Cocksucking Competition Ch. 03


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Candy Cummings was then announced, and the audience went wild as she strolled onto the stage, appearing incredibly confident. She lowered the top of her red dress, and walked the perimeter of the stage topless. Her enormous fake breasts hardly moved as she walked.

Eventually, the two contestants took their positions, and were each surrounded by three naked men. The bell sounded, and the crowd swelled as the ladies went to work. Less than a minute into the contest, Taylor called for a switch. She left one man standing with his cock dangling as she worked on the other two in front of her. She then noticed that the man on her left hadn't left his spot.

"Switch!" she yelled once again, and finally managed to get the attention of the referee. He signaled for the escort to guide the next blindfolded man in line to his position, and the escort seemed to take an inordinate amount of time to do so. As soon as the new man took his place, Taylor began working on him with great urgency.

"No, no!" the referee yelled, pointing to the new man's dick. "Too erect. Back in line!"

Taylor protested, and the crowd reacted with anger.

"Point for red!" the referee yelled as he turned back to Candy, whose face was covered in a fresh load of spunk.

Less than thirty seconds later, he yelled again, "Point for red!" Many in the crowd stood to their feet and applauded, while others slammed their betting slips to the floor in disgust. Only one man now stood in front of Candy, while Taylor continued to furiously suck all three men in front of her.

"Point for red!" the referee exclaimed, and raised Candy's arm. "Winner, red!"

The noise from the crowd was an ear-splitting cacophony of cheers and boos, swearing and shouting. As music from the sound system blared loudly, Taylor stood to her feet and stormed off the stage, while Candy shook the referee's hand.

"Holy shit," Aaron said, tapping Anthony on the shoulder. "That's him."


"The referee. That's the guy I saw fucking Candy in the storage room last night."

"No fucking way," Anthony said.

"Yep, that's definitely him," Aaron stated. "Eagle tattoo on the arm, bald head, built like a concrete shithouse. That has to be him."

Anthony merely shook his head in disgust, and took a swig of beer. "Fucking cheater," he spat.


"Ms. Mounds, did you ever think you would be in this position?" the reporter asked. He wore a golf shirt and shorts, and Rochelle couldn't help but wonder what his media credentials really were. Most likely, he was simply a blogger for some porn site.

"Which position would that be?" Rochelle answered with a sexy grin. "The kneeling position? It's my favorite one of all."

The assembled media -- a room filled with nothing but men -- laughed in unison.

"I mean, no amateur has ever advanced so far in this tournament before," the reporter continued in earnest. "To what do you attribute your success?"

"My mouth," Rochelle responded, to more laughter. "My tongue, my lips..."

She clearly wasn't taking this press conference seriously, but then, she considered the whole spectacle to be a little ridiculous.

"I would say pure, blind, luck," Candy interjected. Having been a veteran of these media circuses, she knew how to weave a good story. "She barely won her first match, and her last. She's very lucky to be here."

Rochelle shot her a piercing look, but then returned to face the media with a smile. Another reporter stood.

"Molly, you are now a ten-to-one underdog in this match," he stated, reading from a list of notes. "They're giving you even odds to lose by three or more points. It's five-to-one that you'll lose by two points, and seven-to-one that you'll lose by one."

"Is there a question in there somewhere?" Rochelle asked sweetly.

"How does it feel to be such an underdog?" he asked.

"I don't mind being the underdog," Rochelle responded, casually. "I have nothing to lose. It's not like my next boob job depends on it. And it's not like I make a living sucking cock."

She glanced across the table to Candy and gave her a sweet smile.


When Rochelle stepped onto the stage, the applause were much louder and more sustained than she had heard before. The noise created goose-bumps from head to toe, and she smiled and waved to her adoring new fans. Candy then sauntered onto the platform and immediately lowered her top, exposing her massive mounds.

"Fuck it," Rochelle said to herself. She grabbed the top of her costume with both hands and pulled it apart, tearing it right down the seam in front. Her enormous breasts popped out of her top, and she wriggled out of the material and strutted around the stage, completely topless.

"And these are natural!" she called to the crowd, giving a wink to her husband, whose eyes bulged from his head.

The referee entered the ring to deliver his pre-match instructions, and Rochelle was relieved to see that he wasn't the same man that had officiated the night before. Aaron went to the tournament officials with his accusation of cheating, and reported what he had witnessed in the supply room, but he had no evidence to support his accusation. In the end, it was his word against a highly-respected official and the three-time champion.

The rules of the championship round were explained. Fifteen minutes would be placed on the clock. The two contestants would service one man at a time, and each were allowed to switch out their men three times. At the end of fifteen minutes, the bell would sound, and their mouths and hands must be removed instantly. The contestant with the most points would be declared the winner.

