Cops & Hookers


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"I used to feed my mom, like this." She said.

I phoned the hospital and spoke to Dr Fabian, he says its okay to have a shower, so when your ready, tell me and I'll get you set, I've got clean dressings and ointment for your stitches, he says they are going to itch like crazy, soon, and you better not scratch them out." She laughed. "He reminded me that you need to drink a lot of liquids."

Sarah helped her out of bed and supported her as she hobbled to the bathroom. Like the time before, she knelt and expertly wiped her ass and dabbed her pubic area, after Faith had relieved herself. She gently removed Faith's night gown, and peeled off the soiled dressings and turned on the faucets.

When Faith felt the water was right she stepped under the water. Sarah's hands were gentle; she rubbed soap where she could, her fingers slid over Faith's wet skin, around and under her breasts, briefly touching her nipples; and then her tummy, then her back and ass and with infinite care, finally between her legs. She used her finger tips to rub fragrant shampoo that Faith had never seen before, into her hair. Afterwards she was rinsed off, and moisturizer was lightly rubbed in, before being rinsed off again and buffed dry softly, with a large fluffy towel. Sarah was silent. She applied new dressings and gave her, her medication before helping Faith hobble back to the bedroom.

Sarah seated her before the bedroom mirror and began brushing her wet hair; she plugged the hair drier and began styling her unruly coppery hair. She smiled and worked away. She took a pair of scissors, and snipped away, altering the austere style Faith habitually wore, she finished with a flourish.

"There you are, like it?" She asked. Faith put down the glass of water she had been sipping and was again amazed at the result.

"What would you like to wear, a night dress again or normal clothes? Don't say jeans, It'll have to be a blouse and skirt I'm not going to pull pants over your stitches, just yet." Sarah asked.

Together they chose an oversize linen blouse and plaid 'A-line' skirt, from Faith's closet. The cast on her arm made wearing a bra problematic, and after a few attempts the bra was designated back to the drawer, she had a little trouble pulling a pair of pink cotton bikini panties on followed by the plaid skirt. Once again Sarah applied Faith's make up, this time she spent more time around the eyes, the effect was dramatic and altogether she looked completely different, as she stared at herself in the mirror.

Sarah moved Faith's sofa, making it easier for her to sit and watch the TV. . "I need to get you some groceries, there's almost nothing in the fridge. What do you normally live on, take-out?" She asked.

Faith lay back on the sofa watching daytime television, sipping another large glass of orange juice, while Sarah worked on a grocery list, until either boredom or the meds kicked in and Faith began to snore softly. Sarah slipped lightly out of the apartment with her list.

Filling the list took longer, mainly because Sarah wasn't used to the supermarket near Faith's apartment. She hurried up the stairs and unlocked the door. Faith was not asleep on the sofa. She called out. Faith responded with a muffled cry from the bathroom.

Sarah dropped the grocery bags and ran to find Faith crying with frustration and shame in the bathroom. "I couldn't pull my panties down in time" she sobbed, lifting her skirt exposing sodden underwear, and rivulets of urine that had run down her legs and soiled the dressings just below her knees, and pooled on the bathroom floor.

"Its okay, its okay, here let me fix it" Sarah said, pulling the sopping wet panties down, and drawing them off one leg at a time. Silently Faith stood, her legs spaced widely apart while Sarah used a face cloth and warm water to cleanse her thighs and legs and lavishing almost loving attention on her genitals. Finally she soaped the stitches, and dabbed them softly, with medicated cream before applying clean dressings.

"There, you're as good as new. I never thought I'd be saying this, Lieutenant, but until you can pull down your own underwear, you're not wearing panties." She said smiling. "Come on; let's get you back on the sofa, what were you watching?" Sarah asked while helping Faith back into the sitting room.

"My, my, my, aren't you are very formal, for someone who has just finished touching my pussy, and seen every inch of me naked and even wiped my ass for me. For about the tenth time Sarah, I'm Faith, remember?" Faith said, staying in Sarah's personal space; so close they were almost touching and feeling each other's warmth. She brushed her hair away from her face with her left hand, finally moving closer, when her subtle invitation looked like it was being misread.

