Courtesan Ch. 03


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"He laughed, patted his knee and told me to come right on over."

An impish smile formed at the corners of my wife's mouth.

"What are you smiling about?"

"When I stood up I had a very naughty idea."

"What was it?"

"I told Martin that I was wearing a brand new, dainty little thong. I asked him if he'd like to see it."

I laughed. "I'm sure he was very interested."

"Oh yes, he certainly was. I lifted the hem of my skirt up to my waist, pulled my panty hose down and slowly turned around."

"You were modeling it for him."

Kelly nodded."He told me that I had a cute little bottom."

"What did you say?"

"I thanked him of course and then Martin suggested that he might be able to appreciate my thong even more if I took off my skirt and panty hose before I sat down."

"I assume you did that."

"Yes, very slowly. I pretended that I was doing a strip tease dance for him."

"That must have been incredibly exciting for you."

"Timmy it was so hot, I was taking off my clothes for a man twenty-five years old than me who I barely knew."

"You were feeling wicked, weren't you?"

Kelly took a deep breath and answered, "Yes, I was being a very bad girl."

"You like being a bad girl, don't you."

"Very much."

"What did you do after you finished taking off your skirt and your panty hose?"

"I told Martin that I was wearing a matching brassiere and I asked him if he'd like to see that too."

I chuckled. "I'll bet that went over pretty well."

Kelly smiled at me. "Oh yes, it really did. Martin nodded at me and then he sat back in his big leather chair and watched me while I slowly unbuttoned my blouse and slipped it off of my shoulders"

"You enjoyed doing that, didn't you?"


"So now you were standing in front of this man you barely knew, wearing nothing but your thong panties and your brassiere, correct?"


"What happened next?"

"Martin patted his knee and told me to sit down on his lap."

"Did you?"

"Yes, of course I did. As soon as I was seated I put my arms around him, kissed him full on the mouth and then whispered to him that I loved being naughty with handsome older men."

Kelly smiled. "Martin laughed when he heard that and told me that he loved naughty young girls. I started to giggle and asked him if he wanted me to be naughty with him?"

My wife looked at me. "Timmy honey he was really excited."

"How could you tell?"

"Martin has a very big cock and it was poking me in the butt." Kelly grinned at me and then she continued. "Anyway, he quietly said yes, so I picked up his hand and placed it on my breast."

"You were still wearing your bra, correct?

"Yes, but as soon as he started fondling me I whispered to him that it would be even naughtier if he took off my brassiere."

"Did he do that?"

Kelly nodded. "Yes, he reached around behind me, unclasped my bra and tossed it onto the coffee table. After he took it off I put my arms around his shoulders and pressed my naked breasts into his face. Martin immediately started sucking on my nipple."

"I'll bet you both loved that." My wife not only has large breasts, they 're also very sensitive. Kelly loves having her nipples sucked.

She grinned at me. "Oh yes, you know I did."

"What happened next?

"I picked up Martin's hand and placed it between my legs. He immediately slipped his fingers inside my thong and started rubbing my pussy. Timmy I was so wet."

I smiled at her. "I'll bet you were."

"That pushed me over the edge. I had to have his cock in my mouth. I stood up and quickly pulled my panties off and tried to get down on my knees between Martin's legs."

"Tried to?"

"That's right, he wouldn't let me."

"How did he stop you?"

"He put one hand under my butt and the other hand between my legs and lifted me up on my toes. Martin is very strong. He pushed two fingers into my pussy and held me in place while he finger fucked me."

"I imagine that was pretty exciting."

Kelly shivered. "Timmy it was one of the hottest things I've every done."

My wife closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. She was obviously very excited and seemed to be trying to regain her composure. After a moment she smiled at me and continued. "After a few minutes of this Martin took his fingers out of my cunt and gently stroked my cheek with them. I took his hand, guided it to my lips and stared into his eyes while I sucked on his fingers like they were a cock. Martin let me do that for moment and then he took his fingers out of my mouth, gently pushed me to my knees and told me to unzip his pants."

"Did you give him a blow job?"

"Yes and it was so much fun. I let him cum in my mouth."

"You always do that, don't you?"

Kelly smiled at me. "Baby, you know me so well."

Suddenly Kelly's expression changed. She stared at the floor for a moment and then she quietly said, "I sorry Timmy, I got carried away while I was telling you about Martin. I didn't mean to get so excited.

I got up, walked over to the couch, sat down next to Kelly, put my arm around her and softly whispered, "It's okay, you were just being honest. You asked me if I wanted to hear every seamy little detail and I told you that I did." I kissed her cheek. "And you weren't the only one who got excited while you were telling the story."

Kelly looked at me. "Really?"

I smiled. "Yes really."

