Dahlia - Birth of an A.I. Ch. 03


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I growled an order when I was close, "Tits."

When I looked down at her, she'd moved her shoulders and arms forward like a swivel, and pushed her breasts up and tightly together, as her right hand stroked me hard and fast, pointed straight at her tits, while her left hand fondled and gently squeezed my balls. That was unbelievably hot, but it was the look of lust and devotion on her face, the way her eyes begged desperately for me to paint her tight lithe body with my seed that threw me over violently.


I exploded, the first pulse shot out so hard it hit her neck, the next three pulsed onto her supple chest, some of it settling in a pool in her cleavage, and then for the last couple of weaker pulses she nuzzled my cock with her cheeks, and rubbed it all over her face as I continued to paint her with my man cream.

At the same time, she was lost in her own orgasmic bliss, whimpering and keening in ecstasy as she took a cum bath from my cock. I had to admit, that was pretty damned hot, that she came for me when I painted her body. I had no doubt she got off on this, and it was the only reason I did it. Sure, there was some perverted enjoyment in it for me too, it was hot after all, but in truth I preferred the intensity of more intimate sex.

She shuddered, and then stared into my eyes as she lovingly cleansed my cock with rasping licks of her hot tongue. When I was clean, she proceeded to clean her own breasts and body, if she could reach it with her tongue, she lapped it up, if not she collected it with swipes of her fingertips, and then fed it into her mouth with the sexiest sucking moans of dirty pleasure and sweet delight that I'd ever heard.

"Fuck, Mia. You're incredible, my love."

She asked breathily, clearly still drowning in post bliss and naughty excitement, "Was I a good slut, master?"

"Perfect, my perfectly naughty slut," I breathed lovingly, as I reached down and pulled her up into my lap. I claimed her lips with a deeply lingering and loving kiss, not caring at all about my taste on her lips. Loving aftercare and gentle doting was an important element for that kind of kink, and was perhaps my favorite part as well. She drowned in my soft loving regard like a kitten with a bowl of cream. Then I stood up, and she giggled as her arms went around my neck, as I bridal carried her toward the bedroom. She looked incredibly content as she looked into my eyes with naked joy, devotion, and absolute trust.

As for the moon, the navigation computer would put us in lunar orbit, whether we were on the bridge or not when we arrived.

Sure, visiting the moon was a boyish dream come true. The ships sampling tech would even grab a few moonrocks. Exciting stuff.

Yet, I had my priorities, and the moon could wait.

It was three hours later when we returned to the bridge, after making love to Mia several times, and a quick shower. I made love to her, fucked her from behind, then she made love to me from above for almost a whole hour of decadent fucking, and finally finished me off that fourth time by taking me hard and fast. Mia did have a dancer's body, and she was very limber, bendable, and wanton when she wanted to rock my world. Her body was soft, supple, toned, and I worshipped her while she worshipped me.

It was boggling, that I ever doubted I could love them, just because their initial shallow love started as programming. We were long passed that limitation in our lives.

Needless to say, we'd also talked during that time, shared words of love, and she was also beyond joyous when I had her turn the implant off. All in all, the first half of our Mia's Saturday all-day-date went amazingly well. She was my golden-haired goddess.

It was the second half of the date that went a little wrong.

Chapter Seven

The Earth looked like a large blue marble from lunar orbit, as we started back. We'd enjoyed lunch together, and I'd had a blast seeing the moonscape as we landed and gathered a few samples. Of course, I couldn't touch them until the samples were finished being tested, full spectrograph, radiation, and of course testing for microbes, though we didn't expect to find the latter it was better to be sure.

Mia was in my lap sideways, her arm around my neck, and she seemed quite content to stay there. Our lovemaking had been mind-blowing, far more intense than in the past, since from then on, we could freely share our love back and forth.

I sure as hell didn't mind holding her. I loved how her body felt against mine, and her sweet feminine scent was delicious. There was something powerful about the simple intimacy of holding a beautiful woman I loved, and it extended our feelings of post bliss. There was nowhere I'd rather be in that moment.

