But I Don't Smoke - Simon's Story


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She fell onto my chest and coughed a little a couple time, I assume from the vigorous sex and then snuggled down and hugged me deeply. I could feel her heartbeat pounding against my chest, it was amazing intense sex. Readers WOW!

As we lay there my brain was rather manly, it moved on from sex it then turned to food, and I suggested that maybe I could try cooking a fry up for her, she nodded as her lungs focused on another cigarette as she rolled off me and then when to her bag to find a new pack of cigarettes.

As I was awake, she grabbed the bedsheet and like a large white wedding gown around her she groaned and shuffled back outside hoicking up the sheet as she went so, she could have her "post sex" smoke outside while I cooked breakfast.

With the bacon and sausages in the pan, I poked my head out to the cockpit to see my gorgeous girlfriend wrapped in the bedsheet smiling and enjoying her cigarette. As she yet again dragged hard on the cigarette, I sarcastically suggested that she was in no hurry to give up; she smiled, ignored the question, and then exhaled her smoke from deep within her lungs and suggested that I made us both a coffee, as her head was feeling a little delicate.

I picked up the empty wine bottle we missed last night rolling on the floor of the cockpit and suggested that this was the reason for the headache, and she almost growled at me before again bringing up the idea of coffee.

As I got on the with the coffee D dropped the sheet and ran naked to the toilet, I am not sure if she was sick, she didn't say she was. I did check that she was okay, and she mumbled that she was. Readers the way she demolished the beers and wine last night, I would be surprized if she wasn't! But either way when she came back from the head, she grabbed the coffee from me and headed back outside, wrapped herself in the sheet and lit yet another cigarette.

We had breakfast, fried breakfast on a boat out at sea is something special, I think it's the salt air, mixed with camping thing, either way it was lovely. D suggested before we tidied up the boat and set off back to the marina, that she really ought to have yet another coffee for her hangover. I smiled and rolled my eyes and headed back into the boat and as she lit another cigarette, I boiled the kettle.

We actually managed to have sex in the small shower after the coffees (and her couple more cigarettes), I am not quite sure how, the space was tiny, but I am not complaining, it was good fun.

Eventually we got dressed and tidied the boat up so that we could set sail stowing anything lose that might fall over, I made sure D's cigarettes were secure, but easily accessible and we started to head back to the marina. Luckily the wind direction hadn't changed overnight, so it was combination of run and a reach back to the marina, so D didn't have to work out too much on her hungover head and stomach.

I left her on deck helming the boat and made us a quick lunch once we were underway; I was quite pleased with the speed of the journey we made it back to the marina before 3.30!

We spent about half an hour unpacking the boat and tidying it up, I had dropped the sails early and D helped as we had motored in so that I could roll and pack the sails before we got into the marina, which was useful.

D sort of demanded a "rest" and cigarette before started unloading the boat and took everything back to the car. At least the food and wine bags were lighter because they were much emptier this time, I think I clocked that D even gulped at how many cigarettes butts where in her very full glass-cum-ashtray when she tipped it in to the bin bag before we did the final washing down. That didn't include those she flicked away...

We set off in the car, and after a while went via a McDonald's to grab some food, I guess we were both starving. As we sat in the queue of drivethru, D had a pre-dinner cigarette. That I think was the reason she chose to eat it in the food in the car. When we parked up, we both noted how many other couples were parked up eating and smoking, which gave her reason to light up as soon as we had finished eating.

I dropped her off at home by 9, the sun was close to setting, we kissed and groped and loved each other, I did offer to help her get her stuff into the house, and she refused, and said she could do it herself.

She waved at me as I drove off, I stopped around the corner and opened the glovebox and opened the air freshener and attached it to the rear-view mirror, as the parents did warn me to make sure the car didn't stink of her cigarettes!

I certainly looked forward to my own bed that night, but sort of missed the sexy naked D being beside me. 

10 th August.

