Curious Girls Ch. 21-22


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Through her shorts? Was that even possible? She was apparently had no qualms about finding out.

"Tamara, wai-" I tried to protest, but my cries were muffled effectively by her crotch.

She pushed her crotch gently, but firmly into my nose, exploring the new sensations. The pressure on my nose was unpleasant but tolerable.

"Fuck. That is hot. I like the way it feels when your nose pushes the denim into me. This is even hotter than doing it through panties."

She ran her fingers through my hair as she gripped my head. I cried out involuntarily in pain. The denim rubbed roughly against my nose as she began enjoying herself in earnest. Her motions were much the same as ever, but the pain and discomfort was like nothing I'd ever experienced. She wasn't reserved in her determination to push my nose into her slit through the fabric, rubbing and bouncing her crotch on my face. Every motion was a searing pain between the abrasive nature of the denim and it's unrelenting firmness. It was almost like a battle of wills where the denim was trying to keep my nose out of her pussy and she was trying to force it in. And it seemed she was winning. She shifted her weight back onto my chin, using it to massage her clit through her tight shorts.

"Ow, fuck. Tamara," I spat angrily, "That really hur-" She cut off my protests again.

"Mmmmmm... that's better. I mean, I like the way your chin feels better through my shorts, but I don't like hearing you complain when you're the one that asked for this."

"I didn't!" I managed to protest into her crotch between thrusts.

"Shhhhh, you protest so much, but once we're done you always realize how much you enjoy it. You didn't think you were going to enjoy me rubbing my panties in your face at first either, did you?"

"I didn't enjo-" I tried again, but suddenly gagged as her musky scent filled my nostrils. This was quite possible the most uncomfortable I'd even been with Tamara on my face. Granted, I'd been in some revolting situations. I'd licked her ass for crying out loud. But this was just plain painful. I was very tempted to ask Tamara to remove her shorts, but I wasn't entirely convinced that I wanted her to think I preferred my face buried in her nasty, naked snatch over... well, anything. She had a tendency of getting strange ideas in her head. Plus, I wasn't exactly keen myself on the shorts being gone. At least this way, my face stayed dry.

She continued grinding into my nose, beginning to bounce slightly into my head. I realized that in addition to the scent of arousal, her juices were actually beginning to soak through the fabric of her shorts. Her wetness was slowly spreading onto my skin. It was a far cry from the near-drowning experience of having my nose and mouth trapped inside her slit, but it was disgusting nonetheless.

It was hard to tell if she was grinding her mound on my face harder than usual, but it sure felt like it. Tamara was gasping with pleasure with each thrust, and it was clear that my feelings were not at the forefront of her thoughts.

Tamara pulled down the zipper on her shorts, revealing her curly, red pubic hair. She didn't even break stride, continuing to thrust aggressively against my face as she slid her middle finger into her mouth. A few moments, she withdrew her wet finger from her mouth and slid it through it through the opening in her shorts. Although the jeans prevented me from seeing much, it was abundantly clear what it was doing.

She moaned, letting her her increasingly damp crotch rest on my mouth and nose as her finger teased her clit. After a few moments, she withdrew her finger and sat up.

"Tamara," I gasped, "Please, it hur-"

I was suddenly gagging on her finger as she slid her middle finger into my mouth and over my tongue. Her juices were thick on her finger.

"Swallow it," she demanded. I complied, sucking her juices off her finger and nearly gagging as I felt them flow down my throat. "That's just a taste of what's coming," she moaned. "You're the only one that's ever gotten me this wet, and I'm sure as hell going to make sure you get to enjoy it too."

I was still struggling to get the taste out of my mouth when I felt her weight back on my face. This time, after a few moments of getting back into her rhythm, she began humping my face in earnest. My whole face felt like it was on fire, and I struggled to keep my cries of pain quiet even as Tamara moaned loudly in excitement. I was worried that Krista would hear, but it was all I could do to worry about my own cries without having to worry about Tamara's too. Just when I thought my face, and nose in particular, couldn't take any more, a violent orgasm rocked her body. She tensed her legs, and her hands gripped my hair tightly as she slowly came down from her orgasmic pleasure.

She gasped, catching her breath as she sat back on my upper chest. She squashed my breasts uncomfortable as she leaned back, wiggling as she pulled her shorts off.

