CockTales 04 - A Friend in Need


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"Ten minutes later, he was showing a blue film on the wall using an 8MM projector. I remember the male actor was poking a three foot blow-up beer bottle between the actress' legs, a prop which was soon replaced with his own personal beer bottle!"

I laughed out loud at the memory, which caused a few heads to turn our way, so I leaned a little closer to Evan so nobody could overhear the end of my story.

"Of course, while this was happening, I was sitting on a counter in his narrow, 8 foot wide by 20 foot long office with my pants and underwear at my ankles, and with my cock deep in this gentleman's mouth." I paused and smiled at the scene in my mind's eye. "And what a gentleman he was! He swallowed every drop."

I finished my drink and Evan leaned even closer to me and put his hand over mine and asked, "And did you enjoy it?"

I sighed. "Evan, it was absolutely the best blowjob I have ever received, and I had never felt so guilty and ashamed in my entire life. So I dressed as fast as I could and hightailed it out of there."

I shook my head from side to side, reliving that moment in my head for the thousandth time, and Evan mistook that gesture and patted my hand and said, "I'm so, so sorry."

I looked up at him and smiled and put my free hand on his (which was still on mine) and explained, "Oh Evan, you misunderstand. I was guilty and ashamed because I had enjoyed it that much. And a couple of weeks later, I actually went back and let him do it again!"

I explained that it was lucky I found Diane because I was worried I was going to wind up with one of those older men, but what I really wanted was a woman. It took another Friday evening to explain to him why (stockings and high heels and lipstick was a big part), and he didn't seem to mind all of the details I told him about our sex life (just a little bit kinky), but he seemed especially taken aback when I told him that I had never stopped thinking about my newsstand blowjob friend, and how I was sorry I never went back for a third time. I explained that it was because I had decided that my third trip was when I was going to return the favor and open my mouth for him. Surprisingly, that tidbit of knowledge shut Evan up that night.

A few weeks later, it was during one of Evan's trips to the bathroom that led me to finding the reason for his silences, not just at the end of my newspaperman story, but about the things I had asked him about in his past that caused him to just smile sadly, shake his head, and look away.

I had ordered our second round that night when Evan excused himself. Barry brought our drinks and put them on the table. I thanked him and he turned to walk away when he suddenly stopped, turned back to me, and said, "He's crazy about you, you know."

I looked at him. "What are you talking about?" but he went on as if he didn't hear me.

"Why don't you ask him what he used to wear to the bar before he brought you and your tie here - a very nice tie today too, I might add," and he reached out and stroked my tie and my chest.

I leaned back and broke his connection to me and said, "What do you mean?"

"Mean what," Evan asked as he returned to his seat.

"Well," I responded, "Barry was just telling me that..."

"I was telling James that we always get some crazies on Friday the 13th," Barry interjected while throwing me a warning glance. "You just wait and see. It'll be a little nuts tonight."

I smiled sweetly at him and had turned to talk to Evan when something Barry said made me pause. "Today's the 13th?" I questioned.

"All night, sweetheart," Barry responded as he took our empty glasses off the table and walked away.

Evan was quick on the uptake. "What's the matter? What's significant about Friday, October 13?"

I groaned. "My house has termites and I'm having it treated. Tomorrow. October 14th."

I went on. "I forgot. And I forgot to pack some clothes and to get a hotel room. The pest control guys warned me it could take more than 72 hours to fumigate. Damn. Damn. Damn!"

Evan laughed, "James, you worry too much. Forget the hotel room. You're staying with me."

And that was how I happened to be dragging a suitcase and a duffel bag into Evan's house that Saturday morning. I insisted on taking him out for breakfast, so we did a luscious and alcohol-fueled brunch at Brio's Tuscan Grill, and then we spent most of the afternoon switching between college football games. As the afternoon turned to evening, I noticed Evan looking at the clock on the wall, at his watch, and at his phone fairly frequently. Feigning ignorance, I asked him, "So what were your plans for this evening before I ruined them?"

He looked at me and sighed. "I was supposed to meet some old friends that I haven't seen for a couple of years. They invited me to a pre-Halloween party that friends of theirs are hosting." He signed and shook his head. "I'd take you with me, but it's a costume party, and..." His voice trailed away and I smiled.