D had a delivery day with her mom, and then in the afternoon her mates turned up so we couldn't see each other, we texted each other a couple of times, and I received a selfie of the three good looking girls in the bikinis all together with cigarettes dangled from the corner of their mouths. Even with the cigarettes protruding from their lips it was rather cute photo, I love D.

I hope I will get to see her before she leaves for Uni in the coming days.

11 th August

Got an excited phone call from D yesterday afternoon after she had been to the gym- it is good to hear that- even though she is ploughing through cigarettes like there is no tomorrow. She is still going to the gym, that should clear out some of the awful gunk she is continuously putting in! Anyway, the point of the call was that she would like me to come over for a double date with her mom's new man!

It was good that we didn't have to meet up until later in the day, not that I didn't want to see her, it's because I am also packing to go to college. All good fun, you don't realise how many clothes you have until you try putting them in just one suitcase. I am purposely leaving the summer clothes behind.

I arrived and as instructed I headed in. D had told me they were likely to be in the garden. As I came in the front door, I found both D and her mom standing in the kitchen in almost identical poses and from behind the other way to tell them apart is that her Mom is slightly shorter and not being rude ever so slightly bigger hipped! They were both standing there with the cigarette in their left hand, the elbow slightly cocked to keep it away from the body deep in conversation with her mom's "boyfriend" J. They almost had synchronised inhales, it was amusing to briefly see, and I wish I had taken a photo.

It didn't take them long to stub those out and light up again. -Readers, yup it soon dawned on me that it was going to be one of those nights again. At least this time I had male company.

You should have seen the ferocity of the first two inhales that D took on the cigarette her mom offered her; it was like her life depended on it, rather than being her usual stylish look, it was sheer desperation on her face. I guess being at the gym in the afternoon had deprived her of her frequent nicotine top ups. I was parked with D and J in the back yard with a nice beer and sort of had to get to know him as her mom had to cook the tea.

He seemed a decent chap, a little older than her mom but was interesting to talk to. D's Mom kept popping back outside to offer more beer and then of course take another cigarette from the pack she was sharing with D. What was interesting was D was being reserved to start with, and not trying keep up with her mom in that regard, guess she was trying to show J that she wasn't desperately addicted as the rest of us actually know she is...it must have been torture for her!

I think that in the hour and a half or so that we were waiting for food that she must have smoked 2 or 3 cigarettes, which is extremely slow paced for her!

The meal was good, D's mom can certainly cook a great meal, just the right amount of flavour and herbs and things. She is also not afraid of offering wine to be social. It was a really nice evening seeing as I have never met the guy before, it was a good laugh.

As D and her mom got more relaxed with the never-ending glasses of wine, there was definitely a step change in the way that they smoke their cigarettes, that they don't really finish either.

After we had deserts and it was mooted that we retired to the living room, I had to go to the toilet, so we missed the opportunity to blag the two-seater sofa together and D and I ended up both squished into the corner chair. Which was probably right, seeing as it wasn't our house!

Readers...there was something exciting. It did mean I could tease D something rotten. After a bit of jiggery pokery and rearranging ourselves, we got comfortable and she ended up sitting on the arm of comfy chair with her legs across me, "somehow" my hand ended up underneath her bottom, as she was wearing one of her shortish pink skirts, it meant my hand had direct access to her knickers! So...every time she leant forward to reach the ashtray or get another cigarette and Readers that was an extremely frequent occurrence, my fingers slid further and harder against the surprisingly silky gusset- I guess she had some new knickers on and maybe Readers only occasionally my index finger slipped off the silk and err in... I know that was dangerous with her mom's and her new partner just the other side of the coffee table but boy was it good fun...I couldn't work out for the first half an hour or so if her constant flicking of the cigarette was because she needed to ash it, or whether she was enjoying my fingers...

On the occasions she went to the bathroom at least I could get feeling back in my arm, she isn't at all heavy, but still my arm was crunched up in the sofa.

On the last visit to the bathroom visit of the evening, she came back and wiggled and returned her backside to the same place she had been before just on my hand. Readers it was her turn to tease me, so I resumed with my fingers only to discover she had cheekily removed her knickers whilst in the bathroom...so she was definitely enjoying what I was doing with my fingers after all...crikey was she wet for me.

