Cultural Diffusion Ch. 05


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Alejandro opened the back door and walked into the dining room of the house. The table was filled with aluminum pans of many different sizes. But the smell of food wafting around her nose had her eyes searching for a plate. Reading her mind, Alejandro found two and handed one to her. Kat started at the beginning, like she was on a conveyer belt. But by the end, her plate was challenging Alejandro's. It contained at least 2 servings of barbequed steak with chimichurri sauce, a potato salad that was vibrant due to the mixed vegetables inside, a salad with citrus dressing and a sausage type of thing called Chorizo. Kat was about to take a seat at the nearby dining room table that was empty, but Alejandro's voice spoke before she could advance for the chair.

"Come upstairs." He said with a nod of his head. He reached into a nearby cooler and got out a few drinks. Alejandro gracefully balanced everything as he ascended the stairs. The upstairs hallway was small, and broadcasted 2 doors on each wall, perfectly aligned. Alejandro led her toward the door furthest back but didn't attempt to open it.

"Can you get that please?" He asked her.

"Oh, yeah." Kat mumbled when she used her free hand to swiftly open the bedroom door. The inside was a deep, ocean blue and the bedding was a shade darker. It stilled looked as if a young boy occupied the space, but he was now a grown man. Kat put her plate on the bed and used her time to inspect the dresser.

There were pictures of Alejandro, his brother and father in tiny frames, beside a large collection of action figures. Kat picked up a small black frame and took note of the beautiful woman gripping the strong jawed boy by the shoulders. The scene behind them was of the lit Times Square. Kat had fully inspected every photo and was content enough to eat. Alejandro was more than 1/3 finished his plate on the bed, and Kat sat across from him.

"I feel like a teenage girl." She chuckled softly. Alejandro laughed lightly too. She was sitting on a twin size bed, a quilted comforter of baseballs with her legs crossed.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to be bothered with all the people while I ate." He said. Kat nodded in understanding.

"Okay. But what is this—a party or something?" She was almost certain this was Eduardo's house but the occasion wasn't exactly clear.

"No." He laughed. "He throws this old people club type of thing every Saturday. It's just a way for single people to flirt and dance." He said while opening his can of soda.

"That's really nice. Eduardo did strike me as the celebrity type so I can't say I'm too surprised." She said lightheartedly. Alejandro chuckled.

"I guess he is."

"Javier came to pick up the kids. Have you met him?" Kat asked.

"Yeah I have." He started with a shrug. "Why? What happened?" Alejandro asked a little more urgently.

"Nothing, nothing. I was just asking." She said reassuringly.

"So... I thought we spoke about Luis?" Alejandro said, somewhat agitated. Kat gulped at the memory of the two men sharing hard glances between one another.

"I spoke to him." She said honestly.

"It wasn't too effective then." He grumbled. Kat smiled at her jealous man. Although his annoyance with her was plastered on his features, she was flattered he felt that way. Kat shrugged her shoulders and took a spoonful of her food.

"Is that all you have to say about it?" He pressed. Alejandro didn't want to be mad at Kat, but he needed to be angry with someone. He felt threatened.

"Alejandro, what do you want me to do?" Kat asked. They both knew what he wanted her to do. But the obvious, untouched area of their relationship's actual stance would be sure to come up. Which was something neither of them wanted to dwell on. So Alejandro brushed the topic off.

"Do you think I should try teaching Diego some English? He's been really interested in learning it lately." Kat asked. Alejandro sighed loudly.

"We aren't talking about the kids tonight. This is about you and I."

"Okay baby, I'm sorry." Kat said with a little smile. She pushed herself onto 4 legs and maneuvered in the direction of his lips. Alejandro smiled slyly, content with her face just a few centimeters away from his own. He pressed his red lips forward and Kat met him halfway. The kiss was short yet still full of passion. Kat sat back down on the bed and looked onto her practically empty plate.

"You want more?" He asked her. Kat looked at her stomach and patted it gently.

" But I could use a few more kisses." She laughed. She held her lips out for him and closed her eyes shut tight. The bed moved under her and she figured he was going for her lips. But the light sound of the door behind her forced her to open her eyes. No one was in the room, her empty plate was gone and the deep rumble of laughter was heard out the door. Kat groaned. She had officially been fooled twice by Alejandro with false kisses.

