Cold Steele


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"Steele! I'll see you again," Ralph threatened. His face was red with anger and he tried to step toward me.

"Give me a second will you Frank?" He nodded and I walked Ralph two or three steps away from the cops. . Frank and the two cops were intently studying cloud formations or the manicured lawn and making it a point not to watch Ralph and me.

"You may see me one time too many Ralph," I told him as I looked into his eyes. "It would be a very bad career move on your part; I don't think you'd like the results if we ever see each other again." I hadn't touched the man or even raised my voice to him, but the look I gave him left no doubt as to what I would do if I saw him again. "Do we understand each other?"

Ralph tried to look me in the eye, but he couldn't hold my gaze. He must not have liked what he saw because he sorta slumped and nodded.

"Good." I walked him back to Frank and turned to Stanley. "Nice job Stanley," I praised the young man. "I think you'll have success as an actor out in Hollywood."

Stanley smiled. "Thanks for clearing my name Mr. Steele." He looked toward the house and saw Worth coming toward us. "Tell Mr. Worth I'm sorry about Susan, will you please? C'mon Jimmy let's get the hell out of here."

"Give me a call Stanley and let me know where you are. We might need you to testify."

Frank nodded his thanks and put the handcuffed Ralph in the back of the police unit. I handed him my laptop. "I expect to get that back after your guys pull the recording off of it."

"I'll see it's returned to you Matt," Frank told me and drove away.

"Who were those people?" Worth asked as he got close to me.

I explained my successful plan and that the DVD had been found and that Ralph was the actual blackmailer. "Stanley didn't have anything to do with it...well...except for sleeping with your wife. I let him go."

Worth watched the police cars drive toward the main street. "I guess I can't punish Moore for letting himself be seduced by Susan." He turned to me and gave me a little smile. "Although, I would have liked to punch his lights out."

"He did say to tell you he was sorry. Said he couldn't help himself when Susan came on to him." I chuckled. "Hell Mr. Worth, almost any man would have jumped her bones."

"Yes, I understand," he replied. "Susan can be a force of nature when she puts her mind to it. But why didn't you get with her? She made it obvious she was willing."

"Mr. Worth, you said you knew about my ex-wife. I couldn't do that to another man after what was done to me." I grinned and added, "Besides you would have stopped payment on you check if I went with your wife."

We both turned and looked down the driveway as we heard the roar of a powerful engine. Susan's Mercedes raced up to the garage and power slid to a stop.

Before she got out of the car, I said, "None of my business but have you made a decision about Susan, Mr. Worth?" He nodded and waited for Susan to join us.

"What was the police car doing here?" Susan asked. "Was that Stanley I saw leaving?"

"Yes it was," Worth answered. "He was part of Mr. Steele's plan to catch the real blackmailer, Ralph. And if you hurry you can catch up to him."

"Why ever would I want to go with that young lout?" Susan asked.

"You don't have to go with him, my dear, but you do have to go," Worth answered. "You can go with young Moore, or go to one of your other boy toys or go to hell. But you're not staying here. You don't live here anymore."

"But Jason," Susan said as she leaned up against him. "I don't want..."

"It doesn't make any difference in what you want Susan. You can take your car, and your clothes. Hell you can even take your jewelry. You've got one hour to pack and leave." Worth nodded at me and started toward the garage. He turned his head back toward his soon to be ex-wife. "Contact my attorney when you get settled. You signed a prenuptial agreement, but I have made arrangements for you to get 50 thousand dollars. Goodbye Susan."

She looked at me in disbelief. I shrugged my shoulders and held my hands out as if to say, What'cha gonna do? Susan began to trot toward the garage but Worth's Bentley screamed out of the garage door and took off down the driveway. The sound of its powerful engine could be heard for a long time.

"What am I going to do now?" Susan asked.

It may have been a rhetorical question but I answered her anyway. "I suggest you get your butt in gear and get packed. I think good ole Samuel there will toss you out in an hour."

Samuel was standing half way between the house and the garage with a satisfied smirk on his face; Millie and Jacqueline were right next to him. The last I saw of Mrs. Worth, was her cute behind running toward the house.

After retrieving my camera I got into my truck and drove away. As I left the Worth estate I said out loud, "Your free ride is over Susan. Ain't Karma a bitch?"


"You like Italian?" I asked Abby. I had called her the day after solving Worth's little problem.

"I love Italian but I don't know a really good place," she answered.

"Don't worry about it; I know the best place in town. Pick you up at 7."

Abby lived in an old brick house, across from Lafayette Park. It was an area of old stately homes that had fallen into favor with the renovation and yuppie crowd. I walked up to her door, rang the bell, and almost fell over when she answered. Abby was what they call stunning in a well known 'little black dress', except it was in sunflower yellow. It was just short enough to be interesting and just low cut enough to catch your eye. After catching my breath, I pulled my eyes back up to her face, and greeted her. Then I led her down her front walk to the street.

