Cow Spot


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"Y-yeah," Madeline called out, pulling her blankets up to her neck to cover herself. "I-in here."

Arizona opened the door and stepped inside. She took one look over at Madeline, and gasped.

Madeline's cheeks were already burning. She couldn't blame Arizona for her reaction, but it was deeply embarrassing all the same. Madeline's own reaction had been no different when she had looked at herself in the mirror that morning.

She had horns.

No matter how many times she'd rubbed her eyes, they hadn't gone away. Madeline had needed to reach up and touch them dozens of times before she'd convinced herself they were real. She had horns. Twin, pale, stubby horns, gently curving upwards as they protruded from her forehead. Cow horns. Madeline had seen them on people dozens of times in furry art and porn, but the real thing hit so much harder.

And it wasn't just that. Some of the other features of Madeline's face had shifted too. Her ears had lengthened drastically, becoming pointed towards the tips in an unmistakably bovine fashion. Even her nose was changing, curving upwards and flattening towards her face slightly. It was subtle, but Madeline knew exactly what it meant, and it had her trembling with a dizzying mix of trepidation and arousal.

"Wow," Arizona breathed slowly. "Wow, babe."

Of all the things Madeline had imagined might come next, she hadn't been ready for Arizona to immediately approach her, leaning in close, a look of glee and fascination on her face.

"Holy shit." Arizona's eyes were shining. "This is wild."

"I-I don't know what happened." Madeline squirmed under the covers, trying not to think about how Arizona seeing her this way was making her feel. "I just started waking up l-like this. And then, um, it kept getting... more..."

Arizona whistled. "Well, I get why you didn't want to go outside like this. But why did you need me to get you new clothes? Babe, I know you were just guessing, but these sizes are really something."

Madeline whimpered involuntarily. "I-it's my body too."

Arizona's eyes grew even wider. "You gotta let me get a look."

Madeline whimpered again, but she didn't resist as Arizona reached back and pulled back the blanket.

Underneath, Madeline's body was flushed and slick with sweat, and she was squirming from side to side wildly. That wasn't what attracted Arizona's attention, though. Madeline's girlfriend clearly had eyes for only one thing: her curves. Over the previous couple of days, they had only gotten more pronounced. Madeline had always been on the soft side, but now, her body was nothing short of pornographic. Her hips flared out on each side of her body, almost impossibly wide. Whenever she looked at them, only one phrase appeared in Madeline's head to describe them: breeding hips. Her tits were even more ridiculously-proportioned than that. Full and swollen, they jiggled suggestively as she moved, dripping small quantities of milk even now. All in all, she had an hourglass figure, but one that was decidedly soft and luxurious, and made all the more alluring by her soft stomach and plush, inviting hips. Madeline looked like something between a plump supermodel and a hentai character, and she knew it. The fact that her cow spot tattoo had kept spreading across her body only made matters worse.

"Woah." Arizona's voice was low and sultry, and her face registered nothing but arousal. "Babe. This is incredible. Better than I ever could have imagined."

Madeline missed the significance of those words. "It's really e-embarrassing."

"Yeah." Arizona's face twisted into a gleeful smirk. "I bet."

"C-can I have the clothes you brought?" Madeline squeaked.

"Sure thing."

Arizona opened the plastic bag she'd brought with her, and extracted its contents. The moment she saw what Arizona was holding, Madeline's heart started pounding. She started sweating again, and her girlcock started to stiffen.

It was a tiny, slutty, cow print bikini.

The penny dropped.

"Y-you..." Madeline whimpered. "B-but... how?"

"Special ink, babygirl," Arizona giggled. "I told you, right? Real special."

"W... wha..." Madeline was truly lost for words, and she was having trouble suppressing the thought: this was all exactly like some of her fantasies.

"See, I'm really into you, Madeline," Arizona said, more seriously. "I wanted to give you a treat: the body of your dreams. And when I caught a look at some of the porn you get off to, I realized exactly what the body of your dreams really looks like. Doesn't hurt that I think this is totally hot too, of course. Getting the ink was tough, but it was completely worth it."

Madeline just shook her head mutely. She was overwhelmed. This was wrong. That was what she wanted to say. What she knew she should say. It was embarrassing. Humiliating. Shameful. It was also like a wet dream come true. But... it was still wrong. Wasn't it?

"So, now we've got all that out the way," Arizona continued, a smirk returning to her face. "How about you try on these clothes I kindly bought for you?"