"No worries," I told him. "I'm fine staying here watching the Yankees beat the Astros, or we could find a costume for me and I could go with you."

He gave a short bark of a laugh and replied, "I don't think either of those things are going to happen."

I was getting curious, "The Yankees are definitely going to win, so what's the costume issue?"

He just looked at me and didn't respond.

"C'mon Evan! What's up?" I waited. Finally I said, "Well, why don't you go show me your costume and based on that I'll let you know what I will do, okay?"

"James," he said while shaking his head, "I really don't think that's a good idea."

"Evan," I responded, "You let me be the judge of that."

I seemed as if a whole minute went by before Evan finally said, "Okay, if that's what you want. Just remember that you asked for this." He walked away and threw these words back over his shoulder, "I'm going to shower and change. Don't leave this room."

I watched the ALCS Game 1 pregame show while I waited. Keuchel was the starting pitcher for the Houston Astros and I was just starting to get worried. My heart rate started to get elevated and a thin sheen of perspiration appeared on my upper lip. I started to bounce my feet around with those pre-game jitters when Evan walked into the room and my feet and my heart stopped and I started to sweat a little bit more.

He was decked out in black leather from top to bottom.

My wide eyes started at the bottom and moved up.

He had on boots that were so well shined that I could see the TV screen reflected off them. Moving upwards, I noticed the leather pants that hugged him tight and seemed to be painted on from his knees up. My breath caught in my throat as I noticed a significant bulge at his crotch. It looked like he was going commando, and doing it well, too. A silver studded black leather belt completed his lower half ensemble. The only thing adorning his body above that was a black leather vest. I wasn't too tight on him, and it allowed the hair on his chest to peek out above the v-neck and it framed his arms magnificently. I never knew he was packing guns like that. I noticed that he had a single tattoo on each bicep - what looked like barbed wire on his right arm and a thorny vine on his left. He had a diamond stud in his right ear and a worried smile on his face.

I stood up and walked to him and stopped. I went to reach out to touch his vest but stopped myself midway. I looked up at him and asked, "Is this the real you?"

He reached out with both hands and put them on my shoulders and replied, "No, James. This is the 'play' me. You've been hanging out with the 'real' me for the last year and a half. I save this look for special occasions." He grinned. "Like costume parties, infrequent Saturday nights at The Shack, and a past I'd rather not remember but find impossible to forget."

I reached out to him and ran my hands across his leather-clad chest. My fingers sought out his nipples, which were hard, and I massaged them gently through the leather vest. "You look fabulous," I purred.

He reached up and grabbed my hands and walked me backwards to the couch and pushed me down onto it. He sat down on the couch next to me, and I got a whiff of leather, cologne, and man. "You smell like...," I paused as I searched for the right word. "Sex," I interjected before he could say anything. "You look and smell like sex," I whispered. He sighed. "And it looks and smells damn good!"

"You told me your story, so I have to tell you mine," he said softly. I reached over and touched my right index finger to his leather clad thigh, and then added the rest of my fingers and slid my hand down his leg to his knee.

"You had better stop doing that," he warned. I smiled sweetly at him because I had gotten my answer as it was starting to look like going commando was not such a good idea for him.

"Anyway, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a top." He looked at me and cocked his head and asked, "Do you know what that is?"

I nodded, my eyes never leaving his, and my hand not leaving his knee. I began to trace little circles on his lower thigh with my thumb.

"Once upon a time, I was also a Dom." He shifted in his seat to get more comfortable. "And I had a sweet little boi half my age. He was everything to me, and I was everything to him." He paused and stared off into the distance. "We were in lust and we were in love and the world was good." His voice trailed off and he became silent.

"And then I lost him on 9/11," he said as his gaze returned to me. I could see the pain and suffering was still there, and I stilled my moving hand and gripped his lower thigh instead.

"Oh, Evan, I'm so sorry," I exclaimed. "So you do know what it's like. How much it hurts. How empty you feel." I wanted to cry for both of us.

He reached down with his right hand and placed it over mine and gave it a squeeze. "Yes, James. I know."

He continued with his story.