She looked around and asked with a smile, "Where's this ratty old truck I heard about? Uncle Jason said it was the ugliest thing he'd ever seen."

"He didn't like my truck?" I asked. "How could anyone not like my faithful truck?"

"Deplorable and embarrassing, is what he called it." Abby was trying hard not to laugh.

"I told him that the truck was my work vehicle. This is what I use for special occasions." I pointed to my 63 Corvette Split Window Coupe. I had restored the Corvette and painted it Riverside Red, which was one of the original colors.

Abby's face lit up and she actually giggled. "I've always loved the old Corvettes. Where did you find it?"

"I bought it from an old lady in California about six years ago; would you believe she lived in Pasadena?"

"A little old lady from Pasadena?" Abby was now laughing.

"Her husband bought the car for her as a wedding present and she kept it all these years until he passed away. I bought it and had it shipped here to St. Louis." Opening the door, I handed Abby into the car. As we left, I punched the engine a little to show off.

"Where are we going?"

"To a place on what used to be called Dago Hill before everyone got so politically correct. It's an area that a lot of Italians moved to when they immigrated to America. Every year the people have a big outdoor festival called Hill Day. If you want good Italian food, the Hill is the place to go." I glanced over at Abby. "I'm surprised you don't know about the Hill."

"I've led a somewhat sheltered life since moving to St. Louis when I was a teenager. Do you believe I'd never been on a tour of the Busch Brewery until last year?"

The Corvette made short work of the normal 15 minute drive, taking just under 10 minutes. I have a hard time keeping the Vette under the speed limit. I parked in the lot next to the restaurant. Abby looked around with interest at the neighborhood and the building next to us.

"This is Rigazzi's, the best Italian eatery in the city," I told her as we walked toward the front door. "Not only is the food very good, but it's like eating in someone's dining room. You'll see." I opened the door and we entered.

"Hello, welcome to Rigazzi's," the bartender yelled from across the room. "There's a table just to your left or a booth on your right. Have a seat and your waiter will be right with you." He turned to his left and yelled, "Hey Sal, there's a nice young couple in the front of the house. Take care of them will ya?"

Abby looked surprised. "Sort of informal aren't they?" I asked laughing. "Let's take the table so we can see what's going on," I suggested.

Sal greeted us, handed us menus, and took our drink order. I convinced Abby to try one of Rigazzi's famous 24 ounce, frozen, fish bowls of beer. While Sal went for our drinks, I looked around the large room. At a back corner table I saw three men that I knew. Sal returned with the big mugs of beer and we ordered our dinner.

"Anything else, while you're waiting for your order?" Sal asked.

I pointed to the three men sitting at the back of the restaurant. "See those three back there?"

Sal turned his head. "Oh those guys, sure. They're in here all the time."

Nodding my head I said, "Take them a round of drinks on me please."

I watched as Sal went to the bar and then took three of the fishbowls to the table and set them down. At a question from the largest man at the table, Sal nodded in my direction. The big man raised his glass in a thank you and took a long drink.

"Who are they?" Abby asked.

"The one on the left is Frank Wends, in the middle is Rollie Chambers, and the big guy on the right is Tully."

"Do you know them?" Abby turned her head and took a long look at the three men. Tully raised his glass in a salute to her and smiled.

"Oh yeah, I know them."

"So how do you know them?" Abby asked.

"Well...It's a long story," I answered. "It was like this...." Before I could continue someone came into the restaurant and walked over to our table.

"Hello Steele," Ralph said. "I told you I'd see you again."

I nodded at him. "Out on bail Ralph?"

"No thanks to you," he answered. Turning to Abby he asked, "And who is this pretty little thing?"

"Don't ever go there Ralph." I stood to face him. The look in my eyes and the tone of my voice made him skip whatever he'd planned to say to or about Abby. "Let's skip all the insults and threats and get to it, but I suggest we take it outside so we don't interrupt anyone's supper."

Ralph stepped back, nodded, and headed outside.

"You stay here Abby, I'll be right back." I turned back toward the door; Ralph had already left. I followed knowing I knew I had to handle this right now.

As I stepped through the door I felt a blow across my upper shoulders. I went to the ground and rolled, coming to my feet. The pain was bad but I knew if I stayed down, I could be seriously injured or I might never get up. It would depend on Ralph and I didn't think he would worry about my feelings too much.

Standing I faced Ralph; he had two companions with him, one of which held a short piece of two by four that he'd used to hit me. He looked surprised that I got up. Either one of the two men could have played linebacker for the St. Louis Rams.

"I know you don't have any friends that would help you with this Ralph. How much are these guys costing you?" The situation was already at critical mass so I don't know why I tried to get a rise out of him.

"Whatever it is, it'll be worth it," Ralph said in a very angry voice. Guess I got to him after all. "And don't think about using your gun; we've got guns too." His two cohorts pulled back their jackets. One had a pistol in a shoulder holster; the other had one at his hip.