"Tamara, my nose hurts-" I cried. I wasn't exaggerating either, it felt like it was on fire.

"I know... I got a little carried away," she smiled, running her fingers tenderly through my hair. "But I know just what will make it feel better."

Now naked from the waist down, her hairy mound was back over my face before I knew it. As her vaginal lips slowly spread to allow my face inside her, I found myself strangely comforted by the warm, wet embrace. I knew it wouldn't feel so soft and comforting once she was shoving it into my face with equal enthusiasm. But at the moment, I was just thankful those terrible, abrasive jeans were gone. My nose still hurt like nothing I'd felt before.

She was already wet enough that each slow thrust made a distinctive squishing sound. The sound made me cringe. I sputtered as her juices started to make their way into my nose and mouth. It was going to be a long night.

"Stick out your tongue," she demanded. Not again. I'd let her fuck my tongue once before, and it'd been disgusting beyond imagination. But I also knew better than to disobey her. I shuddered, sticking my tongue out reluctantly.

She didn't hesitate to push my tongue between her swollen lips, using it to explore and tease her inner vaginal lips. Gripping my head again as she pushed my tongue into her vaginal opening. She fucked my tongue for a few minutes, before sitting up slowly. I watched with newfound disgust as I realized I could see, out of the corner of my eyes, her lips clinging to my tongue as it slid out of her. I could see a thick film of cum being left behind, and I could feel it beginning to drip down my tongue toward my throat.

Oh, God. Please don't make me swallow this. I prayed silently, afraid to even guess at what she was doing as she shifted her position. She sat on my stomach, her bare lips now spreading their wetness to my stomach. She leaned over, her face uncomfortably close to mine. She opened her mouth, and I watched in shocked horror as her mouth encompassed my tongue. I instinctively started to withdraw my tongue back into my own mouth to get it out of hers before she closed her lips, but remembered the thick coating of cum awaiting me if I did. While I lay there in indecision, her lips closed around my tongue, brushing my own lips as they did. Her saliva washed over my tongue as she sucked, pulling her own cum into her mouth.

She continued sucking at my tongue until I wasn't sure if it had more of her saliva on it than my own, but at least it wasn't covered with cum anymore. She bit her lips and closed her eyes, savoring the moment. I pulled my own tongue back into my mouth, aware I was likely swallowing a good amount of her saliva.

"I wanted to make sure that last time wasn't a fluke. Because... dang that's hot. I don't know if my cum just tastes delicious in general, or if it's because sucking it off your tongue is so kinky, but I'm not sure I've been this turned on before."

"What? Tamara, what are you talking about? You actually like the taste of your own... cum?"

"When I taste myself on your lips, I feel so... in control. It's exhilarating. As for otherwise, I don't know. I guess more experimentation is needed," she grinned. "Stick your tongue out again," she demanded firmly.

I stuck my tongue out again. It was going to be a long night all right.


I was awoken by Tamara shifting on the bed. I was physically and mentally exhausted by the time Tamara was satiated. She wasn't exaggerating when she'd expressed her arousal by what had happened first in the car, then in my bedroom. She really seemed to get off on tasting herself on me. I'd lost count of the number of times she'd forced me to tongue fuck her just so she could suck her juices off my lips and tongue. I estimated it was close to a dozen times before she'd gotten too turned on to play around anymore. She proceeded to fuck my tongue to orgasm a number of times before she switched to just outright fucking my entire face-probably just as many times, until she finally was too exhausted to continue. The sad thing was, I could tell she was still intensely aroused. I had no doubt she'd have kept going if she had the energy.


I looked around. It was dark, and I couldn't tell what Tamara was doing. Was she even awake? I was naked from the waist down, and my shirt was unbutton on top. I was basically completely exposed. Somewhere in the course of the night, she'd removed most of my clothes.

I felt her full, naked breasts pressing into my stomach. I only vaguely remembered when she'd pulled her own shirt off, but I remembered far too much time of watching the underside of her enormous breasts jiggling and bouncing as she had rocked back and forth on my face. She'd spent a good amount of time groping herself and fingering her nipples when she'd been fucking herself with my tongue.

