Degradation & Redemption Act 02


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"Oh god, I've never ... I just couldn't imagine anything so depraved. But I couldn't take my eyes off you both and the intense satisfaction that you both seemed to be getting." Mum seemed to be quite tense and unsettled.

"I see, mum, so stand up and run your finger along your slit and tell me how wet you are," I demanded.

She turned away, blushing furiously.

"Do it, mum—I want you to tell us both how turned on you were by seeing your son fucking your mother."

Mum slowly lowered her hand to her crotch and stroked across it, bringing her hand up into the light. It was noticeably wet. "I ... oh god I've never experienced anything even remotely like this. The image of you two together almost delirious with joy is burned into my brain," she whispered.

"Do you wish it would go away?" I asked but she shook her head. She hesitated but said slowly, "I got so excited by what I saw, but the conventional part of my brain still doesn't want to let go."

"Hmm" I said, then turning to Olivia, I commented provocatively, "By the way, I notice that you've shaved your pussy; I don't remember giving you permission to do that, did I?"

This took Olivia rather by surprise, but she tried to defend herself. "I thought you would like it. I thought you would like to feel my smooth, silky pussy?"

"I do, but that's not the point. You didn't ask permission, and I think that deserves further punishment, don't you?" I asked using my best dom manner.

"I don't know, master that is for you to decide" she was appropriately submissive.

"I know, why don't we ask Beth to be the referee and decide whether you should be punished," I continued the provocation. "Beth, what do you think? Should your mother be punished again for her misbehaviour?"

"I don't really know," her voice trembled, "I can't make that sort of decision, I'm not ..."

Then all of a sudden, everything changed. Beth's voice became a high pitched screech, "Spank her, spank her, spank her, hurt her, humiliate me, make me scream ..."

There was a dead silence before I turned to Olivia. "I think your punishment will need to be put on hold for a while, and perhaps for the time being we might revert to Olivia and Drew rather than slut and master. I think we need to help Beth work through this crisis."

"Yes, absolutely, Drew" she replied and walked over to where Beth was sitting, perched on the arm of the chair and wrapped her arms around her daughter, comforting her and making soothing noises.

Beth burst into tears, but this didn't last long, and she gathered herself together. "Drew, Olivia," she said, "Now I've seen what the relationship between you two is like, it suddenly burst on me that I want to be part of it. I really do want to be your slave, Drew."

"Okay, mum, but do you remember what I told you about this earlier on? You will surrender yourself to me and willingly accept me as your master. I will have unrestricted access to your body and you will do what I say and when I say it. You will dress as I tell you and I may punish you if you disobey."

"Yes, honey ... I mean yes, master. I agree completely, and I do so want you to control me and make me do things that you like, because I know I will like them too. Only, please be kind to me master; I don't have any experience of being submissive although I know that this is right for me, and really, it's what I have wanted my whole life."

Okay, mum," I smiled at her. "Now tell me what you are."

Beth responded quite rapidly, "I am your fuck toy and you can use me in any way you want. I am your slut and yours alone, I am your hot, horny little bitch to be serviced whenever and however you choose. I am your whore, although, please, I beg of you, master, keep me for yourself and don't lend me out to anyone else."

"Well done, slut, you do have a very good grasp of your new reality, although there is one small variation I would like to add. As to lending you out," here Beth shivered, "I do think it will be a good idea if you are also available to your mother."

Olivia squealed with joy. "Ooh yes, master, I would so like to have sex with my daughter."

Beth's reaction was different. "Oh god, I've never done it with a woman, I don't know what to do, I'm scared—oh mummy, please help me to be a good girl."

"Beth, my darling daughter, I will be totally patient with you and show you how good it can be to be with a woman who you love and who loves and cares for you. Of course," Olivia laughed and turned to me, "there's no substitute for a large, hot, rigid cock plumbing your depths and making you cum, but a woman can be pretty good too."

"Okay, you pair of hot pussies," I smiled, "Olivia, why don't you initiate Beth into the joys of lesbian sex?"

Olivia laughed with delight and took her rather hesitant daughter by the hand. "Now Beth, my dear, come and lie on your back on the bed, and let me caress your sweet body."

