Caleb 16 - Coming Home


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Josh's eyes widened as he got a huge mouthful of mine and Louise's cum. His cheeks bulged and I made him swallow it down, ready for the next one.

I could tell he was right there at the edge. With a wicked grin, I used my TK, but bypassed his asshole completely - all the better to surprise him. I found his prostate, and, with the incredibly fine control that I'd developed right along with my strength those past few weeks, I enveloped it with a psychic hand, squeezed just enough, and then made that hand vibrate.

Josh screamed so loudly into Louise's pussy that I was sure he could feel it in the tip of his own cock. He bucked like a madman; Louise rode him with her mouth and throat like a champion. The realization of his fantasy pushed him over the edge to his second huge orgasm of the session; he was blasting his red-hot seed into his girlfriend's throat and down into her belly, and I was making sure he wouldn't have a single drop left inside of him. Eventually, Louise lifted her mouth just enough so that she could save some for later.

Josh continued to suck Louise's cunt until he had gotten everything she had to offer. She even pushed her fingers inside herself to scoop out the last drops, wiping them onto his tongue, which he obligingly stuck out for her.

The final surprise for him was when she dismounted and turned around. She kissed him, forcing her mouthful of his cum into his mouth, making him swallow all of that too. She held the kiss until there was no cum left and they were both breathless.

I laid them down, side by side, and released them from my control before glancing at the clock. Fifty-eight minutes. Perfect timing.

I sat down in the chair, waiting for them to recover, hoping that I hadn't done any damage. I had been watching them closely, and everything I had had them do had been what they'd wanted. Their reactions to each new action and sensation had also been positive, but this was the first time I had done anything like this, and I was still nervous.

As expected, Louise was the first to speak.

"Fuck!" she said.

"Fuck," Josh agreed.

"Fuck," she reiterated.

"Fuck," he echoed.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, somewhere between amused and concerned.

"Define 'okay,'" said Josh.

"Fuck," added Louise helpfully.

"I thought that we would never have an experience as good as when we shared with you guys," said Josh, "but that - was - biblical."

"Fuck," Louise commented.

"Lou, are you all right?" I asked. I was actually starting to get a little worried I had done something to her brain.

"Promise me," she said finally, to my relief, "that we can do that again."

"Not tonight," I said, and she giggled.

"No," she said, "Not tonight. I'm sure if you Compelled us to, we could but... Fuck!"

I chuckled.

"Not every night," I said. "You guys need some time alone, but yes, if you are up for it then we can maybe do it again. Perhaps one of the twins might be persuaded to join us if you would like that."

Louise finally roused herself enough to sit up.

"Thank you, Caleb," she said. "That was amazing. It was everything I had hoped it would be, but it also left something for next time."

I raised an eyebrow. "Notes?"

She shook her head. "I would never, Caleb," she said. "That was... fuck." She smiled knowingly at that one. "I'm just saying that I'm not out of ideas."

I recalled her speech. It seemed an understatement.

She climbed off the bed and came over to me, sitting on my lap and putting her arms around me, both of us still naked. She gave me a tender kiss.

"Thank you," she said again.

Josh looked over and smiled wearily. "It's too far for me to come all the way over there," he moaned. "Give him one for me."

Louise chuckled and gave me another, deeper, kiss. "Thanks," she said. "From Josh." I laughed.

She stood up, allowing me to escape.

"I'll leave you guys to get sorted," I said. "I need a shower."

Josh waved a leaden hand at me while Louise helped me to gather my clothes. I didn't bother redressing, I was only going to be getting naked again anyway, so with a final goodnight, I padded from their room and into ours.

Jules and the twins were still in the living room, so I had the room to myself. I showered, and then, hungry from using my powers, I went into the kitchen to find myself a snack. I'd just learned that Compelling two people for an hour was just as taxing as using my TK - well, it was for the time being anyway. It was another muscle to start exercising.


Four o'clock rolled around once more, and even though I hadn't set an alarm, my bladder woke me perfectly on time. After my morning ritual, I quietly made my way through the house and out onto the deck to train.

