Ditzy Debra


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The article concluded with a short bio of Gwendolyn Myerston who has a B.S. in sociology and an M.S majoring in human sexuality. She began her career by counseling sex workers who were suffering from various self- esteem issues leading to depression, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts.

There was more about how she segued to advising couples facing marital difficulties, especially ones that had core sexual issues. Her goal, as she described it was to help make stable but unfulfilling relationships that had gotten stale into exciting marriages that thrived sexually.

Debbie read a lot of avant-garde articles and since the author herself, admitted that her theory did not receive wide spread support from mainstream psychologists and since her approach required mutual spousal consent, I wasn't overly concerned that my wife was viewing this in anyway other fashion than a titillating article. However, two things still nagged at the back of my mind. One was the scrupulous yellow highlighting and the other was Phil Layton.

We have a small circle of friends in our neighborhood drawn together by various commonalities such as: similarity of age, children, interests and so on. There are five couples who have formed a social bond over the years. Phil and his wife Mary Ann had moved into the neighborhood about eight months ago and, largely, due to Marge Larkin who, being the most extroverted of our little group and the Layton's next- door neighbor, had started to invite Phil and his wife to some of our social events. Marge and her husband, Harry, were the oldest of our group, being 54 and 60, respectively. Marge was our self- appointed social organizer and although a sweetheart of a person was a bit naive, not much unlike my wife.

Phil is, more or less, tolerated by the men in our group, including Harry. All of us, except Phil, are blue collar types. Phil who claimed to be the owner of a local Toyota dealership but in reality, was their sales manager, considered himself a head above the rest, despite the fact that at 5'7" he was the shortest. However, if height was measured by ego he would have been 6'5".

At forty- two, Phil, is the youngest of the men and as could be expected, had the personality of a used car salesman.

Although none of us were living "hand to mouth", Phil seemed never to be lacking for cash. In the short time that he and Mary Ann had lived in the house he had added an extension to his home, installed an elaborate in the ground pool with an attached hot tub. While the rest of us got our clothes from LL Bean or JC Penny's, Phil's outfits were from Neiman Marcus or Brooks Brothers. Thanks to his employer, he drove a late model Land Rover while the rest of the guys had pick- ups or vans to accommodate our businesses.

To his credit he never overtly brags about his finer trappings or intentionally demeans our humbler existence but the mere flaunting of his ostentatious lifestyle is obviously intended to highlight his apparent affluence. I say 'apparent' because through the efforts of Harry's brother, the banker, we discovered that Phil's prosperity was mortgaged to the hilt.

As much as the guys just tolerate him, he never fails to enamor the ladies. He never fails to compliment even the least attractive of the women, fawning over their attire, complimenting a new hair style or mentioning a, non- existent, loss of weight. In other words, he's flirtatious but not in an overtly sexual fashion.

One of my problems with Phil is that when out of ear shot of the ladies his salacious comments about women in general are blatantly crude and reveal his true nature. Although he is clever enough never to suggest that any of his sexist remarks refer to our wives in any way, his demeanor leaves no doubt that he considers women to be, not only, subservient but prey to his sexual desire.

As I said, he distributes his flattery amongst all the wives but I've recently noticed that my wife gets the lion's share of his attention. He engages her in longer conversations when at parties, touches her arm or shoulder for emphasis, dances at little closer with her than I am comfortable with. I certainly trust Debbie but her being somewhat naive I make sure to interject myself when I deem necessary.

Unfortunately for the guys, not only is Phil handsome, in a smarmy kind or way, but he is a great dancer. While the rest of us stumble our way through a few obligatory numbers to keep the wives happy, he tip- toes through the light fantastic and every other dance, with the agility of Fred Astaire.

My angst was tweaked two months ago at a Christmas party hosted by Marty and Barbara. While standing at the bar with Jerry and Bill, discussing something of little consequence and having a beer, I watched as Phil worked his way through all of the women on the dance floor, intentionally guiding them under the mistletoe for a quick kiss. The kisses had been chaste, either on the cheek or a peck on the lips but my antennae were up as he guided my wife on to the floor for the next slow number.

