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I was so excited from everything, and so very turned on, that I couldn't think. All I could do was rely more and more on instinct to try and get my sister off as she did the same to me. The longer we went, the less I felt I was succeeding at my task. April was making me feel too good and I just couldn't concentrate enough to give her the same level of care she was giving me.

There was nothing I could do to stop the slow building of my orgasm, or the complete override of all my senses and motivation. Nothing short of yanking my sister's hand away from my pussy anyway, and there was no way I could bring myself to do that.

I came hard as April's dextrous little fingers pushed me past the point of no return. I let out a long moan of pleasure and buried my face in her shoulder, trying to be as close to my big sister as I could get while riding out the sensations coursing through my body.

Gradually I returned to near-normalcy, coming back down to reality from my sexual high. I realized I'd stopped masturbating April at all during my orgasm, but when I went to resume where I'd left off, it turned out she was taking care of herself. It made me feel kind of bad for letting her down like that, but I was also in the midst of post-orgasm bliss so it didn't bother me all that much.

"M'sorry," I mumbled.

"That's okay," she said, apparently knowing exactly what I meant.

She smiled and I smiled back, then settled in to watch her. She clearly wasn't that far away from her own orgasm, and I loved the look on her face as she got closer and closer. Her eyelids were half-closed and her lips kept making little twitches, like she couldn't decide whether she was happy or just needed to concentrate.

On impulse I leaned in and kissed her, moving one of my hands to her breast since I just couldn't help myself. I'd just started toying with her nipple when her whole body seemed to stiffen, and even without breaking our kiss to look, I knew she was cumming.

I pressed my lips harder to hers and slipped my hand down to cover the one on her pussy. I felt her fingers moving rapidly and purposefully, then suddenly slow down and stop at the same time as every part of her relaxed all at once. Finally I pulled away and grinned at her satisfied, contented face. It would have been nice if it could have been my actions that brought her there, but it was still good.

"You're a bad influence, little sister," she said, reaching out to push a few errant strands of hair from my face.

"Nuh-uh," I said.

"Deny it all you want, it's true."

April sat up and shifted toward the edge of the bed.

"Where you going?" I asked, grabbing her arm to keep her from leaving.

"Gonna put my clothes back on," she said. "Maybe get some water."

I pouted at her, imploring her with my eyes not to leave. She knew what I wanted, and even though she tried to resist she soon gave in, as I hoped she would.

"Sometimes I really hate your puppy dog eyes," she said, lying back down with a sigh. "Come here, you little cuddle-slut."

I bounced happily over next to her and snuggled right up to her, pressing my naked body against her and feeling her wrap her arms around me. She tried to act like it was all for my benefit, but I knew deep down she liked cuddling with me.

"I love you," I said.

"Mmm, I know baby," she said, holding me tighter for a moment. "I love you too. Even though you're such a spoiled brat."

There was way too much affection in her words for to take offence, plus it was hardly the first time I'd heard them. Granted, it would have been hard to feel upset about anything really. Lying in my naked big sister's arms might very well have been the cure to all my problems. It certainly felt like they'd all disappeared, at any rate.

"Okay, ten more minutes," April said. "I really am thirsty."

"'Kay," I said.

I was totally going to push for twenty.


The rest of the evening was spent in various states of relaxed nudity. April tried multiple times to clean up, or get dressed, or generally do anything remotely productive. I successfully impeded each one of her attempts.

We inevitably went to bed together and, somewhat surprisingly, I did manage to sleep. I wasn't sure how, since it was a very similar experience to trying to sleep on Christmas eve, except with my present right there in the bed with me. Just like when I was a kid, sleep eventually claimed me regardless of how excited I was.

I woke up in the morning still tangled up with my sister. She had apparently already been awake and was trying to delicately extricate herself from my sleeping grasp.

"Morning sleepy," she said, pulling herself free just before I could tighten my arms around her and hold her in place.

"Come back," I said.

"Sorry, have to get up. I need to pee so bad, and I don't think you want to test me on that."

I thought about it for a moment. "Okay, I guess that's a good excuse."

"Mm-hm, I thought you might see the logic there."

April rummaged around for clothes and prepared to get dressed.

"No clothes," I said.

"But I need to--"

"No clothes!" I insisted.

"Brat." She shook her head in resignation and dropped the shirt she'd picked up. "You're gonna try and keep me naked as much as possible, aren't you?"

"I see no downsides to that plan."

"No, I suppose you wouldn't."

I watched April's butt as she walked out of the room, then rolled onto my back. All on their own my fingers moved to my pussy and gently stroked it. I played with myself for a few minutes, but couldn't quite decide if I wanted to get off, or wait until I could convince my sister to help out. There was always the option of doing both.

Eventually I dragged myself out of bed. I hadn't cum yet, just worked myself up into a state of excessive horniness. I had a couple ideas how I could get April to relieve that problem, and I went to go find her so I could try them out.

She was already in the kitchen making breakfast, completely failing to surprise me in that respect. What did catch me off-guard was that she had put on her apron, and absolutely nothing else. All those times imagining what she would look like with nothing on underneath, and now I got to see it for real.