"Best of luck," Rochelle said, turning to Candy.

"Kiss my ass," Candy snarled, and dropped to her knees upon her red mat.

Rochelle smiled, and lowered herself to her blue mat. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. To her husband's great surprise, she appeared calmer and more relaxed than she had been throughout the entire week. No matter what happened next, she would be walking away with enough money to change their lives in a significant way. Even after Minotti's thirty percent cut, they were looking at clearing $35,000. And thanks to the underground nature of the event, it was all tax-free.

The bell sounded, and Rochelle had barely placed her mouth over the dick in front of her when she heard Candy call for a switch. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of game she was playing, but she continued to suck, lick, bob and twist her mouth over the dick in front of her. Already, her tongue and jaw ached. She made a mental vow not to suck another dick for another month. Although Aaron would be disappointed, she needed the recovery time.

Within moments, the cock swelled in her mouth, and she was rewarded with a hot and messy blast of cum, which mostly landed upon her naked breasts. The referee signaled a point for blue, and Rochelle immediately began working on her second cock. She was surprised to have won the first point, but her celebration was brief, as she soon heard a point being scored for red.

She was relieved when the cock in her mouth swelled instantly to her touch, and she felt that she would make short work of this one. But just as she felt it swell a little further, it inexplicably deflated in her mouth. She tried a different technique, and the cock swelled once again, but then deflated rapidly.

"Point for red!" the referee shouted.

Undeterred, Rochelle tried yet another technique. Once again, the cock swelled to hardness in her mouth, and began to throb. But then, inexplicably, it shrunk. Rochelle took the cock out of her mouth and stared at it for a moment. She then looked over to Mai Lin in the corner, who raised both hands in astonishment.

"What do I do?" Rochelle mouthed.

"Mouth on the cock," the referee warned, "or I'll have to disqualify this one."

Rochelle immediately put her mouth back on the cock, and looked at Mai Lin. It was too late to call for a switch, she thought, as she had worked on this dick for too long. And he seemed so close to finishing.

"Point for red!" the referee called. It seemed like an impossibly short time between points.

Rochelle reached around to grab the man's ass, and she pulled him toward her as she forcefully used him to fuck her mouth. His cock filled her throat, and banged against her uvula. She continued to forcefully draw him into her mouth without pausing for breath. Saliva poured from the corner of her mouth. And then, at last, she felt a spurt of hot fluid hit the back of her throat. She choked on it, and instinctively swallowed it. She then withdrew the cock, and spit as much of his load as she could onto her chest.

She looked at the referee, and he simply stood and looked at her.

"Point for blue!" Rochelle shouted.

"No, ma'am," he said. "I didn't see a cumshot."

"It's all over my tits!" she protested. He moved toward her to take a closer look.

"Looks like saliva to me," he said.

If looks could kill, she would have been charged with murder. "Switch!" she yelled. She could see Mai Lin's knees had buckled, and she now squatted in the corner with her head hung low. Rochelle looked up at the clock. Only ten minutes remained. She had just wasted roughly three minutes.

"Point for red!"

Rochelle inhaled the cock in front of her, in a mixture of panic and rage, and thrust her head over the cock again and again, eliciting a reaction in a very short amount of time.

"Point for blue!"

Another limp cock stood in front of her. Rochelle wet it with her mouth, and then pumped it with one hand, while swirling her thumb and forefinger of her other hand around the base. She placed the glans in her mouth, and rolled her tongue along the sensitive underside.

"Point for red!"

Rochelle pulled away from it, and a thick jet of milky fluid streamed onto her cheeks and chin. It was still spurting fluid when she had it ushered away and replaced with another. She took the new cock into her mouth and completely engulfed it. She swirled her tongue around the balls until the dick swelled in her throat. She then bobbed back and forth while cupping her hand underneath the balls and squeezing gently.

The dick swelled and cum spurted across her face and onto her chest, mixing with the semen of three others.

"Point for blue!" the referee signaled, "and another for red!"

Rochelle glanced at the score. Candy was winning by a score of 6-4, and there were only four minutes remaining. Rochelle quickly sucked the new cock to fullness, and pumped her hand over the shaft, practically begging it to erupt. Within moments, it did.

"Point for blue!"

The crowd rose to its feet and shouted in encouragement. The next cock in Rochelle's mouth swelled to fullness almost instantly. She sucked it with every last ounce of energy she had. This time, the cumshot actually surprised her, and she withdrew in just enough time for the referee to see it.

"Point for blue!"