As it got later and the bottle of wine we had been working through was finished, J stood up and thanked everyone for a great night, but he had to get home as he had work in the morning. D's Mom sprung up off the sofa to go to the bathroom and then show him out the door. As we waited for her mom the three of us had some general nosey chat about what J did for a job, which after a couple of glasses of wine sounds enthralling, but I think he was actually he was just a business accountant.

D's Mom came back from the bathroom and sort of ushered J out the door. I assume that they wanted some alone time. D conveniently stubbed a cigarette out, I am not sure if she was on the same wave length or it was just pure fluke, we fell back on to the sofa that had just been vacated together and we passionately kissed and groped as much as we could get away. We were so bloody turned on it was amazing. Her Mom was just outside the front door, and I was deeply fingering D on the sofa. It was rather good fun. I am really going to miss her next week. It's going to be hard.

After what felt like only 30 seconds D batted me away and I rolled off her and fell on the floor! Once I got up and we made ourselves presentable, and tried not to be the naughty teenagers were... between the giggles and pulling and twisting the skirt back down and around and around to get it to look right a couple of times D pointed out we had no idea when her mom might walk back in.

We got ourselves in the "nothing to see here" position on the sofa as her mom came back in smiling, you could tell she had just kissed J outside, her hair was more than slightly ruffled..., she gave D a motherly look and a very quick raised eyebrow and then D suggested that I go to the bathroom first to get ready for bed. I think that was not so covert code for, I am going to have a womanly chat and cigarette with my mom before bed...

I went to the bathroom, which ever had the aroma of cigarette smoke as D and mom had traversed in and out all day and night. Washed my teeth, I still think it was clever of me to bring and leave a toothbrush there for such occasions.

I undressed and got in to bed, and waited for D to come, I thought she wouldn't be long...but as those two like to gossip and to smoke, it took a little longer than I anticipated.

Eventually D poked her head around the door, smiled and said she was heading to the bathroom, it felt a bit strange sitting in her girly bedroom on my own, but eventually she sauntered in grinning, obviously the conversation with her mom had gone well. She quickly got undressed and climbed in to bed and on top of me! There is one huge advantage of that kiss is it's all minty and fresh...

August 12 th

You know I mentioned before that her filters on her Virginia slims are always stained that awful dark brown...well you can tell what a heavy night on those filter-less Pall Malls are doing to her lungs.

You should have heard her trying to stifle her morning cough. I just stayed in bed pretending to sleep, hell, what can I do to her when she is coughing? Sit up and demand she stops smoking? We've been there once, and it didn't end well. Anyway, she got out of bed letting the cold air in under the duvet- think that is a worse crime than coughing! As it then went quiet, I guess she padded out of bedroom to hunt for her cigarettes as she returned a few minutes later and climbed back into bed letting the cold air back in again. Her aim was to clearly light more of those Pall Mall's. I am getting to know the different smells of smoke now. Plus, the red pack on the bed side table later on was a big clue...

After what I have learnt is the opening of fresh pack routine as there was angrily tat-tat-tat as she bashed the pack against her arm, there was another deep cough followed by the click of the lighter it clearly did the trick as she stopped groaning and tutting to herself as she then sighed- I guess with her exhale, I am concerned readers she is desperately addicted to these cigarettes now and what they are doing to her, maybe she was just hungover and thought cigarettes rather than water would help? As the wafts of her exhaled cigarette smoke bathing the bed in smoke as with my eyes closed I could easily imagine as she sucked hard on the cigarette inhaling and exhaling large clouds of blue smoke as she clearly relaxed, somehow even with my nose being tickled by the smoke I then fell back to sleep again, okay I can't lie I was rather hungover too.  I surprisingly woke up to her trying to sneak around the bed all freshly showered; the change of smell to that of strawberry based body wash she uses was probably what woke me!

