Daddy, Take Me Ch. 33-34


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Maisie teased me about meeting Victoria on her flight down, but I knew she was taunting me, as she flew down in Economy. Humph! That would be yet another bridge to be crossed. Sure, over the last several weeks we had still been flirting with each other, but nothing as overt as when we had first met. It was still fun, nonetheless.

Maisie stayed at mine, which was simply wonderful. My sisters were so happy to see her again and mildly upset it was only for two nights. I assured them both that, as Maisie was staying for ten days, they'd have plenty of time to catch up with her. It was so thrilling to see how my family truly loved her. She caught up with my everyone over a 'welcome home' dinner, moms going out of their way to make it as special, as only they could. Wednesday morning arrived and we were packed and ready to head east. Maisie was certainly excited, not only about the job, but to be finally meeting Arabella. They had more than a few chats over the weeks after I had introduced them, albeit online.

We were both excited, for so many reasons! Maisie was finally going to meet the elusive Arabella. She'd have a better grasp of the design and how it worked within the confines I had laid out. We both had our work cut out, so any playtime would be after four p.m. I told her. If there was to be any playtime at all. Maisie and I had touched on the looming 'what-ifs' and agreed to play it by the proverbial ear. We wouldn't force it. If anything happened, it had to be natural.

On the drive down, I knew I had to explain a bit more about my relationship with Belle. I didn't want any surprises, or for her to think I was holding back.

I casually brought the subject of sex up, Maisie smirking at me, her gentle lilt making me blush.

"What's up, sweetie, aye? Your face is priceless right now!" she sniggered.

"Well...I may have touched on this earlier, but think I need to explain Belle and my, uh, relationship, 'kay? She had this, well, innate desire to be extremely nurturing, even mothering. For some reason, she needs that, right? Well, I picked up on this little, uhm, kink, and I tap into it sometimes, letting her explore this deep desire. Now, she's also extremely astute, catching onto my softer, more submissive side, hmm? Not you know!" I giggled. "But often enough. I've come to call her...fuck, this is embarrassing so please, don't laugh 'kay??" stuttered, the words frozen in my throat.

"C'mon, sweetie," Maisie sweetly said. "It's probably nothing I haven't picked up on over the years," she laughed, as I swatted her leg.

"I...I call her...mommy. She really, and I mean really, gets off on it. It's harmless role-playing, right? She treats me like the little girl she never had and I play up her being my mom. It's pretty gosh darn exciting exactly," I laughed, trying to ease the tension.

"And I should be, what, shocked by this? Chloe. Darling. I've always known you were a complicated person, especially when it comes to your sexuality," she murmured, her hand lovingly on my cheek as we sped along the clear road. "You're not, what, embarrassed, are you? I think it's, uh, cute... in a word. You're giving Arabella what she needs, and she's returning the gesture. I can see why she's falling for you, leannan, aye? You are a little one, after all," she tittered.

Whew, I thought. That went better than I thought! But yes, I wasn't surprised, either. Maisie knew me...really knew me. I changed the subject, my body still shaking from my revelation. I had arranged for some viewings of annexes, with one rep coming to us on Wednesday. We still had time on our side, so we used it wisely.

I had nightly chats with Belle, nonetheless. We had a long, and I mean long, talk about her seduction of her son. As I hadn't met him yet, as there were so many variables, so my advice was fairly generic.

"You need to take things slow, darling. That means dressing as you always do, but perhaps getting his opinion on anything new. No lingerie! Period! You might scare him off or even intimidate him. Again, this has to be a slow burn. You said you've always been very touchy-feely together? Use that, but don't go overboard. Slow, 'kay? Perhaps you may, I don't know, pull a muscle when you're out on Bellamy? Who better to knead your sore muscles than your strong son, hmm?" I suggested. "You'll know soon enough, 'kay?" I assured her.

I wasn't sure how much help or even consolation I was for her, but knew we'd revisit this soon.

Wednesday finally arrived, and Maisie and I packed up my car for a few days away. I told her about my talk with moms and dad and that they had agreed I could tell Belle about their throuple relationship, but that was as far as any secrets being spilt would go...for now. Maisie knew all my secrets, but needed this to be between us for now.

I wore another of my gifts from Maisie; a lovely three-quarter-length flowered skirt with a light-blue, somewhat-flimsy blouse. If the sun was just right, one could see the outline of my tiny bra, the small material easily holding my mounds.

