Dark as Daylight Ch. 04


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Frank Abrams, who was training George Hawthorne at the helm, left his position to help her up.

"Are you all right Captain?"

"Yes, thank you, I'm fine, Frank. Thanks for your help, please return to your position."

She returned to Teddy. "Little girl, how can you say such a thing to someone you barely know?"

"I not little, am 3. I put hands on head. God tell me what to say, not me. God say. I be here, you be here, but one of you girl babies be first to say hello to new 'people'. I not know any else yet."

"You don't know if they will be friendly? You don't know if we will still be living on this ship, or if we will be living on a planet? You don't know any of these things?"

"No, God or grandma not tell me. Your baby say hello. We wait, see what other people say."

"Elizabeth, Teddy's predictions have never been wrong. If we had a bank, you could take that prediction to it, and cash it in. All I can tell you is, at some future time, your daughter could bring in this strange looking 'person' and say to you, "Mom, 'Smi2ur' and I have decided to get married. When you wake up, you may find you are drinking water out of one of 'Smi2ur's 3 nipples, and faint again.

We are on an expedition where no man or woman has ever gone before. Every country in our former world never thought this would happen. They tried every way they could to stop us. Trust me when I tell you Teddy is right. Let your life go on, day by day, and don't worry about your future. It will come as it's supposed to come."

"May I ask you a question Mrs. Thyme?"

"Please, just call me Delicious."

"Has Teddy ever made a prediction about you?"

"Yes she has. She predicted these 2 in my belly. 2 more the next time, and one at a time after that for a total of 7 children. Let's me tell you that I wanted my 2.4 children, as the U.S. Census Department said every American should have. My daughter decided I should have 7 instead. Guess who won?"

"What else has she done?"

"On the day we were leaving Earth, Teddy predicted that the son of a good friend of ours was going to meet a redheaded doctor, fall madly in love with her, and she with him. He was the son of William Zabo, and she was the niece of our head nurse, Hannah Miles. Depending on which story you believe, he said she pushed him down. She said he tripped her. It doesn't matter now, they're probably already married, and living in South Carolina, where they are building the 'Good Luck 2.' One other thing, when Gwen put her head between Teddy's hands, Teddy told her she had a tumor behind her right eye. Gwen said she just had a physical, and nothing showed up. We told her the story about Teddy, and William Junior made a donation of $5 million to the hospital to get her an appointment with the head of radiology, and the best x-ray technician for the next day. The tumor was there. Her operation was scheduled for New Year's Eve. You can ask Hannah if it's true. Is that enough?"

"Yes, I guess that will do. I put it on all my forms, and they still accepted me. I'm a lesbian, I can't see myself having children."

"I will guarantee you one thing Elizabeth, no man on the ship will rape you, because the penalty for that is death, with no appeal. Every man had to sign that portion of the contract, before being approved to fly with us. Any inappropriate touching, they go to the brig for 90 days, with no appeal. There is nowhere to hide, because there are cameras everywhere. If you are touched inappropriately, one of those cameras will pick it up for all to see.

I think there are only 4 or 5 unattached men on this craft, as opposed to 17 unattached women. With odds like that if you can't get a date, something's wrong with you. That does not include children under the age of 18. Those figures are just for adults.

Elizabeth, my dad does not pull someone off navigation and put them into Captain in training position for no reason. You must be very special. Your scores must be off the charts. You are the only one to score a 97% on the Captain's test, other than my mother. My father is getting a lot of mileage out of it. No one knows what my father scored, except for Callie. Callie will not tell anyone what his score was.

I didn't see you at any of the science seminars, while we were building this spacecraft. How is it you got assigned to navigation?"

"I always loved astronomy, and I took every advanced class that was available to me. I also took classes online to increase my knowledge of navigation between points in space, including advanced courses from NASA. It was very difficult at first, but I grew to enjoy it, and I did very well.

When I left home, I took the first job that was available at the Science Project. Every time there was an opening, I took the test and I got that job. I kept moving up at such a rapid rate they asked me if I was interested in being part of the crew. I jumped at it. When they asked me what particular field I wanted to try I said, "Navigation."

