Diary of a Hairy Girl Ch. 03

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Nora's continued "training" by Emily's hand.
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 02/10/2024
Created 10/13/2021
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As Nora sat in her biology class, she couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier that day. She witnessed Jessica and Taylor getting their asses spanked raw by Emily...while a group of eager student onlookers jeered and laughed at them.

Someone drops a piece of paper on her desk, as the biology teacher droned on about the human brain and it's different parts. Nora unfolds it quietly and read it's contents.

"Meet me after class is over," the note read.

Nora knew it was from Emily, because...who else would it be. Also because of the writing. Emily's handwriting was neat and very easy to read.

"I wonder what Emily has in mind?" thought Nora.

Nora then thought back to that anime she had been watching all week. But then shrugs her shoulders and tried to focus on taking notes in her biology class. After all, if she was going to be anything like Emily, Nora HAD to start paying attention in her studies.

Even if biology and math were some of her least favorite subjects.


After class was dismissed, Nora made her over to Emily's desk and waited for her to finish what she was writing. Afterwards, Emily stands up and hands it to the teacher. Then she turns to face Nora and motions for her to follow. She followed behind Emily until they were a good distance away from the classroom.

"What was on that piece of paper?" Nora asked Emily, "The one you handed to the teacher?"

"Oh nothing really," Emily said dismissively, "I just basically told him that his "favorite student" knows what he does after school hours."

"W-Which are what?" Nora asked shyly.

"Well aren't you the curious one?" Emily teased, "Curiosity killed the cat you know."

Nora waited for Emily to continue. She was curious.

"Remember how I said I had dirt on Jessica and Taylor?" Emily asked Nora as they stood in front of her locker.

Nora nods her head.

"Well he was Taylor's dirty secret." Emily said, "She's been sleeping with him to bump her grades up."

"T-That's disgusting!" Nora exclaimed.

"Oh that's not the worst of it either," Emily said, "they do it on top of your desk too. Haven't you ever noticed why your desk smells like ass half the time?"

Emily did have a point, always in her biology class did Nora's desk smell like that. She thought it was a prank. Never in her wildest imagination did she think her desk was used for a sexual escapade between a teacher and student.

"Apparently they thought it was funny," Emily continued, "but doing stuff like that on school grounds and in a classroom no less is....revolting."

Nora couldn't tell if Emily was amused by the concept or utterly disgusted.

"Anyways moving on," Emily said as she slams her locker shut, "today we start the second step in your training."

"What step is that you may ask?" Emily continued as she turns to face Nora, "We'll discuss that at your house when we get there."

Nora blushes. Did Emily just say she wanted to come hangout at her house?

"Are you...saying we're friends?" Nora asked.

"Well what else would we be if not friends huh?" Emily teased and playfully slapped Nora's ass. The sting felt sharp and for some reason, Nora subconsciously liked it.

She then leans in close to Nora's ear. Emily's breath sent shivers down Nora's spine.

"You didn't tell your mom about...our arrangement did you?" Emily asked.

Nora shook her head.

"You sure you didn't?" Emily asked again.

"Yes," Nora replied meekly.

"Then I guess I have to take your word for it then," Emily said with a smile, "because we both know what'll happen if you lied to me."

Nora's cheeks flushed red. Oh she knew alright. Emily would strip her naked and spank her ass with a switch. All the while students laughed at her. Just like earlier today when Jessica and Taylor suffered the same fate. The same humiliating fate.

"Lying is one thing that would really upset me," Emily stated, "same as not showing me proper respect and fucking with me."

Nora gulped hard.

"Three simple rules," Emily continued holding up three fingers, "Don't lie to me. Show me proper respect. Don't fuck with me."

"I'd never do such a thing," Nora said, "I know that I'm nothing compared to you."

Emily sighs.

"Nora let me tell you something okay?" Emily said as they continued walking towards the front entrance, "You don't give yourself enough credit."

"What do you mean," Nora asked.

"We both know you'll never be as perfect as me," Emily stated, "but that doesn't mean you can't try."

"So if being your muse is what floats your boat," Emily continued, "then allow me to be the grand artist to mold YOU into something...presentable."

Nora nods her head. Feeling Emily's arm around her waist. It made her self conscious. Someone as beautiful as Emily holding someone like her around the waist.

"I wonder what people think when they see us walking like this together," thought Nora.

"Now shall we head towards your house then?" Emily said and added as a afterthought, "I do so like meeting the parents of my new friends."