I picked up the hot tub with my TK. I calculated that its weight when full would be somewhere between eight and ten thousand pounds. I held it a bare eighth of an inch off the deck. That way, nobody would be able to see what I was doing, and if for some reason I dropped it - although so far that had never happened - neither it nor the deck would suffer any damage.

I ran through all of my martial arts katas. My body practically moved of its own accord, being so used to the moves. This was the muscle memory that James had been talking about. I needed more memories to work with, though, and so needed to find another trainer.

It was nearly eight before anyone else stirred. Jules brought out a glass of juice and a cup of coffee.

"What do you want to do for breakfast?" she asked.

I definitely wanted breakfast. I was really hungry, and couldn't understand why until I remembered the hot tub. I had been holding it up for four hours solid. It wasn't causing me any difficulties. In fact, I had forgotten it was there, but I had burned through a heck of a lot of energy. I wasn't just hungry. I was starving.

"Are the others up?" I asked.

"The twins are," she said. "Josh and Louise haven't surfaced yet." She grinned at me. "I guess you wore them out."

"Let's go to the diner," I said. "I don't think there's enough food in the house for what I need for breakfast."

"Do you think there'll be enough food in the diner?" she asked cheekily, and I laughed.

"Seriously though," I said, "it's a good thing Pops gave me that money. Otherwise, I would be struggling with the amount of food I need these days."

She smiled softly at me. "I like that," she said.

"What?" I asked, not realizing what I had said.

"That you call Daddy 'Pops'," she answered. "It feels right."

"I was worried about 'sharing' with them," I said. "Worried that it would upset the dynamic, and create some weird kind of vibe in our relationship - not only with them but with you and Ness as well. But it didn't. I can't explain what it did do, but whatever it did, it made me feel as close to them as I do to my own parents - closer, even. Right now I trust your parents a damn sight more than I trust mine."

She smiled and gave me a hug. Her smile slipped a little.

"You stink," she complained. "Go shower, then let's go eat."

When we got to the diner, I was just about to order when I saw a poster on their wall for a food challenge they had set. It cost forty dollars, and you had to finish it in less than an hour. As yet it was unbeaten. If you did, not only did you get your picture on the wall of fame and a T-shirt, but the meal was free.

I grinned.

When the tray came out there was enough food on it to feed everyone at the table - well, everyone else. It was piled high with sausage patties, eggs, bacon, beans, hash browns, and pancakes. You name it, it was on the plate. The waitress took one look at me and shook her head. Even Jules, used to seeing the huge portions served up at her house, looked on a little dubiously.

"Ready?" the waitress said, placing a timer on the table. I nodded and she started the clock.

I was already wearing the T-shirt by the time the others, who had had to move to a different table so I wouldn't cheat, had finished their far less substantial breakfasts. It had taken me twenty-two minutes and ten seconds to clear the plate. If I was completely honest, I could have eaten something more. I toyed with the idea of getting a piece of pie but thought that would be pushing it.

"Well," I said to the girls as we walked back to the house, "if nothing else works out, I could always get into competitive eating."

Jules and Amanda both laughed, and Mary just looked on.

I had told Jules that Dianna was due at ten, but she hadn't let me know if she was ready to talk to her yet. I didn't pressure her either way; it was up to her. When we heard Dianna's car pull up just before ten, Jules went to her room and closed the door. That answered that.

The twins had decided that it would be better if they made themselves scarce too, and so they had gone out shopping. That left just Dianna and me, sitting across from each other at the dining room table. I made coffee, and we each held a mug. She cut to the chase.

"I heard that the NSA has made you an offer," she said. "They are background checking you, and you know they won't find a problem. Maggie wants to know if you are set on working for them, and what we might do to change your mind."

"I have some thoughts about that," I said, "but I would like to discuss those with her directly. I do, however, have some things I would like to discuss with you. I presume that you would be in my chain of command if I were to work for the FBI?"

She nodded. "Frank runs the local section, and you know that means I run the section."