"So I locked all of my clothing away. And I locked all of my toys away. In a room upstairs." He stopped and I waited. "And I locked my heart away, too."

He shook his head and gave a short snort. "But then I found someone whom I might want to share that part of me with. But I don't think he would understand. And then I get invited to a costume party that I can't say 'No' to. And I don't have anything to wear." He looked down at himself. "Nothing to wear except the old me," he sighed.

So we sat on the couch for a few minutes. My hand on his leg and his hand covering mine. The silence between us like a blanket. Covering us. Warming us. Protecting us.

I started to speak, but all that came out was a squeak, so I cleared my throat and tried again.

"So, if you had a boi today to take to your party, what would he wear?" I whispered.

Evan looked at me and smiled. It was a wicked smile, but a smile nonetheless.

"James, he'd probably wear work boots with white socks peeking over the top. And either torn jeans, or torn off jeans that had become very short shorts. Very tight short shorts, too. And no undies, either." He reached over and grabbed the knot of my tie. "And forget the tie. He'd be wearing a tight t-shirt instead." His hand slid down to my chest. "Tight so I could see when he got excited. Tight so I could see when his nipples would give him away." He tweaked my right nipple and I nearly moaned. "Tight so I could play with him all night and keep him hot and bothered."

"I don't suppose you have any clothes like that with you?" Evan wondered out loud.

I gulped and shook my head from side to side. "No, Evan, I don't."

I struggled with the next sentence. "But I wish I did."

He smiled a real, regular smile that lit up his handsome face and then he stood up. "I need to go," he said. "Are you going to be okay here alone for the next couple of hours?"

I thought about that before I replied, "Let's see. The TV remote is there on the coffee table. I assume there's vodka in the freezer and limes in the fridge?" I wasn't surprised that Evan nodded. Vodka in the freezer when he was a scotch drinker told me a great deal. "And I hope you don't mind if I go upstairs and check out the room with all of your toys?" Evan's eyes widened. "It's unlocked, isn't it?"

Evan nodded, and I nodded, and nothing more was said. He called for a ride that was there inside a minute and left with a lingering glance over his shoulder.

"I'll wait up for you," I called after him. "Try not to drink too much."

I closed and locked the door behind him and said aloud to the closed door, "Because you'll need your wits tonight when you get home."

I turned and headed for the kitchen. 'So much for the Yankees game,' I thought to myself. I got myself a tumbler and dropped some ice cubes into it, poured some chilled vodka over the ice, added a wedge of lime, turned off the TV, and climbed the stairs. As I climbed, I figured that I had about 2 hours to pull this off and I hoped that Evan had all the things I needed.

I found the 'playroom', which is what I have decided to call it, and spent half an hour exploring. To say I was impressed would be understating things. To say that I wasn't turned on by what I found would have been a lie. It had everything I needed and much, much more.

After my explorations, I spent an hour getting things ready and then spent the next 30 minutes ignoring my phone. Evan kept calling, and I kept ignoring him. I'm sure he was wondering what I was up to. I chuckled to myself and thought, 'If only he knew!' And then I realized that soon he would know. With thirty minutes left before I anticipated he would arrive, I put the end stages of my plan into motion and got ready for Evan's arrival. Before I took the last, final step, the one there was no turning back from, I asked myself if this was what I really wanted. The answer was a resounding 'Yes', and I could only hope that Evan would feel the same. And with a click of the last lock, I sealed my fate.

I was right. I didn't have long to wait. It felt like hours but couldn't have been more than 15 minutes before I heard the door open downstairs and heard Evan call my name. I didn't respond, couldn't respond, and it was only a few seconds before I heard him rushing up the stairs. He threw open the door to his playroom and I could just imagine the shock on his face when he saw what was inside.

I had to imagine because the blindfold over my eyes wouldn't let me see him.

But I could still hear him, and I heard him whisper, "James. What have you done?" I didn't answer and my back was to him so he asked again, "What are you doing?"

