Daddy's Little Girl: Lost But Found


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Instead of returning home to an empty house, Chad suggested I come and stay with him. Chad arranged to have someone with me to help during my recovery; a nurse or companion a few hours during each day and Chad in the evening. Because of my injuries, I had limited mobility and Chad was a godsend often physically picking me up in his arms and carry me about the house. It was Chad who would in the evening bathe me, change my clothes, wash my hair and at night when I would awaken from a nightmare, frightened and in tears he would crawl into bed with me to hold and comfort me until I fell asleep again.

Chad made all of the funeral arrangements for Mom and Dad and took care of any urgent matters related to the ranch. I will forever be grateful to him for everything he did during that time.

As my body healed, I wanted to feel the touch of his hands on me as a lover and not as a caretaker. At night when he would remove my clothes and carry me to my bath, it would become obvious that just his nearness excited me. A flush would spread over me, and my nipples would darken in color, become hard, and erect begging for the feel of his mouth. After being placed in the bathtub, he would wash me all over, my back, my breast, my legs, and my arms. Chad would slip his hands between my legs to wash me there, and when he did, I would closing my eyes and quiver when occasionally a soft, quiet orgasm would ripple through me, leaving me feeling sad and wanting so much more from him.

Our relationship during my recovery had become almost plutonic. I gradually became stronger and able to get around better on my own, the soreness and stiffness lessening each day but my sexual desire for him increased. Though physically improving, I was still plagued with nightmares and had slipped into a mild depression. I desperately missed the love and support that my parents gave so freely, and I missed the emotional-physical relationship that I had begun with Chad, but for some reason, he now withheld that from me.

"Don't you want me anymore Chad?" I asked one night as he helped me get ready for bed.

"Of course I want you, baby. I want you more than you can imagine, but you just haven't been strong enough. Just give it a little more time."

"Alright," I replied sarcastically, not believing him. I got into bed, turned off the bedside light, effectively dismissing Chad. When he left the room closing the door behind him, I began to cry.

I must have finally fallen into a fitful sleep filled with tossing, turning and unsettling dreams. At some point during the night, I opened my eyes and groggily lay there enjoying the sensation of a mouth kissing and licking my pussy.

Chad lifted his head, "you were talking and crying in your sleep. I could tell you were having a bad nightmare," he said worriedly.

"Oh Chad," I said and started to sit up.

"No . . ." Chad said, and pressing me back onto the bed, parted my legs and moved between them.

With slow flicks of his tongue, he brought me close to orgasm and then backed-off several times, mercilessly tempting and teasing me. My hips gyrated and bucked as he held my legs open almost painfully wide and devoured me. I had missed him, and my head spun with pleasure only he could make me feel. I reached down and grabbing handfuls of his hair, pushed his face hard against my pussy and shouted his name when he clamped my swollen clit between his lips and sucked, pulling a gut wrenching orgasm from me.

It had been such a long time since I had felt his tongue down there and all I could do was lay there, moaning and whimpering enjoying the afterglow of the orgasm he had given me.

Chad pulled himself up and placing a pillow under my head thrust his dark purple cockhead into my mouth. I wanted to deep throat him, but he was so big and swollen I could barely take all of him into my mouth. I could feel his cock pulsing, needing to go in further, but I had to raise my hand and place it on his groin to control his thrusts. He paused and brushed my damp hair from my forehead before he continued in measured, controlled strokes to press more and more of his cock into my mouth and down my throat until I had accepted his full length.

As I began to relax and enjoy how Chad was using my mouth, he relented his thrusting and allowed me to take the lead. Sucking and licking his hot, engorged cockhead, I used my right hand to stroke up and down his cockshaft and the other to fondle his balls. Breathing hard and fast Chad began to moan as I sucked his cockhead, running my tongue around the edge of the crown, feeling the texture of its underside. Chad began to leak pre-cum, and I knew he was ready to unload his cum. I pushed against his hip signaling I wanted him to stop and waited as he reluctantly withdrew his cock from my mouth.

"Fucckkkkk," he moaned pitifully.

"Baby please, he groaned, I can't hold it much longer. I need to cum so bad my balls hurt."

"Chad, Chad . . . I want you to cum inside me," I said softly.

As he changed position and mounted me for penetration, I whispered, "I've missed you. I thought you didn't want me anymore."

"Oh, baby, never . . . I'll always want you," he said as he slid his hardness into my wet, tight pussy.

"I needed you inside me," I said with a quivering voice.

I could feel the pressure of him inside me, could hear his breathing becoming shallow and fast. He was growing even harder, and I groaned when I felt the throbbing, pulsing sensation in my pussy right before he erupted shooting jet after jet of his hot creamy load deep inside me.


