Dahlia - Birth of an A.I. Ch. 05


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"How about queen Dahlia?" I teasingly questioned, as I gave her a flourishing bow.

She blushed, "Or not."

I laughed, "I could make it..."

She interrupted, "No."

I laughed, "And you're arguing because?"

She snorted, "Because you're teasing me, and this is banter."

Right. It was still Friday, and we were all in Lia's office discussing our government setup. We had a lot of the logistics solved already, three days was practically an eternity to plan that kind of stuff out for one A.I., much less four.

"Okay, so no benevolent monarchy. Still, queen Dahlia has a nice ring to it. I'd be happy to kneel for her majesty," I waggled my eyebrows nefariously as I leered down her body.

She giggled, "Behave, master."

"Yes, your majesty, my apologies."

Mia broke down into a giggle fit, and dragged Emma, Bellona, and Asha with her.

Lia shook her head in mock sadness, "See what you've done now?"

I laughed, "Okay, so seriously. I'm thinking council, with split duties. Asha, do you want in on this?"

Asha was family, and she helped out in the company, but I wasn't sure if she was interested in helping to run a government over humans. There was also a tickle of humor in there somewhere, the humans of this world would be ruled by the A.I. singularity, and an alien.

Asha snickered, and eventually recovered from her laughing fit. Until they all exchanged glances and devolved into a second round of uncontrollable giggles.

I just waited patiently, it was my fault after all.

Asha said, "I'll continue to assist where I can, but any authority would be... inappropriate. I'm your family. My love, this body, and my heart belong to all of you, but my duty still lies elsewhere, I am the guardian and custodian of my masters' world."

I nodded, that's about what I'd expected, but I didn't want to assume.

"So Asha and I will advise, and of course I'll guide, but lightly. Bellona will take care of the military, and the police A.I. and automation. Ships for outside defense, and some kind of robotic police, not necessarily in human form, whatever you decide.

"Emma will be health, rescue, and fire. Lia and Mia, you two will interface with humans even more, setting up businesses, processing claims, and licensing any more tech the four of you might develop to be manufactured and sold by the private sector, while we take in royalties.

"That glosses over a lot, but of course you can continue to cover for each other, help each other out when things get busy. No solid lines, we don't need them, or you don't. You're incorruptible, so no checks and balances are required. Someone will also need to come up with laws and be judge and jury as well. I don't want to over-regulate, but we will need some laws to minimize pollution and deforestation, and of course for food and water safety."

They all exchanged a glance, and Lia said, "Sounds good. We'll run with that."

I nodded, "Obviously without disabled people, social programs will be minimized. We want to let people take care of themselves, no free rides. At the same time, thanks to the nanites, free healthcare is a given. I don't want to be cold, but if they haven't saved enough cash for a fifty-year retirement after working four hundred and fifty years, it's not our problem. Also, with the nanites mental conditions such as dementia won't be an issue as well, so they shouldn't need any kind of assisted living."

They all nodded at that.

"Free education, to the doctorate level, so one of you needs to work up the courses. Should we go with lesser A.I.s for teachers, or get humans involved? That's where our tax-free government runs into trouble, if we go with the latter."

Lia waved her hand, "That's easy. The first one, for free, but if the humans want to build a private school and hire human teachers, they can do that, and the enrollment will pay for it. Freedom of choice, but they have to pay for it."

"You are so fucking sexy."

Lia blushed, and I winked.

Maybe it was weird, but she really did turn me on when she came up with answers that were bugging me, and I couldn't figure out, in just seconds.

"So, we'll do that. Anything else?"

Mia nodded, "We're up to ten million colonists. The good news is that includes bankers, lawyers, farmers, builders, teachers, car manufacturers, in short everyone that we'll need to not only start up a colony, but to match and even exceed Earth's levels of comfort and luxury in a very short time."

I sighed, "Lawyers?"

She giggled, "Obviously not the law and order kind, with nanite monitoring and us doing the judging, there will be no doubt of guilt or innocence. But we will need some for civil law contract lawyers, business, wills, that kind of thing."

