Den of Iniquity Ch. 05


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We stared at the envelope.

"What do you think is in there?" Chantelle asked.

"I'm not sure if I want to know," I replied.


"Yes, I'm serious."

"What if I put it in my safe then?"

"Is it concealed?"


"Let's go."

We left the open paper strewn across the coffee table. We hurried upstairs past the exhibition rooms and both stood impatiently while Chantelle activated her doorway. We slipped quickly inside.

"Close your eyes," she insisted.

"Chantelle, I don't think that's necessa..."

"Just do it Roger."

"All right, all right..." I closed my eyes.

I heard her rummaging around and the metallic clunk clunk of a safe being opened and closed.

"Okay, you can open now."

I opened my eyes and looked around. Okay maybe it was just as well. I couldn't see any evidence of where the safe was.


She winked at me.

"Should we have a drink?"

I looked at my watch.

"Don't we have somewhere to be?"

"Yes, we do, but not till two o'clock, and um, I have a confession to make..."

"You do?"

She grinned. "I ah... I put back your 3.00 P.M. 'appointment' to 7.00 P.M. and um, gave Josephine the night off."

"Oh... I guess that means I have a confession to make too."

"According to our deal, yes, you do." She winked.

"I think I'll have that drink now." I grinned.

"Good, because I also have a present for you..."


"Don't worry, it's nothing I can't afford."

She picked up her pager and crinkled her nose. She pressed one of the buttons and in moments the buzzer to her office door went off.

She then pressed another button and I turned and watched the door slowly open.

My jaw dropped again. This was proving to be a stunning day. There stood Annie Wilkinson from work! She was wearing the sheerest off white silk shift a hot-blooded male could imagine. Her turgid nipples showed clearly through and she had even put on some make-up, which was unusual for the 'all-natural' girl she was. She looked better than she had last night! She was blushing and grinning like mad, and holding what looked like a wooden briefcase cradled in her arms in front of her.

"Hello Sir," Annie said. "I've brought your present."

I smiled and shook my head. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I took a sick day Sir, you won't put me in, will you?" she winked.

"Somehow I don't think so," I winked back. "I'll have you know this is quite a pleasant surprise."

"It is for me too Sir," she blushed. "But when Mistress Chantelle calls and asks you to jump, you don't ask how high."

I smiled and looked across at Chantelle. She raised her glass to me.

"A toast to someone born to Dominance," she smiled.

I looked from Chantelle to Annie and back again. "What's going on?"

"Oh Roger. It's not fair, you are always two steps ahead of me, have a drink for god's sake." said Chantelle, passing me a scotch on the rocks.

Frankly I wished I knew what she was talking about, but I let the illusion remain. I raised my glass and sipped.

"Yes... this is quite a surprise," I grinned.

Chantelle nodded at Annie and she approached me. Christ she was stacked. I swear I never noticed how busty she was. It was a mere three or four steps towards me that she glided, but her breasts with their hardened nipples jiggled and drew my attention. I looked back up and Annie smiled into my eyes.

"I am taken aback by your beauty, Annie. You are quite a lot more than your office wear allows you to be."

She blushed as she smiled and kneeled down in front of me, the case still in front of her. Then she spoke...

"Sir, it is my great pleasure to present you with this case. Mistress Chantelle has informed me it is your first, and Sir, I can honestly say it is one of the greatest honours this girl has had bestowed upon her."

She bowed her head and raised the case upwards.

I looked from Annie to Chantelle, who mouthed the words "take it".

"Thank you Annie. I am a fortunate man to have such beauty surrounding me."

I reached out my hands and took the offered case.

"The only question remaining is... what is it?"

I looked across at Chantelle and she was looking at Annie. She nodded to her and I saw Annie rise in the corner of my eye.

"Sir?" Annie asked.

I looked back at her, holding the case in my hands.

"Sir, if it would please you, this girl is at your.. um... disposal," she blushed crimson.

How my life could change so suddenly was beyond me. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as I took everything in. Only a couple of days ago my life felt like it was drifting. Work, school, home, sleep. Just a never ending grind. Now I felt like I had a purpose. It was an intoxicating feeling.

I felt like a kid in a candy store. I almost rattled the case like a Christmas present. I figured Chantelle had spoken to Adrian, who retrieved a nice case for her, and she had popped in a flogger and crop for me. I mean... she said she would, and I remembered her saying so. But this seemed more ceremonial, and hell, I was loving it!