We were mostly silent as well, just basking in each other. Seriously, admitting the love I felt for the four of them to myself was turning me into one of those people. The annoying ones, who stared dopily into their lover's eyes to the exclusion of all else in public. Fortunately, we were alone in space and there was no one to see it, or demand I turn in my man-card.

We'd get back to Earth by two, and that would leave us a couple of hours to enjoy the view from orbit before starting back home, to make dinner with the others. At least, that'd been the plan.

Mia frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Mia shook her head, "NORAD is freaking out, so are some people in Washington, about an unauthorized space launch in Illinois."

I laughed.

She frowned, "It's not funny, and we can't call them and tell them, or they'll know we can monitor them."

I shook my head, it was still funny. Well, unless they scrambled fighters when we came back down.

"Didn't you take care of that?"

She nodded, and then shook her head, "Launch requests are for rockets, and are highly regulated on where they can happen, given the scorched ground a rocket leaves behind, not to mention the highly volatile fuels. With AG, all that will change, but it hasn't changed yet, and I didn't take that into account."

I frowned, "So what did you do?"

She said, "Well, the ship has a transponder, and is registered as an experimental aircraft. The ship logs our flight, like a flight book, and I did file our flight and destination with the FAA, just like any other flight. Obviously, the FAA isn't involved in the crisis going on down there, or NORAD would've figured out what was going on by now. I just... sorry? I should've anticipated this. Still, the FAA accepted the flight plan, Rio to the moon, via Illinois."

I caressed her back and hair lightly with my fingertips, and then nibbled on her neck.

"Forgiven," I said in a tone that was still clearly amused, drawing an exasperated look from Mia.

Mia sighed, "Not funny, they could shoot at us, they've been discussing the possibility of aliens, and terrorists."

I snickered, "Sorry. What can we do about it? Oh, and Rio? Rio, is that where our off-book manufacturing is?"

Mia shrugged, "Sort of off book. We have a legitimate company there, not connected with these bodies or identities, or the companies. The only truly illegitimate setup completely off the grid that we have is for the cloning, spy nanites, and is where are last ditch backups are. All our other backups are in legitimate companies around the world, that are mostly mediocre and don't draw any attention."

"Like building space ships, very subtle."

Mia smirked, and a giggle slipped out despite herself.

"Exactly," she said primly.

Then we both started to crack up, the laughter felt good, and the way she squirmed in my arms felt even better. I claimed a kiss at the end of our laughing fit, a soft and teasing one. Damn, I loved to kiss my Mia. I was more than sated, but it still felt amazing, her soft silken lips against mine.

She explained, "Just the one, and we're building the probes there. Officially, we manufacture boats."

I shook my head, "How does that work, without a physical presence."

She said, "We pay the managers of our shell companies ridiculously well, and we do all of our business over the phone. Most of the building on this ship was done with automation, assembly robots, and the manager only has a vague idea on what happens in the plant. We can control those robots directly as well, using our various mainframes around the world."

I nodded, "That's probably enough detail, better if I don't know exactly where."

She nodded, and then leaned down to kiss my neck. Her breathy sigh against my skin made my center stir, despite the fact I'd already spent myself four times that day.

"Could a hacker get into any of that stuff?"

She shook her head, "Even when we deploy quantum communications to the world, and they can actually see or detect our communications protocols, it would be highly doubtful. We use key certificates that are updated on a weekly basis. So even if someone developed quantum technology, they'd have to hack a cert, and then they'd have to hack a twenty-six-digit alpha-numeric-special character password. It's not realistic. Even if they did all that, they wouldn't know what they were looking at, as we use our own proprietarily designed network protocols, and if they did get passed all that, they wouldn't have the remote-control software or implants to control the target being hacked."

So yeah, in short it didn't sound at all possible.

"Alright, jets?"

She nodded, "There are some ready to take off, as soon as we breach the atmosphere."

"They'll try to talk to us first right, before shooting?"

She sighed, "Probably, depends on the mood of the general I'd imagine. Oh, we can deflect missiles easily enough with our gravity deflectors to pull them off course, but not bullets. They'd have far more momentum to them. I imagine they might even try to force us to land at a base and seize the ship"

I snorted, "But they're going to have their own soon, from SpaceX, Boeing, or one of their other aeronautics contractors."

