"Okay. The contract is just a guideline. Why don't you tell me about that embarrassing experience?"

"I don't want to." Michael nuzzled his face further into Thomas' shoulder and Thomas hooked him under the chin and bought him closer to his own face.

"Tell me, darlin'."

"We were fucking and his dad walked in on us. Needless to say that I never saw him again considering his dad was a homophobic asshole." Michael blurted out as he stared into Thomas' beautiful eyes.

"You said fucking and asshole all in one sentence. How are your cheeks not blazing?" Thomas stroked his thumb over one of Michael's cheek with a smirk.

"Oh..." Michael realized that he actually had said those two words and his cheeks did finally blaze. Thomas chuckled and pulled Michael onto his lap before rolling him over on the couch. Michael squealed as Thomas poised his hands beside Michael's ribs.

"No, please don't!"

"Wrong answer." Thomas chuckled before tickling him on the ribs. Michael made a squealing giggle and tried to roll out from underneath Thomas. The larger man straddled his hips and tickled his stomach gently.

"Thomas! Thom stop!"  Michael laughed out and hiccupped. Thomas leant down and kissed down his neck gently as the tickling slowly stopped. Michael was left panting from the tickling and the mark that Thomas was obviously now bringing up on the side of his neck.


"What do you want, Mikey?" Thomas whispered against his neck.

"You inside me."

"Nut-uh..."  Thomas shook his head as he sat up and ran his fingertips over Michael's shirt covered stomach. "No fucking until I've trained you properly."

"Thom..." Michael whined and Thomas bent down to kiss him. Michael willingly let Thomas kiss him and soon they were making out on the couch. The door opened a few moments later but neither of them was willing to part.

"Let the man breath!" Lucas said as he grabbed the back of Michael's neck and pulled him away from Thomas' lips. Thomas grinned and licked his lips before standing.

"The professor told me about an LGBT club." Sebastian murmured as he sat down on the sofa with a wince. Lucas rubbed his back before kissing his cheek. Lucas whispered something in Sebastian's ear and he nodded.

"Yeah, he told me about it too. I was thinking about going maybe," Michael said as he poured orange juice into a glass. Thomas gave him a grim smile and nodded at him. His man had gone pale and looked a little green around the gills. "Are you alright, Thom?"

"Fine, just a bit of stomach ache. I'll take some painkillers and lay down." Thomas said to him as he reached into the overhead cupboard to get a bottle of painkillers. He downed two before heading to the bedroom. Michael followed him and sat on the side of the bed while Thomas climbed in.

"You're sweating." Michael said as he placed his hand against Thomas' forehead.

"I'll be fine, love."

"I've got a project that needs to be done with Lucas. We'll be in the living room so call me if you need me. Okay?"

"Promise." Thomas slurred as he slowly drifted to sleep.


"Maybe you should go to the hospital..." Michael worried.

"Just give me more painkillers. I'll be alright." Thomas winced as he sat up in the bed and clutched his stomach.  Michael handed him to bottle and a glass of water. Michael helped him get comfortable and sat beside him with a book.

The clock read 3.58pm when Thomas woke in agony.

"I don't care what you say we're getting you to a hospital." Michael yelled Lucas into the bedroom, the only other person except Thomas that could drive, before helping Thomas from the bed and into some jeans.

The drive to the hospital was bumpy and painful for Thomas. The A&E department was expecting them so they were arrived quickly and they had Thomas in a gown and on the way down to surgery within the hour.


"Jack...its Michael. Thomas is in the hospital."

"What happened?" Jack's voice was immediately woken up. He heard rustling and Jack whispering to Tina to wake up.

"The doctor said his appendix was close to rupturing and they had to get him into surgery immediately. He's been in there for almost an hour." Michael sobbed and held a hand over his mouth.

"Don't worry, son. We're on our way."

Michael hung the pay phone up and sat down next to Sebastian who wrapped his arm around him. Michael rested his head on Sebastian's skinny shoulder and watched the clock tick past. Jack and Tina didn't arrive until early hours of the morning. He still hadn't heard anything from the doctor.

