Dawn Redeemed


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Drew had told the story many, many times before. The day his human life ended on the battlefield and his new life began was forever branded in his memory. "Our mission may never be complete. As long as the vampire threatens humanity, so the Sons will be there to protect it.

"The story of the wolf is a great tale to be told, for our stories are one in the same. My brother was the first of your kind. He was the first to share of my blood. My brother was a great hunter, one of skill and cunning. There were rumors amongst the territories of a great white wolf. The villagers were terrified. The men refused to go out on the hunt for fear of the wolf. The women refused to leave their wigwas and held their children tightly to their breast. The village was in danger of starvation, so great was the fear of this wolf."

Fallon was quite bored with all the talking until he mentioned the wolves. Then her ears perked up in eager awareness. He was talking about her and her dad. She looked up at her dad and held her arms up. He picked her up and settled her on the tops of his shoulders. From her lower vantage point, she hadn't been able to see much. From up here, she saw how very many people, just like her there really were.

Torr drew Erica close and rested his chin on the top of her head. He'd never heard the stories before. Maybe during his tutoring there was a mention of legends of how his kind came to be, but he'd never paid any attention to them before. This man knew exactly what he was talking about and presented the stories, not as a children's tale, but as fact. This man had actually lived what Torr had dismissed as fiction.

Erica snuggled her backside against Torr and tugged playfully on Fallon's foot. The rapt crowd was engrossed by the man's every word. As a kid, she remembered, her uncle telling her an altered version of some of the stories as they sat around the campfire roasting marshmallows. At the time, she thought he was just trying to scare her. She didn't know that he was preparing her for her future.

"My brother tracked the wolf over many miles and many, many weeks. The wolf was stealthy as a deer and wily as a coyote. After exerting great patience, he finally caught up with the wolf. The wolf was a worthy opponent and one of great strength and ability. For hours my brother fought with the wolf. The wolf finally weakened and succumbed to the death blow. He did not know that the wolf was the treasured pet of Kokumthena and her most trusted guardian.

"Kokumthena was heartbroken at the loss of her wolf. The wolf's body was already cold and its sprit set free. There was nothing she could do bring him back. My brother offered up his body as a host for the wolf's sprit. Kokumthena readily agreed and cast the spirit of the wolf inside my brother. The wolf was not content to see the world through human eyes, to no longer smell the scents of the forest through a human nose, and no longer consume the flesh of the kill.

"Kokumthena could not stand the misery of her wolf at being trapped in a human body so she determined that the wolf and my brother should share the body. The wolf would remain with her in the spirit world as a guardian when my brother inhabited the body, and when the wolf took over and changed the body into its familiar form, my brother would take its place at her side. All sides agreed to the compromise and the Great White Wolf was born.

Ruby stood next to her sister and balanced Evan on her hip. He was getting too be too heavy be lugged around like this. She could ask Carter to hold him for a while or one of the other guys, but, she didn't want to appear weak or needy. Evan listened to the stories in rapt fascination. She did too. She'd never thought much about the origins of her people, till now. Before she'd just accepted that they'd always been and always would be. Thanks to careful genetic engineering. The science of preserving the best of their line superceded any magic. All that had really mattered was the double helix and strands of genetic code. Just exactly how they got to be the way they were had never occurred to her before.

Hanning wound his way through the masses of wolf and vampire. Somewhere along the hike, he'd lost track of Ruby and Evan in the crowd. Gently, he lifted Evan off her hip and slung him over the tops of his shoulders. He smiled at the unspoken thanks in her eyes. He reached out his free hand and sought out hers. Her fingers intertwined with his and he gave them a gentle squeeze.

Ruby smiled, feeling the pressure as he squeezed her hand. His fingers were warm, laced through hers. She gave his fingers a squeeze in return.

"Your are his descendants. My brother was killed defending Kokumthena in the spirit world, but through you, he lives on. Your burden is not an easy one to bear. You must be always vigilant on your watch. For your task is one of great responsibility. The wolf is the guardian of the spirit world. He protects the border between the living and the dead and all of those who dwell on both sides. You have risen to the challenges presented to you and have done so with dignity and honor. You have traveled long and I ask you to take one more step. Join your packs as one. I have taken my brother's place as the Great White Wolf, and I ask that you as one people stand by my side."

