All Comments on 'Cheryl's House Slut'

by royalrogue

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Not bad, should have elaborated on the fucking more at the end.

Terrin2Terrin2over 12 years ago
Great story!

I like the ending. Good to leave the reader with suspense. I would like to have a sequel to this story, though. It will be great to see to what other torments the woman takes Michael.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
can I be your slut too.

I got instantly hard as soon as I started reading this. I would love too be a slit for you anytime. You are a lucky man to be her slut.

mantrasan963mantrasan963almost 5 years ago
Real characters

In my mind I know both these characters and they do and say the correct things. Cheryl is a 55 year-old thinish blond with a ponytail. Very assertive and I adore her. I am Michael in every thought. This is why I love this story. It is also well written and I am turned on by reading it. Really hope there is more to come from these characters.

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