"They looked at me because I was so young, but when I took the test, I did so well they approved me immediately, and trained me as part of the secondary crew. I continued doing so well, they moved me up to the primary crew."

"How old are you Elizabeth?"


"What! Does my dad know you are only 17 years old?"

"He had my file in front of him at our meeting yesterday. He must know how old I am."

"Delicious Thyme to Captain Even Luck. Delicious Thyme to Captain Even Luck."

"Hi baby, what's up?"

"Do you know how old Elizabeth Franklin is?"

"Of course, she's 27 years old. Why do you ask?"

"Dad, there was an input error, when they filled out the forms on the ground. Elizabeth Eugenia Franklin is 17 years old."

"Say that again slowly."

"The young woman in charge of the ship at this moment, Elizabeth Eugenia Franklin is 17 years old."

"They are thawing out Gordon now. Once I'm sure he's okay I'll come up to the bridge and have my heart attack. She is in charge, she knows what to do, let her do it. If I find the asshole who made that clerical error, I'm going to pull his nose out through his toes. I knew she looked young, but not 17. I nearly caused that child's death today, when I ran her through a primary simulation."

"I'll be here with her dad."


"Teddy, before Grampa gets here, check Elizabeth and make sure she's capable of doing the captains job. She is only 17."

"Lisbeth, head please."

This time Elizabeth sat on the floor, and Teddy walked up behind her. She took a long time and when she was finished she said, "Okay, Lisbeth, you want know more later or now?"

"I have work to do now; can we do this later?"

"Yes, I go play room now."


Elizabeth asked, "Has anything shown up on the long-range scans?"

"Nothing so far Captain."


"Mommy, Lizbeth really good Captain, like grandma, and grandpa, but she very confused inside."

"Why do you say that baby?"

"She grow up in bad house. Daddy take advantage of girls. Daddy, boys do terrible things to girls. She lucky; much too young before police take her away. Live with aunt and girl cousin. Sleep with girl cousin. Do things make Elizabeth feel wanted and loved, still bad things. Now afraid of all men and boys touch. Not be in same room with man, not safe. Only safe with girl. Hannah, must talk Hannah. You help Lizbeth too. She like you."

"Are you sure you're not older than I am?"

"You ask me all time. I sure, you sure?"

"I'm not sure, because you are so much smarter than I am."

"Not only me, God help me. Grandma help me. I pray all time. Many prayers answer, some not."

"I love my Teddy so much."

"Teddy missed her mommy so much. Cried to sleep. Not do again please. Stay with us, and new babies."

"Do you remember when we went to our apartment and we prayed together. I promised God and you I would never leave again. I promised I would be a better mommy to all my children.

I was responsible for all the pain and suffering that happened to my family. I had to leave. It took me a very long time to find a way to tell daddy how bad a person I was and how I would try to be a better wife for him, and mother to Newton, you, and our new babies.

Your father is a wonderful man. I love him so much, and I hurt him badly. There are many ways you can hurt the man you are married to, and what I did was the worst. I abused your daddy by hitting him with my bad mouth, and my fists for 16 years. Your daddy never said a bad word back to me during all those years.

When he told me what a terrible person I was, and I realized what I did to him, Newton and you, I didn't believe it, until my dad told me to look in a mirror. That was when I knew everything daddy said was true. I could not face my family any more. You were all witnesses to the bad things I did. I had to stay away from you. I am so sorry Teddy. I won't do it again, ever. I will never do a bad thing to anyone in our family again. Please forgive me."


"Dammit, she's crying, and I didn't hit her."


Delicious flew into his arms, and they both wound up on the floor.

"Would you please get up. It would seem I don't have my strength back, and you are packing a few extra pounds."

"Those aren't pounds' asshole, those are babies."

"Mommy say ' BAD WORD AGAIN!"

"I'm sorry baby, as soon as you say hello to Uncle Gordon, and he goes to see Aunt Zoey, and his new baby, we will go back to our room and pray. Is that okay?"

"No more bad words?"

"No more bad words."

"Gordon, am 3 now."

"Yes, grandpa told me. He said he saved 'Creamy Cow' for you. That must have been fun."

I tell grandpa everyone have Creamy Cow."

"You are a very wonderful person Teddy. Would you do something for me?"


