Dark as Daylight Ch. 04


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Gordon joked, "You wrinkled some of my wife's best dresses. She will probably want you to iron them for her."

"She brought an iron with her? I'll iron her underwear, if I can borrow it."

"I will never understand women dad. I thought I was giving her a punishment, and she offers to iron Zoey's undies if she can borrow an iron. We are truly different species."

"I want you to remind me of that statement in 2 months, when you and your lovely wife are back in action my son."

"You are cheating dad, and you know it."

"Am I really Gordon? Just because bugs mate, in quite the same fashion as humans, am I really cheating?"


"Report Elizabeth."

"Nobody picked it up sir. It wasn't there, until it was there. We have asked maintenance to do a thorough check on our sensors, because a target that large should have been sited from 100 million miles away, not a few thousand miles away. It did not show up on radar, it did not show up on our telescopes, it did not show up on anything at all, and that is not right. I have come up with one conclusion however. The closer we get to the entrance to the White Hole, the more, and faster asteroids, meteors, and space debris we run into. I believe the entrance to the White Hole is acting like a huge vacuum. Anything that comes with in its sphere of influence gets pulled closer to it, and increases in velocity. Sometime pieces along the edges break free of the White Hole's influence, because of the increase of speed. Those are the ones that are being hurled at us. Sir that is going to include us in a few days and I have a proposal for you."

"I haven't yelled at you for being 17 yet, and you have a proposal about the White Hole for me? This better be very good Captain, or I'm going to put you back in diapers."

"Why are you angry with me, I didn't make the mistake. I told everyone the truth. I didn't want to get pulled off navigation, you pulled me off remember?"

"Yes I remember, go ahead."

"Your son, Holden, drew the White Hole in the shape of a cone both on the inbound side, and on the outbound side. I suggest we use a parallel outbound heading, possibly 50 or 60 million miles away from the 'Cone's entrance inbound.' If our equipment is working properly, we will be able to see the 'White Hole' pulling everything towards its entrance. Once we are far enough away from the sphere of influence, and we don't have to constantly dodge meteors and debris; we can look for an object 4 or 5 times larger than ourselves, and without a dense debris field lined up behind it. We can watch for several hours, or a day, and determine if the object is going to be pulled in to the cone or bounce outside it. Once we have confirmed it is going to be sucked into the Hole, we move to within 15 to 25,000 meters of the obstruction, and use it as our shield all the way through the inbound portion, and, if it holds together, out the other side.

As we clear the far side of the hole, and while we are still within the shield of this object, we extend the nuclear engine. As soon as we have enough space between us and any other foreign objects, we follow Gordon's advice, and take up a heading of 085°, and climb at an angle of ascension 035, and get to maximum speed as quickly as possible.

The Sagittarius 'A' Star should be 800 million light-years behind us at a bearing of 180°, at a declination of 5 degrees. According to my calculations, it should be within one month, more than likely less, of being eaten by the Supermassive Black Hole. If it is too much less than one month, we will be too close to it, and we will be sucked into the conflagration that will follow the explosions.

If we can get to 3 or 4 times lightspeed for 1 or 2 days, we should be clear of any x-ray pulses, super dynamic flares, and solar winds with radiation levels that our containment fields cannot resist."

"Captain Franklin, you are full of good news today, aren't you?"

Gray said from his position, "Dad, she is 17, but Delicious and I will adopt her, if she feels the need of a family."

"Gray hasn't anybody told you, your wife is delivering the twins at this moment?"

On the run he said, "Request permission to leave the bridge?"


"I don't believe anyone told him Captain."

"A very safe statement Elizabeth. Callie what do you think about our young captains' proposals?"

"I would change one thing Captain; prior to making the turn inbound to the White Hole, I would have made the decision on which object I was going to follow in. If the object is four times, or larger than the size of this vessel, the distance behind it should not be any more than 10 to 15,000 meters. Any smaller than 4 times the size of this vessel, is not advisable."

"You agree with everything else Captain Franklin said?"

"Everything Captain Franklin stated is correct."