Mom and Daddy had died more than a month ago, but the pain and sadness hadn't seemed to lessen any.

No longer able to delay the inevitable I began the task of getting Mom and Dad's personal papers and financial matters in order. My goal had always been to have and operate a horse ranch, and now that the opportunity presented itself for me to do just that, I did not feel emotionally up to it. For the time being, I would continue staying with Chad and then in another month or so decide what to do with the ranch and my life going forward.

I had sat in Daddy's old office going through the file cabinet and drawers of papers a little at a time for the last week. Looking at what remained, I was relieved to see I had just about completed what had seemed at first an overwhelming task.

As I went through the remaining collection of papers and documents I came across a manila envelope labeled 'Martelli' which contained two or three old photographs, old adoption papers, insurance papers, a couple of post cards and a birth certificate . . . my birth certificate. The certificate reflected the mother's name, Evelyn Martelli, but the father's name was blank. One of the photographs was a young, pretty girl perhaps in her early twenties. Small, petite build, thick wavy blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, large blue eyes, long doe like lashes. The thing that struck me most was a strawberry birthmark on the inside of her left arm. I had the same strawberry birthmark on the inside of my left arm. This was a picture of my biological mother.

Though excited by my discovery and wanting to share the news with Chad, I also wanted to be sure, to give me time to locate my mother. I decided to wait until I was positive before sharing the news with him.

Though I had never expressed any desired to know or find my biological mother, the knowledge that I might find her filled me with excitement. When Chad came home that night, I was the happiest I had been in a very long time. I had promised myself I wouldn't say anything to him for now, but my happiness drew me closer to him.

After dinner, he was in the barn repairing one of the old leather bridles, and I came out there with a couple of beers, handing one to him. After he had taken a long swig of his beer, I walked over to him unzipped his jeans and made him sit down at his workbench. He sat there grinning like an idiot with a full blown erection as I lifted up my dress, straddle his lap and lowered my pussy down his pole. The pressure and friction of my willing but not quite ready pussy made his eyes roll upward as he groaned and shivered with anticipation. Compliant and self-possessed Chad sat watching my face with a dazed look in his eyes. I put my arms around his neck and began to ride his dick gasping when ripples of heat sizzled down the back of my thighs. Chad reached up and squeezed my tits as I eagerly assaulted his naked cock.

"Evie, damn it, Evie," he muttered holding me so tightly about my hips I knew I would have bruises. He started to grind his cock into my pussy, and then his hips began to pump upward into me harder, deeper, and faster until his body stiffened momentarily, and then began to shudder when he erupted and spewed his seed, filling my hot, wet pussy. I sat there, my head resting on his shoulder as he pressed my pussy down on his still captive but softening cock, neither of us moving until his cum began to seep out of me, drip down his cockshaft to his balls, finally pooling between his thighs.


I was outside in the yard when I heard the house phone ringing and realized I had left my iPhone in the kitchen. I ran up to the house, knowing it must have been Chad calling. He had left a message saying he needed the stud papers for his horse Sugar Daddy. He hadn't needed them in a while but thought they were in one of the boxes in his spare room and wanted me to find it. The room was a crowded, cluttered mess. There were boxes stacked along the walls in the spare room that over the years Chad had turned into a room for storage. As I went through the first few boxes looking for the document, I came across a large box marked 'photographs.'

The box was full of photo albums. After going through a couple of them, I picked up a large, thick blue one and took a more comfortable seat on the sofa. As I flipped through the pages, what caught my eye was a picture of a casually dressed man posing next to a young woman, a girl actually. My mind raced, trying to make some sense of what I was seeing. The girl in this picture was the same girl I had seen in a photo when sorting through the papers after my parents' death, and the man was a younger version of . . . Chad.

I must have sat for hours going through the many picture albums, which covered a couple of years. In one of the albums, I found several pictures of the man and girl together. On the back of one of the pictures was scrawled, 'Evelyn and Chad, 5 months'. The girl had the beginnings of a baby bump, and the man stood with one arm around her shoulders, and the other hand extended and caressed her ripening belly. They looked happy.

I sat there tired and confused as dusk approached, and the room became dim and shadowy. I had gone through every photo album in the trunk and on the very bottom, I found a medium sized box that contained another smaller photo album and a bundle of letters and greeting cards. I opened the album and was surprised to find nude photos of the girl, some from before her pregnancy; the majority though were pictures I assumed Chad had taken, capturing the girl's changing body during part of her pregnancy. The pictures must have been important to him; some were simple and innocent, others sensual, erotic and blatantly sexual. Also in the box were the letters that Evelyn had written to Chad who at that time had been a young soldier stationed in Germany.