She nodded, "Left hand."

"Not knowing what the right hand is doing?"

She grinned, "Exactly. I'm sure we'll straighten out, if only when the president realizes who his general arrested, but it'll take time. We could call and clear it up through channels before we go back in atmosphere, but they'd wonder how we knew about it before it happened. I just... really don't like risking you or taking chances, the general down there in charge is a real piece of work. He's quoted national security about fifty times already, I fear he's working his way up to authorizing weapons free on a so-called imminent threat."

I nodded, "But at twenty gravities we could outrun a missile, couldn't we. I mean, if things devolve that far we just need to return to orbit and start making phone calls."

She tilted her head in thought, "If they're far enough away when they fire, we can outrun them. I'm also thinking the hull won't overheat at those speeds, if we use the gravity deflectors to push the air away."

"If they fire at point blank?"

She shrugged, "The deflectors would push the missiles off course, it's the bullets I'm truly worried about. Still, swatting missiles away would make them even more paranoid about the technology, so it's better avoided if we can."

Chances were that we'd survive the bullets, unless we were extraordinarily unlucky, but it would cut off our ability to retreat back into space if our hull was holed.

I nodded, "We'll do what we can, and what we have to."

She nodded, "Lia is ready to make calls to generals Davies and James, as well as Mark Chaise, the presidential advisor. As soon as they attempt to contact us over radio, or open fire. That keeps us covered as far as hiding our foreknowledge goes."

I smiled, "Are you in their systems?"

She shook her head, "We could hack in, but we don't need to. We have the nanites in the staff. Our monitors discovered it through key words, specifically having to do with a UFO and space."

"Got it. How about a coffee? We have a little more time to kill, don't we?"

She smirked, "Yes, master," and tried to get up to make it for me, but I stole a kiss first, then patted her ass playfully as she got up.

She shot me a beaming smile and pleased blush over her shoulder as she walked off the bridge, I followed to stretch my legs.

Sure, it'd be sexist if she was human, but all four of them loved making me a coffee. Not just because they loved me and existed to serve me, but because they liked to do it themselves too. There was nothing at all demeaning or degrading about service to someone well-loved and respected.

I knew I'd do just about anything for the four of them.

"So, how much air and stuff do we have?"

I took another sip of coffee, it was fantastic. We were back on the bridge, and Mia sat at the navigation and scanning console. I missed her weight in my lap, but there were limits and we were going into a serious situation.

She said, "We have full tanks of compressed oxygen, so the air supply would last us a full year. There's enough storage on deck one to feed five people for a year before returning to Earth, or some other supporting biosphere, but we only have a week's worth of food and water on the ship right now."

Right, so more than enough to wait out the crisis in space while Lia straightened it out, if things went really wrong. The important thing was not to let tensions rise, or weapons be fired. Which meant, if they ordered us to land under armed escort, we'd take that route instead of trying to escape back to space.

"Tip off or not, if the general gives the order to fire on us, retreat back to space immediately."

Mia nodded reluctantly, but at the same time looked relieved. She was just as worried about me as I was about her. Despite the fact we were backed up, and I could even be brought back as a digitized copy controlling my clone as if I was really inside the body. My racing heart told me that didn't matter. It didn't make me feel safe, not really, and I felt adrenaline flood my system as we hit the atmosphere and headed for the great lakes.

Plus, if I was on a server, remotely controlling a cloned body as if I were really in it, would it really be me anymore? I feared I wouldn't know until it happened, and worse, that I still wouldn't know, even if I was different. Did I have a soul? Would I still have one if I was ones and zeros on a mainframe?

I shook my head, we'd be fine, I hoped. The greater danger was in our business, the last thing we needed was to get it seized under national security provisions. That might very well actually start a war, because the U.S. would try to keep the technology for themselves, which would destroy the balance of power by mutually assured destruction.

Mia said softly, but in her usual warm voice, "They've taken off, ETA for intercept is five minutes. We'll be close to Kankakee by then."

"So, how does it feel to be the first ever space-slut?" I asked slyly.