One of the many things that Tully had taught me and others, was that in a fight be it with fists, knives, or guns, you must act first. The ones that postured or talked trash or hesitated usually lost. My Glock just appeared in my hand; I'm sure the three facing me thought it was magic. If this had been 150 years ago, my draw would have put me in the running for 'the fastest gun in the west'.

Motioning with my weapon at the two carrying guns, I ordered, "Now boys, with your left hand and using two fingers pull your pistols and toss them in front of me."

The larger of the two sneered at me. "There's two of us, you can't get us both."

"Want to bet your life on that?" I pointed the .45 at him. "Maybe you're right, but I'm gonna get you first. You won't care what happens after that."

Another voice spoke out. "I think the boy has a point," Tully said holding his own Glock down beside his leg. "Might be a good idea to do what Steele says." Also Frank and Rollie were standing next to Tully with their Glocks at the ready.

One of the men moved a little too fast for my taste. "Slowly guys; this Glock has a hair trigger and we wouldn't want to have an accident, would we?" I didn't expect an answer; it was a rhetorical question.

"Now why don't you guys step over here with us," Frank said. Let Mr. James and Mr. Steele finish their conversation."

Tully motioned to Ralph's hired muscle and put them up against the brick wall. "Assume the position gentlemen; I'm sure you've done it before."

Frank quickly searched them. When he finished he said, "You two just stand there. Don't get involved in this."

Rollie turned from watching the frisk job. "You're on Matt. I suggest you get to it before some good soul calls the police."

I kicked the two pistols on the ground in front of me into the gutter. Making sure my weapon was safe, I holstered it. "Was there something you wanted to talk to me about Ralph?"

He wasn't as confident as when he had help. Hesitating for several seconds, he finally picked up the two by four and rushed me. I stepped inside the arc of his swing and a hard left hand over his right eye stopped his headlong rush and he dropped the board. A straight right to his midsection bent him over and another left put him on the ground. Ralph was done.

I knelt beside him. "Now Ralph pay attention. I don't want to have this conversation again. Do you understand?" He nodded and I added, "Say it Ralph, I want to make sure you've gotten the message."

He coughed and said in a trembling voice, "I understand."

"Good boy," I replied and stood. "He's all yours Frank; again."

"Ralph James, you're under arrest for assault, assault with a deadly weapon, assault with intent, and for being stupid." Turning to the two linebacker wannabes, he said, "You two beat it before I turn Tully loose on you." To the rest of us he said, "I'll call for a patrol car to take him to the Precinct," Frank said. "I haven't finished my dinner."

Turning around I said "Thanks guys," to Rollie and Tully. They both smiled and nodded.

"See what buying the drinks gets you," Rollie said.

Standing behind Rollie and Tully, in the open doorway, was Abby. Her eyes were wide and she had still had her napkin in her hand.

"Damn, I thought, why did this have to happen when I was with her; and on our first date? Guess there goes that relationship. I walked to Abby and started to apologize.

"You sure know how to show a girl a good time, don't you?" Abby said with a big grin. "C'mon our supper is getting cold." She took my hand and led me back into the restaurant.

A few minutes later, Frank, Rollie, and Tully reentered and went back to their table. Tully slowed as he went by our table and leaned over. "I think you've got a good one here, Matt. Don't screw it up."

Abby heard him and softly said, "Thank you."

I nodded at Tully and smiled at Abby. Damn if I don't think you're right Tully, I thought.


The End – For now

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Very good story, thanks, woodman. I hope you have more Matt Steele stories in your repertoire. I know I’m gonna have a look.

5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Anita71Anita716 months ago

good story, well written

linnearlinnear10 months ago

Finally got around to reading this one and it was well worth it.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good story and plot, enjoyable reading...!

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithover 1 year ago

Great story! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A good one to read, thanks.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 2 years ago

Great story and very enjoyable reading. The only thing I had a problem with with the part where Matt before he went one-on-one with Ralph said he was "Making sure my weapon was safe", Glocks do not have a manual safety but are made safe by taking your finger off the trigger. Otherwise it's ready to fire as soon as you put pressure on the trigger. Clocks are what are called Safe Action” pistols, but they don't have a manual safety.

Glad to see cheating Susan got her ass kicked on down the road.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The 350 cubic inch V8 from Chevrolet... a smallblock.

The smallest bigblock that Chevrolet made is a 400 cubic inch.

rightbankrightbankalmost 7 years ago
That was fun. -.

Thanks for the entertainment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A nice all around story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
steele 2nd read

still a 10* story. why do'nt they let me vote?

Ed Grocott

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good yarn

As always I continue to think you spin a pretty good yarn. A few more episodes would do some of your loyal readers good, as in our enjoyment of following your stories, Thanks and Thanks again for your talent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
steele 00

5* comment at the end

Ed Grocott

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketabout 9 years ago

Excellent, both stories.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 9 years ago
Great start -

Maybe he can end up happy and all that gooey stuff LOL

I like her too - got a thick outer skin - let's hope she has nice tasty middle heh.

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