Maisie opted for the more professional, light-grey linen trousers and a charcoal top. The trousers were loose enough, but I still had a wonderful view of her arse.

We pulled into her drive around nine, having made good time from Richmond.

"Nervous, sweetie?" I asked, holding her hand.

"Actually, no. Just...excited," she smiled.

We fixed our hair and lippy and walked to the front door.

"This place is...amazing!" she gushed, looking at the old structure.

"Just wait 'til you see inside, darling. Amazing doesn't quite cover it," I chuckled.

I rapped the ornate knocker and Arabella opened the door. I'm not sure who was smiling more. I hugged her, as she wrapped her arms around me, somewhat chastely, I must say.

"Hi there," I blushed, for some reason. "And this is..." I began to say, but Belle cut me off.

"Maisie. It's wonderful to properly meet you," she beamed, and embraced her. They held each other, even as they pulled back from the tight hug. They looked at each, both of them smiling like Cheshire cats. Belle's hand went to Maisie's cheek and fondly touched her. "You're even more beautiful than your Chloe described," she smiled. "FaceTime does you no justice," she beamed, her hand still on Maisie's cheek.

"Gosh," Maisie exclaimed, suddenly lost for words. "As are you, Arabella. FaceTime certainly does you no justice!" she laughed. They continued to hold each other, then chastely kissed each other sweetly. It was only a quick peck, but I could tell they were going to be friends.

She was wearing her de rigueur, classy silk blouse, the buttons undone just so, but within the propriety of Sussex society. Her tailored jeans were just as tight as the others she wore, but these were black. She wore the same set of bangles, so I assumed they had some sentimental value. Her hair was, as always, perfectly coiffed; her black-rimmed glasses perfectly set off her light complexion. Her feet were adorned with, I think, a pair of Burberry sneakers. Belle was the epitome of casual chic.

"Come in. Please," she beckoned, her hand in Maisie's. We left our bags in the car for now, but we had our satchels. I walked to the large kitchen, Belle and Maisie following me. They were chatting like old friends already.

"Tea?" Belle asked, and put the kettle on.

Her back was to us, as I turned to Maisie. She silently mouthed, "Wow! She's..." and smiled.

I could only mouth back a simple, "I know!" and touched her hand.

We sat and shook the long drive from our bones, as Belle cut a few slices of her still-warm, strawberry shortcake, and we sat, relaxed and breathed.

Belle asked after Maisie's dad and how his recovery was going. She talked knowledgeably about his accident; I assumed she had first-hand experience with it. Belle thanked her for all her help so far and assured her she was close to signing the design off. We had a meeting with a blacksmith later, hoping he could create a special piece that would flow with the design.

I pulled out my printed design and asked Maisie to take a walk through it with us. We headed out through the French doors, Belle between us, as I began my presentation. Arabella slipped her arm through Maisie's, a gesture she readily accepted. Maisie queried a few points about the plantings, but I showed her the printout of the soil samples I had taken, and what we had to work with. She nodded her head, approvingly, better understanding my long-term choices.

We spent a good two hours walking and chatting, the mood relaxed, but electric. I picked up on their budding affection, both were so comfortable in each other's company already. Belle's pre-seduction did not go amiss by me. Her hand would lazily lie on Maisie's shoulder, as she pointed to different areas of the bare landscape. She would lean into Maisie, her arm stealthily around her waist and tell her more about her vision and how much I had helped her realise it.

"And Chloe's going to..." she said, excitedly explaining the layout and design to her.

Maisie smirked at me, more than once, knowing exactly what Belle was doing. And why. Of course, Maisie played up to her attention, breathlessly replying, "Oh, really? That sounds divine, Arabella," and holding her close. It was going to be an interesting day!

"I couldn't have designed it better, Arabella. You're in safe hands with...our Chloe," she cleverly teased.

"Well, I have been so far, haven't I...darling?" and she broke from Maisie and embraced me, her lips finally touching mine.

We shared a deep, silent kiss, our tongues sneaking between the other's lips. My hands drifted over her back, holding her breasts on mine. Belle's hands covered my bum, fondling and finally, slapping it.

"Sorry," she sheepishly sighed. "You're working, aren't you?" and giggled, swatting my bum again.