Kat used her time alone to further look through Alejandro's room. Right beside the bed was a short night stand that was piled with books. Kat bent down to peer inside and saw they consisted of book about the human body, biology and anatomy. The feeling of big hands trailing along her backside made her stand up straight and gasp lightly. She took another second to feel out the hands and realized she was familiar with them.

"Did I scare you?" He laughed into her neck. Kat leaned further into him, feeling her spot into his chest. She placed her hands over his that held tightly around her abdomen. He kissed her tenderly over her temple and down her cheek until he came dangerously close to her lips.

But Kat, remembering his shenanigans earlier, turned her head slightly. Alejandro knew she was trying to get back at him, but he wasn't in the mood for her game related revenge. Kat gasped when his large hand framed her jaw and quickly pulled her lips in his direction.

Alejandro looked deeply into her eyes and Kat returned his stare directly. The amount of emotion in his gaze startled Kat more than his possessive grip on her face. Slowly, he removed his hand from his jaw and led it toward her neck. Kat advanced for his soft lips and Alejandro received them delicately. She gripped a handful of his hair and tried to force his lips closer to hers somehow.

Alejandro gripped Kat's hips during their kiss and led her toward his bed. His strong biceps allowed him to cradle Kat's back until she gracefully landed on the bed. Alejandro supported his weight above her and used one hand to start unbuttoning her shorts. Kat caught his hand.

"Not here." She said, glancing at the baseball on the sheet beside her.

"Kat, I lov—" He took a hard gulp."... I'll be right back." He said, flustered with himself. His face was flushed the deepest of reds but he didn't look embarrassed. He stalked out of the room without another word. Kat said up on her forearms, completely confused with his behavior.

When he returned, he seemed fine. His face held evidence of water and he ran a hand through his hair with a sigh.

"You okay?" Kat asked, standing to be more level with his face. He nodded reassuringly.

"Yeah, let's go downstairs." He suggested. Kat nodded and he turned to lead the way. The wandered down the hall and back down the stairs where the party was still at its strong point. Alejandro found his way toward Kat's hand and was proceeding to walk out onto the deck where the dancing was taking place. But Kat didn't budge. Alejandro turned around to face her.

"I'm not dancing." She said simply. Alejandro smiled at her.

"Why not? I know you know how to." He urged.

"So what, I'm not dancing." She said a little firmer. She wanted to get her point across as clearly as possible. Gyrating at home, to your own music and by yourself was totally different from dancing between 60 people, who are all very good.

"Just one song?" He asked, stepping closer. His breathing was felt over her head. "I'll make sure your glad you did it when we get home." He whispered. Kat closed her eyes for a minute and his sexy words washed over her while goose bumps rose on her arms. Alejandro could tell she wasn't entirely convinced so he decided to press some more.

"I'll rip that pussy apart Kat. I swear, it'll be the best fuck I ever gave you." He growled in deep, baritone Spanish.

"One song." She grumbled. Alejandro laughed for a good minute before he took her hand and continued their journey to the backyard.

Once outside, Alejandro turned Kat around so her back and bottom were pressed firmly against his. With a smile, he waited for her to begin dancing but she didn't. Alejandro chuckled and reached a hand down her stomach and into the split between her legs. Although no one looked to be paying attention to him, Kat still tried to remove his hand.

"Dance." He grumbled. The hand on her pussy reminded her of his promise, and she did want him to follow up on. So she closed her eyes, tilted her head, and twisted her hips in gentle figure eights. Alejandro watched her for a few seconds, admiring her gracefulness and her curves from behind.

"You need to dance with—" Kat started.

"Alright baby." He said, cutting her off and gripping her hips. He matched her movements and quietly sang in her ear. After a minute of dancing, Kat was starting to enjoy herself. The people around her were invisible behind her lids and became invisible in her mind as well.


Kat and Alejandro went home with an urgency. She couldn't wait to get some and receive whatever plans Alejandro had for her. He opened the door and stepped aside to let Kat in. She took her shoes off carefully at the door. Alejandro picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and she let out a loud gasp followed by a series of laughs. He practically ran to the bedroom with Kat's face buried into his back. He slapped her hard on the bottom before he plopped her onto the bed. Kat watched him while he stripped.