Again Nora didn't catch the wicked grin Emily wore on her face as they walked toward her street.


"Mom I'm home!" Nora called out, "You busy?"

"In the kitchen sweetie!" her mom called out.

"This way," Nora said leading Emily towards the kitchen.

"Dinner should be ready in a bit..." her mom said turning around.

"Hi," Emily said.

"Who's she?" her mom asked Nora.

"This is...Emily Santing mom," Nora said nervously, "one of my friends from school."

"One of your...friends from school?" her mom repeated slowly.

"Yes," Nora said, "she wanted to come hangout at my house today."

The woman faces Emily and raises a eyebrow. As if waiting for her to speak.

"Pleased to meet you ma'am." Emily said politely, "I'm Nora's friend Emily."

"Well aren't you a polite young thing," her mom chuckled, "and so well mannered too."

"Well my daddy raised me as such," Emily said proudly, "he's a lawyer. You might have heard about him."

"You're Adam Santing's daughter?" Nora's mom exclaimed, "He's a damn fine lawyer."

"That daddy is," Emily said with a hint of pride in her voice, "he's wanting me to follow in his footsteps."

"You're planning on becoming a lawyer too?" Nora's mom asked.

"Haven't decided yet," Emily said, "thought about maybe being a public attorney or social worker."

"Both are good jobs," Nora's mom said, "I think you'd be a great lawyer if you do follow in your dad's footsteps."

"Well thanks ma'ma," Emily said politely, "your encouragement is a welcoming breeze."

"You're quite welcome and please call me Mrs. Helen," Nora's mom said, "it makes me feel old if you keep calling me ma'am."

"Sure thing...Mrs. Helen," Emily said politely, "it's so nice to meet you."

"Aww well it's nice meeting you too sweetie," Nora's mom said.

The woman then turns to address Nora.

"I'll bring up some snacks to your room in a bit Nora," her mom told her, "so why not show your friend the rest of the house?"

"Sure thing mom," Nora said.

She then takes Emily's hand and lead her towards the living room.

"This is our living room," Nora explained, "we sit here sometimes as a family and watch movies together."

"Nice," Emily said.

Nora then lead Emily down the hallway adjacent to the living room.

"Down this hallway here is our bedrooms and the main bathroom," Nora continued.

"Well aren't you going to show me your room?" Emily asked, "Would love to see what it looks like."

"Sure," Nora said, "though...you'd probably won't like it."

"How bad can your room be Nora?" Emily teased.

Nora chuckles nervously.

"Come come," Emily said pulling Nora towards her bedroom door, "let's head towards your room."

As they stood in front of Nora's door, her heart was hammering in her chest. How would Emily take seeing her room? Would she feel disgusted? Appalled?

"While we're young Nora," Emily said with a hint annoyance.

Nora gulps hard and opens her bedroom door. Allowing Emily to see from the doorway what her room looked like.

In her room, Nora had posters of different animes on her wall and a bookshelf stacked with different manga she read. Her bed was even patterned after a particular female anime character with long dark hair and blue eyes that turn red in the dark.

"Well this is...nice," Emily said, "I take it you're into anime?"

Nora's face was red with embarrassment as she nodded her head.

Emily steps into Nora's room and looks at a anime poster.

"Wasn't this the one you were watching a few days ago?" Emily asks pointing at the poster.

"Y-Yeah it w-was," Nora said nervously, "I can lend you the manga if you want."

"I'd love that," Emily said as she continues to look at the different posters on Nora's wall, "could be a interesting read."

"It is," Nora said.

"Quick question Nora," Emily asks, "why are all the posters female?"

Nora told her that she likes that type of anime.

"Is that a sign meaning that you're a lesbian?" asked Emily, "because I have no problems swinging that way myself."

"You like...girls?" Nora asked.

"Not as much as I like having a good dick in me," Emily stated with a slight giggle, "but I have dated and kissed a few girls to know that I liked it."

"So you're...what's that term," Nora fumbled with her words.

"Bisexual?" Emily said.

"Yeah that!" Nora exclaimed.

"Have you told your mom about this?" Emily asked.

"Didn't see the point," Nora replied.

"Well if you do tell her," Emily said, "I want you to tell me what she said afterwards."

"Of course." Nora said.

Emily then sat on Nora bed and looked at her tv.

"Not as big as mine," Emily said, "but it's a decent size for a tv."