I turned to her and said, "Elizabeth, how dare you be only 17."

"It's not my fault Captain. Look at my penmanship on the reports I submit. It's very neat, and legible."

"I already did. What the hell am I supposed to do with you? When is your birthday?"


"Look at me Elizabeth, and tell me you will be 18 on Monday, not 17. I will die right in front of you if you tell me you're going to be 17."

"You are safe Captain. I will be 18 years old on Monday."

"Mister Abrams you have the bridge. Captain Franklin and I will be in my ready room for five minutes."

"Callie this is Helmsman Frank Abrams; I have the bridge."

"Do you agree Captain Luck?"

"I agree Callie. Two things, please keep a close eye on him, and begin checking all our instrumentation."

"Roger Captain."

"Come with me Elizabeth."


Once we were in the ready room I closed and locked the door.

"Elizabeth, what would happen if I would touch you sexually right now."

"You are my superior officer. I would die of shame. I would probably kill myself."

"Look above my head, and to the left. What do you see?"

"A rounded black module for a camera."

"Elizabeth we are being watched. Everyone all around the ship is being watched. It's not that we are not trustworthy, it's for security, and for everyone's well-being. If someone slips down the steps, security will know it instantly, and they will react. If I were to touch you inappropriately an alarm would sound and people would come through that door and arrest me immediately. From the way you talk, I'm sure you read the entire contract. What happens to me if I touch you inappropriately?"

"You go to the brig for 90 days."

"In my case, what else happens?"

"Oh my, you lose your rank and privileges."

"That is correct. Do you think I would chance risking all that just to touch you?"

"No Captain, I don't think you would."

"With you, I can't use this term, "As safe as in your mother's arms", because you never knew your mother."

"How did you know that, I never put that on any of my forms."

"Elizabeth I need you to be comfortable during this conversation. Sit down on the other side of the table from me, because everything I am about to say is important for your well-being.

Teddy told me everything about you. That's why we're in this room having a private conversation. What she said will not affect your advancement to become Captain. Janet, Gloria, and you have shown your ability to handle this ship wisely. With time and a little more hands-on training, Jennifer and I can finally get the rest we dearly need.

You have another problem you must overcome, and that is your fear of men. We will be arranging for you to have counseling sessions with our head nurse, Hannah Miles. I owe Hannah my life. If it wasn't for her care, and the care of two other dedicated nurses, I would never have survived pancreatic cancer.

I thought I knew how to heal myself better than they did. I read all the articles, and journals. I thought I was smarter than they were. I thought I was better than they were. It didn't take me very long to find out which of us was wrong.

I thought Hannah was the weakest of the three nurses, and I took advantage of her. During the day she sat in her corner and watched me abuse her kindness while she knitted. She would say Doctor Luck don't do that. I would reply it's okay. This is nothing. She wouldn't do a thing. I had her number, until she put me to bed. Do you know what a number 7 knitting needle is?"

"No Doctor, I don't knit."

"Neither did I, until Hannah broke over 120 of them on my ass, hip and thigh bones during the nearly 2 years she was my wonderful, attentive, and kind nurse. My security team, my wife and children, could not wait for Hannah to put me to bed at night. Only she knew how many demerits I accumulated during the day. The screams that came out of my bedroom, were countered by the laughter that came out of my living room and kitchen. It didn't matter if the Super Bowl was on, the score was tied and the ball was on the 1-yard line. If Hannah was putting me to bed everything was turned off, so they could listen to me screaming in pain at tiny Hannah's hands. That's how wonderful a person Hannah is. Her only desire in life is to get her patient well. She will do anything and everything in her power to do it. She will help you. It may take her a week, it may take her 20 years, but when you finally open up to her, she will become your best friend, and a true confidant.

I will let you know when your first appointment with her is. After that, Hannah and you will make your own schedule."

"I have no say in this?"


"What if I go to the cleaning crew?"

"I will not allow that to happen."

"You are delving into my private life, and I am uncomfortable with it Captain."