"Um, w-what?" Madeline repeated, turning, somehow, a still deeper shade of red. "N-no! No way. I can't wear something like that!"

Arizona tilted her head. "Why not?"

"I-I just can't!"

She really meant it. Madeline liked to please Arizona, and it wasn't like wearing a bikini, even a cow print one, was really much more embarrassing than her current state. But still, she couldn't. It felt impossible. There was a wall, holding her back from even considering it. Reflexively, she reached up to try and cover her tits, an effort that was entirely futile. There was simply too much to cover.

"I knew you'd say that," Arizona replied, her smile undiminished. "That's why I prepared this, too."

She lifted something else from her bag: a collar. A strip of leather with a clasp at each end, and a small but distinctive cowbell attached at the center. But by the time Madeline had registered it, and what it signified, it was already fastened around her neck by Arizona's deft, swift fingers.

"Huh?" Madeline said dumbly, reaching up to paw at the collar. But the way she moved made the cowbell ring, and its sound made her gasp, sending shivers across her whole body.

"See, the changes aren't just physical," Arizona explained as Madeline was frozen in place, trembling, body going limp. "I'm sure you noticed being crazy horny. But it's not just that. After all, a good cow is nice and docile, don't you think?"

Before Madeline could fully drink in the impact of that word, Arizona reached out with one hand to pet and stroke Madeline's head, and with the other to gently ring the cowbell hanging from her collar.

That was all it took to melt Madeline's resistance away.

Madeline smiled. A big, dumb broad grin spread across her face, to match the flood of warmth washing throughout her body. She nuzzled into Arizona's hand happily, each touch sending pleasant tingles down her spine. Each little chime of her bell seemed to banish her worries, and indeed all her other thoughts too, leaving her with nothing but that happy warmth, and no reason to do or say anything but smile.

"There, there," Arizona simpered, plainly delighted. "Isn't that better?"

Madeline nodded, even though she had no idea what she was agreeing with. It simply felt good to agree.

"Good cow," Arizona told her, and she shivered, pleased, as the warmth doubled. Good. She was a good cow. "Can you moo for me?"

Madeline felt a little hesitant, but she couldn't seem to remember the reason why. Eventually the gentle pets her girlfriend was giving her melted the hesitance too, and she opened her mouth to let out a long, loud moo.

"Oh my god!" Arizona clapped her hands in excitement. "Good cow! Now, the clothes?"

The newly-transformed cowgirl nodded again. Without Arizona's hands on her body, the warmth started to fade, but it still lingered well enough to keep a smile on her face. She simply wanted to do whatever Arizona said. That seemed strange to her, somehow. Why was she so... what was that word? Docile. Yes. Madeline giggled quietly to herself, and mooed again. It felt good to be docile.

As Madeline moved to obey, raising herself up on her knees, the bell around her neck chimed again and again, and that only helped keep her in a pleasant, agreeable haze as Arizona worked to fit the cow print bikini around her body, tying the bikini top tight in place and indicating for Madeline to raise her legs so she could slip the panties up over her hips. Once she was done, Madeline felt nothing but pleased - both at having been a good cow, and at the ravenously horny look on Arizona's face.

"Wow," Arizona smirked, licking her lips. "Didn't take long for you to change your tune, huh?"

With the sound of the bell fading, Madeline's sense of docility was passing, and Arizona's words were able to stir her from the happy reverie. The dumb smile slipping from her face, Madeline looked down at herself, confused, and was utterly mortified by what she saw.

It wasn't just that it was a bikini. That was embarrassing, certainly. Madeline had always been averse to such revealing clothing, even though now, she seemed to have the body for it. It wasn't even that it was cow print. As much as that drove home the humiliating aspects of her situation, given that she already had cow spots covering her lower torso, it was practically beneath notice. No, the most mortifying part, by far, was how tiny it was. The bikini was clearly intended to be scandalous. The bra was little more than a pair of tiny triangles strung together, and the panties were little better. But moreover, this bikini in particular was clearly a size too small for Madeline's new form, something that she strongly suspected was deliberate. As such, the bra barely even covered her nipples, and squished into her tits obscenely, leaving them threatening to spill out at any moment.

Madeline felt like a boiling kettle, heated by humiliation and arousal both. She couldn't believe this. She couldn't believe any of it. But the feeling was so, so real.

"What do you think?" Arizona asked smugly.