I crawled into bed that night with the bundle of letters and began to read them. In one of the last letters, Evelyn had explained that her parents were forcing her to move away and live with relatives. The baby would be put up for adoption. Sadly, the couple lost touch with each other and Chad had no further contact with Evelyn or the baby. I was that baby.

My head was spinning. In the course of just a couple of months, my adoptive parents had passed away, and I had learned that Evelyn Martelli and Chad Jamerson were my biological parents. More damning was the realization that I had fallen in love with and was having an intense sexual relationship with my father. Chad Jamerson and I were father and daughter. I didn't know what to do, and then the thought occurred to me, "did he already know? Had he always known?"


I walked through the next day in a daze torn by what I had discovered and unable to face him. I went to our bedroom early that night. When he came to bed, he wanted sex, and as I lay under him feeling him thrusting inside me, for a brief time it was as if nothing had changed, and he was my lover and not my father. As he always did, he brought me to orgasm and afterward held me close to him. Spooning behind me, his flaccid but long, thick cock pressed against my behind, I remember thinking that maybe the sex had always been so good between us because we were genetically bonded.


Chad seemed happier since we had been together and in spite of the age difference, I truly believed I was good for him. I enjoyed being with him, and I knew that I satisfied him sexually, in fact, we sometimes laughed at how he was so easily aroused and excited, ready to stick his cock in me anytime I stood still long enough. Despite everything, despite my knowing what we were doing was incest, the truth was, I had fallen in love with him.

I still had not talked to Chad about what I had discovered and holding this secret had made me distant, and filled with unsettling thoughts and suspicions.

After a particularly difficult day of nursing a sick mare, I went to bed before Chad, and I fell into an exhausted sleep almost as quickly as my head touched the pillow. After a few hours I was rudely awakened by Chad shaking me and the sound of his voice, "Eve, Evie, wake up baby, wake up."

"You're having a nightmare . . . just a nightmare, I'm here," he said.

I was sitting up in bed with him holding me by the shoulders when I opened my eyes, disoriented. "It's me, Evie, it's me," he said as I began to struggle in his arms trying to break his hold when I realized it was Chad.

"No, no! Let go of me," I screamed, out of control with a rising panic. Chad held me tighter and pressed my head to his chest, stroking my hair as I cried uncontrollably.

"Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh, I'm here baby, I'm here," he said soothingly.

As I calmed down, I took several deep breaths.

"Tell me what's wrong, Evie . . . talk to me."

I sat there in the bed, silently watching Chad. I was trying to decide if I could trust him and trying to gauge his response to what I was building up my courage to say.

"Talk to me Eve," he said again.

As the tears began to well up in my eyes I blurted out, "You're my father, aren't you? My biological father."

Chad froze. "Yes . . . yes, I'm your father," Chad replied, almost visibly relieved that the truth was out.

Filled with self-righteous anger and disgust, I bombarded him with questions and accusations, but not giving him a change to answer.

"Are you going to tell me that it was coincidental that of all places, you ended up coming here and buying the ranch next to ours? Did you ever love me? Did you know already that I was your daughter or were you some pervert who got off fucking young girls?" I demanded, wanting to hurt him.

Chad looked at me with what might have been regret in his eyes.

"I was stationed overseas, and by the time I got back to the States on leave, you had already been born and adopted, your Mom had married someone else and moved away. Her family had never liked me; they just wanted me out of their lives and never gave me any information about your Mom or you. Your mother's sister eventually told me that she thought you had been adopted by a couple up in this part of the state, but that was twenty years ago and besides, what could I have done about it?"

"How could you? How could you put your dick inside me knowing who I was?" I screamed at him.

Chad fell silent and then rising from the bed walked across the room and haltingly began, "I didn't know who you were at first, Evie. I didn't mean for this to happen. We met, became intimate, and it was then I found out you were my daughter, not before, but it was too late by then," he said.

Chad came and sat down on the side of the bed and took my hand, "Frank, Maggie and I were sitting around the kitchen table one afternoon just talking, enjoying a cold beer with the news on in the background. A news story about a shortage of adoptive parents in the county came on, and Frank innocently mentioned that they had had a smooth, uneventful adoption process back when you were adopted. I was taken by surprise because I had always assumed you were their natural child. It had never occurred to me that you were adopted."

Frank told me they had arranged the adoption before the baby was born and that the young unwed mother had turned the new born baby girl, over to them when she was barely a week old.

"It was a trying time for everybody concerned. Evelyn, the baby's birth mother seemed like a very nice person, good parents, and good upbringing just caught up in an unfortunate situation." Maggie added absently.