We were standing in the space between the door and Chantelle's desk and after quickly looking around, I thought, "Something is wrong with this picture."

"Chantelle," I said, looking at her, "let's move into your... jeez... what do you call your area back there?"

Chantelle smiled. "It's my 'study' silly boy." Annie giggled.

"Okay, let's retire to your study then."

Chantelle surprised me by responding, "As you wish Sir."

I impulsively reached for Annie's hand, which I took and squeezed in mine. Chantelle actually led us, opening and holding the curtain.

I looked over my shoulder at Chantelle as we passed close by her. Her eyes sparkled.

She moved to her left and flicked a switch. Low lighting illuminated her study and the sound of waves crashing on beaches filled the background.

"Okay, okay, just hang on a sec..."

They both looked at me.

I hesitated a moment before plowing onward.

"Look, I don't know what you two had planned, but it's not gonna happen till I have some answers."

They looked at each other. Annie's face was grim. Chantelle just smiled.


"Ask and you shall receive."

I thought a moment.

"Why is Annie here?"

"Annie is here because I know you like her and she admitted to me that she likes you."

I smiled at Annie and she blushed again.

"What are you doing standing?"


"Get on your knees Annie."

"Yes Sir," she replied and eagerly did so. I was impressed.

I turned my attention back to Chantelle.

"You know I fucked Josephine last night."

I heard Annie gasp.

"I know you did more than just fuck her."

I raised my eyebrows, unsure of what to say.

"Well, let's just say you passed, Roger," she grinned.

I shook my head, suddenly conscious of Annie listening. I held out my free hand and Chantelle reached for it. I stepped toward her, taking her hand and bringing it to my lips to kiss the back of it. I knew Annie was watching us keenly.

"Roger, please, open the case and let's at least get past that."

Now Chantelle was blushing too.

"All right..." I sighed mockingly and grinned at her.

I walked the couple of steps back to the couch and sat on the edge if it, placing the case on the coffee table in front of me. Chantelle sat on the other end.

I popped the latches and opened the lid.

My eyes widened when I saw all of the objects in the case. Everything was tight and compact. Of course the beautiful flogger took pride of place, winding its way around the case. "God," I muttered, as my eyes flicked from item to item. There were maybe ten or twelve pieces! Not only that, but everything had its place. Everything was set in sculpted, red foam padding.

I glanced up at Chantelle. She just smiled. I wanted to protest. I really did. I just couldn't believe it was so full. I could barely tear my eyes from it.

As I scanned the open case before me, my grin grew.

In the centre was a pair of steel handcuffs. "Always a Dom necessity," I thought. In each corner was a beautiful, padded, black leather cuff which I imagined were for wrists and ankles. I picked one up and admired it, running my fingers over its studs, while my eyes were drawn back to the case.

I replaced the leather cuff I was holding and picked up a small box. Inside the box, according to the picture on its side, was a three-piece set of clamps, linked by chain, apparently for clit and nipples. I smiled as I looked at the picture. I don't think I would have recognised what they were otherwise.

I replaced the small box of clamps and picked up the crop from its place in the foam. I smiled at Chantelle as I hit the crop against my palm.

In the corner of my eye I saw Annie jump.

I looked across at her and she was blushing. I smiled and looked back into the case. All in all there were eleven pieces. Flogger, crop, four leather cuffs, steel handcuffs, clamp set, vibrator (with batteries!), dildo and buttplug.

"You really shouldn't have done this Chantelle," I said, smiling softly at her.

"Roger..." she hesitated for effect, "firstly, it's the least I can do. And secondly, I will give you anything I damn well please," she grinned.

"Well, I'm speechless. Thank you."

"You are welcome. There are a few things missing. A few lengths of rope are always handy, usually about twenty feet will do. I always find ben wah balls amusing, and a remote control vibrating egg is always fun. If you wander around an adult shop you might be surprised what catches your eye."

"I'll have to take your word for it Chantelle," I smiled. "I've never been inside one before."

"I'll give you a couple of business cards for ones you would enjoy... not tacky ones."

I just smiled and looked back down. I looked up at Annie and she was squirming.

"Ants in your pants Annie?"

"Um... no Sir," she said, stilling herself.

"I don't believe you. Give them to me. Stand up and take them off."

Annie's eyes flicked over to Chantelle then back to me. Chantelle chuckled.