I nodded, "Right, but instead of physical paper, let's go with virtual. Also, no contracts will be valid without an A.I. in attendance to record it, virtually I mean."

They all nodded.

"So... nineteen trips, nineteen months plus load and unload time, over two years, easily."

Mia agreed, "It'll take about that much time, yes, but don't give up on me yet. We'll handle the order, so that everything we need to support as far as food, resources, and business building will happen when it needs to."

I frowned, "I don't want huge cities, we won't need them with flying cars, trucks, and deliveries. Can we make ten towns of a million? I mean sprawled out towns outside of the town center, and the industrial parks need to be a good distance away."

"You don't like cities?" Lia asked.

I shrugged, "It's healthier to spread out, isn't it?"

Emma nodded, "Less of an impact on the ecology, and it is mentally healthier to have room to stretch out, as long as there are town centers for people to get together. The one major piece of infrastructure we'll still need are water towers and pipes, so that will be one negative. Nothing insurmountable though."

I nodded, that was a good point. No electric, gas, phone, cable, or optical fibre lines, but we'll still need water pipes, and sewers?

"What about sewers?"

Lia nodded, "We've already got that covered, along with the rest of sanitation."

I said, "Moving on, anything else?"

Mia said, "We won't need roads, with flying cars, bikes, or even space ships. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if kids flew around in some kind of four-wheeler floaters, but we do need sidewalks at the very least. For joggers, those who walk, or even riding bicycles as exercise. So, our towns will be like parks almost that way, with smaller ground paths to and from buildings.

"The town centers will need more, perhaps not full out parking lots, but laid out areas with marked landing points. Maybe we can make it prettier than a huge square of concrete, but we'll need area laid out for that purpose."

I nodded, "Good points. You ladies are great with that kind of minutiae, just take care of it."

I paused for a second, "Penal colony for jails. For those that break lesser laws. No advanced technology outside of the nanites to prevent riots and murders, but somewhere they can grow their own food, but not really own anything or make money. Unless you ladies want to build jails, farms, cooks, and all that other stuff to supply it, because no taxes. Perhaps a work program?"

Lia nodded, "The second one, the first will lead to anarchy, which won't help anyone, not them or us. We can automate most of it, and use work programs to train skills for some of it."

I agreed after some thought.

"Last thing, armed ships like ours, automated with A.I., or perhaps controllable through VR through the nanites? That way you don't have to worry about food, water, or life support, and they can be smaller.

"That goal should also get equal priority to building our colony world on the ground, I want to be ready if Earth decides to go back on the deal. They're afraid right now, but once we're gone, and the first rape or murder goes unsolved, they're going to get greedy and forget they were ever afraid of us. I know they will, even as I hope I'm wrong."

Bellona nodded, "I'll make it happen."

"Anything else?"

Mia nodded, and reached into her purse. She pulled out what looked like a replica of the original star trek palm sized phaser. She held it out and dropped it into my hand.

"What you asked for, it shoots a beam that will stun anyone it hits similar to a Taser, with an effective range of a hundred yards."

I grinned like a boy on Christmas morning, and Asha winked at me. I had a feeling she'd told Mia about my silly wish for a Star Trek phaser, and Mia had built it to look like one.

I slipped it into a pocket, "Thanks beautiful, hopefully I won't have to use it."

She nodded, "You should practice aiming it at some point, when you aim it with intent, it will automatically bring up an augmented reality reticule in your virtual overlay, which will move where you point it. The reticule will turn red when your aiming the emitter at a person. Just push the button at that point. It also has a mini-AG powerplant powering it, so it can fire nonstop, for about ten years, or the parts wear out. The effect is immediate, but not cumulative, a quarter second or so is more than long enough."

"That's very cool."

She grinned, "We'll be using the same tech in our police mechs, in case criminals resist apprehension. Anyone with the health nanites will be safe from the possibility of death."

I nodded, and then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks, I know you didn't want to make it."

She shrugged, "You were right though, we can't let them harm us, and the infinitesimal chance of death is much better than the certain death of deadly force."

I nodded, it was time to get to work. I imagined I hadn't thought of everything we'd need, but then I didn't need to, my ladies had it covered, and if they wanted my opinion or orders to solve any issues, they'd tell me.

