Danica Pt. 13


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Danica immediately gasped out the first words of the Positive Forcebolt spell. She knew the magic was the only chance she had. The vampire lord obviously recognized the magic, because he hissed and pointed at Danica.

The three gorgeous vampire women leapt at Danica, covering the distance across the room in that single leap. Danica was mere words away from completing her spell when the women fell on her and bore her to the floor. The vampiric women pushed Andrea aside, and the blonde fell hard against a bed.

One of the women clamped her hand down hard over Danica's mouth. Another grabbed Danica's hands and roughly pulled them over her head. The woman's nails dug into Danica's flesh, and the supernaturally strong grip caused Danica to scream around the hand covering her mouth. The last woman grabbed Danica's legs with the same unbreakable grip.

"Put her on the bed," Danica heard the vampire lord hiss.

Danica struggled against her captors, but the women easily lifted her and slammed her down on the bed. Danica heard Andrea scream, and looked over to see the vampire holding the blonde's head in his hands and staring at her with obvious hunger. Danica let out a scream of anger and helplessness, struggling harder against the grip of the female vampires.

Andrea's scream died out. Danica glanced over and saw the blonde relax, her eyes glazing over. Danica knew that the reaction meant that Andrea was in the grip of the vampire's charm. The vampire ordered Andrea to lie on the bed, and then turned to Danica as Andrea obeyed his commands.

"I am very pleased with these gifts, Nichtar -- especially this one," the vampire said as he stepped toward Danica. "Release her," the vampire then ordered the women holding Danica down.

Danica immediately tried to summon up her magic again when the women released her and backed away, but the vampire caught her head in his hands with supernatural swiftness. He roughly turned her head and forced her to look into his eyes.

Danica could feel his charm slamming into her mind. She silently screamed and brought her will to bear. She knew that if she failed to resist and destroy the creatures, Andrea was going to die for her failure -- and Zoraster's twisted amusement.

The vampire gripped Danica tighter, and his lip curled into a snarl as he tried to bore his will into her. Danica continued to resist, and knew she was winning the battle. Her fingers again moved in the gestures of the Positive Forcebolt, and she started to mouth the words despite the vampire's powerful gaze.

The vampire lord broke his gaze and grabbed Danica's hands with one of his own, while he cuffed her across the face with the other. Danica's involuntary cry of pain broke her partially completed spell.

"Never have I had anyone -- especially a woman -- resist me so completely. It is no matter. It will only give your blood a flavor of fear that is nearly intoxicating, and you have revealed to me in your struggles something that will give more flavor to the sweet essence of your life."

Without looking away from Danica, the vampire pointed behind him and said, "Reveal her."

The three female blood drinkers tore Andrea's clothing from her body, their fangs now revealed in their hunger. One forced Andrea's right leg up high, revealing her pink folds.

"She is yours," the vampire said and jerked Danica's head toward the scene, forcing her to watch.

Danica sobbed uncontrollably as she watched the horror unfold. Andrea emitted only a quiet, oh, as the three vampire women sank their fangs into her smooth flesh. Two bit into opposite sides of her neck, while the third sank her fangs into Andrea's thigh. Danica's stomach churned at the sound of them sucking the beautiful young woman's life from her.

Danica saw Andrea's nipples harden, even as the light slowly faded from the blonde's eyes. Danica remembered reading that when a vampire drained someone's life, the creature's saliva released substances that caused euphoria in the victim. Andrea's back arched and her mouth opened in a silent gasp as her life slowly seeped from her.

Danica didn't even see Andrea's body settle back to the bed and go limp. She couldn't see the final flutter of Andrea's eyelashes as the last sparks of her life faded. Danica's eyes were too filled with tears to see anything.

Danica felt her head turned roughly to the side and let out a gurgling gasp of fear and sorrow as she felt the vampire lord's fangs sink into her neck. She felt the strange euphoria spreading through her as it had for Andrea. Danica's nipples stiffened, her juices flowed, and her breathing quickened -- for a few moments. Then, her breathing slowed again as consciousness slowly left her. She retained just enough presence of mind to realize that the same sensations were running through her body that she experienced when on the verge of an orgasm. As the last of her senses shut down, Danica felt her soul fleeing her body.