"Oh Annie, you are so cute. What did you say when I told you Roger was learning to be a Dominant."

"Um," she said, standing up and reaching under her shift, "I um, I said I was surprised and I said I thought it was wonderful."

"And what did you DO when I told you?"

She blushed madly and looked at me while bending forward, sliding her thong down her thighs to drop past her calves to the floor. I could see her large breasts swing away from her as she did. She looked to Chantelle and answered.

"I jumped and clapped Mistress," she said in a quiet voice.

She stood upright and stepped out of her thong. I'd never seen anyone blushing redder.

"Roger, I mean Sir... gosh, sorry... Sir, may I speak please... I'm dying here..."

"We wouldn't want that Annie. I have a few questions for you too. Go ahead and speak your peace."

She seemed a little taken aback that I was going to ask her some questions. She wrung her hands together and shifted her weight from foot to foot.

Annie was stalling and I looked quickly at Chantelle. "Should I chastise her?" I asked with my eyes. Chantelle made a small movement with her left hand that I instantly knew meant "wait a moment."

"Annie, we are waiting..." Chantelle said.

"Ohh... I'm sorry Mistress, Roger, oh Sir, I mean Mistress and Sir!"

"It's okay Annie," I offered. "Honestly, you can ask me anything."

"Well, I just wondered if we could keep this private!" she blurted.

I furrowed my brow at her.

"I mean, 'Sir,' gosh, I'm really fucking this up." She slapped her hand across her mouth like she'd uttered a mortal sin and I laughed.

"Annie... If you mean, 'Sir, can we keep our involvement in this lifestyle private?', then I am in complete agreement."

She nodded and blushed anew. "Thank you Sir, I mean," she dipped her head and looked at the floor, " I don't want anyone else to know, but I really like you Sir, and I mean I really want to please you and everything."

"You have already Annie. It's all right. You have already."

"Thank you Sir," she said, looking at me through her eyelashes and smiling. For a split second I wondered if she thought she'd hooked me. I shook away the improper thought and looked to Chantelle.

"Chantelle, do you have anything you would like Annie to respond to?"

Chantelle tore her eyes from Annie and looked over at me positively beaming. I thought I saw a worrisome sparkle of lust in her eyes. I'd seen it before. I needed this to be serious.

"Annie," Chantelle started, "I know a little about you already, and I know you like..."

I almost lunged at Chantelle, but of course it was nothing like that. I just leaned over to her and whispered in her ear. But I did it quickly.

"Please Chantelle, I have some very serious questions I want to ask her, just wait, please, for me."

She pulled back from me, the embers in her eyes smoldering, then her face softened and I thought she might actually be blushing herself. She leaned back to my ear and whispered softly.

"I will go easy, but don't deny me a little fun Roger."

I pulled back from Chantelle this time, and I reached up, holding her chin very lightly in my hand. I whispered to her that I would never be that selfish, and I winked. I didn't care if Annie heard me or not.

"Annie, I want you to answer Roger's questions with your shift held up around your hips, legs a little open please."

Annie gasped.

Fortunately, I stifled mine!

Annie looked from Chantelle, to me, and back to Chantelle again. She was searching for a reprieve. Well, I wanted to see what she would do, so I wasn't going to interrupt. I snuck a look at Chantelle and she winked at me. I turned back to Annie and looked her up and down.

"She would have a pretty cunt," I thought.

Again fortunately, what came out was, "Come on Annie, we haven't got all night. If Chantelle would like to see your pussy while you answer my questions, I think the least you could do is oblige her."

Besides, she might tell the truth.

Annie's face was so red in patches, she actually looked blotchy. It was absolutely adorable and I thought she only looked prettier.

"I've ugh god... I've never done anything like this before..." Annie stuttered.

"You mean show your pussy to more than one person at once?" asked Chantelle pointedly.

"Yes Mistress," she gasped, fighting for air it seemed.

"Come on, hurry up."

"Yes Mistress."

Annie tentatively took the thin silk in her hands and lifted the front of it. She was looking down and so were Chantelle and I. But we weren't looking at the floor. We watched as more and more of Annie's slim alabaster thighs were revealed to our eyes. Higher and higher she lifted the shift, until revealed to both of us, was a pretty, puffy pussy. Cleanly and recently shaven. Bare. Beautiful.

Chantelle and I stared for a moment. Annie looked strikingly sexy, standing there with the silk bunched in her hands, the pink in her cheeks extending down her neck. Even her chest had started to blush.