The look on Sarah's face changed as she realized what Faith was offering her, sunk in." I knew you are attracted to me, from the day you arrested me! You are a lesbian, I knew it! You are just like me, we disguise it well. But after all, it takes one to know one, right?" She said chuckling, and letting her fingers linger and caressing Faith's back, sliding down to her ass, using both hands, softly, very possessively, each orb stroked with infinite intimacy. Faith leaned forward, melting into Sarah's embrace.

Their first kiss was interrupted by a knock on the door. Sarah sprang away, both girls blushing profusely and stumbling out of the small bathroom as Rachel and Carrie came in over the strewn grocery bags carrying the flowers and a sack of cards Faith had been given at the hospital. It took four trips before they were finished. Faith's sitting room resembled and smelled like a flower shop.

Sarah boiled a kettle and prepared tea, she artfully placed the pot of tea, a jug of milk and cubes of sugar, three cups on saucers, and a matching plate of cookies, she had just bought, on a tray and put it on a low table in the sitting room in front of Faith. She retreated to the bathroom and began mopping the floor, cleaning and tidying the bathroom, while the three close friends sipped tea, and chatted softly, with Rachel becoming extremely agitated. Faith responding angrily, their voices growing louder.

Sarah caught some of what Rachel was saying. "...I like her but she's a fucking whore for God's sake! Are you willing to sacrifice your career over a goddamn hooker?" She hissed.

Faith's reply was hot. "Shut up, Ray! I don't care...Yes I am!"

"Carrie and I have guided you for 10 years for God's sake, have we ever steered you wrong?" Rachel asked.

"This is different." Came Faith's stubborn reply.

"No its not, remember when you and that stunned cunt Celia Brady were in each other's panties? Look what a mess that was. If Ray hadn't stuck her neck out for you, you would have been suspended or fired. You have to stay away from dykes and addicts. This one is both, and over and above that, she's a prostitute, with a rap sheet. Don't think with whats between your legs, Faith. I think you just can't help yourself when it comes to a pretty piece of pussy." Carrie said, obviously siding with Rachel in the heated argument.

"You two didn't know Celia was an addict either Carrie. And who introduced me to her in the first place? You and Ray! So don't get all 'holier than thou' on me." Faith said, attacking from a different angle.

Sarah grew red. "You can't upset Faith, it's dangerous if her blood pressure gets high. I don't want to cause any trouble, its better if I just leave." She said walking to the door.

"Sarah please don't go, don't you dare go anywhere". Faith pleaded, before turning on her friends like a viper and hissing. "At the moment I don't want to even take a piss without her. If she walks out of here Rachel, I swear I'll never speak to either of you again!" She lurched to her feet and shuffled to the door, grabbing Sarah's arm with her left hand, and held onto her.

"I don't want you to leave." She said softly looking into Sarah's eyes. "Please stay, Ray and Carrie, are just leaving, aren't you?" she said looking over her shoulder.

It was Carrie who, being a lawyer, managed to calm both women down and ease the situation. She spoke softly to a flushed and angry Rachel. "Honey, this isn't the right time, or place, don't push it. It's Faith's choice. Leave it be. Shhhhhhh! Listen to me." She said to her lover when she tried to bluster.

To Faith she said. "You know Ray cares about you and we only wants to help."

Finally she spoke to Sarah. "Ray is wrong, please, it's not her place to tell Faith what to do, especially in her own house." She took Rachel's hand, and squeezed it." Tell her!"

Rachel considered being stubborn before gritting out. "Sorry Sarah, please stay, let's not go off half cocked here. It's been my self appointed job to look after Faith for so long, I guess it's strange for me to see someone else, doing it."

Carrie squeezed Rachel's hand tight, and kissed her.

Faith was less forgiving. "Get used to it Ray, she's here to stay."

Faith allowed Sarah to help her back to the couch and pulled her down beside her. "This is where you'll find her, with me!"