"I know that there are a lot of things I could have - no, should have done differently," I said. "That if I hadn't behaved as I did, then maybe you wouldn't have done what you did. You were pushing me, and I didn't come out looking too good. But then, when I pushed back, neither did you.

"Before I will consider even talking to Maggie, I need your promise to leave the girls out of it. I'm not talking about the training scenarios. I recognize that Maggie was right in what she said about taking the hits. I mean about our personal relationship being totally separate from our working relationship.

"I couldn't stand to see the girls - any of them - hurt like that again. I take the brunt of the responsibility for that hurt, but you have to take some of it too. You, however, are one hundred percent responsible for the pain that Jules felt.

"The twins need you in their lives. I think Jules would like to know the you that you are when you are not scheming, and so would I. Can you be that person for them, for us?"

"I can try to be," she said, showing more honesty in those five words than I had seen from her in a long time.

"It's going to take some time before Jules trusts you," I said. "Before I trust you. Everything nice you do, at least for a while, is going to be suspect, and if I ever see you abuse your power again as you did at the Steadman's I will file a complaint with the Bureau - just as you would if you saw me abuse mine." I added that last bit to try and soften the tone.

"That's fair," she said. "I did wonder if you were going to do that in any case."

"I wasn't," I said. "I don't know if Jules is considering it, or if she has spoken to her parents about it. You would have to speak to her. But YOU talk to her. Don't get the twins to do it. That would just look like more manipulation."

She nodded. "Will you sit in," she asked, "so she knows you can protect her from me?"

"If she wants," I said. "I'll leave you to talk to Mary and Amanda. You need to make your peace with them." I sighed. "The thing is, even as I sit here and say that I am dreading leaving you alone with them, scared witless that you are going to find some way to persuade them back to you - to take them from me again. I'm trying to do what's right but terrified that I'm making the biggest mistake of my life. Mary is already firmly in your camp it seems, but poor Amanda is being pulled in all directions."

A tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm so sorry," she said. "I did that to you. From the beginning, you were a new power that had to be nurtured and developed but also controlled. Getting the girls to take you to bed, as you suspected, was a part of that. They were up for it, of course. Mary was already ready to jump into bed with you in any case, and Amanda loved you on sight.

"I hope that you believe that I didn't expect the bond. I would never have done that to my girls. If I'd had even the slightest suspicion that that would happen, I wouldn't have let them anywhere near you. But once you were bonded, it seemed like such an easy way forward. Maggie was delighted that we had such a tight hold on you. She never dreamed that you would either seek out another agency or that you would have the determination to sever the bond rather than submit.

"Yes, you messed up - so many things - but one thing you did that was pure genius - although whether by accident or design, I guess I will never know: you never once made a threat. So many people in your position would have threatened retribution - especially given your power - and yet you never did. Yes, there was the threat to my girls, but that wasn't seen as a direct threat - more as collateral damage. There was never any concern that you would go rogue, and therefore, in all the meetings we had about you - and believe me, there were many - nobody ever even raised the possibility of elimination."

"So that wasn't a veiled threat by David Spencer then?" I asked.

She looked puzzled, and I showed her the memory of the conversation we had had outside the hospital, where he mentioned the fifty-caliber bullet.

"He was certainly not asked to say that," she said, "and, knowing him, I am prepared to bet it was a genuine part of what you were talking about. I don't think it would even enter his mind to make such a threat.

"Caleb," she said, "I know you won't believe me, but I am sorry. I hope that we can find some way back."

"So do I," I said, and I meant it.

"What you said last night," she said, "about our family wanting to keep yours down. It isn't true, you know."

"All the evidence says otherwise," I said.

"Doubtless it was true in the beginning," she responded, "and for good reason. If you look back at what they were doing, your ancestors perpetrated some real atrocities on those around them - but that was then, and that wasn't you.

"Back then, the Eversons did just want to protect people, and so measures were put in place. That was over three hundred years ago. There has been a version of the amulet for almost one hundred and fifty years, although for most of that time it was itself a Compulsion that had to be renewed on a monthly basis."

"So, you had us crippling our own children every month?" I asked.