As she was all scrubbed and smelling fresh and clean and very much naked, I pulled back the duvet to reveal my morning glory and dragged her very willingly back in to the bed...What a lovely way to wake up for the second time that morning. Even if she insisted in lighting another toxic smelling Pall Mall as soon as she had rolled off me a few minutes later. It's a contrast between the smoke and fruit sometimes with this girl!

For what is our last morning together before going our separate ways to college it was a great morning, almost like being on the boat, but in a house. We got up and had breakfast with her mom, who after I gentlemanly helped her load the car with today's deliveries suggested she could drive and smoke on her own today and didn't need D's help and then she swiftly headed off, leaving D and I alone in the house.

As we heard the car accelerate off the driveway, D smiled inhaled deeply on her cigarette and stubbed it out in the ashtray on the kitchen table as she exhaled, and then with a cheeky grin on her face pulled her t-shirt over her head and dropped her grey jogging bottoms to the kitchen floor to reveal she hadn't bothered putting her underwear on and pulled me over to the sofa "to properly finish off last night" she said between kisses.

It was a quiet time, there really any passion, and it was just us two and the closeness, naked me inside her, but ultimately together.

I know we are going our separate ways in the coming hours, but she is certainly putting her little finger around me and pulling us close. After a while of kissing and hugging, she needed another cigarette, was that 4 or 5 since she woke up? It was only like 930! We got up and she boiled the kettle for another coffee. Just like when we were on the boat, we took the coffees outside...yes, I was stark bollock naked, but hey, we were leaving town tomorrow...

We sat there in the early morning sun just looking at each other very much naked, and Readers she is extremely pretty look at with or without clothes on and we were smiling almost childishly at each other drinking our coffees and in her case chain smoking as well. Readers, it pains me to say it, I will miss her, she does look absolutely stunning sitting in the sun lounger naked, her bright white pert breasts and large puffy brown nipples, her tanned firm stomach, and her trimmed fuzz between her toned legs. Of course, she had a cigarette between her fingers with a stream of smoke pouring off it in the breeze, between the frequent inhale-exhale routine but it's an as an extension of her, it prolongs her arms and makes her look sophisticated, it's scary to see how the cigarette and D have become one. She is an amazing girl. I, readers, am so lucky!

After the coffee was finished, I needed to head to the bathroom, so we both headed in. I confirmed to her that I really needed to get home to pack my stuff to go too. Readers, her face was so sad, you could see the tears building up in her eyes. I promised to come back for an early dinner or something before spending the evening my parents, which I think was only fair. She nodded we kissed and cuddled and slowly got dressed.

I don't like leaving a gorgeous girl, my smoking hot girlfriend, looking so sad, but I had to. As I walked down the drive to my car on the road, I looked back and could see her with yet another freshly cigarette between her fingers waving and blowing kisses through the front window as she exhaled...and this time I was going to be back in a few hours!

And to think that there was all this talk of quitting before going to college...somehow the way she was ploughing through cigarettes this afternoon, I don't think her body is going to let quitting happen tomorrow or any time soon, and I was not man enough to even question it. It really wasn't worth it.

I distracted myself at home and my mom helped me get all my stuff in the bags and boxes and move them to the garage so that tomorrow morning we can pack the car.

I headed back to D's house at about 430, she had just got back from saying goodbye to A, clearly distracting herself from packing, and as A has a non-smoking house, D was in the living room with her mom lighting a cigarette after cigarette to catch back up. Her eyes were bloodshot and there was a pile of scrunched up tissues on the table in front of them; I guess both of them have been crying. It's clear she is nervous about tomorrow and the future, and it's sad that she needs the cigarette as a prop to make her feel better, but if D is happy, then I guess, I am happy?

D's Mom got up off the sofa and moved to the corner chair to allow me to hug and be close to D. Think she appreciated the hug. I tried to explain that everything was going to be fine, and that is was just part of life's adventures- that's what my Dad told me last night. I also explained that she wasn't losing me, we can ring/message/WhatsApp/Facetime whenever she wants, and I am sure that once we are settled in, I can make my way across to her college if the opportune moment arises. She nodded at me, and snuggled closer into my body and drew deeply on her cigarette.