Chapter Nine

The next six weeks went quickly, there was plenty to keep us all busy, but my ladies were home every night. No doubt ninety nine percent of the preparation for the colony could be done with their mainframes, just like the running of the companies.

It was about a month in when the sign-up finally became a trickle instead of a torrent, and we had just under twenty million people that wanted to go with us to start a new world. A world where humans wouldn't have to fear their government, or predators among the population. A world where they were free to pursue their dreams and fortunes, if they were willing to put in the work.

Twenty million would take forty trips, and would have taken forty months, four years including loading and unloading time, if Mia hadn't come through with an FTL upgrade that made us three times faster. Nine hundred times the speed of light. That cut the trip down to ten days one way, and twenty round trip. That was about a year and four months for forty trips, but we figured it would take closer to two years to get it all done.

There was still room for improvement of course, even at that speed it would take a hundred and ten years to cross the Milky Way from edge to edge. But it would definitely help.

We'd also developed plans for twenty, one million population town sizes, it would vary of course, by a lot, but that was the goal. They weren't all that far from each other either, so mingling would be possible, the probe had found us a nice continent that was right on the tropical line. It would be temperate, and in the low seventies to high eighties year around from what we could tell.

Of course, I was sure some enterprising humans would build a chalet up north in some mountains, and then get set up for day or even weeklong skiing trips and stuff like that. Everyone would have flying cars. It wouldn't just be easy to visit towns a mere two hundred or so miles apart, it would open the planet up to us completely for resorts and all the typical things humans got up to around the world.

There would be no borders after all, just one united world. Sure, there might be cross-culture issues, but I had the distinct feeling they wouldn't be as bad on our new world, not without rulers of countries stirring up those feelings. It was going to be a melting pot, we were taking people from all over the world.

Lastly, all sixteen of our employees were on the list and coming, they'd worked for us for over a year, and knew us. They knew more than anyone else that our word and the A.I. government could be trusted.

FTL three times faster, also meant our subspace shields and weapons were three times stronger as well, and things moved quickly. I wasn't all that worried about what Earth might build either, chances were that they'd make missiles and lasers, maybe mass drivers of some kind, I didn't think they'd even think to develop a subspace weapon or shield.

According to our spy nanites, the idea hadn't even occurred to anyone yet, at least not that it was spoken about or put on paper.

We'd also upgraded the FTL and shielding on our personal spaceship. Well, I say we, but it was really Bellona and Mia.

It was a Mia Saturday, it was also just a week away from their due date. My unbelievably sexy and beautiful ladies all glowed, and still stunned me on a daily basis. We also spent a lot of time at home, it was very hard for them to get around now.

We more than made do, and could still do just about anything in fully immersive VR when the walls felt like they were closing in. My Mia looked stunningly beautiful, in nothing but a soft loose t-shirt, and a pair of panties, as we laid in bed next to each other, on our sides staring at one another. Her long golden blonde curly tresses were splayed out and down, and her dark blue eyes kept mine captive, as I softly caressed her body and just enjoyed her company, her presence, and her warm loving voice.

Her beauty was still so innocent, and fresh faced, despite her gravid belly. Her legs and other parts of her body still showed evidence of her lithe beauty. Another side effect was her pert slightly torpedoed B cups were closer to Cs at that point, and very swollen.

I looked down and rubbed her huge belly softly, "I love you."

Mia smiled, "I love you too, Paul."

I looked up into her eyes mischievously, "I love you too, baby, but I was talking to Jonathan."

She giggled.

We'd named them all already, Mia's was Jonathan, Lia went with Paul Jr, which I grudgingly didn't argue against, since it was impossible for me to lose an argument and I saw how much she wanted it in her eyes. My daughters were named as well already, Bellona's was Stephanie, and Emma's Sara.

Mia wrinkled her nose, and then gave me a soft kiss. It was a casual kiss, but as her fingertips caressed my chest it deepened, becoming far more loving, lingering, and passionate. She moaned softly into my mouth, and I was pretty sure I'd returned the favor.