Maisie took the two steps to us, an arm around both of us and said, "Well, I think we can consider this a break time, hmm?" and kissed me. With the same enthusiasm, we wildly made out, my gentle moans seeping into her mouth. Maisie pulled away and looked at Belle. She moved her hand from me and wrapped it around Belle. They tentatively looked at each other, and then Maisie slowly pulled her lips to hers. I watched, mesmerised by their first kiss. Belle brought her well-manicured fingers to Maisie's hair and swept through the long, kinky red tresses. Their bodies were tight against each other, as their heads moved to and fro, their kisses getting steamier by the second. I was dumbfounded and just stared at this beautiful sight. My Maisie and ma Belle.

"Okay!" I said, tersely. "Break's over! Back to!" I chuckled, swatting both their delicious bums. They broke apart, looked at me and laughed. They still had their hands around each other, and leaned in for a final kiss.

"She's such a grouchy boss, isn't she, Maisie?" Belle grinned.

"The worst," Maisie giggled, leaned over and kissed me.

"Humph!" I faux sighed, and continued with the presentation.

We walked and talked for a while longer, and then we needed to go. After all, we had places to go and people to see!

We gathered our satchels and headed out, Arabella asking if she should drive. Being the smallest, I knew I'd be in the back seat, but was happy to do so, giving these two a chance to bond.

We headed to our first destination and my phone rang. It was the local woodworker I had sourced. He was just checking in that we were still coming. As I hung up, we pulled into his yard.

"This, Belle, will be special, all right? You may have liked what we saw earlier in the brochures, but Andrew does only bespoke garden rooms. They're all made with beautiful seasoned oak, and they use only traditional methods, so there'll be no nails, just handmade joints. I think it will be more in keeping with your home," I explained.

Three hours later, the beginning of a design was being put together. She had chosen an Orangery style, feeling it would fit the ambience of what she was looking for. She couldn't be happier, which is all we wanted. As the garden annexe wasn't needed straight away, we had time to tweak the plans if needed.

We stopped off for a light lunch, Arabella smugly walking the narrow street with a woman on either arm. I only hoped she didn't meet anyone she knew! Maisie and I would catch each other's eye every so often and just smile. This was going better than I had ever dreamed about.

Arabella found an extraordinary little place, the menu perfect for the light lunch we needed. I positioned Belle between us, knowing this new dynamic needed balancing. We ordered a nice rosé and chose our meals. We chatted so easily, as if we had known each forever, the conversation turning serious at times, though.

"This isn't the time or place to say this, but I'm going to anyway," Belle began. We both held our breath for whatever was coming. "I'm in awe of you both, okay? First of all, Maisie...I want to thank you for what you've given me. Your Chloe has been, well, so many things to me so far. She's talented, intuitive, understanding, and...a friend. I wouldn't have this," she sighed, and leaned over and kissed her, not caring if anyone saw.

"And Chloe. Darling. I think by now you know how much you mean to me. I...I hope we can be as close, too, Maisie. If you'd like, all right?" she said, and kissed me.

"I think I would like that very much, Arabella. Sure, I...we... did this for Chloe, but we're both learning and growing. I don't think either of us was expecting this. I'm glad you two have met...and even happier that I have finally met you, too," Maisie sighed, and hugged her.

With the sexual tension lowered, we finished our scrumptious lunch and headed out. Arabella insisted on paying, but we wouldn't allow it. We had to use our expense accounts or there'd be words!

Our next stop was a blacksmith I had heard of, hearing he could make bespoke arches and large ornaments. Even Maisie was impressed with the contacts I had made! As we were further into the completed design, I had a better idea of what would work, considering Belle's wish list.

Again, two hours flew by with drawings and photos of his previous work. Arabella handed me the keys to her car, but I declined her kind offer to drive. The backseat barely fit me, and I was the shortest of anyone! Damn that Maisie for coming along!

We found a wonderful little restaurant in the nearby village so stopped for a quick tea and scones before heading home. We had accomplished what I wanted for the day, and, as it was nearly four, I wasn't working now!

As we headed back to the house, I for one, was trembling with anticipation. Would we...or wouldn't we? My money was on the former, as I saw Maisie's hand on Belle's thigh. From the backseat, I had the perfect spot to fondle both of these two amazing women. With one hand, I toyed with Maisie's hair; with the other, I had my finger fiddling with Belle's lips.

"I am driving, you know!" she faux admonished me.