So saying Olivia ran a hand up Beth's body, starting just above her fair muff, softly and gently across her stomach and up to her breasts. She ran her hands around the soft swell of Beth's tits before capturing her nipples and pulling them so that her tits stood out like cones. Beth groaned and squealed gently at the sensations flowing through her breasts and down to stimulate the juices in her pussy. Releasing those beautiful orbs, Olivia moved up and kissed Beth with an open mouth; Beth responded in the same way, and they were soon bathing each other with their saliva, tongues writhing together with lustful groans and hums as they did so.

Olivia broke the kiss then looked deeply into Beth's eyes; she told me later that she could only see urgent, wanton desire in those eyes. "Beth, I am going to kiss your pussy and get you so worked up you will hardly know who you are, let alone where you are. Would you like me to do this?"

"Oh my god," Beth cried out loud, "Yes, yes, do it now. Oh mummy, I want it so much. Get me ready for our master so that he can take a proper slave who wants to worship him, not just some pale shadow like I've been in the past."

"Mmm, yes, I think you're primed and ready you hot little whore," Olivia was very enthusiastic and pushing her shoulders up under Beth's legs, plunged her tongue into Beth's hot, leaking pussy.

"Ooh, mmm, yes, oh yes, please don't stop, this is so good, eat me, mummy, eat my hot hole until I scream. I want it so much, hmm ... hmm ... hmm, ooh yes, please, aargh, you are so good to me, make me cum, oh god, make me cum."

By this time, Beth was thrashing around on the bed and Olivia was having a hard time controlling her. I was having a hard time, too, but that was quite different—but no less delightful!

Olivia grasped her daughter's hips firmly and switched to flicking Beth's clit with the tip of her tongue. At the same time she released one hand and inserted first one finger, then quickly a second into Beth's hot, wet quim.

The effect was immediate and dramatic. Beth screamed at the top of her voice and shook as her first climax flooded through her. Olivia stopped briefly, but then continued her oral ravishment of her daughter's sex and Beth went through a series of orgasms, each one slightly greater than the last. Eventually, Olivia started nibbling at Beth's clit as well as stroking now three fingers into and out of her pussy. Beth lost all control and thrashed so hard that she dislodged Olivia but by this time her final tremendous orgasm had peaked. Beth screamed and cried in her passion, gasping and making incomprehensible sounds, seemingly about how she felt and the effect that Olivia's mouth had had on her.

I climbed onto the bed and held Beth on one side while Olivia did the same on the other. We stroked and caressed her, whispering soft words of love and support to her while she came down from this mountainous climax.

Beth looked first at Olivia, then at me, and murmured, "Oh god, I love you both so much," and then burst into tears. We stayed there with her while she calmed down again and gave us both a rather watery smile, but one that was full of love and excitement.

Olivia was the first to speak and her voice was full of mischief. "Okay, master, now what would you have us do? Or are you so exhausted from watching your pets in action that you can't take any more?"

"Oh no," I growled deep in my throat. "Now it's my turn for some action. I want you both to get down on your hands and knees and crawl over to me and give me a joint blowjob that will tear my cock apart."

"Ooh yes, come on, Beth, let's show master what good little sluts we really are", Olivia was most enthusiastic.

I stood as they knelt in front of me, and Beth looked upwards with devotion on her face. "We are hot horny bitches who want to service their master;" she was unusually self-assured.

Now Olivia took over, "Beth, you lick his balls—use plenty of saliva and don't be afraid to take them into your mouth, but you must be gentle, or master will be very cross. I'm going to lick his beautiful cock, up and down the shaft and suck on that swollen and angry looking helmet."

I found this running commentary very stimulating, and pre-cum started to ooze from my cock. Olivia was delighted and licked it eagerly. "Ooh Beth, quickly, you just have to taste this—it is so delicious."

With that, I had two infatuated tongues jostling to lick around my increasingly sensitive glans.

I knew that I could not hold out very long under this treatment, and my orgasm was accelerated when Olivia started sucking hard, taking a substantial length of my growing cock into her hot vigorous mouth.