She gave me a startled look, and then giggled, "That was fun, Paul. I'm looking forward to being the first interstellar slut, too," she said with a shy smile.

I laughed. The banter was silly, very silly, but it was also a calming distraction, for both of us. Perhaps I deceived myself on that last part, for my pride, but she looked far more relaxed to me, too, after my off-color joking remark.

The great lakes were still remarkably small, as we headed straight down toward the bottom tip of Lake Michigan. It was a little weird, staring straight down at Earth, and knowing we were tilted that way, yet gravity was still straight down below the chair, the Earth's gravity had no hold on us. Still, it wasn't quite as disorienting as a true window would've been, my brain was used to seeing from impossible angles on what was essentially just a large television.

Even if my higher brain knew that television was hooked to a nose camera, my primitive flight or fight brain didn't. If that makes sense.

"I love you, Mia. Have I mentioned?"

She giggled, "Only about a hundred times, since we woke up."

I winked.

She flipped a switch, and I saw a tension leave her shoulders as the fighter pilot's voice filled the bridge.

"This is Major Davis of the United States Air Force. You will immediately take on the following heading to Scott Airforce Base, and follow me in, or you will be fired upon," he then spat out a heading.

Mia entered it, and she sighed as the ship turned. One of the fighters, presumably Major Davis's, pulled up in front of us, but there were still three more, one directly behind us and two more off to either side, but still behind.

"They have a weapons lock, but they're also under orders not to fire unless we deviate from instructions. Lia's already on the phone."

Mia opened the channel, "This is Mia Smith, on experimental plane," she spat out a series of numbers, "and on a test flight that was appropriately filed with the FAA. You should be able to verify by our transponder and filed flight, over."

Major Davis said, "You will not deviate from our instructions, there will be no second warnings, we'll be landing on the North runway, follow me down."

Scott Air Force base was in southwestern Illinois, not all that far from the city, at least not for a space ship and combat jet. It was only a few minutes later when we followed the combat jet down to the runway. Of course, we didn't have wheels, but we stopped right behind Davis's jet, and then gently lowered to the ground on our landing struts.

Major Davis ordered, "Exit the craft immediately, with your hands up. Any signs of resistance will be met with force. If this is a mistake, we'll sort it out later, do you understand my orders."

Mia replied, "Yes Major, we do."

We got up and I gave her a comforting nod, not that she'd needed it. She looked confident, warm, and poised as we moved to the back of the ship. There was a smaller airlock door in the small landing bay, for a person. When it opened up, I noticed the flaw in our exit plan, we were at least twenty feet off the ground.

She smiled, "Just step off."

Right, just step off. She went first, and of course the gravity systems slowly lowered her to the ground, and I rolled my eyes at my idiocy and followed, with my hands up. The soldiers with automatic rifles already looked startled enough, I wasn't going to give them an excuse to fire. The landing bay was the only way on or off the ship, either in a flying car or shuttle, or the ship would lift authorized personnel off the ground and into the ship, and they didn't even have the right kind of technology to even interface to ask the ship for access, yet. As soon as we landed on the ground, the smaller airlock door twenty feet above us closed and buttoned up.

They wouldn't be getting inside the craft, not without cutting a hole in the hull, and I doubted we'd be jailed for longer than a few hours. I just hoped it wasn't an issue. I'd learned my lesson, hope wasn't a good plan, but logistically I figured it'd be fine. The ship was the two hundred feet long, they wouldn't be carting it away either.

A soldier said in a loud commanding voice, "You will be searched, then you will be escorted to a holding room. Any resistance will be met by force.

Two soldiers came over and searched us for weapons, I really didn't like their hands on my Mia, but they only did enough that way to be thorough and professional, there was no groping. Then we were escorted to what looked like a barracks building, and then put in an office with no windows. The only exit was the door, and that had two soldiers standing right outside.

"Having fun yet?"

I felt immediately guilty for my bad joke, when Mia sent me a look of miserable apology that was just heartbreaking. She really felt guilty for not anticipating this reaction, and for not taking steps to make sure non-FAA government agencies would know about our test flight to the moon.