At first I mostly got to stare at her ass since she was facing away from me. She knew I was there though, and after teasing me briefly with a wiggle from her butt she turned around.

From the front her breasts were mostly covered, though she was showing some definite cleavage, and everything down to her mid-thigh was hidden as well. I liked her naked better, but her 'outfit' did send my imagination into overdrive in a way full nudity wouldn't have.

"You know, I kind of suspected you liked my apron a little too much," April said. "You tend to get that look like you're not really here."

"That's 'cause it's wicked sexy on you," I said.

I stepped toward her and kissed her, then tried to spin her around so her back would be to me again. She resisted, much to my dismay.

"Uh uh, no sexy times yet," she admonished. "Breakfast first. It's pancakes again, sorry. I wasn't feeling particularly creative. Somehow I'm still a bit tired from yesterday."

"Wonder why that is," I said, not quite managing to suppress a giggle.

"Yeah, it's a mystery. Anyway, you can sit there and be patient, or you get out plates and things. Your choice, but keep your hands off me."

She turned back to her cooking and I took the opportunity to admire her ass once more. I then went about getting out plates and silverware for the two of us as a naughty thought formed itself into a plan. A very simple plan, granted, but a plan nonetheless.

When I got the syrup bottle out of the fridge I didn't put it down on the table right away. Instead I waited until April wasn't paying attention and quickly moved directly behind her. She was bent over slightly, which made it easier to squeeze some of the syrup out of the bottle and onto her butt.

"Oops!" I said unconvincingly.

"What are... oh come on, seriously?"

April had been understandably confused at what had suddenly landed on her ass, but had worked it out pretty quickly even without being able to properly see the syrup running down her butt.

"I'll get it," I volunteered helpfully.

"I don't think so. You're just looking for an excuse to grab my ass."

"No grabbing, promise. I'll keep my hands off you just like you told me."

I didn't bother trying to look innocent, it wouldn't have helped. My sister was understandably skeptical, but she didn't stop me. After a moment she turned back to her pancakes.

Unlike what she no doubt assumed, I really was going to adhere to her 'no hands' rule. She'd simply failed to consider that I might not need my hands. I knelt down behind her and slowly, deliberately, licked at where the syrup had dripped farthest. She gave a startled squeak and whirled her head to see what I was doing. I had positioned myself in such a way to make it very hard to turn all the way around.

"No hands," I said.

April sighed theatrically, but still didn't try to push me away or stop me. Carefully, and with more attention to detail than strictly necessary, I kept licking until I had her all cleaned up. I pushed my luck by trying to move on to her pussy once I was finished, but I got her hand in my face for the attempt.

"Alright, that's enough," she said. "I have your pancakes ready, go eat."

I was happy to see her face was flushed and her breathing slightly irregular from my efforts. It probably wouldn't have taken much to convince her to let me keep going, not if she was anywhere near as turned on as I was. I managed to restrain myself and sat down at the table with my food.

My gaze, and most of my attention, kept drifting back to my sister's naked butt while I tried to eat. I got through barely half a pancake in the time it took her to finish up a second batch and join me. She took off her apron before sitting down, leaving the two of us completely naked.

I couldn't help myself, I was too horny and there was no way to take my mind off of it. I reached down and started fingering my pussy while attempting to continue eating one-handed. April realized what I was doing, I wasn't being particularly subtle, and rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, am I going to have to feed you?" she asked. "You must be able to stop masturbating long enough to keep yourself from starving."

"I ate some," I said. "I probably won't starve."

Between playing with myself earlier in the bedroom, giving April's butt a tongue-bath, and having her naked across the table from me, it didn't take much to hit my orgasm. A minute or two of fingering was all it took to get there, and I made sure to show off while I did. I moaned louder than I usually would have and writhed around in my chair like I was possessed. April tried to ignore me, but I was good at getting her attention even when I wasn't cumming a few feet away.

"Are you quite finished yet?" she asked, acting exasperated.

I took it as a challenge.

"No," I said. "Not even close."

I brought the fingers I'd been using on myself to my lips, making sure she watched as I sucked them clean. Again I made sure to show off more than I had to, wanting her to be as turned on as possible.

Once the effect seemed to be wearing off I slipped under the table and was immediately treated to a fantastic view of my big sister's pussy between her spread legs. I crawled over to her and moved my head between her thighs. She caught on too late to what I was up to and tried to bring her knees together, but I easily pushed her legs back apart.

She was sitting too far back in her seat and I had reach around to her butt and urge her to scoot forward. She offered a token resistance before giving in.

"This really can't wait for, like, five minutes?" she asked.

"No, it really can't."

I'd never licked another girl's pussy before, but if I was going to learn April's was definitely my first choice for training on. My lack of experience wasn't going to stop me from diving right in, and I traded careful exploration for enthusiasm born of years of desire.

She gasped as my tongue made contact, then traveled the length of her wet slit over and over. She tasted so good, so much better than I could have hoped. If sex had a taste, I decided that I'd found it.