He seemed to be dancing closer with Debbie than he had with any of the other wives, but still - not inappropriately.

I had completely lost track of the conversation with Bill and Jerry as he guided Debbie under the mistletoe and unlike the chaste kiss he had given the other women, he pulled her close and gave her an intense kiss that was obviously not a peck. It wasn't prolonged but certainly longer than appropriate.

I was about to intercede and register a firm, and possibly physical, protest but as I was about to move he quickly moved to the bull pen and took his wife's hand for the next song. I was still contemplating a confrontation but realized that although the incident was inappropriate in my eyes, it occurred so quickly that no one else noticed, although I was sure that Debbie did.

I had determined not to make a public spectacle but I vowed to myself to have a discussion with Deb about Phil's behavior and inform her of my conviction that he was slowly trying to seduce her. However, Deb was not in the mood for talking when we got home and when in the bedroom she expertly dropped my pants to the floor and herself to her knees, my admonition was quickly forgotten. I never did get around to having that conversation and considering that Deb's only crime was not having rebuked Phil in those few seconds in which he surprised her, I decided to let it go.

The next party was New Year's Eve at Jerry and Donna's house. There were about fifteen couples in attendance. Along with our usual gang there were some relatives and coworkers of both Jerry and Donna. Unfortunately, Phil and Mary Ann were there also so I limited my alcohol intake in order to keep an eye on him. There was a lot of conversation, people introducing themselves to one another and loosening up with liquor.

Despite the season, the evening in this part of Georgia was warm and Jerry's house not being very large, he had a party supply outfit erect an open sided tent with a dance floor to the back of the house, accessed through the den's open sliding doors. They had also arranged to have a catered buffet and a DJ. By ten o'clock the festivities were in full swing and couples were dancing and enjoying the open bar and eating at their leisure.

I was keeping a keen eye on my nemesis but, so far, had only danced one fast umber with Debbie. I danced a few slow songs with my wife, which was pretty much the limit of my expertise. I also danced with several of our group's wives, including Phil's wife Mary Ann.

Mary Ann was not an unattractive woman, she had a nice figure and a pleasant face but for some inexplicable reason she was one of those women who exuded no sex appeal. Not only was she a poor conversationalist but she never seemed enthused about anything. While all of the other women were wearing either cocktail dresses or dress pants with frilly blouses and high heels, Mary Ann had little or no makeup, her shoes looked like something she might wear to a PTA meeting and her dress was a flowery cotton number that went below her knees and showed not even a hint of cleavage. Actually, I only asked her to dance because it seemed that no one else had, including her husband and well, - - - - - - -, well, I felt sorry for her.

Actually, she was a good dancer and when a fast number ended and a slow one began she made no move to leave the floor. She wasn't dancing inappropriately but she was holding me tight and it was soon obvious to me that despite her conservative attire there was a nice body hidden beneath. I wondered if her frumpy appearance was her choice or at Phil's insistence. I assumed it was the latter.

While dancing with Mary Ann I had lost my concentration at keeping an eye on Phil and my wife. When I located them, they were coming off the floor from the same tune I had just been dancing to and Phil had his arm around her waist, escorting her to a high- top table where they had apparently left their drinks. My first instinct was to intrude but I decided to step just inside the doors where the bar was located and get a drink while I observed their behavior.

Rather than sit at the table they retrieved their drinks and remained standing engaged in animated conversation. Their demeanor didn't appear intimate or clandestine, they spoke back and forth, occasionally smiling or chuckling at the others remark. At one point, Phil leaned close to Debbie's ear to speak and when he was done she laughed and slapped him playfully on his chest while shaking her slightly shaking her head.

The DJ starting a 'not to fast' number that I was usually able to make a decent showing of so I moved over to their table, and without acknowledging Phil put my hand under my wife's arm and asked her to dance. Phil smiled pleasantly as we moved to the dance floor and I made sure to occupy most of Deb's time until the wide screen TV was turned on to broadcast the impending ball dropping in NYC.