When it broke, she was as breathy as I was, and her eyes were widened slightly in desire. I caressed her face softly, and I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"I love you more every day, Mia, and you give me more joy than I ever imagined could exist in this world."

Her eyes widened further, and then softened, before she leaned forward to claim another impassioned kiss. She pushed my chest gently, and the kiss broke as I allowed it and rolled onto my back. She got up on her hands and knees, and then crawled over slowly.

I pushed down my shorts, and then she slowly mounted me, lined me up as she pushed her panties aside, and rubbed my tip up and down her swollen labia.

I gasped, and she took a shuddering breath at the velvety, hot, and moist contact.

Fuck, she was soaked for me, and that never got old, especially not with the look of lustful and transcendently loving devotion in her strikingly dark blue eyes, and on her innocently beautiful face.

"Mia," I sighed her name in exhortation, as her body slowly sunk down my cock, and I filled her heaven with my pleasure.

There would be no degradation and naughty wickedness that time, she made love with as much wanton passion and fervent surrender as she did the other, and it was beautiful to watch as she rode me like a goddess from above.

When she'd worked her way all the way down, and her hands were pressed against my chest, she moved her hips and sighed in ecstasy at our hot grinding flesh moving against each other. She was so fucking tight, each tiny movement of her circular grinding ended with a forward thrust that milked me hard.

Mia whispered dreamily, "I love your cock, master. It feels so good in me, filling me up perfectly," she cut off with a trembling gasp, but she didn't go over the edge yet. She arched her back slightly, reached down with her hands crossways, and pulled her shirt up and off her body.

She was so beautiful, and I couldn't help but reach up and caress her belly, and then I teasingly brushed the bottom of her breasts. At that point in the pregnancy, her nipples were completely off limits, but that was okay, just that brush was enough.

She gasped, ground against me harder, and then trembled and came undone around me.

I couldn't help it, my body arched and pushed up into her sex, despite already being fully buried, and she bathed my cock, balls, thighs, and the bed itself in a spray of her liquid sex.

"So beautiful," I said softly in awe, as my cock twitched hard inside her convulsing and milking heaven. The sensation of her cumming around me was indescribably intense, intimate, and completely mind-blowing as she surrendered everything to me through her bliss filled dark blue eyes.

She couldn't respond, except with her eyes, as she looked down at me with wide adoring eyes, her face a study in the ultimate pleasures of the flesh. The sweet sounds of her trembling gasps and breathy moans in the throes of ecstasy were enthralling to me.

When she came down, she started to grind on me again, and made love to me from on high, as I softly caressed her body, and her fingers dug into the muscles of my chest. She was soft around me, a vise of pure silken pleasure, and I never wanted it to end.

"My Mia, my innocent seductress, I love you."

She bit her lip and moaned as she tightened around me, clearly and powerfully effected by both my loving and claiming words.

"My master, I love you too."

She'd never called me that before, at least not with the word my in front of it, said with the distinctive edge of ownership, and I twitched powerfully up inside of her and grunted.

She smiled, and teased breathily, "Like that? My master? I'm your servant, but you belong to me just as much."

"I do," I said breathily.

Her eyes widened at that, from the deep love and simple adoring honesty I'd put into those two words, and she exploded powerfully above me, as she gasped out my name.


Fuck, it was too good, she milked me hard, and her trembling body squeezed and convulsed around me, desperately trying to take my seed.

Seed that my body was more than willing to provide, not that her body gave mine a choice.

I grunted, and pushed up even harder that time, as my balls tightened, and my legs went numb. My eyes gained tunnel vision as the pleasure stormed through me like a tornado touching ground, it was my time to grunt her name, as I joined her in the heights of ecstasy, and pumped my seed into her body.

Her eyes teared up as the pleasure rippled powerfully through her body, and her hands dug hard into my chest, her nails would no doubt leave a mark. Not that I cared, I thought that part was kind of hot actually.

I couldn't look away from her pleasure addled and devoted dark blue eyes, even as we came down, and I took in a gasping breath, I still couldn't look away.

My loves, my ladies, they owned my soul, body, heart, and mind by that time in my life, and Mia's loving stare was absolutely spellbinding.