My hands tangled into their hair as I hummed, gasped and moaned as my balls pulled up and the electric tingling in my lower abdomen and my cock signalled the start of a full blown climax. Both of my gorgeous subs continued their devoted licking and sucking until with a deep groan my cum thundered up through my cock. With a great determination, I was able to shoot my load over each set of tits, giving Olivia and Beth a generous helping of spunk.

"Well done, my pets," I smiled at them both. "Now you must finish what you started. Olivia, you must lick my cum from Beth's tits and Beth, lick my spend from Olivia. Then you must both come back and clean me up with your tongues."

They licked and sucked each other's tits, as much for their own gratification as for any need to clean up, but they both translated that dedication to cleaning my satisfied cock.

Their chores complete, I received a soft, warm affectionate kiss from both my subs as they dressed after their earlier naked exertions.

"Master, I need to leave, I'm afraid," Olivia seemed truly contrite, "as I have a business commitment that I can't really escape from. Of course, if you were to order me to stay I would have no option but to do so, but ..."

"No, my delicious slut, you must go, and I hope it won't be too long before we're together again," I instructed her.

Olivia did not leave immediately, but stayed staring at Beth and myself with a concentration that I found mildly disconcerting. I was about to speak when she burst out with rapid-fire enthusiasm.

"Drew, Beth, I've just had the most wonderful idea. Beth, why don't you sell this place and you can both come and live with me and we can be together all the time and ..."

I interrupted immediately with a wide grin, "and fuck like demented rabbits, I suppose?"

Olivia attempted a dignified reply, but her laughter gave her away, "That's not quite what I had in mind, but if opportunities present themselves, well we would be foolish not to take advantage of them!"

"Olivia, it sounds like a very attractive proposition; let me talk it over with mum and we'll get back to you VERY soon."

"Thank you Dre ... master," she took my hand and kissed it then shimmied out of the front door, blowing a kiss to Beth as she did so.

I turned to Beth, now standing silently looking at me with a look of total devotion and affection on her face.

"I don't know what the proper form of address is," she started. "I don't know whether to call you honey, Drew, master or my love, so please don't be upset with me, but honey, I want to do anything and everything that you want, so long as I am protected by your love and care."

"Oh, my wonderful, devoted mum, my sweet Beth, my exciting sub, I love you so much, I'm never going to let you go. You're stuck with me for the duration, gorgeous, so you'd better get used to it, although you do need to be quite explicit about what you want from me."

"What I most want is for you to make love to me without any limits. I want to belong to you and you can do anything you like to me. I want to be able to feel safe with you and trust you so that I can give my submissive nature free rein. This is the first time I've really been able to let go, and I intend to do just that and be your sex slave."

"You've got yourself a deal, Beth, and my aim is to make you feel as good as you make me feel. I don't think I'm really a full-blown dom; I like my subs to feel comfortable with me, and know that I will never do anything to damage them so we can have fun together and mutually enjoy our bodies."

Beth looked at me again, seriously this time, "Mmm, that sounds wonderful. So how would you really feel about moving in with Olivia? I think it has some definite advantages, particularly now she seems so much more agreeable, now that you've tamed her," mum smiled.

"Okay, mum, I agree with you, but strictly on the understanding that any capital sum from the sale of this place is for you," and before she could object, I jumped back in. "No, Beth, as your master, this is about the strongest order I will ever give you. The money is for you to use at your discretion, and I won't try to influence you in any direction."

"Thank you, my love, I understand, but isn't there something I can do to express my gratitude?" Beth seemed wholly innocent and without any hidden agenda.

"Well, yes, there is, seeing as you ask. Get into your bedroom, take all your clothes off, and when I come in, be prepared to fuck me like you've never done before. Okay, slut?"

"Ooh yes master, I can hardly wait," and she rushed from the room almost panting in anticipation.

When I went to the room a few minutes later, she was sitting on the bed, propped against the bed head, her legs wide apart, stroking her pussy and humming softly with excitement and anticipation.

"How do you want your fuck toy, master; I'm feeling very hot and horny, please don't make me wait too long."

"Very well, you sex-crazed bitch, doggy fashion, I think so that I can spank your arse or reach round and pinch your tits."

"Mmm yes, master, please I beg you, do me now."