Nash stepped into the circle. The weight of hundreds of eyes rested on his shoulders. Dropping to one knee he exposed his most vulnerable point, his neck. "As pack master of the northern packs. I offer my throat to you in submission of your authority. Do with us what you will and know that we will follow you."

Eloise took a deep breath and stepped away from the shelter of her pack. She gave her daughters' hands a tight squeeze before she released them and smiled. Her knees trembled in nervousness. She was glad she had to walk only a dozen yards and drop to one knee before they gave out. She grasped her thick, dark hair in her fist and bore her neck. "As pack mistress of the South Texas pack, I offer you my throat in submission of your authority. We will follow wherever you lead us with faith and trust. We offer our loyalty and our lives to you to do with what you will."

Torr slid Fallon off his shoulders and sat her feet gently on the ground. He ruffled her hair and put her hand in Erica's. Gently, he pressed a kiss on Erica's forehead and gave her a smile. This last step he took, he did so alone. He stepped out from his pack and crossed the grass. He lowered the weight of his body to the ground and rested on one knee. "As pack master of the West Texas Pack, I offer you my throat in submission to your authority. My pack is yours in life and in death to do with as you see fit." His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed and looked up into the night sky above.

Drew approached Nash. "I accept your pack as my own and offer you the strength of my brethren in return. Do you accept?"

"I do." Nash answered. He tried to relax under the dark stare of the Great White Wolf. To offer resistance was to negate the offer. The blow was hard and painful, fangs punctured his flesh and his life flowed out. The pain stopped before his instinct to fight for his life took over and a wrist was pushed between his lips. He drank hard and deeply of the Great White Wolf. In his mind's eye he saw a white band of energy that extended from the Great White Wolf, to him, and through his pack. They were bound as one.

"Mistress Eloise, your pack has stood against many adversaries over the years and has been greatly strengthened through strife. I accept your pack as my own and offer you the strength of my brethren in return. Do you accept?"

Eloise nervously cleared her throat. "I do." She didn't relish the thought of getting bitten. But, to see her pack safe, a little blood was a small thing to sacrifice. She suppressed the urge to cry out as the fangs tore into her neck. From the wounds, she felt the strength of her pack flowing from her into the Great White Wolf. His blood carried with it the knowledge of the ages and the strength of many souls combined as one. Through his blood she could feel Nash and his pack. She drank deeply and completed the metaphysical band that bound her pack to Nash's pack, to The Great White Wolf, to the vampires and beyond to the fragile thread of humanity running through them all.

"Pack Master Torr, your pack has gained its strength through the acquisition of numbers and lands. I accept your pack as my own and hope to usher its members into a time of peace and prosperity. I offer your pack the strength and wisdom of my brethren in return. Do you accept?"

"I do." Torr was willing to endure any pain to see his pack live something that resembled a normal life. He led through love and respect, not through fear and retribution. The strike was fast and hard. Agonizing. He clamped his lips together and drew deep from within himself the strength and dignity of a leader. He swallowed the blood offered in great gulps and felt the isolation that had plagued his heart for so many years melt away. For the first time, he had a peace inside of himself that he'd never known could be possible. He and his pack had found their home, their security, and the place where they finally belonged. United as one, they finally at long last had found their identity.

Erica gasped as she watched Torr writhe in spasms of agony on the grass. She wanted to rush over to him and comfort him. As if her presence would somehow ease his suffering. Deep inside, she understood that the suffering was part of the sacrifice Torr had made for his pack and that he had to go through this on his own.

When Torr first invited her, she had to admit, this was not the picture that came to mind. She had something very different in mind. Maybe a keg of beer on ice, baked beans, a pig on the spit, party games, small talk, and a live band, not bloodletting on the grass. To say the least, she was shocked. She reminded herself, she was the one who called it a party. He had not bothered to correct her. But, he specifically said it was a celebration. Slowly, she began to understand what the celebration was about. It wasn't about a barbecue, but about life. These people were celebrating life, longevity, and unity. And that was something to celebrate.