She the turns her head to look at Nora.

"You game?" Emily asked.

"Game?" Nora repeats.

"As in do you play video games?" Emily stated.

"Yeah I play video games," Nora said, "why do you ask?'

Emily points to the Playstation 5 tucked inside Nora's tv cabinet.

"What type do you play?" Emily asked.

"Oh mostly rpgs and horror games," Nora explained, "my favorite game right now is an animeish souls like game called Code: Vein."

"Code: Vein?" Emily repeated, "Don't know what that is. What's a "souls like game."

"You know...like dark souls," Nora said, "but instead of a medieval setting, it's a destroyed city and you play as a anime character called a revenant."

"Strange." Emily said.

"Here let me show you." Nora said and grabs her controller.

She then starts up Code: Vein and starts playing it. Telling Emily the backstory on how it was related to a popular anime series a few years ago. Which had its own video game series too. She then enters a boss fight, just as her mom comes in carrying sandwiches and two sodas.

"Nora are you really playing video games while you have a guest in your room?" her mom said.

"Oh it's okay Mrs. Helen." Emily said, "Nora here was just showing what the game was about."

"I see," Mrs. Helen said, "as long as you're okay with it."

"Oh don't worry Mrs. Helen," Emily said, "it's all good."

Emily then watches Nora's mom leave Nora's room. Her shapely ass swaying in her blue jeans. Once Emily heard Nora's mom back in the kitchen did she speak.

"I think it's time to discuss the second step to making you popular." Emily said.

Nora gives Emily her full attention.

"Which is personality." Emily said.

"Personality?" Nora asked.

"Yes personality," Emily stated.

"But not just any personality," Emily continued, "it has to be different from the one you currently have."

"My current personality?" Nora asked.

:Yes your current personality," Emily said, "your meekness is a type of personality. It's something that I quite adore to be honest."

Nora blushes.

"But," Emily continued, "if you want to really become popular, then it needs to be changed."

"How?" Nora asked.

"By doing the opposite of what your current one is." Emily explained, "So if you're meek, then be more assertive."

"So starting tomorrow I want you to be more assertive," Emily stated, "Become impatient and overbearing."

"I'll...try," Nora said nervously.

"You're already failing at it right now Nora," Emily sighed, "I said be ASSERTIVE. So try that line again."

Nora blushes.

"I'll try." Nora said more confidently, "I'll try to become more assertive."

"Good," Emily said with a smile, "because we both know what'll happen if you fail to meet my expectations tomorrow."

Nora nods her head.

"Then that does it for today then," Emily said.

She then grabs a sandwich from the tray Nora's mom brought in and takes a bite. Nora does the same. Subconsciously staring at the way Emily chewed her food. Her red lips flaked with bits of crust and jelly.

Nora gulps hard as Emily takes a soda and opens it. Watching as the fluid slide down her throat, making Nora feel nervous and tingly.

Maybe Nora was a closet lesbian and she didn't realize her growing infatuation with Emily, until she brought it to Nora's attention. It also could be the fact that Nora was jealous of Emily's good looks and strong outgoing personality.


A bit later, Nora escorted Emily to the front door.

"Just remember what I said okay?" Emily told her, "Be ASSERTIVE at school tomorrow and don't worry I'll be watching to make sure you follow through."

"Got it...Mistress Emily," Nora said quietly.

That got a smile out of Emily.

"It's nice to know you remembered what I told you to call me," Emily said.

She then grips Nora's hand and squeezes it. Making Nora blush.

"See you tomorrow," Emily said afterwards and shuts the door behind her.

"Your friend left already?" Nora's mom said from the kitchen, "Was hoping she'd stay for dinner."

"She had to get home," Nora said as she enters the dining room/kitchen.

"She's quite the character isn't she?" her mom continued, "So polite too. You really could learn a thing or two from someone like her."

"Well...she is kinda helping me with something," Nora said.

"Oh that's nice sweetie," her mom said, "help me set the table before your dad gets home."


The next day, Nora was nervous. She had no idea on how to become more assertive. Emily didn't really explain what being assertive meant or what qualifies as being assertive.

She was also sluggish due to looking up the definition of assertive and other things to help her at being assertive.

At her locker, she stiffles a yawn and saw Emily with Jessica and Taylor crowding around her.

She wanted to call out to Emily, but decided against it. As Emily looked to be in a bad mood. It wasn't her facial expression, but tather her aura. But Jessica and Taylor didn't seem to notice. They just kept yapping on about how fucked up yesterday was and how Taylor's "teacher friend" left school without so much as a word to her.