Suddenly Kelly laid her head against my chest and started to cry. While she cried I held her in my arms and slowly rocked her back and forth.

She sobbed uncontrollably for several minutes. I think that the past year had been just as difficult for her as it had been for me. When she finally stopped she lay quietly in my arms for another few minutes and then she sat up and smiled at me. I took out my handkerchief and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks.

She kissed me on my forehead and said, "Thank you."

I nodded. "I think you needed that."

Kelly sniffled a little and then she smiled at me and said, "All that crying gave me an appetite. I'm going to make a sandwich. Can I make one for you too?"

"Why don't you let me make them."

"I can make a sandwich and I certainly think it's my turn."

I stared at my wife. "Kelly, I don't want it to be your turn. I don't ever want it to be your turn."

"What do mean?" Kelly had a puzzled expression on her face.

"I like being your submissive house husband. If we're able to resolve our problems and get back together I want to continue being your submissive house husband. Kelly I love being your servant."

My wife giggled. "And I love being your mistress."

"Kelly, earlier today you told me that after you started sleeping with Chris it was almost like you began living two separate lives. In your work life you said that you saw yourself as a hardworking, free living libertine."

I smiled at her. "Libertine, I like that word. It describes you very well. You also told me that you wanted to be a wicked slut business woman who fucks as many men as she wants and rules her own household when she's at home."

Kelly grinned at me.

"You said that was the woman you dreamed of becoming while you were going to college. And then you told me that in your home life you were trying to be a faithful, respectable and proper wife. That was the person you were taught to be while you were growing up."

Kelly nodded. "Yes, that's true."

"Kelly in your home life you were trying to be someone you're not and the attempt nearly destroyed us. You don't need to be a faithful loving wife. That's my job. Let me be the faithful, loving spouse while you go out in the world and work hard, live free and enjoy as much sex as you want."

"But won't I be cheating you out of your rights as my husband?'

"Maybe in a traditional marriage you'd be doing that, but were not traditional people. I don't see why we have to be bound by traditional roles. Kelly I love making dinners and keeping the house for you. I'm very happy to wait up for you and give you head after you come home from a long day at the office." I smiled at her. "Even when you spend your day at the office letting other men fuck you. Baby, I loved hearing about your meeting with Martin Jackson. I just wish I could have heard about it when you came home that day."

My wife thought about what I'd just said. After a moment she looked at me. "I don't know Timmy, it just doesn't seem fair to you."

"That's because you're not me and I'm not you. No Kelly, you don't want the life that I want." I smiled at my wife. "But I would very happily spend the rest of my life serving you. All I ask in return is for you to to love me, be honest with me, treat me with kindness and respect and include me in your life."

Staring at me, Kelly asked; "Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, I'm very sure."

Kelly sighed, "Timmy I'm so sorry that I haven't done that. I feel like I've let you down."

"You have let me down, but I think things can still be okay. After you finish telling me everything that's happened, I'm going to tell you about my day and then we're going to see if we can reach an agreement about how were going to live together in the future. If we can do that, we're going to try to start fresh and forget about everything that's happened before today."

"Timmy I've been so awful to you. Do you think you can really do that?"

"We'll see, I still have to be convinced that I can trust you."

"Baby, I promise that I'll never again sleep with anyone but you."

"No Kelly that's not what I mean. Please understand me, I do not care about that. What I need is to be able to trust that no matter what you do, no matter how terrible you think it was, no matter how much you feel that you've let me down or you've let yourself down; you will always tell me about it." I smiled at her. "Of course that also means that you'll have to trust me. You'll have to trust that I know you and love you and will always accept you for who you are."

"Do you think we can do that Timmy?"

"Yes I do, but I think we may have to work at it."

I stood up. "Now what kind of sandwich would you like. Unless you've been to the grocery store, I think our choices are tuna fish and cheese or cheese and tuna fish."

Kelly giggled. "I'll have tuna fish and cheese."

There was a can tuna fish in the cupboard and a block of cheddar cheese in the refrigerator. I also found a loaf of bread in the freezer. I was a good homemaker, my kitchen was always well stocked.

I made two open faced sandwiches and put them under the broiler. Kelly sat at the kitchen table and watched me cook. This was something we used to do when we were first married. I'd missed it. I was happy to be doing it again.

As soon as the sandwiches were ready I poured a glass of milk for each of us and we sat at the kitchen table together and ate. It was very pleasant. After we were done eating Kelly watched me clear the kitchen table and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. She offered to help, but I wouldn't let her. Cleaning the kitchen was my job.

Once I was done with the chores, we moved back into the living room. This time I sat down on the couch next to Kelly right away.

We took a moment to make small talk about the lunch and then I asked, "So did Martin fuck you that morning.?"