My mother knelt on the bed, presenting her sweetly curved arse to me; I removed my clothes in record time and peeled open a condom pack, rolling it on at top speed. I climbed up behind her, giving each cheek a satisfying slap as I did so. She squealed but stayed in place, and I stroked my rigid cock along her slick and creamy cunt lips. She gasped and hummed, trying to move backwards and impale herself on my cock, begging me to fuck her and pump her full of my cum.

I was very specific. "Sorry, my passionate whore, but no cum for you until you are on the pill." She moaned in disappointment, but wriggled her arse invitingly, and I took the hint and plunged my cock into her quivering love channel, causing her to gasp and shake.

I rode my mother hard, leaning forward and pinching and tugging at her nipples, and she screamed with the potent blend of pain and arousal. Neither of us lasted long, and she came with a powerful orgasm, screaming and shaking in her delight. That was enough to send me over the edge, and I came hard, my cock swelling in her clutching cunt giving me an orgasm I would long remember.

We showered together, washing each other in minute detail, laughing and making silly jokes. Then we slept together, really slept, with Beth curled close into me as if seeking my protection.

The next day was the first day of the rest of our lives. We made some big choices; Beth made a doctor's appointment for the pill and approached a land agent with a view to putting the house on the market. I rang Olivia to tell her our decision, and she whooped with delight. "Make it soon master; I've got so many wonderful ideas for what we can do together."

Later in the day, I took Beth in my arms and looked deep into her eyes. "Well, mum, any regrets?"

"Oh yes, my love," she replied with a clear twinkle in her eyes. "But only one and that is that I didn't entice you into being my master a long time ago. It's all good now, though," and we sealed the deal with a deep, passionate, hot, wet, satisfying kiss.


Thank you for reading this far. I don't intend to extend this story, at least right now, although I recognise that there are further directions that could be explored. Once again, any comments or feedback will be appreciated.

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Jack506Jack5068 months ago

Too bad you didn’t continue the story and maybe introduce the twins.

bumblegrumbumblegrumalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Re: Enjoy?

I notice you haven’t got the guts or the intelligence to use your name. Anonymous comments are for cowards who like to hide behind anonymity. So you can get fucked!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Enjoy what? This was a complete clusterfuck with thoroughly unlikable characters doing really stupid, unbelievable things for no rhyme or reason. Laughably bad.

Taskmaster42aTaskmaster42aover 7 years ago
More chapters please

I hope you continue this story maybe set it a year later to see the changes in their lives. Perhaps Drew could have Beth and Olivia take turns being the Lady of the manor and the other acts as their servant even to dress as a French Maid. Also hope that the BDSM isn't forgotten maybe have a room converted into a Dungeon/Playroom.

WiserbyageWiserbyageover 7 years ago

I am a sucker for these types of stories.😃😃

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The Pill has no business in Mom/Son relationship!

The Pill has no business in Mom/Son relationship!

Good thing Eve did not have the Pill or her son would not have been able to beget any offspring with her.

Then where would the Human race be??????

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story BUT

I really loved this story but the PILL no, I would have like the mum suggest that she make a little master for her master. That's my opinion , 5 star anyway

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
This is an incredible story that is far too sparce on this site

You have the secret and make the most of it. Great theme, great writing, needs more from you......

dirtypatmandirtypatmanover 10 years ago

How about writing another chapter and get the twins involved?

biggwhiteybiggwhiteyalmost 11 years ago

Go wfor the twin aunts in one big submissive harem without any sharing.

slimjojoslimjojoover 11 years ago
i agree..............

more more more!!!!!!

reddbunnzreddbunnzover 11 years ago
More! More! More!

I loved these two stories. I also agree with the arlier comments. Please give us ACT03. And, soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Would love the story more if it were to continue

Loved the 2nd part and would like to see a Act 03, with his mother pregnant - that the birth control didn't work as it has a tendency not to work on some women. Would love to see him having a sister by his mother and her observations growing up with her father/brother. Please think about it. Also would like more about mom on grandmother - that part was really hot for me and I am wet reading the 2nd act of the story.

farthmaulfarthmaulover 12 years ago

Any chance of this series continuing? It would be interesting to see what happens with him and his mother along with his grandmother.

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