Centaurus Ch. 01


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Daren never wanted to see Skye suffer like that ever again. He still had nightmares hearing Skye's howls of agony and the craziness in his eyes by sheer need of a fix.

"Well, that's good," he said quietly. "You're healthy and we never overdid it since the Doc put the blocker on me."

Skye grimaced. "I'm sorry you had to do that for me," he said guiltily.

Daren rubbed more vigorously at Skye's rounded belly. "Hey," he said firmly, "It's perfectly normal that I did it. My role is to protect you and I let things go too far. I should have seen something wasn't right. But I got too carried away and let myself be distracted by my functions of King, and you suffered from it."

He took a deep breath and cupped the whole of Skye belly, slightly lifting the tiny man from the floor. "Having something that block the amount of sperm I cum is a small price. I still cum," he said with a smile, "you know it," he continued pointedly staring at Skye belly. "It's just...that I cum a certain amount then I cum dry."

Skye nodded and moved from one foot to another, relishing in the sensation of the plug cozy inserted deep in his pussy and the beads shifting in his ass.

If they weren't so taken with their obligations he'd get naked again and would impaled himself on Daren and ride him hard all day long. In his ass this time. His pussy only served to get the amount of cum necessary to sustain him and while he had pleasure by having his womb pounded, his ass was really his main pleasure center.

He never liked being empty there; thus him spending the night with a fat steel plug in him. Normally, Daren slept with his cock in his ass, but last night his lover had came home late after a series of meeting and had to have been exhausted for having fallen asleep immediately and not taking Skye.

"Alright, baby," Daren said, bringing him out of his thoughts, "we have to go. I don't know what that emissary wants but it can't be good," he sighed, wrapping an arm around Skye waist and leading his lover out of the dressing room.

They walked back to their bedroom and Daren opened the door for Skye who smiled at Merle still waiting. "Sorry, Merle," the tiny Sexo apologized sincerely, "we had you wait."

Merle smiled gently down at his King's and best friend's Soulmate and shook his head. "No harm done, my little Prince," he said, politely kissing the back of Skye's hand. "It's always a pleasure to wait for you so long and be greeted by such a gorgeous sigh," he smiled, racking his eyes up and down Skye figure, eyes resting on the huge rounded belly.

Skye burst out of a million giggles and amusedly smacked Merle's shoulder. "You giant flirt," he snorted at the other Centaur.

Daren cleared his throat loudly and the two others turned around. "Yes, dear," Skye said with a beaming smile, "we know you're here," he laughed, his hands holding the underside of his heavy belly.

Daren sighed dramatically good-naturally and turned to look at Merle. "See what I have to live with?" he said, caressing Skye's belly.

Merle looked at them with soft eyes and a trace of longing in them. It wasn't a secret that Merle had lost his Soulmate ten years ago. The simple fact that he was alive was a miracle. Dell was Skye's best friend and had been killed when giving his life to protect his Prince when the palace (a spaceship always travelling in space) had been attacked by the Kilz, the arch nemesis of the Centaurs.

Skye had never really forgotten himself as he had always seen Dell's death as his own fault. Ten years ago, Daren had found Merle hanging from a balustrade, trying to kill himself, but the King had saved him. Things had not been easy but Merle had pulled through. Daren always said Merle was the strongest person he knew, because he would die instantly if he was to lose Skye.

Sexos and Centaurs were immortal but could be killed with a special sort of poison that was extremely rare in the universe. Dell was killed when he received an arrow covered in poison in the chest. He died an agonizingly long death in Skye's powerless arms as Daren and Merle were fighting the Kilz.

"Skye, dear," Daren said, gently pushing him.

Skye blinked out of his thought and smiled up at his lover. "Yes. I have to go to the Doc."

Merle frowned and looked worryingly at him. "Are you alright, Skye?"

Skye nodded and smiled at him. "Yes. No worry." He turned and waddled down the corridor, turning and waving at them before disappearing around a corner.

Merle and Daren stared at his backside until they couldn't see him and sighed in unison. "He's—"

"Yeah," Daren interrupted, voice choked up and cock stirring interestingly in his suddenly too tight pants.


Daren sat in his throne looking down at the emissary with a look that resembled disgust. "You mean to tell me you got me wrenched out of bed for a seemingly urgent matter only to hear you say that?" he snapped. He rubbed his face in pure annoyance; he should be with Skye at the hospital wing to support his tiny Soulmate.