"You've been teasing me all night Kat; I couldn't fuck you when I wanted and then you had the nerve to dance on me like that? I think you lost your mind." He continued, only half joking. When he was free from his clothes, he stroked his curved dick a few times while Kat took off her clothes.

Kat sat leaned on her arms and waited for what would happen. Alejandro cupped her legs and brought her closer to the edge of the bed, ruining the placements of the sheets. He used his dick to toy with Kat's pussy; jabbing at her folds with his smooth tip. Kat whined when his precum moistened her clit. Alejandro slapped his dick against her womanhood and Kat practically screamed from the feeling. Happy with her positive feedback, he kept up his work and put more force behind his hits.

Kat's orgasm was intense due to the fact that Alejandro continued to punish her clit while it passed. But once it was close to subsiding, he slowed down. Although every time he did bring his rod down onto her pearl, she shuttered roughly below him.

When he was ready to feel Kat's plush walls, he pushed himself inside deep inside her. Kat cried out, accompanied by Alejandro's deep grunt. He immediately started pounding her. He gripped her thighs firmly, probably even leaving a bruise. Kat's tits bounced hysterically and her moans turned into cries of horror. Alejandro couldn't even hold out for 10 minutes; his sticky nut burst right inside Kat followed by loud Spanish swears.

"Did you cum inside me?" Kat asked seriously in a breathless voice. Alejandro's hung head slowly lifted and Kat fought to see him through his curls.

"I'm sorry baby." He said. Kat rolled her eyes and put a hand over her eyes.

"You need to get me morning after pills tomorrow." Kat whispered. She walked to the bathroom to clean Alejandro's seed.

"Kat? I'm sorry." Alejandro said again on the opposite side of the bathroom door. Kat sighed.

"It's alright. I just really need those pills." Kat said, the anxiety really taking a toll on her. She didn't feel in control of her life at that moment. Everything seemed like it was in the hands of fate and that didn't work well with Kat's character.

"I'll get them for you tomorrow." He said. Kat could hear him walking away and back toward the bedroom.

When Kat was finished in the bathroom, she strolled to the bedroom. She crawled up the length of the bed and slipped under the covers behind Alejandro. She didn't think she'd be able to sleep knowing the process of making a baby was happening overnight. She faced the window and stared out of it in a daze. What if she were to get pregnant? That would make things complicated. Alejandro shifted behind her and was soon pressed tightly along her length.

Kat could tell he felt guilty, and in reality he was. He could see how stressed Kat was getting over it but he knew the first thing he'd do tomorrow was go get her those pills. So he trailed kisses against her back and hoped she'd fall asleep.


When Kat awoke, the first thing her mind could race to were the pills. But as she sat up in bed, she saw two blue pills positioned next to a glass of water on the nightstand beside the bed. Kat smiled at the thoughtfulness that came with Alejandro, but didn't think twice about downing the pills and the water.

"Good morning." Alejandro said behind her. Kat turned around to lie and face him once the water was back on the table. She snuggled up into his chest and glided a hand over his collar bone aimlessly.

"Morning." She said back. Alejandro sat a hand on her back and caressed it's lower half.

"You were kind of restless last night." Alejandro said, kissing the top of her head. She had switched positions in bed every half-hour to 15 minutes, waking Alejandro every once in awhile.

"I'm sorry." She said back.

"It's alright baby, I just went and got you the pills as soon as I woke up." He said. Kat remembered something, and then sat up.

"What time is it? You didn't go to church today." Kat said looking into his eyes. His hair was sprawled all over his pillow. He smirked at her before replying nonchalantly.

"I'll go next week." He pulled on her hip, telling her to return to her spot and she did. They rested in that position for a half hour, and Alejandro was drifting back to sleep. His venture to work on a Sunday to find those pills had him up at daybreak.

But Kat remained awake, just thinking. She thought about how much she was enjoying this new life she seemed to be living. Her life as a substitute teacher in New York, meeting different kids and praying she got work seemed to be nothing in comparison. But it was stability. And stability was something Kat loved to know she had. All her life she had to move and adjust, move and adjust, but a shit of a life, doing the same things consistently was better than anything she ever had.

