Crime and Punishment


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The sudden realization hit Erin like a physical blow to her head, and despite her messy diapers she sat down on her small bed, steadying herself. Lisa's fingers! That was it, what she had been missing all along. How could she have been so blind! Erin however did not have time to fully ponder the matter further, for just then, her cell door opened and Laura's said, "Out, slut!" Erin stood up and waddled out of her cell and followed Jan and Laura to the changing room where she showered. After being re-diapered, Laura led them to the rest area and said, "Eat and rest, you have another assignment tonight." With that, she left them alone with the other slaves in the room.

Jan spotted Pam and said, "There's Pam and Kelly." She started towards them and Erin followed, in a bit of a daze, still thinking about Lisa. Jan and Kelly had become good friends, and the two exercised together whenever possible. This turned out to be quite frequently. Both women therefore headed off after greeting each other to work out.

Erin sat down besides Pam, looking at the walls pensively. Pam noticed Erin's mood and she reached over and stroked her hair saying, "Are you OK, Erin?" Erin did not answer, but rather tears began to role down her cheeks as she started to cry. Pam wrapped her arms around her, cradling Erin's head on her breasts and said, "I know, it's OK. My first time was difficult too."

Erin began to sob quietly and she buried her face in Pam's ample breasts. Tears rolled down her tattooed cheeks wetting the older woman's bosom as Pam stroked her short hair. "It's going to be OK," said Pam comforting her.

"No, it's not," sobbed Erin. "Lisa used me. Last night I, I had to watch as they..."

"I know," said Pam continuing to stroke her hair, "I know." After a while, Erin quieted and Pam said, "Listen honey, I have some good news. Cindy ran into Cassandra and Ellen today."

Erin completely stopped crying and sat up, looking at Pam. "You mean they're here?"

"Yes. I was even able to send them a message. I'm going to try and talk with them tonight," said Pam.

Erin threw her arms around Pam, and the women hugged, their breasts touching. "You're wonderful!" said Erin.

Pam smiled and said "Thanks."


Cassandra and Ellen had talked for well over an hour after Jennifer had left, planning their next move. They had decided that Ellen would take Erin, and Cassandra Pam, if the slaves were offered. Ellen would use her authority as president to overrule any objections from the other women. Except for Trisha, Ellen didn't think any of them would be a problem. If April did not offer the use of Erin or Pam, then Cassandra would be faced with the embarrassing task of asking to use one of them. Ellen had not shrugged this off, but felt that April was already suspicious enough and that such a request coming from her would only serve to confirm April's feelings. Cassandra was not really a better choice, but at least she could pretend to be checking on the welfare of her former client.

At about eight, the women separated to dress and prepare themselves for the party, which was to be held at nine. At about ten till, Cassandra and Ellen joined the other women from the office and the group walked to the castle together. They were met by Laura who led them to a chamber decorated in the ancient Roman style on the second floor of the castle. The chamber was large and furnished with a low L-shaped table surrounded by couches covered in red satin. A chandelier with candles hung from the ceiling and frescos with pictures of nude women, lions, and artifacts from the period adorned the wall. In the center of the room stood a rectangular fountain filled with bright colored fish and lily pads. Ten or so tunic-clad slaves lined the wall, their garments trimmed in red and gold. Soft music played in the background, supposedly from the ancient period.

Laura said, "Mistress April bids you to recline and enjoy. She will join you shortly with Lisa." The women seated themselves on the couches, reclining around the table. Grapes and other fruit were set before the guests in large silver bowls. The slaves along the wall took up stations between the couches serving red wine to the reclining women. "When April said she was going to give us a personal demonstration, she wasn't kidding," said Trisha. "I feel like a Roman patrician!"

April entered the room followed by Lisa. Both women were dressed in purple gowns, bordered in gold. Each wore a small gold crown on her head. "Greetings!" said April, "I hope you are all having a good time. Lisa and I thought we would get into the spirit of things tonight," she continued, waving her arm over Lisa's costume. "There are period costumes in the next room, if you wish to similarly indulge yourselves. Trisha jumped up followed by Michelle and the other women and rushed into the next room. "There beautiful!" Ellen heard her say, from the adjoining room.