"Not crippling," she insisted. "Protecting. They needed to be protected from themselves. You saw what Davey Vardy was doing, and how quickly that would have become a serious problem. You might even say it already had."

"Even if I accept the need for the amulet," I said, "and I am by no means saying I do, why the ignorance? What is gained by keeping the kids totally ignorant of their powers? Why not start to teach them so that when their powers are available they will have some idea of what to do?"

"It was the second line of defense in case the block or amulet failed," she said. "It was argued that if they didn't know about their powers, they would be less likely to use them in the time it would take for us to spot that failure and do something about it.

"With you, it was a double whammy," she said with a small smile. "You burned out your amulet, and your ass fetish caused you to realize that there was something going on. Most take at least a week to figure out what you got from one glimpse of Angela's butt.

"We're not your enemy, Caleb," she said. "Not anymore. We have been working together for at least five generations. Maggie is your bloodline. The majority of 'rogues' these days aren't even Stotts anymore - just bastard offspring and genetic anomalies."

"The crippling of our children needs to stop," I said. "Every other bloodline is allowed to grow into their powers, and you know as well as I do that Empathy and Telepathy can be as effective at controlling people as Compulsion, and TK's so close to being a loaded gun it beggars belief that nobody took it as seriously."

"That has been a topic of much debate," she said. "Probably for the last fifty years. Things will change Caleb, but it will take time."

"Nobody will be putting an amulet on any child of mine," I declared flatly.

She sighed at that. "We hopefully have some time before that becomes an issue," she said. "Don't forget, they will be Mary and Amanda's children too. Don't they get a say?"

"No!" I said. "They don't. An abusive parent does not get a say in the care of their child, and as far as I am concerned, what you do to them, and what you did to me, was abuse. I might as well have grown up with a blindfold on, not knowing that I had the ability to see. Not to mention the mental crippling the amulet did to me outside of limiting my power. How much more could I have achieved if I had had access to my natural intelligence and memory?

"And right now, the likelihood of Mary and I ever having children is remote. The bond is forcing us to be together - that, and her relationship with Amanda. Don't even get me started on how they view Jules."

"How is it that you accept Amanda's love as real, but not Mary's?" she asked, a pained expression on her face.

"Because Amanda is such a pure soul," I said. "Even outside the bond, I see her love, not just for me, but for everyone. Yes, she has made mistakes - haven't we all - but the things she did were instantaneous reactions. Her motivation was always to relieve the suffering of those around her. Mary is far more calculating. Everything she does has a motive, a reason. In short, she is much more like you. I don't trust you, and I don't trust her. The emotions shown to me by the bond might be real, but they also might be a Compulsion, or even just an illusion, although I doubt that last one, since I know what I feel for them. Until I can be one hundred percent sure that the emotions we all feel within the bond are true, I can't trust her."

She nodded sadly and then stood up. "I think more time needs to pass before I speak to Jules, but will you give her this for me please?" She pulled out an old and battered book.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's the diary of Martha Broom," she said, "the person who created the bond. She wanted to know more about her. I did some digging and came across that. I know she'll be suspicious, but that can't be helped. I hope it helps her find what she is looking for.

"When do you want to speak to Maggie?" she asked.

"I have exams for the next three days," I said, and then added, "is reading the lecturer's mind considered cheating?"

"Only if you get caught," she replied with a small smile.

"Friday?" I suggested.

"Fine," she said. "I'll get her to come and..."

"Wouldn't it be better for me to go to her?" I interrupted her. "Show a little humility?"

She opened her mouth, and then closed it again. "Okay," she said with a wry smile, "that's a nice twist. I'll make the appointment."

"Thanks," I said. Then a thought occurred to me. "One question."

"Go on,"

"What if I had been gay?"

I could see she didn't understand.

"You brought your granddaughters to seduce me," I said, "but who would you have brought along if I had been gay? Who was the sacrifice in that case?"

I could see the wheels turning. She had already admitted so much. In the end, she decided to go with the truth. "Heath," she said. "He's the girls' cousin on their mother's side. Just turned nineteen. Blond-haired, blue-eyed heartbreaker."