All Comments on 'By The Numbers Ch. 01'

by slyc_willie

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Point of usage

This is the 3rd of your stories where I've noticed you used the word "graced" when I think you mean "grazed." Funny how a little thing like that can take the reader down a side track at the most inappropriate moment. You're too good a writer to let something like that trip you up so often. Please look 'em up, darlin'. If I'm wrong, and "graced" is what you really meant to use, please forgive me for mentioning it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
well done

good vision, feels like the reader is there. it seems like you may work in the BIZ. Keep it up!

SweetLittleLiarSweetLittleLiaralmost 17 years ago
Very damn hot ...

Fantastic piece of work, wonderfully written, delicious in every detail. I love this character and whatever game the girl is playing, it's just incredibly erotic. I'll be eagerly waiting for more.

rachlourachloualmost 17 years ago
Hot stuff !!

Do you ever write anything else?! Loved it - look forward to the next chapter.

RedHairedandFriendlyRedHairedandFriendlyalmost 17 years ago
I've been waiting and waiting...

finally you reveal to me this story!! Thank YOU! ;) It was another great read and we'll not go into details here about how great a reaction I had to it. Good job, sweets. ~ Red

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Excellent read

Every one of your stories has a big red H next to it. This one will shortly. Another great read.

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