At the stroke of midnight, I put my arms around Debbie and we shared a passionate kiss. I noticed Phil out of the corner of my eye as he gave his wife a chaste peck on the lips and then went about the room shaking hands and kissing the women with not much more intimacy than he had displayed to his wife. I was waiting for him to work his way over to Debbie but when he glanced over and noticed my arm possessively around her, he casually changed directions. In a way I was relieved because I did not want to cause a scene at our friend's house but I had decided that if he had attempted it, there was going to be a confrontation.

I never confronted my wife about what I thought Phil's intentions were and as January passed uneventfully, I all but forgot about my misgivings. However, I shouldn't have been so complacent. One evening in the beginning of February, Brad was upstairs, supposedly, studying for an upcoming exam. I say "supposedly because I could never understand how kids could concentrate on anything with the music blaring - - - - , especially THAT music.

Deb and I were cuddled on the sofa and we had just finished watching a sexy but romantic, chick flick, on TV. The plot, although in my opinion unrealistic, involving the female star beginning an affair with a co-worker for the sole purpose of making her boyfriend jealous. She and her boyfriend had been dating exclusively for almost two years and he was no closer to proposing marriage so she takes up with her older, married supervisor. After some predictable interaction between the characters, her plan works, the boyfriend gets with the program and they ride happily off into the sunset.

The ludicrousness of the plot seemed lost on my wife but the semi- nude and simulated sex scenes allowed me to endure it. The female lead, whose name I had never heard, certainly had the looks and body to become a major player in the adult film industry if her attempt at main stream stardom failed.

Actually, I had been hoping that the sex scenes had aroused Debbie as much as they had me and since it had been several days since we had shared anything other than a good night kiss, that this would be the night to play "catch up." For once I was happy that my son had his "so called" music cranked up since Deb did not have quiet orgasms.

I clicked the TV remote and the screen went dark but my wife made no attempt to either get up or, worse yet, "get me up." Instead she moved away in order to get her legs up under her torso, a feat that always amazed me. Out of the blue, with a concerned look on her face, she asked:

"Frank, are you happy with our sex life?"

"Uh Oh! I thought. I wasn't sure where this conversation was going but I had a sneaking suspicion that I wasn't going to like it. However, trying not to let any anxiety in my voice betray me, I replied:

"You haven't heard any complaints, have you. Of course, I am. Actually, I'm more than happy. What made you ask such a question.?"

"I don't know" she replied while nervously glancing away from me. "I just think we're getting a little stale, that maybe we should try introducing something new into the mix."

Now I knew I didn't like the direction of this conversation and I was pretty sure that "the something new" was actually "someone new". I could feel my blood pressure rising but I took a few deep breaths and decided to let it play out, so I said, simply:

"What sort of new things Deb? I thought we have pretty much tried everything and in every position that a non-contortionist could achieve."

I said it with a smile on my face but I was not smiling on the inside, that was for sure. Looking back at me with a serious but thoughtful expression, Debra plodded on:

"Well, I read an article a while ago written by a renowned sex therapist- - - - - -,

"Renowned", I thought. That's a stretch. How Is she going to change the narrative from here on-- -, and she sometimes recommends, - - - - - -, and even she and her husband have

been trying this - - - - - - -, well, she believes that a husband's sexual desire can be piqued if the wife has sex with someone else. Of course, she's not suggesting that as a steady diet, just occasionally, like twice a month or so."

And before you say anything just let me explain. This therapy doesn't involve outside emotional attachment, it doesn't even involve dating, or picking up a stranger somewhere. There is no going out to dinner or a movie, it is strictly physical and is designed to enhance both of the spouse's sex lives."

She, - - - - -,the woman who wrote the article,- - - - - -sees a colleague a couple of times a month and when she gets home her husband is so sexually charged that they have incredible sex, even for many days after. Also, remember that she only recommends this for loving couples who already have a good relationship but want to bring about more sexual satisfaction for each of them."

She stopped talking and was looking at me expectantly, for a reply. My stomach was churning and I could feel my carotid artery pounding in my neck but I realized that a loud, emotional outburst would not achieve the results I desired. So, as calmly as I could manage I just nodded my head as if in understanding or, at least, contemplation.