"Majesty," the emissary sputtered, bowing nearly in half, his long nose nearly touching the ground, "it never happened in Jalia," he pleaded, "such an awful act—"

Daren stood suddenly and glared at the man. "Are you telling me that finding one of your fellow citizens in the throw of having sex is an...awful act?" he spat out.

The emissary cowered. "My Lord, you have to understand that such a vile practice is prohibited on Jalia and—"

Daren stalked toward the man, towering over him menacingly. "I revoked any treaty forbidding sexual acts in the whole Centaurus system. Are my laws not to be followed or are you and your pompous clique of boot-lickers above my word?"

The man trembled and knelt down in a visible submissive position, the Centaur standing tall to his full 9"8 height above him. "Y—yes, majesty, I mean, no! No of course we are not above your words, we—"

Daren cut him off with a frustrated wave of his hand. "I will personally come to see what is happening on Jalia," he hissed angrily.

The emissary paled even more. "Wh—when can we be blessed by your visit, my Lord?" he asked in a shaking voice, beads of sweat pearling on his balding forehead and running down his drawn rat-like face.

Daren sneered. "I will come when I see fit. I don't think I owe you any explanation."

The emissary nodded frantically and cowered even more. "Of course my Lord!" he squeaked.

Daren stalked back to his throne and sat down, leaning over with his elbows resting on the armrests. "In the meantime, you will remove any charges pressed against the two Jalians you arrested and free them. Do I make myself clear?" he growled.

The emissary sobbed and nearly crawled back out of the throne room when Daren ordered him out of his sigh.

Daren sighed heavily and rubbed his face. "God, I thought we were finished with all those narrow-minded prudes out there."

Merle walked up the stairs leading to the throne and smiled apologetically. "I wasn't informed of the reason of his visit," he said quietly. "I would have never—"

Daren stopped him with a gently hand on his forearm. "I know, Merle. Don't worry. I'm just glad Skye wasn't there."

Merle chuckled. "He'd have had that man disposed of and send his head back to Julia."

Daren laughed. "Oh yes. Then he would have gone there and have them all publically executed."

Merle looked back down at the folder he held. "You don't have any appointment until four this afternoon. You can go and see Skye."

Daren smiled gratefully at his best friend and hurried out of the throne room by a small back door behind the thrones and nearly ran to the hospital wing.


Daren quickly reached the hospital wing and stopped outside of the one way mirror observing the flurry of activity in the infirmary. Several nurses were bustling around; all of them beautiful Sexos with different shapes of rounded belly, and finally several doctors, all Centaurs, doing whatever it was they did. He let he eyes travel to the center of the room and smiled when he saw his lover.

Skyes was reclining down on a dentist-like chair, naked, his eyes close and his legs held apart and placed on stir-ups, his ankles strapped with soft paddle leather. His hands were resting peacefully on his huge throbbing belly and Daren could see Doc (his name was Pome but everyone called him Doc as he was head doctor on this ship), sitting on a stool between Skye's spread legs. As he approached quietly, Daren could see Doc was examining Skyes insides, his uterus held wide open by a thick speculum. The large steel plug that had been in Skye since this morning was resting on a wheeling platter next to them.

"Hey Doc," Daren said as way of greeting.

The Doc turned and smiled in greeting at his Lord and turned back to what he was doing. Skye opened his eyes and smiled up at his lover. "I thought you had a meeting with the emissary."

Daren snorted and rolled another stool to sit next to Skye, placing his huge hand on the top of his lover's heaving belly. "I send him back. And we're heading for Jalia."

Skye hummed and slightly lifted his hips when Doc made a sharp twist with his fingers inside him.

"How is he?" Daren asked with his eyes fixed on Doc's hand buried to the wrist in Skye's pussy.

Doc smiled at him. "He's good. I'm probing the walls of his uterus and all seem perfectly well. Some swelling around the back but nothing major."

Daren nodded and looked up when he felt his lover's ocean blue eyes staring at him. "Hear that, baby? You're good."

Skye smiled and rubbed the sides of his belly, rolling his hips, instinctively wanting more than just a hand rammed in his body.

"The plug was a good idea, also," Doc continued, "helps keep his uterus walls relaxed. He's almost ready to form eggs with your cum and should be able to lay them tomorrow."