Ellen and Cassandra looked at each other, rose and followed the rest of the group into the next room. Neither woman was into role playing nor costume parties, but they decided to go along, so as to further their chances of seeing Erin. The room contained an array of diaphanous silk gowns in a variety of bright colors: red, green, blue, yellow, and so on. Ellen selected a modest dark blue dress and Cassandra a similar green one from the couches where they lay. Trisha, of course, grabbed a sexy red gown and quickly began to change, behind one of the old fashioned screens that lined the walls of the room. Slaves carrying gold and silver accessories and slippers entered the room and distributed them among the women. When they had finished dressing, the group returned to the chamber and reclined around the table.

"How splendid! We all look like Roman goddesses. What a wonderful idea, April. How did you ever think of it?" said Trisha gushing.

"Actually, it was Lisa's idea," said April.

"I saw it in some old vids," said Lisa, "and I thought you would enjoy it, as part of the total slave experience."

The women laughed and a general round of applause erupted from the group showing its agreement and approval with Lisa. As the conversation settled down, three more slaves entered the room carrying platters of food and drink. They set these before April and Lisa and their guests. Has the women began to dine another group of three naked slaves entered the room and began to dance around the fountain.

"Send in the wine bearers," said Lisa to Laura, who nodded. Erin and Pam entered the room clad in gold trimmed diapers with red ribbons streaming from their hair and arms and carrying large brass pitchers filled with wine.

About two hours before the party, Laura had come to collect Erin and Pam for their assignment. Both women were told to eat their evening meal. Erin retrieved hers from the food dispenser and noticed that the portion was twice as large as usual. Laura had watched them as they ate and insisted that Erin finish the meal. When they were done she led them to the changing room where they showered and were perfumed with oil by two tunic-clad slaves. Laura diapered Pam and then ordered Erin onto the padded changing table. The diapering proceeded as usual, except that Laura ran her finger along Erin's rectum and then inserted the end of a small applicator into her ass, and deposited what felt like salve or jelly inside. After she did this, she finished diapering Erin, who as usual was flushed with embarrassment.

The slaves then attached red and gold ribbons to their right arms and hair. When they were done Laura took Erin and Pam to a room on the second floor of the castle. Inside servants from the professional staff busied themselves preparing and elaborate multi-course meal. Tunic-clad slaves carried the food into and adjoining room and returned with empty trays or used platters. "You have the honor of serving Mistresses April and Lisa and their guests tonight at this banquet. You are tasked to serve the wine from those pitchers," said Laura pointing at two large brass pitchers containing wine. "Wait here until I signal you to start serving." With that, Laura left to join April and her guests in the adjoining room. After about thirty minutes, one of the servants said, "You are to serve the wine now."

Erin and Pam picked up the pitchers and walked into the banquet chamber. Erin glanced at the crowd and almost dropped the pitcher of wine she was carrying. Every guest in the room was from the office where she used to work! Erin blushed deep red in embarrassment at the thought of having her former co-workers see her half naked and in diapers. "Look!" said Trisha in astonishment, "its Erin!"

Everyone at the table looked up and stared at Erin, who slowly approached the table, beat red with embarrassment, eyes downcast and carrying the wine pitcher. Lisa looked at her guests and said, "Ah! I hope the wine is not stolen."

Trisha and the others giggled at Lisa's reference to the misdeeds that brought Erin to her current station. Michelle, who had already had a little too much to drink, said, a little too loudly, "Tell us Erin, how do you like your new occupation?" This brought on another round of laughter from the women at the table.

Erin, who by this time was standing near the table, blushed again and said meekly and with eyes downcast "I live to serve my Mistress." Erin's sincere statement gave her ex-office workers pause and immediately dampened the levity in the room.

Lisa who was enjoying Erin's obvious embarrassment added a quick re-joiner to recapture the jovial mood, "Well then, just don't stand there! Serve your Mistresses before we die of thirst." The women at the table laughed again, but for many it was a polite act; the humor had been lost by the reality of Erin's situation.