"It's... I... I..." Madeline was far beyond speechless.

"Actually, never mind," Arizona added, giggling. "I think I've already got my answer to that.

She pointed down, to where Madeline's throbbing, insistent girlcock was already hard and causing an unbelievably pornographic tent in the inadequate bikini bottoms.

Madeline could do nothing but spit and splutter furiously with shame. This wasn't fair, it wasn't fair! She shouldn't even be in this situation. Let alone be more turned on by it than anything in her life. But she couldn't help it; something about the way Arizona was looking at her stirred feelings deep within her.

"But." Arizona drew closer, looming over her and reaching out to run a hand down Madeline's chest. "There's something else I'm a little more interested in right now. A cow needs to get milked, right?"

Though she tried to hold it back, Madeline couldn't help letting out a long, low, plaintive moan at the mere mention of milking. "Um... I-I don't... I mean..."

"I mean, just look at you," Arizona giggled. "Again, seems like your body knows exactly what it needs, cowgirl."

Madeline looked down at herself again, only to see small, wet stains already forming in her bikini top. She closed her eyes, shivering as the pleasurable heat of embarrassment roared through her. It was like she could feel Arizona's gaze on her skin, blazing hot and blissful.

"Let me take care of that for you," Arizona said, cupping Madeline's tits in her hands and starting to squeeze.

Madeline mooed.

She couldn't deny that was what the sound was. It was unmistakable. And worse, she couldn't stop, not with Arizona's hands still at her chest, squeezing and groping her. Milking her. Sure enough, thanks to her touch, the steady dripping of milk from her swollen, sensitive nipples became a trickle, and then a constant flow, and within moments her bikini top was completely drenched. Madeline should have been deathly embarrassed, of course. But she wasn't. She couldn't have been. Every single time Arizona squeezed, she saw nothing but white, and felt nothing but intense, mind-melting pleasure. She had become so hopelessly weak to her own body, and Arizona seemed to know exactly how to manipulate it.

"Wow." Arizona was grinning wildly. "So much! You really did need this, huh? Have you been trying to hold back or something? Silly girl. Just be a good cow and let me milk you lots and lots, ok?"

"I, um... f... fuck... moo!" Madeline had no words to convey how shameful that was, or how good it made her feel. All she could do was keep mooing and moaning, the two sounds becoming one unbelievably lewd melody that filled the room.

It wasn't long before Madeline's strength started to give out. She fell forwards, reaching out to steady herself, leaving her on her hands and knees again, exactly the position she'd taken to masturbating in. Arizona moved swiftly to adjust, perching on the bed and reaching under her to keep squeezing and milking Madeline's tits as they hung pendulous underneath her. In that position, their new, huge size was more obvious than ever - as was the amount of milk they were producing, seeping through her bikini and dripping down to stain her bed. Madeline was in heaven. She couldn't deny that, even to herself. She was bucking her hips too, desperately rubbing her girlcock against the sheer fabric of her cow-print bikini bottoms. It felt good, but nothing compared to her chest. With each thrust, though, the cowbell hanging from her neck sounded, its dull, dulcet tones smothering Madeline's mind, rendering her more and more docile.

It was just like every naughty little fantasy she'd ever entertained.

"There," Arizona said, satisfied, pulling her hands back once the flow of milk abated. "That must be better, right?"

Madeline just whined. The sense of urgent pressure in her chest was gone, and she was grateful for that. But that didn't stop her wanting more. Without Arizona groping her, though, she was able to pull her head from the fog, and her sense of shame started to return to her.

"I-it's not!" she groaned, blushing.

"No?" Arizona giggled. "Need more?"

"That's not what I meant!" Madeline insisted shrilly, even though, deep down, it was exactly what she meant.

Arizona made a big show of rolling her eyes. "Why do you keep holding back, Madeline? You're obviously enjoying this."

"Because it's... it's..." Madeline wasn't sure what to say. Her body was still crying out to be touched, and she wasn't strong enough to lift herself from her hands or knees. Every word that left her lips threatened to turn into another humiliating moo. "It's wrong! I... this... this isn't my body anymore!"

"But, it totally is, babe. You see, this is all permanent." That word sent delicious, shameful shivers down Madeline's spine. "So, why not just embrace it?"

"But... but..." Why not? Why not just embrace it? Madeline didn't have an answer, but neither could she accept what her girlfriend was telling her. "I can't!"