A shockwave of awareness passed through the crowd. Both vampire and wolf, heard the voices of many individuals combine into one harmonious symphony in their minds. There were no missing pieces. Everything had fallen into place. In a singular voice they gasped in awe at the sensation of oneness that rippled through their being. Never before had they realized the depth of the prison of emptiness that gripped them tightly in its iron fist. They were complete and whole at last. A roar of triumph and of joy echoed off the high stone cliffs and broke the silence.

Torr stirred on the lawn, gripping at the grass beneath him as he struggled with the flood of emotions and the current of voices crashing in a waterfall in his mind. The agony of the blood's icy grip on his body was fading slowly like ice left in the sun to melt. Energy flowed and rippled around him like he was a boulder in the middle of a rapidly rushing river. "Erica," he croaked. All around him, people shed their skin and gave themselves over to the shift. Terror coursed through him at the thought that she and Fallon might get caught up and dragged under the current of undulating bodies.

Erica dodged a stray boot and ducked out of the way of a flailing half shifted body. She held Fallon tightly by the arm and dragged her out of the path of a twitching wolf. "Torr!" If she didn't get herself and Fallon out of here, they might be trampled in the melee. She knew the wolves wouldn't hurt her on purpose. But, they could by accident. Somehow, standing in the middle of two hundred hungry wolves, in such a confined space, didn't seem like such a good idea.

Torr stumbled through the crowd and wrapped a hand around Erica's wrist, pulling her back from the mass of bodies. "Are you all right?"

Erica nodded and smiled weakly. She pressed Fallon's face tightly against her stomach and cradled her head with trembling fingers. Someday, Fallon was going to have to get used to nudity, but not today. She was just a little girl. There were some things Erica had to sensor. There were some things that she didn't want to see herself. "The next time you invite me to a celebration, remind me to invest in combat gear."

Torr smiled sheepishly and ducked his head. The crowd was thinning as the wolves completed their shift and melted into the woods. "Sorry. I guess I forgot to mention exactly how werewolves party down."

"Mom," Fallon wailed in a muffled voice, "I can't breathe!" If her mom held her any tighter, she was going to suffocate her only child. Fallon was curious about all the things her ears could hear but her mother forbid her to see. Her mom was always doing stuff like that, covering her eyes, plugging her ears, turning the channel, blocking web pages, and checking out books before Fallon got the chance to read them. How, exactly, how was she supposed to learn anything about the world if her mom didn't let her? "MOM!"

Torr gently pried Fallon free of the death grip Erica held her in. "Erica, its ok."

"Oh!" Erica released her grip on Fallon and smiled down at her daughter apologetically, "sorry."

Fallon scowled up at her mother in irritation. Except for a handful of people, the bluffs were deserted. She missed everything. "Geez Mom, I just wanted to see what was going on."

"Look Fallon, there's Marianne," Erica said, pointing across the grassy meadow. "Why don't you go say hi?" When she was older, Torr could explain everything to their daughter. But, for now, Fallon was still her little girl and she wanted to protect her and shelter her from the world for as long as she could.

Torr watched Fallon trot across the field. "She's growing up, Erica."

Erica leaned into the circle of Torr's arms and rested her head on his chest. "I know, but it doesn't have to be today."

Torr snickered and rubbed his cheek across the softness of Erica's hair, "You're a fierce mother wolf watching over her pup."

"Be careful bud, I bite."

"Come on, there's someone I want you to meet." He took Erica's hand and pulled her across the field. He stopped at a small clump of leather clad bodies and dipped his head, "My bride to be, Erica Gray. Erica, this is the Great White Wolf, the Great Father."

"Otherwise known as Drew," Drew interjected and stretched out his hand to Erica.

Erica stared up at the men. Talk about testosterone. The guys were big enough to have their own zip codes. The man Torr introduced her to towered above her in a highrise of muscle, black leather, and silvery lethal weapons. "Hi," she said meekly as she took his hand and gave it a timid shake.

"Good to meet you. This is Dane, John Mark, and Patrick," Drew said, pointing to the three men beside him.

"You're Alex's cousin aren't you?" Dane asked.

Before Erica could answer a big paw encircled her bicep. "Look at those spindly little arms. Come see me if you want to beef up. I'll teach you how to defend yourself if this clod," he gestured toward Torr, "ever gets out of line." The man Drew introduced as John Mark said in a deep, growling bass.