"And? Does that mean I can't do...this?" and I slid my finger into her mouth. "Or this?" I teased, grasping her earlobe and caressing it. "Or this?" I giggled, and ran my now-wet fingers over her sumptuous breasts.

"Maisie? Would you tell her to behave...please?" she chuckled.

"It probably would do no good, Arabella. She never listens to me!" she pouted lovingly.

"Hmmm. Maybe, just maybe, you'll need to, uhm, reprimand me when we get home, eh?" I taunted her.

"Do you want me to chastise you in front of your...fiancée," she teased me right back.

"I'd love to see that, Arabella," Maisie blushingly sighed. "You did such a beautiful job on her a few weeks ago. Chloe? Please keep on with your teasing, aye?" she stammered, then giggled.

Oh-oh. I maybe had pushed too far. Or not far enough?

"You didn't mind, did you, Maisie? I'd never do anything to hurt her...or you, okay? She just does something to me...darling. I'm sure she has the same effect on you, hmm? Her little tits did look wonderful afterwards, hmm?" Belle sighed, ratcheting up the tension again.

"They looked even more beautiful, Arabella. Whenever she needs it, please, be my guest, aye?" Maisie choked, her voice almost faltering.

"Ahem! I'm right here, you know!" I said, and laughed.

They both laughed my expense! In truth, I loved it.

We finally made it back to hers and went to the kitchen, another pot of tea quickly brewing. Belle asked Maisie if she'd like to see the rest of the house. The word, 'Yes!' couldn't have come out quicker. She took our free hands and walked to the front room. I saw that Maisie was as impressed as I was on seeing it for the first time. Belle gave her the grand tour, telling her the history and changes over the last five-hundred-plus years. Again, we needed to duck going into the original part of the building, adding that charm to the home.

Belle looked at me and smiled and opened the tack room door. That sensuous smell of leather hit me again. Decorum, somewhat, took over, as she explained her bespoke saddlery to Maisie. But, as I had already told her about the unique piece, she decided to tease Belle.

"Hmmm. This is quite...unusual, isn't it...Arabella?" she smirked. "It must be so uncomfortable, wouldn't you say, Chloe?" her fingers moving along the pronounced ridge. "Does it, uhm, interfere with your riding...Arabella?" she asked, her voice dripping with innuendo.

"Actually," she said. "As Chloe probably told you already, it's my favourite saddle," she smirked, not letting Maisie get one over on her. "You may want to try it sometime...although I don't think you have a lot of use for it, hmm? After all, you have this...adorable little thing to, uhm, sort you out, hmm?" she said, and we all broke out laughing.

Maisie walked to the rack of hanging riding crops, gently fondling each staff.

"So, Arabella...which one did you use Chloe?" Her voice was as smooth as the gel we used in the shower.

Arabella took the two steps calmly and chose the one she had abused my poor breasts with. She picked it up and placed the end on Maisie's cheek.

"This one...darling. Why? Are you...curious?" she flirtatiously asked.

Maisie looked at me, startled at how quickly this had turned. I smiled, dying to hear her answer. This could go any number of ways, I thought.

"I am, actually. Perhaps you could give me a few...lessons. One never knows when this...little one may need a bit of, uh, discipline," she smiled.

"That sounds wonderful, Maisie. I'd love to tutor you, all right?" she retorted, her face glowing and sincere. "From personal experience, I can say that your Chloe is a quick learner, so I have no doubt you shall be also, whether you're giving... or receiving, hmm?"

Suddenly, Belle brought the leather nub down on Maisie's covered breast. A surprised "Ooooooo" shrieked from Maisie, as the nib swatted her tit.

"What? What was...that for?" she asked, incredulously, rubbing her breast.

"Just a taste, Maisie," Belle sighed, and leaned in, kissing her again.

Goodness knows who won that round!

They both chuckled, while my face turned the brightest red.

"Children? Behave, please, 'kay?" I laughed at them, and gingerly kissed Maisie's covered orb. "Why do I need to be the adult in this room?" I giggled.

Arabella replaced the crop, turned, and engulfed Maisie in her arms. With no hesitation, they frantically kissed, their hands groping and pulling each other. I stood next to them, my fingers in their hair, as they moaned into each other's mouth. And here I thought our tryst with Jo was erotic! This was on a whole different level. I leaned my head as far as I could toward them, my eyes on their lips. I timidly pulled their hair, their excitement rising. I couldn't allow things to go too far, though. Not yet...and not here.