Arizona sighed. "You know what? I'm just gonna make this easy on you."

Before Madeline could stop her, Arizona reached out once more, this time putting one of her hands to Madeline's chest and wrapping the other around her needy, eager girlcock. Madeline immediately moaned from the contact, and started panting when Arizona started slowly, teasingly stroking her, gently massaging her tits too.

"F-fuck..." Madeline breathed, softly mooing again. "Not... fair!"

"You like this, huh?" Arizona giggled, ignoring her protest. "You like this, cow?"

Just being called that made Madeline shudder. Her mind once again sinking into that now-familiar docile, obedient place, she couldn't bring herself to lie. "Y-yes!"

"You want more of this?"

"Yes!" Madeline cried, bucking her hips in a desperate, frenzied attempt to increase her pace. So much of her own attention had been on her tits that her cock was wildly sensitive. She couldn't help herself.

Arizona's grin turned just a little mocking and mean. "You wanna be milked, cow?"

"Yes!" Madeline repeated. "M-moo! Moo!"

"So, you want to be a cow. You want to be my cow."

That question floored Madeline, and she whined pitifully. "Nooooo!"

Arizona took her hands away from Madeline's body.

At that, Madeline whined and mooed so hard she was almost wailing. As undignified as she knew it was, every last remaining thought in her transformed, blissed-out mind was railing against the unfairness of it. She wanted more! She needed more! Madeline found herself bucking her hips harder than ever, as if trying to hump the air uselessly.

"You really seem like you do," Arizona said, giggling at Madeline's plight. "I mean, what kind of girl wants to be milked? To be used and jerked off on her hands and knees like this? That's for cows."

"It's... it's... moo!" Madeline brayed pitifully, in the hopes that Arizona would relent.

"Nuh uh!" Arizona tutted. "Not good enough. What are you, Madeline?"

"I..." Madeline knew what Arizona wanted her to say, and with horror, realized she was on the verge of saying it. "N-no... I... I..."

Arizona started squeezing her tits again, rougher than ever. She wasn't teasing anymore. She was groping Madeline like she was aiming to milk every last drop out of her.

"Come on," Arizona told her teasingly. "Just give in already!"

"I... b-but..." Madeline looked away from Arizona, hoping, somehow, to distract herself from the torment. But then, something happened.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the small mirror she kept on the dresser, on the opposite side of her bedroom.

Despite the days she'd had to adjust to her transformation, it was still shocking. Madeline had the kind of impossibly curvy, Venus-like body she'd only ever dreamt of. Her face was no longer entirely human. She had cow ears, cow horns, and even a slightly elongated, bovine face. Almost her whole body was now covered with cow spots. She was wearing the kind of obscenely slutty cow-print bikini she never would have been able to muster the confidence for on her own. And her tits were dripping with milk, much of which was staining her body or soaking into the bedsheets underneath her.

But most notable of all was the look on her face.

Madeline's cheeks were flushed bright red. She was drooling a little from one of the corners of her mouth. She was twitching a little, clearly mortified and embarrassed beyond all reason by what was happening. But, transcending all of that, was the expression of unmistakable ecstasy she was wearing. The way her tongue was lolling out of her mouth made it plain that for her, each moment was orgasmic pleasure, and the look in her eyes was one of not only shame, but yearning.

The way she looked, and what she looked like, was what it finally took to break Madeline.

"I'm... I'm... a cow!" she cried mindlessly. She didn't cum with those words, but the immense sense of relief that washed over her certainly felt like an orgasm. She followed up her declaration with a series of long, loud, happy moos, her face once again adopting a broad, dumb, docile.

"Fuck," Arizona panted, clearly wildly turned on. "Amazing, babe! Good cow!"

At that, Madeline only mooed all the louder.

"You deserve a reward," Arizona continued, standing up. "You know what else happens to good, well-behaved, docile milk cows?"

Madeline was far beyond words, but as Arizona moved behind her and knelt on the bed, Madeline noted the distinctive bulge at the front of her girlfriend's jeans. She mooed happily.

As Arizona undressed herself, she reached underneath Madeline to pleasure her newly transformed girlfriend once more.

"They get bred."


Arizona sighed happily as she opened the door to her and her girlfriends' apartment. It had been a good day at the tattoo parlor, but a busy one, and she was glad to be returning home to Madeline. Sure enough, as she shut the door behind her, Madeline appeared, and Arizona smiled.