This time I turned towards his voice and he could see why I couldn't answer. The rubber coated Jennings dental gag held my mouth wide open and I couldn't say a word. I heard Evan give a sharp intake of breath, and that's when I knew he saw I was kneeling and that my hands were cuffed in leather and shackled to my leather-cuffed ankles and that between my ankles was a spreader bar that severely restricted my movements. I had added leather mittens to this so I couldn't work the cuffs free. Which was overkill because I had also added the small padlocks I had found and had locked myself into the cuffs. The key was atop the bureau next to the candles I had lit that scented the room and threw ghostly shadows on the wall. A leather jockstrap was the only other thing I was wearing.

I heard and felt Evan move across the room to me. "Why, James, why?" I heard Evan whisper. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

I nodded my head, slowly. Twice. I waited an eternity for his response, and then I raised my chin high as I felt Evan's hand upon my jaw.

"Well, in that case," he rumbled, "You're in for a long night." I heard some of the dresser drawers opening and closing before he added, "I thought I'd be jerking myself to sleep tonight. Just 20 feet and a lifetime away from you. But once again, you managed to surprise the hell out of me. You have no idea how long I've wanted this."

I heard him move away from me and heard the click of the playroom latch as he closed the door. The hair stood on my arms when I heard him slide the deadbolt home.

"Let's see what I have to work with," he murmured as he ran his hand over my bare chest.

I moaned because his touch had sent an electric jolt through me.

"I see that your nipples need to be touched," he whispered as he pinched my left nipple between his thumb and index finger. I whimpered. "I like that in a boi," he exclaimed as he slipped a nipple clamp over my little nub. I moaned again as he tightened it. He then repeated the process on my right nipple, and I was glad that I had the foresight to wriggle into a metal cock ring before I locked myself into the restraints. The ring's pressure on my cock and balls was the only thing preventing me from making a mess in the jockstrap.

As if reading my mind, Evan reached down and unzipped the closure to the leather jock and fished out my swollen cock and balls. "And what's this?" he asked. He pulled down on my scrotum and I groaned through the ring gag while my cock pulsed and jumped in the air.

"Hmmm," he said as he manipulated me. "It's a good thing I got here when I did, because it looks like I prevented an explosion of sorts. And we can't have that." he chuckled. "You don't cum until I do," he stated. He gave one more tug before releasing me. "And maybe not even then."

"Do you want me to take your blindfold off now, James?"

I started to shake my head and then changed my mind and nodded frantically.

"Is that because you're scared of what I might do to you?"

I shook my head. I could just imagine Evan standing there with his brow furrowed trying to figure it out. Finally, he chuckled and I felt his hands loosen the knot behind my head.

My eyes opened and it took me a few moments for the blurriness to dissipate, but once it did I could see that Evan's leather pants were suffering. I tried to smile around the dental gag but couldn't so I just grunted and looked up.

Evan could see the twinkle in my eye and smiled back. But then he reached down and grasped my chin and bent over towards me.

"I usually have my sluts give themselves to me of their own volition. They crawl to me and beg me to fill their mouths." He paused. "But you can't crawl and you can't beg, can you?"

I shook my head one more time.

"So are you certain this is what you want?" he whispered.

Without my eyes leaving his, I nodded once and then I cast my eyes down and stared at the bulge in his pants. The bulge that was threatening to rip his pants at the crotch. The bulge that was so much larger than I expected. The bulge that I wanted exposed. The bulge that I wanted, no, that I needed, in my mouth.

"Very well then." He unzipped his pants and lowered them a few inches, and then reached down and hauled out his cock and balls.

Suddenly, I wasn't too sure of myself anymore. I tried to tell him that he was never going to fit that monster in my mouth but all that came out was a squeak followed by a long, drawn out moan. He cupped my chin in his left hand, grabbed his cock in his right and slowly, very slowly introduced the head of his penis into my mouth.

The first touch was electric. As the glans of his cock made contact with my tongue, I broke. This was where I had wanted to be 20 years ago. This was where I wanted to be today. This was where I wanted to be with Evan. This was where I was supposed to be. I leaned forward as best as my shackles allowed and took him further into my wet and dripping mouth. I stopped when his cock made contact with my throat. I knew I still had several inches left to engulf with my mouth, but I stopped and then slowly moved backwards.

"Not yet, my love," Evan murmured as he grabbed the sides of my head with both hands and proceeded to fuck my face. With each thrust he went deeper. And with each thrust I slipped further and further into submission.