Daren smiled happily at his lover and his eyes couldn't help but stray down to Skye's rosy puckered hole still gripping almost jealously the beads in his body; the string still hanging out of the totally smooth and hairless body. "At what time do we have to come here for the birth?" he asked after blinking back to reality.

Doc took his hand back and put the plug back in Skye easing the speculum out of Skye, the two Centaurs watching the quivery pussy lips immediately greedily seizing the plug.

"Once the first contractions start," Doc answered grabbing a tub of cream and pouring some on Skye's belly. "If you would rub that on the Prince's belly, Daren," he asked with a smile on gentle face.

Daren started to massage Skye's belly, teasingly circling his popped-up belly button. "You okay, baby?" he asked as he massaged the sides of the engorged belly.

Skye nodded. "Yeah," he answered, "relieved. I have eleven litters of cum in me," he said with a moan and Daren started rubbing his underside belly, very close to his cock. "And I'll birth the eggs tomorrow, so you'll be able to cum in me very quickly."

Daren smiled at him and bend over to kiss him languidly on the lips, still massaging the hard rock belly, kneading it with expert fingers. "I can still cum here," he said flirtingly while gently pressing the tip of his thumb inside Skye's puckered asshole, idly playing with the sting of the beads and slightly pushing it out, thus moving the beads snug and deep inside Skye.

"Ooooooh," Skye moaned his cock suddenly standing at attention. "I—I—uhm—" he panted incoherently, one hand on the side of his belly pushing up toward the ceiling, his hips lifting for the chair and his other hand gripping the backrest behind his head, legs still spread wide on the stir-ups.

Daren pushed his thumb out and rolled the string of the beds around his index finger, then gently started to push it back. Skye hips rolled almost on their own accord as Daren tugged on the string. Still sitting on the stool, but now right between Skye spread legs, the Centaur licked his lips at the sight of the first bright red bead pocking out of Skye's stretched glittering hole.

Daren looked transfigured as Skye's stretched hole around the bead suddenly contracted and pushing the red rubber out of the body with a wet pop, the following bead quickly following for release.

Daren stared up at Skye. His tiny lover's head was thrown back in ecstasy, his face pushed against the arm that held the backrest of the seat and his other frantically rubbing his belly, Daren perfectly well that Skye was basking in the sheer pleasure of being fill-up and engorged impossibly wide to the maximum by the heavy and scorching cum of his Soulmate.

Of course, since the year Skye had had more than twenty litters of cum in him, Daren knew his tiny lover was feeling quiet desperate by what he thought was a too small belly. A year ago, his belly had been so big that Skye couldn't be out of bed anymore and could only be resting on his side, the mass of 44 pounds of cum weighting him down.

He continued his ministration, using his thumb to push the plug in Skye's dripping pussy while still tugging at the beads and letting his lover's body do the rest by expelling them. Ten minutes of this and Skye was reduced to a blabbering mess of incoherent words, varying between 'please', 'harder', 'deeper' and 'in me'.

Tugging harshly at the last two remaining beads, Daren stood and quickly got his cock out of his pants, aligning the thick round head to Skye's desperate hole. He pushed slowly, but stopped when his lover sobbed. "Please!" the tiny Sexo begged. "Please, fuck me!"

Daren gulped and gave a sharp jolt of hips and quickly found himself completely impaled in Skye's asshole, his balls flapping wetly against his lover's firm rounded globe. They didn't use the verb 'fuck'. The both of them found it particularly degrading, but once in a while in the throw of sex, if Skye asked to 'be fucked', then it meant he wanted it hard, fast and dirty until he was screaming himself hoarse.

Always one to indulge his precious lover Daren promptly started to pound into him at an inhuman speed inherited from his Centaur gene. Seconds into that violent, animalistic drilling, Skye was trashing around, his legs still bound to the seat his hands frenetically running circles on his loaded belly, hips jerkily pushing up toward the ceiling. "Gods, Daren, please, please, please," he muttered incessantly, his tony body completely at the mercy of Daren's s hammering. "Yeah, yeah, fill me up, please, fill me up with your cum, please, I—I wanna have your cum in me, please, please cum in me, I wanna be filled up, please, please, I want your think cum inside me, please!" he continuously sobbed. "Oh, Daren, ouh, ooooh, please, please, harder, pleaser, come deeper! PLEASE!" he screamed, hands spread wide on his belly and his head trashing left and right. "Gods, please, I can—can feel it, your big cock, so full Daren, I feel so full, Daren, so, so—gods, oh, please, I feel so full, so full of your cum. I can feel it swirling in my belly, look at me Daren, I'm carrying your thick cum, so hot, so hot! Daren, it's sooo good, so heavy, oh please, please, please!"