"Ah, ok." Erica blushed at his mention of her lack of physical fitness. It was true, she hadn't hit the gym since...high school and then only because she was forced to. "I'll think about it."

She took Patrick's extended hand, thinking he meant to shake her hand in a greeting. Instead, he lifted her wrist to his nose and inhaled deeply. "She smells like a wolf to me. I don't know if I can track her or not, she smells too much like them."

Erica sniffed the collar of her blouse. She didn't smell any B.O. , the only thing she could smell was her perfume.

"Will you guys cut it out and leave my poor cousin alone," Alex said.

Erica jumped, startled. If not for Torr's strong arm around her waist, she would have toppled over and landed on her butt. Alex had come up behind her so fast and so silently, Erica hadn't know she was there. "Could you not do that!"

Alex giggled and shrugged, "Sorry." She steered Erica out of Torr's arms and draped an arm across her shoulders. "You have to ignore those guys. As you can see, they don't get out much." She glared over her shoulder at John Mark, Patrick, and Dane. "So did I hear Torr right? You're getting married."

"Yeah that's the plan." Erica glanced back at Fallon. Her daughter was perched a top of Torr's shoulders, eating up all the doting male attention the brothers lavished on her. "What was Patrick talking about?"

Alex grabbed Erica's hand and led her to a quiet corner of the field. "Funny you should mention that. I've been meaning to talk to you. And I've never been quite sure of how to bring it up, so I'm glad you did. A special bond is formed between a vampire and donor. The vampire often gives his blood to the donor as willingly as the donor gives his blood to the vampire."

"Why." Erica didn't like where this conversation seemed to be headed. She especially didn't like the way the moonlight gleamed off the sharp points protruding from beneath Alex's upper lip.

"The blood forms a bond between the two of them. Through the blood the vampire can sense when his donor is in danger. The blood allows the vampire to find the donor, if there's ever trouble, no matter how far away. The vampire will always be able to find his donor for as long as the bond stays in place. It's a means of protection, Erica. What would happen to Fallon if something happened to you? Or how would you feel if something happened to Fallon and you had the means to prevent it and didn't?"

"Alex, get to the point."

"It won't take much, just a drop or two. I want you and Fallon to let me form a bond with you. If you don't want me, Chance is willing to do it. Whatever makes you the most comfortable."

"Let me get this straight. You want to drink from me and from Fallon and in exchange you want us to drink from you?"

"Pretty much. Erica, you're a mom and Fallon is just a kid. You're about to become a wife. You owe it to Torr to take care of yourself and of Fallon. I promise it won't hurt."

"Torr didn't sure didn't act like it didn't hurt."

"Well, ok there's some minor discomfort. It only lasts a few minutes. Erica, it will keep you and Fallon safe for years. Doesn't that beat a crummy coaster set or a toaster as a wedding gift?"

Erica pulled away from Alex and frowned at her. There was no way she was going through with this. No. Way. She would not allow this line of conversation to continue. "I'd rather have a toaster, if its all the same to you."

"Erica...," Alex called after her cousin.

Erica jogged over the dew coated grass and ran her arm through Torr's. The warmth of his body chased away the chill of the night air, or maybe the chilling horror of her cousin's line of thinking. She could not believe Alex had suggested a blood exchange with the same casual air as someone might suggest to try on a pair of shoes. "Torr, I think we should get Fallon home."

John Mark dropped down to one knee. "Want a ride little lady?"

Erica shook her head fervently. "I think I'll walk."

By the time Erica finally got Fallon tucked into bed it was well after midnight. Convincing Torr to drop them off at her house instead of spending the night with him had been no small accomplishment. Begrudgingly, he gave in. Could the day have been any weirder? In less than sixteen hours she'd accepted a marriage proposal, made wild monkey love in the woods, almost been trampled by a pack of wolves, and turned down an offer to snack on her cousin. Too weird. Too much.

To Torr, the events of the day were as normal as a church social on Sunday afternoon. He didn't understand that her weirdness capacity had surpassed its limits. Her insistence to go home alone had hurt his feelings. She hadn't meant to. She was just simply, and completely, wierded out. Exhausted, she flopped on her bed and pulled up the covers. When he'd said he couldn't give her the picket fence and backyard barbecue kind life, he wasn't kidding.