"My head snapped up, and my heart seemed to stop beating when Maggie mentioned the name Evelyn," Chad explained. "I knew, at that moment, I knew you were my daughter, and I knew beyond question I had been having an incestuous relationship with you."

"Evie, I swear, I didn't know what to do. Should I tell you that I was your father and risk your repulsion of me or keep my mouth shut and continue to have you love me? I prayed I could keep it a secret forever, I didn't think there was a chance that anyone else would ever find out and we could live our lives as just another couple."


"Evie, I tried to stay away from you. I tried very hard to end it, but my feelings for you could never be the feelings of a father for his daughter. You were a woman, and my physical feelings and needs were a man for a woman. I couldn't give you up; I wanted you then as much as I want you now," he said.

I believed him. I didn't care if he was my father, it didn't matter to him or me.

Snuggling close to him, I could feel the hot, hard urgency of his swelling cock pressed against my stomach when Chad whispered, "Now, be a good girl and open your legs for Daddy."

I rolled onto my back and opened my legs for him, his manhood in full, hard erection. My father mounted his little girl and slid effortlessly into my wet, tight pussy, and obeying a primal male instinct began thrusting and ultimately cumming in an act of incest, spewing his potent cum inside my . . . his daughter's pussy.

I had everything I wanted.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Made me wet, too. A daughter's pussy conforms to her father's cock size when he is fully erect. I know.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Old Osc 83 been around a little

very nice little story...

For a time I was the only Grammar School Boy in the parish , bit ostracized as "posh boy"until my Father taught me street fighting...never lower your standards..never hit any one smaller, go for the Big bastards first ,get in kind to the little ones....

Worked till I was 14, then found Girls .They didn,t find me..I was not messed with (by either sex) except for Johnny W..but we didn't know what that was either, for a while.

Working class Girls in early 50,s went with the Crowd, and the leader of the pack was First..mostly fingering, kissing wanking off your man, Pregnancy was to be avoided at all costs...Blow jobs were unheard of in England..mostly.

So I satisfied myself with News of the World "Exposures" always ending with "I declined her offer and left" .or

She opened her negligee ,moved towards me and

......... .............

So no knowledge but an erection, and a hand, my generation found Love.

UNTIlLL (yes 2 L"s) my cousin Norma,who was a year older than me , and extremely developed for her age...came to me at a street party, and asked if she could stay by me.I said of course , but why..."Oh all the boys keep trying to feel my tits in the day, I,m not that sort of a girl"

I knew about Brenda and the Park Bushes, but said "Of course you are not" (notice the grammar") Then emboldened , by the nearness of her breasts and closeness I asked"can i get you a drink", This was a street party I think celebrating the new Queen , all drinks were free (non alcoholic) but if you knew the right man ,a sort of spirit was available. I returned with two drinks, said "be careful it's little strong."

She took a sip, said "Gawd its, a bit strong inni't, but added ,lovely though, thanks."she stayed by me all evening (well till 8 O'clock) I don't remember what was said, only her shape and nearness.

When I went home I did't even wank, the memory was too precious ..that what Love does for you.

Little later I lost (gave up amazingly easily my virginity) we stayed in a really torrid? intense? relationship, I read a lot of Books and she was eager to learn..

But at 15 and a half, she got a Job , I found A levels, and we parted There is a sequal

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I'm dripping wet

SweetCharlotteSweetCharlottealmost 4 years ago
What Cums First?

What’s the difference between a relationship between two biologically connected people who are unaware of the dna connection and two random people who meet and are attracted to each other? The sexual imperative exists and demands to be resolved in either circumstance. The two main characters had already begun fucking before the father realized she was his daughter, and once the daughter knew it didn’t change anything. It was just the age old scenario of a man and a woman giving in to the strongest of primal urges.

I enjoyed this story and it had me wondering “what would I do?”

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Just reading this story made me cum without ever touching myself! So hot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Damn, I'm sick I know, but this was so hot

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15over 4 years ago
Should Have Told

Should have told Frank and Maggie though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Cowboy daddy. Yum

BobossweetnessfreakBobossweetnessfreakalmost 7 years ago
One negative comment!

You'll notice that all comments except one are in praise of this story. You'll also notice everyone used their name except the one who wrote the negative comment. I think you should HAVE to use your name in order to comment. It's soooo easy to hide behind "Anonymous" and say hateful things. No one is forcing anyone to read any of the stories on this website so if you don't like this one, move on and find another one. And really, what did you expect from a story that is in the incest category? Good job on this story MeredithEighty8!!! Looking forward to reading more of your stories.

LonesomesoulLonesomesoulalmost 7 years ago
So Good!

Loving your stories - so readable! Keep them coming! Thanks!

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