Incredibly, the score was now tied at six apiece, with just over two minutes remaining on the clock. The electricity generated by the audience could have powered a small town. Despite the din, Rochelle managed to block out everything except the cock in front of her. She was in a zone.

She plunged her mouth onto the new cock, and it grew to fullness inside her. She bobbed her head up and down the shaft, and worked her hands around the base and balls. In the distance, she could hear the faint chant of the audience. She felt the cock swell in her throat. It began to throb, and the balls tightened.

The ball rang loudly.

"Time! Time!" the referee shouted. Both Rochelle and Candy removed their mouths and hands from the men standing in front of them.

Rochelle looked up at the scoreboard. It still read six-to-six. She looked to her right. Candy's face, hair and chest were soaked with cum, and she had a smirk on her face. Then she slowly pushed out a massive load of semen from the corner of her mouth. It cascaded down her chin, and onto her chest.

"Point for red!" the referee shouted. The crowd erupted in applause and shouting. The stage was swarmed by a mass of people, including Candy's entourage, members of the media, family and friends, and assorted representatives of the tournament.

Aaron and Anthony pushed their way through the crowd. They found Rochelle standing in the center of the ring. She smiled a brave smile.

"I would hug you," she said to her husband, "but..." She peered down at her cum-covered chest.

"Oh, fuck it," he said, and gave her a warm embrace.

"You should have won," Mai Lin remarked. "That bitch cheat."

Rochelle felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.

"They stiffed you, big time," Ron Jeremy said, with a consoling pat on her shoulder.

"Thanks, Ron," Rochelle replied, and he disappeared into the crowd.

"Come on," she said, blotting her face with a towel. "Let's get out of here."


Rochelle popped open a bottle of champagne, which she had requested for the limo ride back to the hotel. Aaron, Anthony and Mai Lin held out their glasses, and Rochelle filled them all, wearing a bright smile.

"To the adventure of a lifetime," she said, holding her glass high. They all clinked their glasses together in response.

"I have to say, you're taking your loss very well," Aaron remarked. "I know how competitive you can be."

"Who says I lost?" Rochelle responded with a bright smile. She looked directly at Anthony.

Aaron furrowed his brow and looked from Rochelle to Anthony, and back. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Well..." Rochelle said, clearly savoring the moment. "Let's just say that when we get back home, I'm looking forward to starting a whole new life with you and our new restaurant."

"What are you talking about?" Aaron said. "Honey, you lost. The deal was that we'd buy the restaurant if you won. $50,000 is really great, don't get me wrong, but it's not enough to buy a restaurant."

Rochelle simply smiled, and Anthony laughed. Mai Lin looked as confused as Aaron.

"Okay, seriously, what's going on?" he demanded.

"Remember when I told you to leave all the financial decisions to me?" Rochelle asked. Aaron nodded. "Well, I made a financial decision for us. I bet a little money before my last match."

"How much money?" Aaron asked, incredulously.

"$35,000," she responded, and Aaron's eyes widened. "I cashed out Jamie's college fund before we left for Vegas, just in case we might need it."

"Are you fucking insane?" he shouted. "How could you risk all of that?"

"I didn't risk anything," she responded, looking directly into his eyes with a smile. It was a look he had seen many times before. He called it the "trust me" look.

"Okay," he said, lowering his voice. "Go on. Explain."

Rochelle reclined in her seat and took a large sip of her champagne.

"Well, obviously, if I hadn't made it to the final round, I wouldn't have wagered a dime," she explained. "I would have simply returned the money to Jamie's account, and we wouldn't have missed it at all. But when I made it to that final round, and I found out what the odds were, I came up with the perfect plan."

She paused to savor the moment, and chuckled at the way that both Aaron and Mai Lin were hanging on her every word.

"The bookies had me at seven-to-one odds of losing the match by one point," she continued. "And I wagered all $35,000 on that bet."

"Are you fucking nuts?" Aaron said. "How the hell...what if you hadn't lost by one point?"

"Then I still would have won $35,000 by finishing in second place, and we wouldn't have lost a dime," she explained calmly. "The second place prize was $50,000, minus Minotti's thirty-percent cut. That's $35,000. Even-Steven."

Aaron's head was swimming. "Okay, but what if you actually won?"

"Then I would have lost the $35,000 bet," she explained, "but I would have won the $200,000 first-place prize. Minus Minotti's fee and the $35K, we'd still be up more than $100,000."

"But wait a minute," Aaron interrupted. "Why didn't you just bet $35,000 that you'd win? Those were ten-to-one odds! We'd have $350,000 right now!"

"Because I knew that bitch would cheat," Rochelle responded. Mai Lin nodded her head enthusiastically.

