Diary of a Hairy Girl Ch. 03


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"What a fucking sicko!" Jessica said as she slaps Nora's cheek hard.

"Yeah what a fucking sicko!" agreed Taylor.

Jessica the pulls a pair of scissors from her purse and held it up to Nora's dress.

"Maybe this will teach you huh?" Jessica said as she snipped the collar of Nora's dress.

A hot tear ran down Nora's face. They would go this fair? THIS FAR?

"Aw it looks like you made her cry Jess!" Taylor said snickering.

"Good," Jessica said.

She then began cutting Nora's dress. The same dress Emily liked. The same dress her mom gave her.

"What's going on here?" asked a voice from behind Taylor.

Both girls froze in their tracks. Jessica drops the scissors to the floor and steps away from Nora, who was a sobbing mess now. Her dress ruined, her fate...uncertain.

"Why is it so hard for you two to learn your lesson?" Emily asked coldly.

"Fuck you and your queen bee mentality," Jessica said, "Nora got what was coming to her."

"Yeah got what was coming to her," Taylor repeated.

"Don't you have anything orginal to say?" Emily asked Taylor, "Or are you just that dumb to repeat everything Jessica says?"

Taylor opens her mouth to speak, then immediately closes it.

"Hope you know that I caught everything on camera," Emily said addressing Jessica, "I think the principal would appreciate me showing him this."

She waves her cellphone in front of Jessica's face.

"You're bluffing," Jessica retorted, "you're just trying to scare us."

"When have I ever bluffed?" Emily asked.

She presses a button on her phone and Jessica's voice, along with Taylor's is heard discussing their plan to ruin Nora's dress and rough her up.

"That doesn't mean crap Emily!" Jessica retorted, "It's our word against yours."

"Oh really," Emily said raising a eyebrow, "your word against mine?"

A wicked grin spread on her face afterwards.

"Oh I love this game!":Emily said enthusiastically, "Let's find out if my word is stronger than yours!"

Emily walks out into the hallway and appeared to be talking to someone. Then returns with the school nurse in tow, who saw Nora huddled with a blanket around herself and crying.

"Care to explain yourselves?" the nurse said.

Taylor decided to try to leave the situation, only to be stopped by Emily. Who shook her head slowly and blocks the doorway.

"Nora had it coming to her," Jessica said bluntly, "she has no right trying to become popular."

"That isn't for you to decide silly girl," the nurse said, "how would you like it if I cut your clothes?"

The nurse picks up the scissors and steps toward Jessica. Then grabs her shirt and began cutting it.

"You'll regret this!" Jessica said, "when my parents hear about how you treated me, you'll never work here again."

"Oh I hardly doubt that very much girl," the nurse sneered at her, "because you did the exact same thing to Nora."

"Who cares about that uggo!" Jessica said angrily, "Sooner or later Emily is just going to get bored of her and discard her like the rest!"

"Wait what?" Nora thought, "Will Emily get tired eventually and discard me?"

She heard Emily giggle.

"What makes you think that now Jess?" Emily asked.

"Because you will and then you'd find a new toy to mess with." Jessica said.

"A toy?" thought Nora, "She thinks of me as a toy?"

Nora then saw Emily walk up to Jessica and slaps her hard across the face.

"You're wrong you know," Emily stated, "Because if anything you and Taylor are the toys."

Taylor looked at Emily in confusion.

"W-What do you mean by that?" Taylor then asked.

"Just that," Emily continued, "both of you are the toys here and I frankly have gotten bored with you two."

"What the fuck Em!" Jessica said, "You're literally saying that after we've been friends since freshman year?"

"Friends? You? Hardly." Emily said, "Do friends conspire behind my back? Do friends think that sleeping with a teacher is okay and not inappropriate? Do friends try to undermine my efforts to help a wallflower become noticeable?"

"I've never conspired against you Em!" Taylor whinned, "Jessica was the one trying to take your place! Not me!"

Emily then walks over to Taylor and places a hand on her cheek.

"Oh but you're wrong too Taylor," Emily continued, "because you did conspire against me too by sleeping with that teacher and making sure you got higher grades."

"That was...because my mom-" Taylor said.

"Not buying it," Emily interjected, "and now that poor girl whose family wants payback."

Just then another girl walks into the nurse's office. She had messy brown hair and looked rather plain. Emily nods to her and the girl slaps Taylor hard across the face.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice?" the girl said, "What the hell did I do to deserve my dad fucking a dumb little slut like you?"

"Oh I can answer that question easily," Emily said indirectly to the girl, "Taylor was just using him to play a cruel prank on another girl in his class."

"Who?" the girl asked.

Emily pointed to Nora. Who was still huddled under a blanket.

"Creepy girl?" the girl asked, "But why?"

"Her name is Nora by the way," Emily stated, "not creepy girl. And the why is because Taylor thought it was funny."

She slaps Taylor again.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" the girl asked, "You fucked my dad to play a prank on another student?"

"Your old man was in on it too!" Taylor whinned, "he was the one who suggested that! I was against it!"

"Bullshit," Emily said, "he told me himself yesterday evening that you goaded him into doing it."

Taylor started crying now.

"Oh now you're crying?" the girl scoffed, "I should be the one crying right now! You ruined my family!"

"I...I'm s...sorry," Taylor whinned, "p...please forgive me!"