As Erin served the wine, she was forced to bend over, further exposing her large breasts that hung down and swayed slightly as she moved. Pam also provided a similar show. Erin however had another problem. She began to feel cramps building in her stomach. At this point she realized that the salve Laura had put in her rectum was a suppository, and that the large meal she had been forced to eat was to increase the volume of her bowel movement. The shame of messing herself in front of her co-workers was almost overwhelming and was deepened by the stirrings of sexual excitement that accompanied it. As Erin continued to serve the wine, she found herself squeezing her ass cheeks in an effort to postpone the inevitable. April, who had instructed Laura to give her the suppository, made sure that Erin was unable to stay in one place for more than a moment at a time, knowing that this would make it impossible for her to control herself, and would hasten the humiliating result she desired. "Bring more wine," she commanded Erin.

Erin who had just fought off another wave of cramps, hastened to the kitchen to fill the pitcher, squeezing her ass as she went. Her resulting shuffle did not escape Lisa's notice and she commented, "It looks like someone might have an accident." This brought another round of laughter from Trisha and some of the others who were enjoying Erin's obviously humiliating and embarrassing predicament.

As Erin returned carrying the full pitcher a wave of severe cramps hit her. At that moment April said, "Hurry up! My cup is empty." Erin tried to comply but the conflict of needing to stand still to control her cramps and rush to serve her Mistress could not be negotiated any longer. As Erin moved to satisfy April's demand, she lost control of her bowels, filling her diaper as she crossed the remaining distance to the table. Everyone could see by her awkward movements and her sagging diaper that she had messed herself.

April looked at her and addressed the crowd, "Now you can see why we are forced to keep her in diapers. I must apologize for her lack of control." Addressing Erin, who stood blushing in complete humiliation, she said "And what happens to naughty slave girls who cannot control themselves?"

"They are punished, Mistress," said Erin.

"Yes," said April, "that's correct. So what should I do to you?"

"Please, punish me, Mistress," replied Erin, eyes downcast.

"Bring a self-abuse aid," said April to Laura. The women around the table giggled and watched with interest to see how April would punish Erin. The novelty of seeing slaves and how they were handled was fascinating to almost all at the table.

Laura returned with a stick about and inch and a half in diameter and about three feet long that was attached to a disk at one end. She placed the disk on the floor in the center of the room, so that the stick stood upright. "Abuse yourself," commanded April.

Erin went over to the stick and sat on the floor with the device between her legs. Grasping the stick, she pulled it towards her until her diaper crotch was firmly placed against the stick. Erin then began to move her hips so that her diapered vulva rubbed against the pole between her legs. Erin could feel the warm mush that filled the seat of her diaper spread against her buttocks when she sat down. The movement of her hips as she masturbated moved the mush from the back of her diaper towards the front, distributing the mess over her bare pussy. As the mush spread, it worked its way into her vagina thereby increasing her sexual excitement with each thrust of her hips.

Erin's embarrassment was enormous and she blushed so red that she appeared to have a sunburn. But she could not stop as the frantic sexual desire took hold. April said to the women, "We try to give our slaves every opportunity to improve and redeem themselves. We do not punish them indiscriminately. She has a chance to avoid punishment by demonstrating that she can control herself."

Lisa said to Erin, "You do not have permission to cum. Rub yourself harder and faster!"

Erin increased the energy of her masturbation knowing that she would not be able to control herself much longer. She could feel her orgasm beginning to build.

"Faster," said Lisa. "Remember you do not have permission to cum."

The women at the table watched in fascination as the drama unfolded. Erin, who was moments away from climax, began to moan with pleasure and cried out, "Please Mistress, give me permission to cum! Oh, God. I need to cum so bad, please may I have permission."

"Not yet," said Lisa. "Rub yourself harder and show us that you can control yourself."

"Please, Mistress may I have permission to cum?" Erin pleaded, moaning.

But both April and Lisa remained silent. The tension in the room was palpable by this time and Ellen, who could control herself no longer said, "For God's sake April, have mercy on her!"

April smiled and said, "Oh, very well. Slave you have permission to cum, now."

With the word 'now', Erin climaxed with an intense orgasm, crying out "Oh God, no! It feels so good. Oh God." The tattoos on her face turned a dark black leaving no doubt to anyone in the room that she had achieved orgasm. After she came, Erin sat panting in total humiliation at what she had just done. April, turned to Ellen and said, "I see you still have a soft spot for her. I was going to let one of you amuse yourself with her later, but I guess I'll give her to you for the night. Try not to spoil her."