Danica awakened with a gasping sob. She was disoriented, and felt as if she had not moved for days. Memories of what had happened to her immediately surged to the surface, and she sobbed again. She assumed that she was awakening in a crypt somewhere -- likely with Andrea nearby -- and would now have to stalk the night as a bloodsucking vampire.

When Danica opened her eyes, something completely different met her gaze. Andrea was indeed nearby, nude and strapped to a wooden table. Zoraster and another man hovered over the both of them with wide, satisfied smiles.

"Awake, little rose?" Zoraster asked with a laugh. "I apologize for the deception, but it was necessary to achieve my ends. Fear not -- young Andrea will remember none of this when I allow her to awaken. Now sleep, little rose. You have had a trying evening."

Once again, Danica succumbed to the blackness.


Danica awoke again, still feeling as stiff as a board and knowing that she had bedsores from the burning pain she felt in several places. She managed to force her eyes open and sat up, wincing in pain from the effort.

A pitcher of water sat on the bedside table, and Danica drank two glasses to get rid of the dry, pasty taste in her mouth. She haltingly walked to the tub and filled it, finally starting to feel better as the warmth of the tub sank into her body. She had just climbed out of the tub when the door opened and Zoraster entered.

"Feeling better, little rose?" Zoraster inquired with a wicked laugh.

Danica grabbed her towel and started to dry off. "What kind of psychotic experiment was that supposed to be? What was the purpose of making me imagine all that?"

Zoraster chuckled. "Imagine? No, little rose, that was not your imagination. Everything was real. It was simply not your body -- or that of Andrea's -- which experienced what actually happened. Your minds were there, but your bodies were here within the room where you first awakened."

Danica dropped the towel when she realized what had happened. "Clones," she muttered under her breath.

"Yes -- clones. I made special clones of both you and young Andrea. It took a great deal of work to link your minds to them, even more to make you ignore and forget certain things while inhabiting the bodies. Yes, that is why you continuously ignored the unnatural things like your girlish tightness. The clones were, in fact, both virgins when initially released from the chambers where they were grown. I took great pleasure in correcting that little problem."

"Why, you sick bastard?" Danica asked and stomped across the room to find some clothing to put on. She started dressing as Zoraster moved toward her and continued.

"For exactly the reasons I told you when I gave you the task. Had you actually completed your task without the measures I had set in place, I would have been remarkably pleased and surprised. As it was, your failure actually resulted in success, which is how I intended the scenario to play out. Your ability to resist his charm tempted the vampire to take you for himself. He normally offers Nichtar's gifts to his harem of female slaves. I have the spells I wished to acquire, and have eliminated a creature that stood in the way of a cooperative venture," Zoraster explained as he leered at Danica while she dressed.

Danica refused to comment. Instead, she sat down on the bed when she finished dressing. She stared hard at Zoraster as he continued.

"It was quite fascinating to watch what occurred -- both here and there. Your exploits are always a joy to watch, and it was a remarkable surprise to see your body here react to the arousal your mind experienced within the clone. My associate was quite flabbergasted when you soaked his robes in a fountain of cum as the young man behind the bathhouse pleasured you." Zoraster paused to laugh. "I took special pains on your clone to achieve my goals, in the likely event that you were unable to complete the task. In fact, it was actually impossible for you to fully complete the task.

"When you believed yourself lulled to sleep, you were actually transporting all your magical items back here for safekeeping yourself. It was too late in the gambit for you to possibly acquire what I told you I wanted, so I took steps to ensure that you could not foul up the means I truly intended to use to achieve my goal.

"You see, that body was created with a powerful and virtually undetectable enchantment upon it. Should it die, it would disintegrate and do the same to anything touching it at the moment of death. Thus, the vampire sealed its doom by draining your clone of its lifeblood. The moment its heart stopped beating, he was annihilated with it. Nichtar found himself receiving a final rebuke from his Master when the vampire's control over his bloodsucking harem ended. They fell upon him and sucked him dry before he had a chance to even consider escaping." Zoraster chuckled and smiled wickedly.