I didn't remember how she'd ended up in the position she had, but she had apparently fallen asleep on top of me facing my feet. She was short enough that she'd not had to worry about her face being too close to my own crotch, but that didn't stop hers from being uncomfortably close to mine. I couldn't quite make it out in the dark, but I knew it was close. Her legs wrapped around either side of my head, and I could smell the her faint aroma.

Tamara's hips lifted as she partially awoke in response to my subtle movements, and she shifted her weight back toward my head. She pressed her mound into my neck just under my chin and slowly began to slide her vaginal lips back and forth over my skin, her wetness increasing as she used my neck and chin to stimulate herself yet again. I just lay there in silence, trying to figure out what she was doing. She was beginning to get wet, although nowhere near as wet as she'd been earlier in the night. Thankfully, her thrusting against my neck wasn't too intense. I still couldn't tell if she was even awake. Either way, her grinding on my face was only half-hearted, but it was just as clear as ever when she reached orgasm. She lowered her hips back down to my upper chest, her pussy still pressing into my neck.

After a few minutes, I realized that regardless of whether she'd been asleep before, she was asleep now. Despite the fact that my chin was still stuck in her crotch, I eventually managed to drift back to sleep as well.


I awoke to Tamara slapping my cheek gently.

"Wake up. I got so into my own pleasure I fell asleep without even taking care of you!"

"Tamara? What? It's OK, honest," I protested.

"No. It's not. I'm a bad girlfriend. You need to enjoy yourself too. And I've got a special treat in mind for you to make up for forgetting about you. Stick your tongue out again." There was absolutely nothing I could possibly want from Tamara that started with me sticking out my tongue.

"Tamara, really... you don't need to worry about me."

"Stick it out. Now." I sighed, sticking out my tongue. I just wanted this to be over with as quickly as possible. She lowered her crotch to my tongue, wasting no time in forcing my tongue back into her sticky pussy lips. She was unusually dry compared to most times, but that didn't last for long. I had no idea how she thought any of this was different than what she'd already been doing all night, or why this would be a treat. As if sensing my confusion, she explained while continuing to fuck my tongue.

"I wanted to give you this treat earlier, but after I'd gotten off a few times, I knew I'd be cheating you out of the full experience you deserve if I didn't wait to recover. Now that I've had time to rest, I'm going to make sure you get a nice mouthful of my delicious cum."

"Huh? What was she talking about? I didn't like where this was going. Her juices were already dripping heavily down my throat, but I'd been willing to tolerate it knowing it would be over soon. However, that last comment worried me. However, before I could react, her body tensed and orgasmic pleasure rocked her body. I felt her muscles tensing and throbbing against my tongue as her juices and cum poured down my tongue into my mouth.

"Don't you dare swallow yet," she demanded. "If you do, we'll just have to start all over again." She continued fucking my tongue, building up to a second orgasm, and then a third. Each time, she reminded me not to swallow as her juices and cum continued to accumulate in my mouth. By the time I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep my tongue extended any longer, I'd already lost track of the number of times she'd orgasmed on my tongue.

It was hard not to either spit or swallow. Her taste was overwhelming. I'd never had this much of her cum in my mouth before.

"OK, now... hold it all in your mouth," she grinned as she slid her fingers between my own legs. Her fingers were like magic, doing all the right things. She drew out the pleasure. Each time I was near orgasm, she would back off only to bring be near the brink of orgasm yet again. I thought I might go insane from the repeated teasing. I'd been near the brink of orgasm for what felt like half an hour, trying hard not to think about the taste of her cum in my mouth as my pussy yearned for release.

"Swallow," she demanded. I looked at her, confused.

"Swallow it now," she repeated. I swallowed and regretted it instantly.

She began rubbing my clit in earnest. My body exploded in orgasm. The pleasure was more intense than anything I'd felt before. For a brief moment, I didn't even care about the the way her thick cum tasted as it washed over my tongue or how it felt as it oozed down my throat. For a brief moment, I liked it, and it scared the hell out of me.

I hated her so much for the way she was trying to confuse my emotions. That had been the best orgasm I'd ever had, and I'd never be able to remember it again without also remembering the sensations and taste of her cum in my mouth. I cried until I finally fell asleep.


I awoke to a knocking at my door. The sun was bright, and I had no idea what time it was.

"Sara?" I heard Krista's voice through the door.