After a few moments of staring at the wall, I said:

"So, let me get this in perspective, you want to go out a few times a month and have sex with someone else. I assume you wouldn't sleep over and would come home the same evening and the thought of you having been with someone else will be so arousing that we will jump one another's bones and have, over the top, amazing sex.?"

"Yes! Exactly! That's what her experience has been along with many other couples she has counseled."

"Hmmmm, I sighed softly as if to be seriously considering her preposterous scenario. It actually might have some merit." I said.

She was smiling now and reached over to hold my hand but before she could respond, I continued:

"OK, it might have some merit but the idea may need a little tweaking. I don't think I could sit home contemplating the great sex to come while you were out banging Phil."

Not only did her smile fade as she dropped my hand but the color drained from her face. It took her brain a moment to kick in but then she said defensively:

Phil! Who said anything about Phil.?

"Well, I don' know Honey, you said that this 'other guy' wouldn't be some casual hookup. If you follow your therapists lead, it would be someone that you know and since I know that Phil has been sniffing around you for months, it was a logical conclusion. My point is that I'm sure that sitting home while wondering what sexual position you were involved in at the moment, would not be a turn on for me."

"I have to assume that all of this would not be for my benefit alone and that there would also be sexual gratification for you. Understandable, I guess, under the circumstances. I mean if, let's say for arguments sake, you and 'he' are going sixty- nine, or you are being penetrated doggie style or riding him cowgirl, you're certainly going to respond to the stimulation." Am I correct in my assumption?"

She started to say something in response but I held up my hand and said:

"It was a rhetorical question, Deb, you don't have to answer, just let me finish." So, as I said your plan needs some tweaking. I happen to know this girl, Molly, who works at the plumbing supply house that I use and we've chatted several times while my order was being pulled. Actually, she's quite attractive and an unabashed flirt. She mentioned that she was in an "open relationship" with her boyfriend and if I were ever in the mood to go out for a drink- - - - -, or something- - - - - -I should give her a call."

"So here's what I'm thinking, on those nights that you are out testing this theory that you read about, I'll see if Molly is available and that way I don't have sit home alone with the image of you - - - - - - -, doing - - - - - - whatever it is that you'll be doing- - - - - -, with whoever you're doing it with. Actually, we can arrange to get home at approximately the same time and you knowing that I have just been with Molly should be just as arousing to for you as you think being with Phil, will be for me."

Deb had a shocked look on her face, her eyes were wide as saucers and her mouth hung slightly open but she didn't speak, apparently absorbing my "tweaking plan". I was still angry and upset but I was on a roll and as ideas popped into my head, I just went with them.

When I looked at my wife she was frowning, apparently weighing the ramifications of her new "spice it up" plan, so I continued"

"Of course, there will have to be some adjustments to our sex lives at home in order to accommodate our new open relationship. Since neither of us knows whose beds either Phil or Molly have been parking their shoes under and since we could never be certain each other's scrupulous use of condoms while, out on a date, we should incorporate their use here at home, just to be on the safe side."

"For the moment, let's just assume that Phil might be chosen as the person you select to help invigorate our sex lives, you should know a few things that may or may not be true. However, while you were at the lingerie party, at Susan's, last month and we guys were playing poker at Jerry's, Phil was bragging about how he was 'putting the wood' to some little hottie down at the dealership, his words - not mine. He also shared with us that when Alice Findlay's old man was on a long- haul trucking job, he was 'fucking the shit' out of her, again - his words".

"And considering that I am probably not the only apple in Molly's eye and that Phil has love interests other than Mary Ann it would wise for us to us protection, just in case, during the heat of passion, one of us throws caution to the wind."

"Oh yeah!" I added as an afterthought, "Molly doesn't live near here so she won't present a threat to our reputation in the community but since Phil, apparently likes to divulge the names of his conquests, I suggest that you emphasize the necessity for discretion as it relates to you." We wouldn't want our friends to misinterpret the truly altruistic purpose of this liaison between you and Phil."