"He's been out of surgery for almost nine hours. I don't know why they didn't let you in to see him..." Jack announced as he returned from the desk. "He's asking for you."

Michael stood up and rushed to the small room that they had Thomas inside. He looked pale and sick. Chocolate eyes opened and smiled slowly at him.

"Have you been crying, Mikey?" Thomas whispered and Michael nodded before climbing into the bed with Thomas, mindful of the tubes and wires attached to his strong man. Thomas' next words made him smile and cry at the same time.

"Something so sad shouldn't come from something so beautiful..." Thomas turned to nuzzle his nose into Michael's relatively clean hair.

"I love you."

"Mm, I'll never tire of hearing you say that."

"I mean it."

"I know you do. Next week isn't going to happen now, love."

"We'll wait until you're better..." Michael stroked his fingers over the blue gown that Thomas' was wearing and smiled up at him. Thomas smiled at him and cracked a yawn. "Sleep."

"Only if you stay with me."

"I'm never leaving..." Michael closed his eyes and soon snores were coming from Thomas. He just rested without actually falling asleep.


"Who would have thought that our boys and girl would find the love of their lives?" Tina asked as she wrapped her arms around Jack.

"I'm pretty sure Thomas knew he'd found his years ago. He just couldn't do anything about it." Jack stroked his wife's grey-streaked hair and smiled at her.

"If only he let go of his past then maybe he would finally be able to move forward with Michael."

"Give him a little longer. It won't be long now..."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Come back!!!

Please finish the story! I need more!

canndcanndover 8 years ago
I wish this had been finished

This was a good story. Just wish it had been finished.

canndcanndalmost 10 years ago
Where is the ending

i agree this is isn't an ending...there are too many loose ends. Even Thom's parents said he wasn't there yet. He hasn't even said 'I love you.' What part of his past specifically is stopping him from doing so? It's not like Rudy and Michael are a bit alike. right off the bat their relationship is the exact opposite of what he had with Rudy. We also don't know if Michael can accept the lifestyle fully. I thought it was wrong of Thom to initially say to Michael 'If you accept the lifestyle then maybe we have a future.' yet he wanted him to want it for himself and not b/c Thom wanted it. The kid is so in love with him, he will definitely do whatever it takes, including living the lifestyle even if he doesn't like it, to keep Thom in his life. At least in the hospital, he said he'd make it work either way.

Another thing that was crappy was saying if he accepted it they could be exclusive. Does that mean he is still with other subs? I feel badly that michael has such a need for love and acceptance that he will accept any breadcrumbs Thom throws at him. I wish he learned to demand what he wants, just like Thom does. Well, I hope you will finish this. it sucks when you want to know what happens and it never is completed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Plz post next chapter soon!!!!!

dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
oh please let there be more

We need to know how it finishes

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
More Please!

I very much want Thomas and Michael to have a HEA like Chad and Blaine. Put Thomas' demons to rest and have Michael be all he needs in life so that they can llive a happy, slightly more conventional life together. Maybe he can continue to manage his business but stop the training sections, officially. Also can we have a full version of Sebastian and Lucas' love story. Why does Lucas seem afraid of commitment and why does Sebastian not like to sleep alone? You weave questions into the stories so that rather than ending them you leave us wanting more. SO GET TO POSTING. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Bound and In Love Ch.04

How long until chapter 4 is posted.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

This story is Amazing! Do you hear me Baby789? This Story is Fucking Amazing. You, Baby789,are amazing, And talented. Write more. Write stories, and all kinds of them too. U can be a serious writer. But while you are writing and being amazing, don't forget to submit more parts of this story, I'm so hooked! Can't wait to read more ...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Loving it

I'm a woman who has been abused all her life and normally i don't read bdsm stories. I gave this one a chance cause i love this site. Good god those two are lovely i can feel their love .

love you stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Love it!!!

I totally love this story, even more than Chad & Blaines story.

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