"No I don't think I will," the girl said and turns to leave, "because you don't deserve mercy for what you did."

The girl then walked out of the nurse's office. Nora knew that she was probably going to find someplace private and cry. She would too, if that situation happened to her.

After the girl left, Emily walked over to Nora and took her hand. Pulling her up from the bed in the process and escorts her towards the hallway. As they pass the nurse and Jessica, Emily turns her head to acknowledge her.

"You know what to do right?" Emily asked the school nurse.

She gave Emily a nod and a devilishly grin.

"You can't be serious Emily!" Jessica called out, "You won't get away with this!"

"Oh but I am," Emily said, "because I'm tired of yours and Taylor's scheming. Tired of having to clean up after you two. So no more second chances...no more mercy."

She then shuts the door behind them as Jessica's and Taylor's screams are heard from inside.

"Now let's get this off you shall we?" Emily said to Nora as they walked towards the girls bathroom.

"Okay,' Nora said.

As thet entered the girls bathroom, Emily made Nora enter a stall and strip out of her ruined dress.

"Now hand it to me and I'll fix it later," Emily stated.

Nora hands her the dress and waits in her underwear. She felt exposed.

"What am I supposed to wear in the meantime?" Nora asked.

"I already got you covered," Emily answered and tossed Nora a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt.

"They're mine and I'm allowing you to keep them," Emily explained, "so make sure not to allow what happened today to happen again."

She meant what Jessica and Taylor did to Nora's dress.

"S-Sure," Nora responded.

She then began to redress herself in the clothes Emily gave her. The jeans were a bit tight for her liking, but not uncomfortable. The shirt was a bit snug and showed off Nora's chest, but otherwise okay.

"Now show me how it looks like on you," Emily stated.

Nora (a bit nervous and shy) opens the stall door and walks out. She felt Emily's eyes on her body, studying her at different angles.

Nora looks at herself in the mirror and noticed that there was a message written in black marker on the chest. Emily moves in front of her, stopping her from reading the message.

"What was written on the shirt?" Nora thought.

She tried to pull out the shirt from her chest and read it, but Emily swatted her hand. Maybe it was something she didn't want Nora to read or see. After all, these were Emily's old clothes that Nora had on.

Nora had to trust her judgment on it. Because it was Emily...and Emily was never wrong on anything.

Never wrong.


"I say it looks good on you Nora," Emily stated afterwards.

"Y-You think so?" Nora asked nervously, "Because I feel a bit embarrassed wearing such an outfit."

That got Nora a hard slap across her ass. It stung, and yet also felt good.

"What's to be embarrassed about?" Emily scolded her, "You're a girl for fuck's sake. Girls are SUPPOSED to wear outfits that show off their assests."

"But I don't have...assests," Nora said.

"You have tits don't you?" Emily asked grabbing at her chest hard.

"Y-Yes," Nora said.

"You have a ass and pussy too don't you?" Emily asked giving Nora's ass another hard slap and grabs at her crotch afterwards.

"Feels to me like you do," Emily said afterwards.

She then led Nora towards the bathroom door and opens it.

"Now before we enter the hallway and get to our lockers," Emily said, "because I HAD to help you once again, you are forbidden from leaving my side."

"What? Why?" Nora asked, "I think I did good standing up for myself today."

"You only did one thing that was different from your current personality Nora," Emily stated, "One thing. So you failed at the task I gave you. So your punishment is that you can never leave MY side unless I say otherwise."

She pokes at Nora's chest.

"Are we clear on that detail?" Emily said with a hint of hostility in her voice.

"Y-Yes...Ms. Emily," Nora said.

"Good then let's go to our lockers now," Emily said with a smile.


On their way to their lockers, Nora couldn't help but notice everybody snickering as they looked at her.

"What the hell is wrong with them?" Nora thought.

She got her answer when she opened her locker and saw that someone had placed a mirror there. It was angled towards her chest and she at last was able to read what it said there.

"Property of Emily Santing," it read.

Nora looked at Emily who smiled wickedly at her in turn.

"Think of it as...part of our contract," Emily said, "a condition if you will."

"I...thought we were friends?" Nora asked.

"We ARE friends," Emily stated, "but yet also much more too."

Nora's heart was racing. What did Emily mean by much more than friends? Does she mean they're...dating?

"What...did you mean by much more than that?" Nora asked.

"Do I really have to spell it out for you Nora?" Emily sighed.

She then gave Nora a small grin.

"I think you know what I mean when I said that," Emily said.

Her arm goes to Nora's waist.

"I did say that I was okay with the idea of dating a girl," Emily stated.

"So we're..." Nora blushes.

"Dating." Emily said, "Yes."

"But...you still need to follow my three rules and call me by that title I told you to call me." Emily continued, "Otherwise...well you get the picture."

Nora nods her head.

"I understand completely...Ms. Emily," Nora said without hesitation.

She then gave Nora a kiss on her cheek.

"Remember what I said now," Emily said as she turns to leave, "you are to stay by my side at all times tomorrow."

"Got it," Nora said following behind her.

She then stops walking for a second.

"Does that count for right now too?" Nora asked.

"Nope," Emily said without turning around, "because I have club and other things after that. So you just go home and...tell your mom the good news while you're at it."

Emily then turns a corner and disappears from view. Nora continued walking towards the front entrance. Never noticing that just behind her, Emily was watching her...and smiling wickedly.

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