"You are twisted beyond comprehension," Danica muttered in disbelief.

"That is in the eye of the beholder," Zoraster responded. "You should feel privileged. How many can say they have experienced the unique sensation of a vampire sucking them dry, without becoming one of the undead themselves? You have earned the freedom to venture into that city as you wish, though you may not leave the city borders. Good day, little rose," he said and walked toward the door.

"Go to hell," Danica spat as the Archmage left. Zoraster only laughed and continued out the door.

Danica took some healing potions to combat the bedsores caused by lying immobile for several days, and then went to find Andrea.

She found Andrea in her room, apparently possessing no memory whatsoever of what had happened to her. Danica assumed that someone must have healed any sores or such physical evidence, because Danica found none as she examined Andrea's body thoroughly while they shared each other. The two women relaxed afterward in that warm glow that always filled the room any time Danica coupled with Andrea.

Danica returned to her chambers and her studies once she recovered from the sweet release with Andrea. She found her sleep haunted by dreams of vampires for quite some time to come.


A few days later, Danica heard a knock on her door just after completing the enchantment of her new bag of holding. She opened it and was surprised to see Marlena there.

"Can I... Can I talk to you for a while?" Marlena asked, looking embarrassed and ill at ease.

"Of course, come in," Danica answered, and shut the door behind Marlena when she entered. Danica then said, "Sit down. I just finished some work, and I need a rest, anyhow."

"What were you doing?" Marlena asked, appearing relieved to have a subject to talk about. She was obviously delaying the conversation that had originally drawn her here.

"I was enchanting a new bag of holding. I found an amazing leather worker who did the most intricate scrollwork I've ever seen. I commissioned the bag from him and enchanted it. Would you like to see it?"

Marlena nodded, and followed Danica into her lab. Danica said, "I just completed the enchantments when you knocked. I haven't even had a chance to test it yet. Hopefully, you won't be seeing my first dismal failure," Danica said with a laugh.

"It's beautiful," Marlena gasped when Danica handed her the bag. A nature scene depicting nymphs cavorting in a waterfall decorated the magical sack.

"Now, let's see if it's more than just a beautiful and all but useless bag, or the magical wonder I need it to be." Danica walked over and grabbed a broom from the closet of the lab.

Danica opened the bag and slid the broom inside. The broom vanished completely into the bag. Danica smiled, and then withdrew the broom again. "It works," Danica exclaimed.

Marlena sighed. "I sometimes wish I hadn't devoted myself so much to Illusion. I find it almost impossible to learn other magic. I have a hard time creating a magic item, even if it's based on illusion." She leaned her hand on the table as she spoke, but jerked her hand back and blushed deeply when she saw where she had put her hand.

Danica let out a little laugh. Marlena had put her hand down on a toy Danica was crafting for Andrea. The blonde had hinted that she wanted one, and Danica had just finished glazing this one in preparation for final enchantment. Marlena now stared in surprise at a very realistic cock

"A toy for a friend. I was going to lay the final enchantments on it this evening," Danica explained.

"Does Zoraster use his magic to make you think about things?" Marlena asked out of the blue.

"He's done any number of sick and twisted things to me," Danica answered and frowned, thinking of his most recent many-leveled torture. "What do you mean specifically?"

Marlena blushed a bright red. "I've been feeling... I don't know -- aroused all the time, much more so than I ever have before coming here. I've been having dreams as well -- dreams about things that make me doubt I'm in control of myself."

"What are you dreaming about?" Danica asked and pulled out a chair for Marlena to sit down.

Marlena's blush deepened. "I..." She paused for a moment, and then let out a great breath of air. "I've been dreaming about you -- doing things with you."

"If you'll allow me to cast a spell, I can tell if he's tampering with you by most magical means," Danica said, trying to hide her surprise.

Marlena nodded, and Danica used her magic to check for spells on the woman. She slipped deep into the second sight and examined the weave of magic in the room as well. All Danica's tests revealed no enchantments affecting Marlena at all. The charm around the illusionist's neck had the same enchantments upon it as Danica's own, none of them dealing with mind control.