Sarah was red with embarrassment. "Please Faith, don't stress out, you can't allow your blood pressure to rise, you need to stay calm." She raised Faith's cup to her lips and let Faith sip her tea. "There drink your tea."

Carrie and Rachel watched as Sarah helped Faith sip the brew. Soon it became apparent to them that the two women on the couch were oblivious to everything but each other. Without saying a word they left.

Faith was staring into Sarah's eyes as the pretty peroxided blonde steadied the cup at her lips, each swallow of tea was rushed. Faith longed for those articulate fingers to be on her skin.

Sarah caresses Faith's cheek, her slender fingers trailing over Faith's face and mouth, down along the soft sensitive skin of her neck, and then to her breasts, gently massaging and teasing at the same time, each stroke designed to please. Faith was breathless, in Sarah's arms, their mouths touched and opened simultaneously, their tongues drawing in each other's essence. Faith lay back as Sarah took control. The sweet submission she felt, was alien to her dominant nature. When they kissed, it was a new beginning for both of them. Hungrily they went about exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. Their hands wandered over soft skin and warm breasts, until they became breathless and intent, on taking their lovemaking a stage further.

Their petting became bolder, Faith began unbuttoning Sarah's blouse, who succumbed briefly with intense desire, but finally denied herself, by pressing Faith's breasts back with the palms of her hand.

"No we mustn't, its still to dangerous, we must stop Faith." Sarah, breathless, broke the tension. "Shall I phone Dr. Fabian and ask if you can have an orgasm?" She giggled.

Faith, thwarted and angry at Sarah's rejection, she was close to tears until the lilt of Sarah's giggles broke the awkward moment and she laughed out loud, and began to imitate the urbane surgeon "Gawd! I can see his face; I told you Miss Wallace, no shenanigans until her stitches are out."

Sarah; grinned like a schoolgirl, melting Faith's heart. Faith lifted her right hand to Sarah's face, caressing her gently, her left hand she used to keep Sarah's hands on her breasts. "You've been so good to me." She said softly.

The afternoon melted into evening, Sarah's laughter and unusual sense of humor kept Faith enthralled. As evening drew closer, they sat close together on the settee munching cookies and snacks while watching TV. Faith was astounded that Sarah could get the quizzes of 'Wheel of Fortune' way before her or the show's contestants. Dinner was casually eaten from convenient TV trays with Sarah cutting Faith's food into bite sized portions, before eating her own. Not long after they'd eaten, Faith became drowsy, possibly from her medication or over-excitement from everything that had happened during the afternoon. Sarah helped her to bed. She was asleep, breathing evenly on her back, before Sarah had finished settling the bedclothes.

Sarah was woken, from a deep sleep on Faith's, not so comfortable for sleeping on, couch. She looked at her watch; she had been asleep for less than an hour. Faith was calling her from the bedroom. She almost ran to the bedroom, not even stopping to switch on any lights.

"What is it, whats wrong?" She asked.

"Why don't you want to sleep with me?" Faith asked in a small voice.

"Because I'll ravish you." Sarah answered.

"Maybe I want to be ravished." Faith's voice was soft.

"Even if it kills you?" Sarah asked incredulously.

"Yes, but what a way to go!" Was Faith's illogical answer.

"You stop that!" Sarah ordered.

"Then get into bed." Faith said, pulling Sarah to her.

Faith slept comfortably in Sarah's arms, until dawn's rosy rays painted Faith's white bedroom walls a cozy coral.