"Would you feel my head to see if that thing got bigger, while I was asleep?"

"Pick up please."

"Mommy hand on top of head. No heat right?"

"Yes baby, no heat this time."

"It there, much smaller, very, very smaller."

"What the heck happened to it?"

"Let Joe take pictures of it and find out. Let's not stand around here with fingers up our asses."


"Teddy, grandpa is very sorry for his use of bad language. He is so sorry that he is going to have a chapel built where everybody can pray any time they want to pray. It won't be very big, because we don't have a lot of space. I promise you it will be beautiful, and a place 's where everyone knows God is there for them. It is something I should have planned for in the original design of this ship, and I make no excuse for not putting it in."

"God not need lot space; need quiet so hear you. Zoey awake, good time surprise her, maybe bring baby too?"

"Teddy, I think you're smarter than all of us," Gordon said.

"Everybody say so, must be right."

Everyone laughed.


The family trooped down to the infirmary, where Gordon received a hero's welcome. When Joe Finch was told about the tumor in Gordon's head having shrunk considerably, he immediately wanted to take x-rays, a CAT scan, and every other test imaginable. At that very moment, Delicious' water broke.

"Do you see sis; I brought you good luck."

"Yeah you little twerp. Do you want to push these 2 puppies out for me?"

"Nope, get Gray to do it for you. I'm on my way up to see my wife, with my new baby daughter."

"Are you sure she's yours? She has blonde hair and green eyes. Your mother says she's really worried about the gene pool you may have come from."

"I know the gene pool you came from. I'm really worried about your kids."

"Don't you talk about my children like that. I'm not allowed to hit anyone anymore. I'll have Gray do it for me."

"Since when are you not allowed to hit?"

"My water is on the floor. Would you mind if I deliver my babies, and we'll talk about this later?"

"No, this is more important."

"Dad hit him for me, and get him out of here."

Much to Gordon's surprise, I hit him, grabbed him by his collar, and dragged him out of the infirmary.

Corne (Corn-E), a student nurse, picked up 'Female baby Luck' and fell in behind Gordon and me, with the rest of the family behind us.

I knocked on her door and asked, "Zoey are you decent, your babies are here to nurse."

"Very funny dad, come on in."

Gordon walked in first, and wasted no time getting to his wife.

Zoey didn't have time to scream. Gordon's lips smothered hers. As they came up for air, Gordon said, "I am so sorry, so very sorry I left you for so long. As long as I live, I will never do that to you again. I don't care what they say about not thinking or dreaming while you are in a frozen state. I can guarantee you I thought about you every second of every day. I know you were lonely without me. Trust me when I tell you I was as lonely as you were. I love you so much Zoey, I don't know how you survived it."

She smiled at him. "Would you shut up and kiss me."

"Forever and another lifetime together."

"People, I don't think we are needed here. They seem to be acting normally for a newlywed couple. Gordon, Zoey, there will be no sex for 30 days. None, zero, zilch, nothing, not a bit, not an iota, not a hint, not some, not for one, not for both, not for either party in the marriage. Your wife will recuperate before you start your gymnastics all over again. If you want your 2nd child in 10 months and one day, that's fine. If you are smart, which I don't believe you are Gordon, I would ask Hannah for a supply of condoms. I believe 500 would do, until your wife's birth control pills take effect in three months.

As you know this will do 2 things for the ship: Foremost in my thoughts, is that she will remain calm as she did when she began taking the birth control pills on earth. 2nd, you can space your children several years apart. It would make Zoey's life easier because she wouldn't have to run after 2 little tykes at the same time, while you are sitting on your ass training your replacement."

Zoey reared back and hit him on his shoulder.

"Ow, what was that for? I just got out of stasis, and I'm in trouble already?"

"How could you possibly be in trouble, when you've been missing for 4 months. It was just a love tap, to tell you how much I missed you, and make sure you listen to your father's advice, completely."

"Dad, what is it with women? They can't ask you to do something. They have to beat you up before they ask you to do it."

"I don't know son. Your mother is not that way with me. I just lay down the law. She says 'Yes sir; and that's the end of our discussion."

Zoey asked, "Would you mind if I asked mom if that statement is true?"