"So...wait," he said, rubbing his temples. It appeared as though his brain were working overtime. "So how much did we win?"

"Well, let's see," she said, placing her finger to the corner of her mouth for dramatic effect. "Seven-to-one odds on a $35,000 bet is $245,000. Plus another $35,000 for finishing in second place. That brings us to $280,000."

"Holy fuck!" Aaron said with a wide smile. "You took home more than the winner! But, wait a were you able to place a bet on yourself? I thought that was against the rules."

"Ah, that's where I come in," Anthony interjected. "I know some people. They were willing to put a little money down for me. They're good, trustworthy people. As a matter of fact, they've already transferred the funds to your account."

Aaron shook his head, and sat back on his seat with a thud. "I guess it's a good thing you lost, then, huh?" he said.

"Did I?" Rochelle responded with another sly grin.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," she began, taking another sip of champagne, "that last guy I was working on might have actually finished. In my mouth."

Aaron's mouth gaped open, and Rochelle laughed in response.

"I held that man's cum in my mouth," she continued, "and I looked over at Candy. If she hadn't spit out her cum, I would've spit mine, and I would've won. As soon as I saw that cum leak out of her mouth...well...I swallowed my reward. And let me just say, victory tasted very sweet."

"I can't believe it!" Aaron said. "You could've won! Why didn't you just spit yours out? It would've been a tie. You could've easily won the tie-breaker with the way you were rolling!"

"Honey," she responded, sweetly, "I never cared about winning that contest. I only wanted to give us a chance to start over with a new life. And I've done that. As far as I'm concerned, I was the winner."

The limo came to a stop in front of the hotel, and the driver opened the door. All four stepped out onto the curb.

"Well, my work here is done," Mai Lin said, shaking hands with all three of them. "I go back to my room now and take care of myself. I so fucking horny I cannot stand it."

"I'd be happy to help you out with that," Anthony said with a smile. Mai Lin looked at him with a serious expression, and then scanned him from head to toe.

"Room 2-2-6," she said. "You be there in twenty minute."

With that, she turned on her heels and walked off into the hotel. Aaron burst into laughter and gave his pal a friendly shove.

"You'd better be ready for her," he said. "She will eat you alive."

"That's what I'm hoping," Anthony said with a wink. He gave Rochelle a warm hug, and then exchanged a quick handshake with Aaron before he sprinted to the hotel's entrance.

Aaron took Rochelle into his arms, and gave her a passionate kiss.

"You are really amazing," he said, "you know that?"

"Yeah," she responded with a sexy smile, "I've been told that before."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
And now the rest of the story!

By the time Aaron and Rochelle got back home, the NCC contest was all over the internet about the armature soccer moms amazing blowjob performance. Jamie’s boyfriend, who had met her parents, rushed to her dorm to show Jamie the internet site to verify if that was her mom. Jamie took one look at her bare chested mom completely covered in cum and immediately puked.

Jamie was quickly the most popular gal on campus pursued by almost every college guy wondering if she was as good as her mom while her totally freaked out boyfriend dumped her. Embarrassed and mortified she had to quit college.

Once home she immediately confronted her mother on how humiliated she was over her slutty exhibition and disgusted with her father for allowing it. Without letting then speak a word she stormed out of the house, moved far away, changed her name and never saw or talked to her parents ever again!

Northern_WriterNorthern_Writerover 4 years ago
Great Story

Well written, with lots of humour all the way through.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Light hearted change from what I usually read. Had a smile on the whole story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Fine writing!

Well told and very imaginative story. Should be in non-erotic, though. Maybe that's the lesson about monetizing sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Only just found this story, but an excellent idea, now that's a contest I would love to take part in. All that cock-sucking and cum sounds far better than a gold medal. A sequel would be fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
One of the funniest stories I have ever read on Literotica.

And long, too. Plus I will reread it. Hours of enjoyment!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Top Ten Trilogy

This 3-parter makes my top ten list of the hundreds of stories I've read on Literotica!

Don't think they'll have a parade welcoming Molly home though. Instead of the key to the city,she'll get to blow the mayor!

BenLongBenLongabout 7 years ago
Great Comedy

Loved it, kept me laughing for all three chapters. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Wonderful relief from the usual bullshit!

What a fun concept! Sex is fun when viewed objectively. Keep up the good work.

brian358brian358over 9 years ago
Excellent Story!

Stiff Competition is one of (if not my absolute) favourite porn films!

And coincidentally I've been thinking about writing my own story based on that kind of BJ competition.

If I do get round to it, and it comes out half as well as yours, I'll be very happy!

Thanks for a great story!

PS) Yes, I'd love to see Rochelle in action again too! :-)

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