I tried to rub my eyes, but that's when I realized I was still tied to my bed. Crap. Tamara must have forgotten to untie me before she left. Krista was actually speaking to me again. There was no way I was going to ask her to untie me from my bed. As I looked down, I realized something else. Tamara hadn't left. She on her side, nuzzled up to my neck. Her left breast lay heavily on my body, smothering my own breast. Her skin was sticky against mine with dried sweat, and not only that, but she had an arm thrown over my body and one of her legs between mine. Yeah, there was no way I was inviting Krista in right now.

"Tamara," I whispered urgently. "Wake up."

She rubbed her eyes. "Mmmmmm... Morning, Babe," she moaned, grinning.

"There's no time to play around," I whispered urgently. "You fell asleep last night. Hurry up and untie me before Krista gets suspicious!"

Tamara yawned, pulling herself up in the bed. Instead of climbing out, she threw a leg over my torso.

"Don't worry. She can wait for a while," Tamara smiled, pulling her hair back. "I shouldn't have to rush out of bed with my girlfriend just because her sister is at the door."

"Tamara, I'm not playing around," I hissed.

"Sara? Are you awake?" Krista asked again through the door.

"Uh, yeah. Give me a second to wake up!" I yelled back.

"What was that?" Krista asked. The door opened slightly.

"Don't come in!" I panicked.

"Did you say to come in?" Krista asked, her head poking through the door. "I realized I may have overreacted before. You've never lied to me before, and I should have let you expl-"

Her jaw dropped. For all intents and purposes, I was naked and tied to my bed, and Tamara was equally naked and straddling my body. I already knew I wasn't talking myself out of this one.

To be continued...


Thanks to everyone for their continued patience! I know this chapter took longer than usual to release. My new job has been keeping me very busy, but I did manage to sneak away for a couple hours and push through to finish this! I hope you all think it was worth the wait!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Yeah, now all you need is Sara going into a mental breakdown. Sara's face already got swollen from Tamara sexual abuse and we can see that all of this is affecting her mentally. Keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Awesome work

Can't wait for new chapters!!!!

precipiceofoblivionprecipiceofoblivionabout 8 years agoAuthor
Anonymous #20

Rough draft is finished, and I'm about halfway through my initial reading/fixing. I estimate it will probably take another 5-10 hours worth of work before I'm ready to submit. At my current rate of progress, it may be another week or two. I appreciate your patience, and I'll try to get it done as soon as I can!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Any idea when the next chapter could be out? :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Amazing story

Suspense is killing me man lol, im really hoping tamara wins this, awesome that you added the girlfriend thing that was great.. I cant wait for ch.23 im starting to wonder whats going to happen to krista now

wof2wof2about 8 years ago
Thanks for reply

Hey precipiceofoblivion.

Just wanted to say thanks for the reply. I understand how things can get away from us and appreciate you still taking time out of your busy life to keep writing. Hope everything goes ok with your foot.

precipiceofoblivionprecipiceofoblivionabout 8 years agoAuthor

While I obviously can't guarantee anything, I've been making good progress today on the story. I expect to have a rough draft finished this weekend. It's my hope to have the story cleaned up by the following weekend, but it will depend a lot on how the next week goes.

I've recently had to start wearing a cast on my foot which has made it even more challenging to work on my story than it already was. However, with any luck, chapter 23 will be out by the end of the month!

wof2wof2over 8 years ago
Next Chapter

Hey precipiceofoblivion. Just wondering if we can expect another chapter or two this month or next. I know it's hard to give exact time of releases but just wondering if you could give us a little time frame. As always your story keeps me anticipating the next chapter. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Add other fetishes as well

Great stories....add more fetishes to do for Sara to make it more interesting

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Hope Tamara Triumphs In The End

Tamara continues to amaze me not just with her sexy, powerful body and the way she throughly owns and dominates Sara but with her cunning intellect as well. Reality is not a fairytale, good does not always win. In a way Tamara is not even the villain some just perceive her to be that. Sara deserves every ounce of punishment she has received and let's be honest she has grown to love it though she refuses to admit it. Let Tamara win so one can learn that all actions have consequences. Sara is learning that. Besides I think Tamara may actually have feelings for Sara. But continue having Tamara dominate Sara's face with her thick, pale, soft ass cheeks. I want Sara to suffocate beneath the soft pillowy weight of Tamara's ass flesh.

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