"Go right ahead Zoey. She's in her sleep period now, but you can leave a message for her on the computer, and she will get back to you."


"Attention all hands, attention all hands, this is Captain Franklin. We are starting a 60° left turn and climbing at a 70° ascension angle. Please hold on to anything you can. We have an asteroid the size of Rhode Island closing in on us, at 130,000 mph. That is all."

As the ship started its maneuver, I said to Zoey, "Take the baby and crawl under the blankets with her. Gordon get on the floor grab one of the bed posts. Jodi grab the other post, and hold hands with Gordon. Cornelia get in the closet and close the door. I'm going to try and make it to the bridge."

"Dad stay here. You know you won't make it in time. Callie will help if the student Captain gets it wrong. Get on the ground now."

I knew my son was right, so I did the best thing I could do to protect our family. I threw my body over Zoey's mid-section, making sure I did not touch our young addition. I did not want to smother my 11-hour old granddaughter accidentally. All I wanted to do was make sure Zoey did not go flying off the bed, and take our new little one along with her.

"Zoey see if she's hungry. Put her to your breast and see if she'll suckle."

"If Gordon was on top of me, he would be at the other breast."

"Why do you think he's on the floor, and I'm up here?"

"She is suckling dad."

"Good, the rapid changes won't bother her."

I pulled out my communicator and called the bridge.

"Captain Franklin, this is Captain Luck, what is our condition?"

"Not now Captain I'm busy."

I was about to throw my communicator at the wall, get up and storm to the bridge. No one on this ship talked to me like that and got away with it. I was going to take her head off at her ankles.

As my head, and my fury died down, I realized that my trainee was right. She was in control of the ship. She had the tactical view that I didn't have. She was in charge. I put her there. 17 god damn years old, and she put me in my place. I wondered if anyone else would have had the courage to do it?

The spacecraft stopped its turn, but continued climbing. Suddenly, the ship made a radical right turn, and increased the rate of climb to near vertical. I thanked goodness for Dycke Schneider, and those millions of bearings in the 2nd cavity of the ship that kept us from rolling over. I had no idea what was happening up front, but for Elizabeth's first day, she was exceeding her 1% for her lifetime.

I could feel the ship slowly curving back to straight flight heading, and a 0° operation angle.

"Captain Franklin to Captain Luck. We are clear of Rhode Island, and the massive debris field that followed it. We have returned to base heading, and we need cleaning materials for the mess that's on the floor on the bridge."

"Captain Franklin, call maintenance; have them send up a double crew to take care of it. No one touches anything until I get there, and debrief the crew."

"Aye, aye Captain."

"Attention all hands, attention all hands, this is Captain Franklin, you may resume normal operations, the asteroid, and the debris field that followed it, are now behind us. Thank you."

"Dad, I don't know who that 17-year-old girl is, but she's a keeper."

"Gordon would you believe this is her first day on the bridge, alone?"

"It was hard enough believing she was 17. Now you're telling me this was her first day alone."

"She has exactly 6 hours and 27 minutes' experience on the bridge. 10 minutes after she sat down she had her first encounter with an asteroid, and she did very well. Now she has had her 3nd experience with an asteroid, and a debris field that came along with it. I think that young lady is going to make one hell of a Captain."

"Remember dad, it takes more than steering the ship around an asteroid to be a good Captain. Do you think a 17-year-old girl has that innate quality to manage not only the flight crew, but also the people on the ship, and their problems?"

"Thankfully she will not have that problem for forty or fifty years. She may always be the Junior Captain on this ship. The way our documents read it does not matter when you made Captain, it is your age that makes you senior when it comes to settling disputes."

"I don't know who thought that up, but it was an ingenious way to keep the elders in charge of judgments."

"I'm amazed you would think that way Gordon. Young people normally want to control everything."

"Dad, he who controls the computer, controls the world."

"Son just in case you haven't noticed, we live in a very small world."

Cornelia yelled, "Captain Luck can I come out of the closet now?"

"I'm sorry Corn'e, I forgot all about you. Come on out."

With clothes draped all over her, Cornelia Frist crawled out of Gordon and Zoey's closet. We rushed over to help her unencumber her from the mess.