April leaned back heavily in her chair as I got a particularly solid lick right on her clit. She spread her legs even wider and placed a hand on my head, running her fingers encouragingly through my hair.

"You're way too excited about this," she said.

I didn't bother dignifying that with a response. Of course I was excited, my dreams and fantasies were playing out in real life and I wanted to experience everything all at once.

Despite my lack of skill, I knew I must have been getting to her as she slowly lost control of her body. Her fingers tangled in my hair and I felt some pressure as she held me down, as if I was going anywhere. The soft moans coming from above me were also increasing in frequency and intensity, giving me another good indication I was doing something right.

I increased my pace, licking as fast as I could and focusing more and more on April's clit as I sensed she was getting close. My tongue really wasn't used to this kind of workout, but I forced myself to keep going.

It was all made worthwhile when she let out one long moan and I felt a small rush of juices over my tongue as she came. I got such a triumphant sensation from making my sister orgasm, and once I was sure it was over I scooted out from under the table on my back, looking up at her to see that look of contented relaxation on her face that I'd wanted her to have.

And it was all thanks to me.

"You're not bad at that, you know," April said, her voice cracking halfway through the sentence. I just smiled as she cleared her throat. "I'd almost tell you that you needed more practice just so you'd do it again, but who am I kidding. You're gonna do it again regardless of what I say."

"Of course I am," I said. "As much as possible."

"Which brings up something else I need to say."

April tried to look serious, and partly succeeded. I was a little worried about what she was thinking, but it was hard to be overly concerned when it wasn't anything she felt the need to get dressed for.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well... I can't help but feel like you're going to be coming over to my place even more than usual."

"Well duh."

"Yeah, that's what I figured. Anyway, you might want to consider how you're going to explain that to mom and dad."

"Why would they care? They'd rather me be with you than... lots of other places really."

April gave me her well-practiced patronizing smile. "And what happens if they realize you're supposedly coming over way more than ever before and think maybe you're actually going somewhere else? What if they think I'm covering for you so you can go out with a boy, or go drinking or something?"

I had to think about that for a moment. "You wouldn't do that. You wouldn't knowingly let me get into trouble and they know that too. No way you'd be covering for anything too bad."

"Okay, but there are lots of issues regardless. Like you'd probably have to start keeping some of your clothes here, and other things, since you won't be home nearly as much."

"Mm-hm, almost like I'd be living here," I said happily. "With my favouritest big sis."

"That's what I'm getting at. Do you want to? For real?"

I stared at her. "Are you actually asking me to move in?"

"Yes, I am. Granted I haven't thought it over as much as I should have, but... it seems like the best option. We can tell anyone who cares that you're getting some independence or something. Helping me with rent, that sort of thing. I doubt we'd draw much suspicion as to what's really going on."

I giggled. "No, it'd be kinda unlikely that anyone would guess just how much I love you. And vice-versa."

Somehow, giddy as I was, not to mention horny all over again after licking my sister's pussy, I struggled to my feet. I wrapped her in a big, naked hug and held it until she pried herself free.

"But," she said, "there are conditions."

"Like what?" I asked, suddenly wary.

"Like I meant it about you helping with rent. I fully expect you to get a job if you move in with me, only a part time one of course. Something that works around your school hours."

"But I've never had a job. I don't kno--"

"Exactly. You've never had one. You wanted me to let you grow up, this is me doing just what you wanted. In fact, I'm making you grow up. That's the deal. You move in, and I make you less of a spoiled princess. Even though that's all partly my fault to begin with."

I tried to pout and failed miserably. I couldn't get past the idea of moving in with April and being around her even more. Probably without many clothes on most of the time. It was too good to pass up, even if the thought of getting a job terrified me a little.

"Deal," I said.

She smiled and stood up to kiss me.

"Good choice," she said.

"Do we get to go celebrate now?" I asked, nodding toward the bedroom.

April looked down at our plates, not even half empty. I knew that drove her crazy, and that I'd be hungry later since I hadn't eaten much. But that was later, I was concerned about now. I tugged gently on her hand to try and guide her back toward her bed. Or maybe it was our bed now. I felt a little thrill run through me at the thought.

"Yeah," she said finally. "Let's go celebrate."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So cute and hot story. This what sisters supposed to do :3

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Excellent. A cute story!

RougeAgentRougeAgent4 months ago

Sister in love, very well written!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Incredibly heartwarming story of sibling love and growth.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

One of my absolute favorites. Yes, it's erotic, but it's just so warm and cuddly too. I hope you have some more like this one up your sleeve. Thank you for this one. It's very appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is not just a masturbate fantasy, it's honestly one of the best novels ever written.

sp141sp1417 months ago

If this was a movie I would watch the shit out of this! So cute, yet sexy towards the end

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Really cute story. It was almost like April planned to give in all along and was only faking hard to get.

amw297amw29712 months ago

Loved the story, 5 stars for sure, was the main character ever named? I'm trying to remember if her name came up and I skimmed thru again and didn't see it

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Erotic! Just like these stories are supposed to be. And it has a satisfying ending. 5 stars 🌟!

Bill S.

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