"I know all about your private life Elizabeth, and I will not mention a word about it to anyone, not even my wife. When Teddy touches someone's' head, it's like you are giving her your life story from birth to death. She sees and feels everything you have ever done, and everything that will ever happen in your future. That is how she told you about your daughter making 'First Contact.' It should not change who you are, just live your life. You believe you are a lesbian. That will have no effect on you, with me or anyone on this ship, because if you don't mention it, neither Hannah or I will. There will be no written record of this meeting. Teddy will never tell anyone about your private life. Otherwise, these meeting are between you and Hannah. I have forgotten about this conversation, as soon as I walk out that door."

"Now, let's put you back in the captain's chair, because the ship hasn't turned in at least 20 minutes."

"Did you see the floor?"

"I forgot to look."

"You can tell who had orange juice and who had Gatorade with their wheat bran this morning."

"And what did you have with your wheat bran this morning Captain?"

"Coffee, Arabica, I believe. Not as sweet as Sumatran, not as mellow as Hawaiian Estate, not as tasty as Jamaican Blue Mountain, and not as ordinary as Mesoamerican."

"My goodness, not yet 18 years old, and a coffee connoisseur."

"No sir, it was an advertisement I remembered from a coffee club. Gevalia, I believe. They were extolling the virtues of their blended coffees, instead of the pure bean coffees."

"You are goofing around, back to work."

"I can't take back the bridge, without you being there sir."

"You are right. I'm going to have to change that protocol."

As we walked back onto the bridge I said, "Mister Abrams you are relieved."

"Thank you Captain."

"Callie Acting Captain Elizabeth Franklin has the bridge."

"Do you agree Captain Luck?"

"Yes I do Callie. I need some help in wording for a transfer of power on the bridge. Moments ago helmsman Abrams was in charge of the bridge by my authority. Upon return from a consultation with me, acting Captain Franklin now has the bridge. She should take command, but I was not here to transfer control. Is there a way for the senior captains to work around that provision?"

"Yes Captain there is. You can put a time limit on Mister Abrams authority on the bridge, or you can say, "Mister Abrams has the bridge, until Captain Franklin returns, at which time Captain Franklin shall resume command authority. It is a rather straightforward transfer of command."

"Callie, I don't know what I'd do without you and your sisters."

"Thank you Captain, we strive to do our best."

"Is there any progress in checking out our long distance electronic equipment?"

"Yes sir. All long-distance equipment readings were incorrect, and the equipment was not functioning properly. I am in the process of repairing it now. It should not take more than 37 minutes, before everything is in optimal condition."

"Thank you Callie."

"Captain Franklin, you have the bridge, until you are appropriately relieved, by a higher ranking officer. If you feel yourself getting tired, or if you even think you're getting tired, call me so I can read you the riot act. You are only 17 years old until Monday. You are in the prime of your youth. You should be able to stay up for 3 days in a row partying with your high school friends. If you were in the military, the manual says you are allowed a maximum of two hours sleep every 24 hours. You can always play chess with Callie, she is very good at it. Don't expect to win."

"Captain, I've never lost a game of chess."

"Who taught you how to play?"

"I did."

"Oh no, another Patty Valentino.

"Who is Patty Valentino?"

"When we have more time I will explain who she is. However, right now I want you to give me a minute; I have to yank on someone's chain."


"Captain Luck to Laura Schiff."

"This Is Laura captain."

"Laura do you know anyone that plays chess at the Master's level on the ship?"

"Do you mean besides me Captain?"

"I didn't realize you were certified Master."

"I'm not, but do you think there's anyone on this ship that can beat me?"

"You do mean besides me don't you?"

"Captain don't pat yourself on the back."

"Laura, I'll bet you my oatmeal against your boiled rice that I have someone on this ship that will beat you in a game of chess. She has never been beaten before, and I doubt you will beat her, either using your mother's game, or your sister's game."

"You have a bet Captain. What's sucker am I playing?"

"Captain Elizabeth Franklin."


"Do you remember all the radical movements we've been making today that saved our ship from imminent disaster?"

"Yes I do."