The doorbell rang and Alejandro's eyes slowly opened. He untwined himself from Kat and bent over to find his sweats, giving Kat a nice view of his dangling dick and firm butt. Kat arose from bed a little slower. But when the piercing sounds of children wailing filled the house and echoed out the hallway, she hurried her pace. She threw on a bra, shorts and a tee and opened the bedroom door.

She covered her mouth when she saw the kids and her heart ached at their tears.

"Carmen why the hell would you do this?" Alejandro boomed over the kids' crying. Maribel was stuck to her father's calf, but when she faced Kat in the doorway, she ran toward her. Her face was deep red and wet with tears. Kat premeditatedly leaned and positioned her arms to hold her. Her hair was just barely touching her shoulders. Her curls were cut into a cute, short bob around her neck while Diego's was buzz cut short.

"It was too long." Carmen said just as loudly, handing Alejandro their bags. Kat stroked Maribel's back and tried to shush her sobbing.

"It's alright Bel, it's just hair." Kat cooed to her. Maribel tried to speak but her words came out chopped. Kat listened closely.

"I won't have ponytails anymore." She sobbed.

"I'll work something out for you, I promise." Kat told her.

"Do you allow her to spoil them like this?" Carmen asked in disbelief. Kat hadn't even realized that they were watching her exchange with Maribel. Alejandro didn't waste another minute of his time and closed the door on her while she awaited an answer she would never get. Alejandro however, did seem effected by her words. He locked eyes with Kat while she bounced crying Maribel in her arms.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Alejandro asked, stalking past her and toward the bedroom door. Kat put Maribel on the ground and smoothed out her shirt.

"I'll be right back." Kat told them both. Kat opened the bedroom door and Alejandro sat with his back turned toward her. His long hair sat idle on his strong, muscled back.

"Kat, you're spoiling them too much." Alejandro told said.

"How?" Kat asked through gritted teeth.

"What the hell do you mean 'how?' You give them everything they want. And then some." Alejandro said, getting up from across the room to face her. Kat wasn't backing down. She felt too innocent in this situation to feel intimidated.

"I give them luxuries but I don't think I give them excess." Kat said, explaining herself. Kat was not confrontational so having to explain her reasoning to someone who was going against her was not easy.

"It's hair. It'll grow back, you don't have to baby them like you did." He said sternly.

"You know how much they value their hair. This wasn't just a typical haircut Alejandro." Kat said, defending them.

"Look. I'm their father and I am asking—No. I'm telling you that you need to stop treating them like this. That's the end of it." He said, striding toward her. By the completion of his sentence, he was standing directly over Kat.

"I care about them too. I love them. I want what's best for—" Kat started delicately. But Alejandro cut her off.

"Do you love me?" Kat couldn't. She had 2 more months and she would never see this man, his kids, her job, her friends or this land again. Confessing any feelings to herself for any of those options would make things so much more problematical for her. She needed to be strong and commit to her plan of remaining unattached. Which was something she had mastered in her lifetime.

"...No. I don't love you." She lied.

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trubblemakurtrubblemakurabout 11 years ago

Neither one of them were being responsible adults? it's not just up to her to use birth control he should be stocked with condoms. Why does everyone think that pulling out before cumming is full proof protection?

london101london101over 11 years ago
not me!

Lol. I would've told him "yes, i do love you! Lets have little curly/nappy black/Brazilian/Spanish kids. Lets be the the Brady bunch Novella style!"

Just saying. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Why, for the love of God, is she a sexually active adult and not on birth control? What the hell?! She is acting like an irresponsible teenager. I'm pretty sure she can find condoms somewhere.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Why in the world did she LIE!?!?!?!?

MadameblaqueMadameblaquealmost 12 years ago

Kat really messed up. Interested to see what happens next. Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Continue pleaseeee

You can/should make this story as long as possible !!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Please DO NOT cut Alejandro's hair!! It is one of the sexiest things about him!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Happy Bday annnnnd.....

Pleaaaaaaaaaseeeee post SOON!!!!! :D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Story is going GREAT....

Good work so far...but Kat shoulda said, I CAN'T love you.. Since that is the truth but leaves room for her to reveal her true feelings...Saying she doesn't, really makes things problematic unless he sees she's lying...Alejandro seems to be getting a bit aggressive too. More gentle/sweet next chapter? :)

VgheatVgheatalmost 12 years ago
Don't know what else to say........ other than


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