Kelly shook her head. "No Martin is a very busy man and he has a real thing for blow jobs. He used to fuck me once in a while, but mostly I would just give him a blow job and then he'd get back to work."

"So that morning you gave two older men blow jobs and got nothing in return."

My wife grinned at me. "That's pretty slutty isn't it?"

I laughed. "You really do love being bad, don't you."

Kelly giggled. "It gets better." And then she stopped herself and quietly said, "Or maybe worse, It depends on...."

I held up my hand and stopped her. "We'll stick with better. Your sexual behavior isn't the problem. Now tell me how it got better."

"After we were done, I got dressed and then I took a pocket mirror out of my purse and started to repair my makeup. While I was doing that Martin casually mentioned that Wendell was also involved in the decision to promote me."

Chuckling, I said; "I think I can guess where this is going."

Kelly looked at me. "Timmy, Wendell Tyler is seventy-four years old."

"Oh my!"


I asked, "What did you do?" We were both grinning.

Kelly answered, "Needless to say, I was a little shocked when Martin brought it up. Martin noticed my reaction immediately. He told me that he understood that Wendell was an old man, but he said that it would be a very nice gesture if I could manage to do it."

Still smiling, I said; "All right, what did you say to that?"

Kelly giggled. "I started to think about how naughty it would be to give a blow job to a man old enough to be my grandfather."

I laughed. "This bad girl routine is totally out of control."

She nodded. "Totally."

"So what happened?"

"I told Martin that I'd do it and Timmy I'm so glad that I did."


"Next to you, Wendell Tyler is the sweetest man that I've ever met."

"I'm not sure I like being compared to a seventy-four year old man."

My wife made a face and stuck out her tongue. "That's not what I meant and you know it. He's just a very very nice man and so are you."

I chuckled. "All right, I'll take it as a compliment."

"Martin called him. He was very direct on the telephone. He told Wendell that I was coming over to give him a blow job." Kelly looked at me. "That actually made it easier."

"What do you mean?"

"When I got into his office we both knew exactly why I was there. Playing coy little games with a very old man would have been kind of difficult for me."

Kelly smiled. "Wendell is about the same size as you are."

"You mean he's not very big."

She nodded. "I think that when you're seventy-four you're going to look just like Wendell. He's very cute and awfully sweet. Now he's probably my best friend at JTandR."


"Yes, last Friday I went to see Wendell before my meeting with Martin. I told him everything and then I spent an hour crying on his shoulder."

"What did he say to you."

He told me that I was a fool for getting myself into this situation." Kelly smiled at me. "He already knew how much I loved you. When we traveled together I used to spend hours telling him about you."

"Traveled together?"

"Yes, sometimes Martin, Wendell and John would take me along to important business meetings so that I'd be available in case they needed me to help sway an investor or a stockholder."

"Those would have been the trips to places like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles."


"What did Wendell tell you to do?"

"He said that I should quit my job at the firm and focus all of my attention on trying to regain your trust. He also made me promise that from that moment on I would be totally honest with you."

"I can see why you like this man. He sounds very wise."

"I hope that someday you can meet him."

"I think I'd like that." I smiled at Kelly. "Okay, what happened the first time you went into see Wendell."

"Timmy I was so nervous. Martin walked me over to his office and reintroduced us. I'd met him when I was interviewed for my job, but that was the only time I'd ever seen him. Wendell is the quietest of the three partners and he's also regarded as the smartest. He's responsible for most of the firm's strategic planning."

Kelly looked at me. "As soon as Martin left, Wendell gave me the cutest smile in the world and joked that I was in his office on an errand of mercy. Timmy, I burst out laughing and then I asked Wendell if he was sure his heart could take it. He told me that he wasn't sure, but if it couldn't he was quite certain that it would be an outstanding way to die."

I nodded. "I can see why you like him."

"He sat down on his sofa and I did a little strip for him. As soon as I was naked I got down on my knees between his legs, unzipped his pants and took out his cock. It wasn't very big and it was still limp. I put it in my mouth and started sucking it. It didn't seem to make any difference. His cock still didn't get hard. I looked up at Wendell and I could see that he was a little embarrassed. He told me that he took several medications for his heart and they made it difficult for him to get an erection. I asked him what he wanted me to do."

"What did he say?"

"He told me that he could still cum and that he would enjoy it more if I sat next to him on the couch and gave him a hand job. Timmy I cuddled up with him and slowly stroked his penis while he played with my breasts. It was really nice. It didn't take me long to make him cum and when he did I made a big point of licking his semen off of my fingers." Kelly smiled. "He really liked that."

"I'll bet he did."

"After that we just sat together and talked. By the time I left his office we were already well on the way to becoming very good friends."

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