"That was my trainee, Captain Elizabeth Franklin. I was not on the bridge with her, to guide her hand to save this ship. In after action reports by our computer, everything she did was as near-perfect as could be. In all her life she has never lost a game of chess. I suggest you start reading up again. Play a few hundred games against our computer, because I know you've been very busy with Adam, since you two got married. I don't want you to claim you are rusty and that 'SEX' was the reason for your demise. I'm giving her off on Monday, because it is her birthday. It seemed like a nice thing to do. I will schedule a video match so the entire ship can watch the two of you play. I have decided that you will play white and my trainee will play black. Elizabeth said she did not wish to take advantage of you, because you are not a ranked player."

"How magnanimous of you Captain. You do realize that white always has an advantage."

"Only if the person playing white knows what she is doing."

"What time Tuesday Captain?"

"The time may fluctuate, because of some changes I am thinking about making. However, we get off duty at midnight Monday morning. Unless we are going through the White Hole, or something abnormal is happening on the ship, I will schedule the match for 1500 hours on the stage in the auditorium."

"I will be there."

"You better be, otherwise you will be disobeying a direct order and you will wind up in the brig."

"It must be wonderful to be the king."

"Yes it is. Goodbye Laura."

"Goodbye your Majesty."


"Okay where were we Elizabeth? You have control of the bridge, until you are appropriately relieved. My wife and I will have breakfast together, for the first time in nearly 10 months. When we return to the bridge, I will give my wife a complete report on the previous day's activities."

"How can you give a complete report on the previous day's activities if you weren't here sir?"

"It's very simple, and it is part of your training. I will tell my trainee to give a detailed report of everything that happened during the previous 8 hours. It includes every evasive action you took, and why. Every mechanical problem that occurred, why it wasn't noticed sooner, and was it repaired to your satisfaction. Are there any personnel actions that need to be handled, either on the bridge, or on the spacecraft in general? Are there any propulsion problems that have been reported by engineering?"

"Why don't you stay asleep, and I'll give Captain Jennifer Luck the briefing."

"How am I going to have breakfast with my wife, if I'm still sleeping?"

"I have the bridge Captain, enjoy your nap."

"Thank you Captain Franklin, I have my communicator with me. I don't expect it to go off."

"Yes sir."


I walked into our room, and undressed in the kitchen. I took my communicator, walked into the bedroom, and found Jennifer sprawled out all over our bed. I climbed in, and forced my body against hers. When she grumbled, I pretended I was sleeping. She grunted and turned on her side. I moved closer and held my body and hers by linking our legs and arms. She refused this position, threw her right arm over, and rested on her back.

I raised her nightgown, slipped my hand into her panties, and started playing with the little protrusion that drove her wild. She reacted immediately, and brought her hips closer to the fingers that was bringing her pleasure. Since we are unable to have sex for over a month, because she just delivered our twins, she was more than ready to begin our activities.

However, Doctor Finch put a stop to that. Finch said no sex for 4 weeks, and Jennifer said no more children. After a quick check of our condom supply, there was nothing close to my size. That left me only one option, actually two. I could get another vasectomy, or I could return to my pre-marriage status, and not have sex any longer. Somehow I did not believe Jennifer would go along with number 2. She would divorce me, be the reason for my death or both. I could not go along with that.

I continued to worry her clitoris, and she continued to react to it. Her hips were flying off the bed, she was perspiring, and words were coming out of her mouth, demanding some entity to top her off. Since I was here, I decided to be that entity.

I whispered into her ear, "The stars Jen, they're waiting just over the hill. You have to get over the hill to see the stars. You remember stars Jenny, look for our stars. Come on, try harder.

I inserted 2 fingers into her vagina, and rubbed sideways against top wall, leaving my thumb pressing against the little button.

I thought her scream would wake up the babies in the other room, but they slept through it; our little darlings.

I continued whispering sweet little things into Jen's ear, and she started saying, "please, I need this, please, please, you prick..." and then it happened for her. At long last her physical needs were met. She came as only Jennifer could, or as only I knew a woman could. In a microsecond her panties were sodden, fluids were all over my hand, and our sheets were a mess.