Encouraged by Skye's sweet words, Daren drew back until he was nearly out of his lover's hole, panting and moaning at the sight of Skye's drenched quivering hole. He rammed his cock back in, leaning over Skye's belly to kiss his lover and started fucking his mouth with his tongue at the same time as he was drilling into Skye's ass. Several minutes later, Skye cried out and blindly reach under his belly to grab his cock and started a quick almost savage pace on his own shaft.

Lost in their own world, the two panted and moaned sweet words at each other until Skye screamed his released; his hips jerking up, stretched hole viciously clenching around Daren's mammoth pole. Moaning loudly at the feeling, Daren gave one last hard push, violently rising Skye up the seat and yelled his release; long threads of scorching sperm coating the insides of Skye's anus and filling his anal sack.

The giant Centaur laid a moment there; half on Skye, cock still deeply embedded in his lover's tiny body, the feeling of Skye's hard rock belly pushing with every mad panting of the Sexo against his own stomach nearly enough to make his rock harden again and make him go again.

Shaking his head in amusement, Daren stood back and observed Skye. His gorgeous lover was lying completely spend; thick ropes of his cum covering his huge belly, cock spend and still twitching between his legs. His eyes were closed as he tried to control his breathing, one hand idly spraying his cum on his massive belly while the other absently pushed the plug still present and implanted in his convulsing pussy.

"I never tire of this," Doc suddenly said from behind.

Daren turned his head and chuckled at the vision of Doc's cock being licked clean of cum by his kneeling Sexo. Nova was a beautiful blond haired Sexo, taller than Skye (but then Skye was the smallest Sexo ever created) and stockier. His eyes were brown and his body nearly as black as the night. Daren let his eyes trailed down the Sexo's body and smiled softly at the small amount of belly he carried. It was just slightly rounded; proof that Nova was at the beginning of his feeding cycle and had recently laid Doc's cum eggs.

Every month, like a menstruation period, the Sexo laid eggs formed by congealing cum sans spermatozoids. Spermatozoids were what fed the Sexos and it was absorbed during each month of a cycle letting only cum inside their belly. It then congealed and formed oval shape eggs of varying size the Sexo had to lay down at the end of each month. Then the cycle could begin again and the Centaur would cum in their Sexos until the next cycle and so on.

Rubbing his hands on Skye's belly, he looked up at Skye in surprise when he felt a strange hardness on the right side. "Eggs already started to solidify?" he asked quietly.

Skye nodded and smiled at him. The prospect of laying Daren's eggs always made Skye happy. It was generally a long process; tiring but sexually gratifying as each eggs pushed hard against his uterine walls for long period and left him in a constant state of orgasm during all the birthing process. It was generally the second thing all Sexos preferred, right after being filled up with cum by their Soulmate.

"Alright," Daren said after a moment of continuing to massage Skye's belly. He slowly started to ease of cock out of his lover's body and watched mesmerized as Skye's asshole gaped emptily for a moment before a violent gush of pure white cum poured out of the already tightening hole. Skye moaned tiredly at the sensation and continued to massage his belly as he let the cum floor out of him.

"Should I put the beads back in?" Daren asked after quickly swiping the damp towel on his cock that Doc had handed him and re tucking himself in his pants.

Skye seemed to consider the question and finally nodded. "Yeah. I need to keep my anal walls spread out. Tomorrow you'll be in me when I give birth and I don't want us to lose time prepping me."

Daren chuckled and took the beads, nodding his thanks when Doc, always anticipating their needs and wants handed him a bottle of lub. "You're so pragmatic, baby, where's your romantic side?"

Skye leaned on his elbow, pushing himself up with difficulty and started at Daren above his massive cum engorged belly. "I'll be lost in a several hour long orgasm, love," he said with a crooked smile, "I think all I'll be thinking about is to cum and have those massive eggs out of my body and riding your cock till my ass will be filled to the rim and dripping cum."

Daren moaned and coated the beads with lub. "Stop or I'm gonna cum again."

Skye laughed and leaned back, letting Daren insert the beads back in his body. "I forgot Centaurs for all of their stamina and stud cocks could only ever come so often."