Their good morning kiss was long and languid; they lay in each other's arms until the sun was way over the horizon. The room was filled with the heady scent of female arousal. Their kissing became intense and breathless. With her arm in a cast, Faith clumsily slid on top of Sarah. Faith lowered her face to Sarah's stimulated nipples. Each in turn was rolled and tasted, Faith's inquisitive tongue probing each teat, licking and teasing them into hot buds of passion. Inelegantly, the cast making her awkward, Faith slipped down, pressing Sarah's knees wide apart with her feet, until she was crouching between Sarah's widespread knees. She lowered her head to the junction of Sarah's thighs, where the warmth and aromatic scent of her arousal there, made any logical denials she might of thought of, impossible. Faith's mouth touched Sarah's already moistened labia. Sarah was in no condition to deny Faith anything, she offered her everything. Faith's mouth touched her swollen sex, instantly fragrant moisture seeped from her vaginal walls. Faith sucked thirstily, noisily taking Sarah's perfumed offering with passion. Her talented tongue delved into every crease and fold, flicking and lapping while she murmured noisily, exciting Sarah, titillating her in sweet deliberate torture by avoiding Sarah's needy clitoris. Eventually when her need became almost feral, she gripped Faith by the hair and tried to steer her mouth onto her desperate clit. Faith's hair was almost pulled by the roots, Sarah was frantic, her breathing labored and coming in gulps, her thighs heaved, she thrust upwards uncaring, her eyes shut, her toes curled, her heart pumping in time with the electrical darts of pure ecstasy that emanated from her womb and traveled at lightning speed through every nerve. Finally, when Faith sensed Sarah was beyond everything but this sweet torture, her tongue traced small tight circles around Sarah's hot rubbery little nugget, lavishly she dragged her tongue over it, flicking the tip of her tongue faster and faster, until finally Sarah could endure no more, and capitulated to her orgasm. Giving in with a passionate squeal, primal yet ecstatic, she lay back, her chest heaving, her skin covered in perspiration. Faith remained anchored in between Sarah's legs.

Sarah's breathing returned to semi normal and the after glow of her orgasm bloomed , she lay back, as Faith gently began kissing her inner thighs, planting wet warm little kisses along her tendons, dragging her tongue over her perspiration, almost cleansing her thighs. Soon the tension began to mount once again, this time however Faith refused to be hurried. Sarah was frantic, her head was moving side to side, she thrust upwards, emptily, almost begging for another orgasm. Faith willingly aided her, this time she pressed two fingers into Sarah's cloying warmth, stroking, in and out, with a steady slow rhythm, her tongue above her hand, flicking up and down, then side to side, enrapturing Sarah, who began thrusting hard onto Faith's face, her hands once more entangled in Faith's matted red hair. The second orgasm was not as intense as the first, it rolled in from the base of her spine and radiated outwards as her limbs stiffened, and her heart pounded. Faith kept her fingers deep inside her lover's pussy and whispered soft words of love, that she had never thought of using before. Sarah's heart rate began to normalize; she had to almost drag Faith from between her legs by the hair. Finally Faith relented and snuggled alongside her. They lay together in silence, looking and smiling at one and other, their movements limited to soft caresses, they drifted into that sublime slumber only lovers ever experience.

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Bat3516Bat3516over 1 year ago

I think you should make a secound one where your story continues to see if they stay together or break up....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Good story!

Enjoyed the characters. I look forward to more of your writingskills. Cheers.

stormyeyedonestormyeyedonealmost 7 years ago

I love this story. Some stories are good as sec scenes in themselves, others are better as a story unto themselves. Though the sec may have been drawn out more, I thing going too far would have ruined the essence of the story- two women finding each other. Despite a few mistakes here and there, mostly punctuation, this was a superbly well written story. I enjoy plot lines and character buildup in a story. Fantastic job, and I seriously think the story is way underrated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I love the storyline and build up. The ending was just as amazing as the beginning. You had me worried about Faih for a moment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Very well written

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
not bad...

meh. its all right... I have read better... add a sequall

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I loved it!!! Its so amazing don't listen to people who hate it there crazy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

It was well written good job

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Fine story, well written, and full of love

This is a beautiful story, about not being judgmental, and treasuring love wherever you find it. Keep it up! I hope you write more about these characters. I love them!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I loved it, yes please write more and continue this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great idea, poor execution

The idea is very nice, fancy and realistic at the same time, but the telling of the story doesn't convey any feeling. This is a positive kind of failure Imo.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

a great story. one of the best i have read here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

A beautiful tale of love with a hot, sensual clinax...I loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
5 out of 5 stars and 2 thumbs way way way up!!!

I honestly LOVED the story. Just so captivating and riveting, and i have to admit better then any romance novel i've ever read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago


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