"He was my only source of getting good grades in that subject Em!" Taylor whinned, "Now I got his bitch of a daughter giving me death glares!"

Nora tried walking around the trio to get to her class. After all, she was determined to change herself around. But Emily called out to her as she past Taylor

"Oh hey Nora!" Emily said cheerfully.

Nora paused before speaking. Was Emily testing her? She then took a few deep breaths and spoke clearly.

"Hey Emily!" Nora said in the same cheerful tone.

Emily gave a little smile and walked away from Jessica and Taylor. Who were both giving Nora death glares and muttering profane things to Nora under their breath.

She then places a arm around Nora's back and lead her down the hallway.

"I take it you saw the pathetic little display?" Emily asked.

"Were you upset or something?" Nora asked.

"Upset? Me? Hardly." Emily said and then sighs, "It's just the usual drama with those two."

"I see," Nora said.

"Apparently Taylor's teacher left the school after I brought to light his affair with her," Emily continued, "I might've told his daughter afterwards and she in turn told her mom. Who is the manager of the company Taylor's mom works for."

"Don't you like it how quick gossip spreads?" Emily stated, "just one little screw up from Taylor and she lost everything."

"What about Jessica?" Nora asked, "Surely something happened to her too."

"Oh Jessica is still dealing with her consequences," Emily said, "her mom took away her car, her boyfriend dumped her and the teacher she was also sweet on left suddenly too."

"Goes to show that if you fuck with me I'll destroy everything around you." Emily continued, "Jessica and Taylor knew the deal with they became friends."

Nora gulped.

"Like I said yesterday Nora," Emily said, "three simple rules. Don't fuck with me. Show me proper respect. Don't lie to me."

The first bell rung as they walked toward their first class.

"We better get to class now." Emily said, "but I'm still looking forward to seeing you becoming assertive."

"I won't fail you," Nora said confidently.

Emily gives Nora's ass a slap.

"Good," Emily said, "because I already have a punishment in mind if you happen to fail."


As they sat in class, Emily stared at Nora from the corner of her eye. She was right in saying that she was keeping an eye on Nora.

Nora tried to pay no heed to her staring. She instead focused on her studies.

Emily was still testing her.

It wasn't until the end of first period, when Nora began her move. She walks up to a pretty dark haired girl with glasses.

"Hi I don't think we've met before," Nora said, "I'm Nora."

The girl did some hand gestures and then extended her hand in friendly greeting. Nora does the same and they both shook the other's hand.

Emily walked up to Nora afterwards. The girl waves at Emily and did the exact same hand gestures. Emily responds back using hand gestures. The girl then got up and waved as she exited the classroom.

"She's deaf," Emily explained afterwards, "the gestures she was using is called sign language."

"What was she saying when was talking to you?" Nora asked.

"She asked if you spoke sign," Emily said, "and when you didn't answer her, she asked me instead."

They then walked out of the classroom and towards their second class.


Towards lunchtime, Nora was about to topple over. She was that tired. Luckily her last remaining clasees were study hall and art. She decided just to skip study hall and take a nap at the nurse's office.

The nurse was kind enough to allow her to use one of the beds to nap on.

It was only a few minutes after she fell asleep, that Nora heard whispering outside her closed curtained room. The voices sounded like two girls around her age.

"We only get one shot at this," said the first voice, "the nurse was kind enough to leave the room unguarded."

"Emily is sure to find out about this!" said the second voice, "After all she is Emily's newest plaything."

The curtain opens and there stood Jessica and Taylor.

"I told you Emily wouldn't be around to protect you forever uggo!" scowled Jessica, "now it's time for some payback.".

"Yeah payback bitch!" Taylor echoed.

"I want you to be ASSERTIVE Nora," Emily's words echoed in her head, "be overbearing and impatient."

"What is it?" Nora asked trying to sound like Emily, "you got a reason to be in here?"

"Who asked you freak!" Jessica said.

She yanks Nora out of the bed and onto the floor.

"Trying to be the big girl all of a sudden?" Taylor asked kicking Nora's shoulder.

Nora lets out a yelp. Wincing in pain at her shoulder being struck hard. She then felt her hair being yanked upwards. The pain coursed through her spine.

She loved it.

"Is that the best you can do?" asked Nora, "Because that...that didn't hurt a bit."