"There are no such enchantments on you now. That's not to say he might not be using his magic on you, but he's not right now."

"Then it's not his magic, those thoughts are still there in my head trying to come out." Danica noticed that Marlena was staring at her breasts as she said it.

"The madman's initiation into punishment and servitude involves forcibly removing your inhibitions, then causing you to break them down on your own. I had never even thought of being with another woman, or multiple men, or both at the same time, before I came here. Now I find I crave all of it, and I know that the desires were always there. I was just suppressing them. There's nothing unnatural or wrong about your feelings. It's up to you whether you act on them, though. I hated myself at first, but I've come to accept and even enjoy my new way of thinking about pleasure.

"There are levels of pleasure that only a woman knows how to give another woman, and unbelievable orgasms that can only be brought about by two men filling you at the same time. I wouldn't turn back now, even though I once considered my sister something almost tainted because she acted on those same desires and wasn't afraid to talk about it."

As she spoke, Danica noticed Marlena's nipples growing stiff and pressing against the material of her robe. The woman's breathing had quickened as well.

"I've been touching myself so often that I rubbed myself raw a couple of days ago. I just feel so out of control," Marlena revealed.

"Would you like me to make you a toy? It could help relieve some of the pressure. There's something about being filled that sates your needs for longer than just rubbing yourself or sliding your fingers inside you." Danica's arousal spiked, and just the slightest tinges of her desire crept into her voice.

"Do you think it would help me?"

"Not as much as giving in and finding a man with a real, hard, throbbing cock to fill you would, but I started crafting these toys for the same reason. I needed more, or all I seemed to do was constantly rub myself to lackluster orgasms. I could easily find a man who would be more than happy to fulfill you as well. I'd be happy to do that for you."

"You would share your man with me?" Marlena asked, looking both confused and dumbstruck.

Danica laughed. "I don't really have a man the way you talk about it. I know many men, and their abilities as lovers. I'm still coming to grips with my needs, and I don't think I'll be confining myself to one person until I find one that can sate those needs and understand them. I need a woman's touch and taste, and two cocks to fill me sometimes. If a man can't handle that, I can't be beholden to him."

"I don't know," Marlena responded dubiously. The illusionist's breaths were quick and shallow, and Danica saw Marlena glance at the unfinished toy on the table more than once.

"Would you like to try one of my toys? See what they can do for you?" Danica pulled her original toy from her robe pocket, and spoke the command word to cause it to grow soft and warm in her hand. She then handed it to Marlena.

Marlena hesitantly took the toy, and then let out a little, "Oh," of surprise when she felt how realistic it was. She stroked it with her fingers as it throbbed in her hands.

"Take it. Go to my bed and use it. Make yourself come and quench the fire burning inside you," Danica said sultrily while tugging on Marlena's hand, urging the illusionist to stand up.

Marlena hesitated again, but then stood up while looking at the toy in her hand.

"Confront your fears. Confront your dreams. Confront your desires," Danica encouraged, and Marlena nodded. The illusionist walked out of the lab and toward Danica's bed.

Marlena turned and looked at Danica when she reached the doorway that joined the lab and the bedroom. Danica could see the hesitation in Marlena's eyes, and knew she was about to say no. "You forget that the madman linked our minds. I know the desire and curiosity was there, even though you fought it and denied it. The only way you'll have peace is to confront them and know for sure one way or the other."

Marlena bit her lip and looked as though she was considering Danica's words. She then glanced down at the warm, throbbing toy in her hand and stroked it once with her other hand. She took a deep breath, and then turned to continue toward the bed.

Marlena climbed onto the bed and sat down. Danica sat down at the foot of the bed, and gestured with a wave for Marlena to go on. "I'll speak the command word to activate its full magic once it's inside you. You don't know the half of what this little marvel can do. You are going to come so hard that you'll think you're going to pass out."

Color filled Marlena's face, and Danica could hear the war going on in Marlena's head. Half of her shivered with desire -- the other half with aversion.

"Confront your feelings. You know I want you. Make yourself come on my toy while I watch -- and one way or another -- you'll soon know if the desire is really there."