Her pussy was moist too. Chantelle and I both could see that. The gentle glisten on the skin of her slightly protruding inner lips was clearly evident. I broke the magic with a question.

"Are there photographs of Sylvia Harper in compromising positions with politicians?"

Annie coughed and I thought she might choke. She went suddenly pale.

"I can't answer that."

"You can't or you won't Annie."

"I can't Sir, I promised!"

"I think you've already answered the question Annie."

"Oh, no..." Annie whispered and dropped the silk hem, putting her face in her hands.

"Annie, look at me," I said.

She did.

"Annie, it is important you are honest with me. Very important. Nothing you will say will go beyond this room, you have my word on that. Right Chantelle?"

Chantelle was just amazed. I think she had a dry mouth.

"Yes, you have my word on that too."

I looked back to Annie.

"Annie, pick up the hem again."

She did.

Chantelle sat back in the lounge and re-crossed her legs.

"Good girl. Now Annie," I asked, forging onward, "why is Sylvia so upset about the party tomorrow night?"

"Oh Sir, I really shouldn't tell."

"Look Annie, Sylvia might be in a lot of trouble. We can't help her if we don't know what's going on."

"Ohhhh.... alright, I'll tell. But I.. I.. I want you to know I NEVER tell secrets. Please Sir... Ma'am... don't judge me for telling." Her hands were all screwed up in the silk. She wasn't acting.

"Oh Annie, you are so sweet," said Chantelle. "You know little one, there comes a time when one must choose and choose wisely, and this is one of those times. We will not judge you for making that choice."

"Oh, thank you Mistress. I.. well.... all I know is, Sylvia went to this office party one time and got a bit drunk. She woke up the next morning on her couch and there was a video on the coffee table. She couldn't even remember getting home."

"When was this?"

"Um, a couple of years ago."


"Yes Sir."

"Okay, go on."

"Well, Sylvia asked me over to see if I recognised any of the um, men in the video and I didn't. Um... it really turned me on though. I always thought Sylvia was beautiful and seeing her getting fucked and fucked like that..."

Her colour had come back to her cheeks. Chantelle and I sat quietly, listening.

"Well anyway that's when I joined here because I wanted to be tied up and um, you know, done, like in the video but not like um gangbanged like that but ...ohhhh...."

"It's all right Annie, go on."

"Yes Sir, sorry, and um... I only heard about this place from a mutual friend, Claudio Terrazzo, I think you know him."

"Yes," Chantelle agreed, "Claudio is a good friend."

I studied Annie's face. Perhaps I should have been studying Chantelle's.

"How do you know Claudio, Annie?"

"Well, I... I met him in the coffee shop opposite work. It was right around the time of all this happening with Sylvia."

"Has Sylvia found out who is in the video with her?"

"Not yet Sir, well, she knows who four of them are, but she doesn't know who the other three are."

"So there were seven. Was there any message with the tape?"

"Yes Sir. It said 'only copy', and that's all."

"What happened? Did she lose the video?"

"No Sir, she destroyed it. Then about five months later she started getting single photographs mailed to her, without any note. That was when she started to get a bit unhinged. Teasing me about my coming here, really bossing me around... she um, she really abused me Sir. But I need my job..."

Annie started crying at that point. I looked over at Chantelle and she motioned me to go to Annie. I got up off the couch and took her hands in mine, letting her drop her hem. I put her arms around my waist and gently stroked her back while cradling her head against my chest.

"It's all right Annie. It's all right. We understand. Does Sylvia know where the photos are coming from?"

"She hasn't told me..."

"Okay, that's okay."

I hugged her warmly and she molded herself to me, relaxing a little and melting into me.

"Is there anything else you can tell us?"

"Only that Sylvia is convinced Gardner is behind it. But she has no proof. As well as another shadowy person. She has been manipulated by him ever since, driving her crazy with his taunts and innuendo, but nothing concrete. Threats and things too. She even slept with Gardner to try to get him off her back but she said it only made things worse."

"I see. And how is Sylvia now?"

"She seems okay Sir. She says unless there's a picture of her putting on the bondage hood, no one can tell it's her anyway. She doesn't have any tattoos or anything Sir. She said she's not going to let it worry her until that photo turns up. She's just hoping it doesn't."

I had a feeling I knew what was in the envelope in Chantelle's safe.