"Thank you," said Ellen, nodding to April. "I am most grateful. Do you think Cassandra could use the other one?"

This took April by surprise, but since she could see no harm in this, and she and intended to give Pam away to one of them anyways, she said, "Yes, enjoy!"

This sudden display of favoritism disappointed Trisha who had hoped to use one of the slaves herself. She was also surprised by Ellen's request, since she knew her boss disapproved of the whole idea. April, seeing her disappointment said, "Not to worry, Trisha. The other slaves are for your use. Anyone who wishes to make use of a slave can take one back with them later. This swayed the mood in the room, which had been hanging between fascination and horror over the recent events. The women began to talk among themselves overwhelmed by the opportunity of a lifetime to experience the most intimate and coveted part of slave ownership. Soon the group was laughing and giggling again, and from April's perspective, praising her magnanimity.

April instructed Laura to take Erin away, clean her up, and bring her to one of the guest chambers in the castle. Pam was also taken to a similar chamber, for use by Cassandra later. The party continued for several more hours as the meal continued accompanied by music and the dancing of naked slave girls. The latter, served to heighten the sexual anticipation of the guests whose thoughts were drawn to the slave girls who would serve them privately after the party.

April sensed their mood and rose, taking Lisa's hand and saying, "As newlyweds we should set a good example. To bed!" This brought another round of laughter from the group, but everyone rose and said good night. The women each took a slave, walking arm in arm as they left the chamber. Laura approached Ellen and Cassandra and said, "If you would follow me, Mistress April has prepared special accommodations in the castle for you tonight."


Cassandra and Ellen followed Laura who took the women to their respective chambers. After seeing the women inside, she departed leaving them alone. Ellen's chamber consisted of an anteroom, a large bedroom, with fireplace, and an equally large bathroom with sunken tub. Cassandra's room was almost identical, except for the decorations. Both rooms were plush and the beds were king size and covered by silk canopies.

When Ellen entered the bedroom, she found Erin kneeling on the floor, eyes down cast. Going over to her, she asked, "Erin, are you OK? I'm so glad to see you!"

"Yes Mistress," replied Erin, without looking up."

"None of this 'Mistress' nonsense!" commanded Ellen "Especially from you. I'm going to scream if I hear someone call me Mistress again! Besides I need to talk with you." But Erin remained on the floor kneeling before her, eyes downcast. Ellen realized that the poor girl was probably past her breaking point. She therefore knelt down in front of her and, taking her chin in her hand, raised her head so she could see her face. It was clear that Erin had been crying and was, even now, making a supreme effort to control herself. Her eyes were swollen and blank and her lower lip quivered. "Its OK," said Ellen. "It's me, Ellen."

"Ellen?" said Erin as if not recognizing her. "Oh, Ellen!" she said starting to cry again. Ellen put her arms around Erin and raised her to her feet. Placing her right hand on Erin's head she stroked her short hair as she wept. Eventually Erin quieted under Ellen's tender care and, pushing her back slightly, she dried the tears from her tattooed cheeks with her hands. Bringing her over to the bed, Ellen sat her down on the edge and said, "Erin are you OK? I need to talk with you. Our time is limited."

"Ellen," said Erin, "I'm so glad to see you! I feel so hopeless and humiliated. I can't believe I did that in front of everyone." And with that she started to cry again, burying her face in her hands.

Ellen sat down besides her and put her arm around her and said, "Listen Erin, its not you. You are being forced to do these awful things. They are manipulating your emotions, but you have to fight and use your mind, dear. If you don't you will loose yourself."

After a while, Erin regained her composure again and stopped crying. "I never dreamed anything could be so bad!" she said. "Every day is filled with constant humiliation from the moment I wake up till the moment I go to sleep."

"Tell me about it," said Ellen. So Erin explained her life at the castle, the routine of being forced to mess herself daily in her cell and urinate and masturbate publicly. She also told Ellen about what had happened the previous night; how she had been forced to service Lisa and participate in the consummation of her marriage.
