DJ Pt. 29


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"Fernando, you have some friends, or at least one friend, that we don't know, but they tipped them off, about your situation. Maria and Antonio Chevas filed to become foster parents, but specifically for you."

"I haven't even met them yet," Fernando said, "but I think I love them already!" Mary smiled.

Mary parked in the lot in front of the pizzeria, and she and Fernando exited the car and walked toward the entrance.

"Are we stopping for pizza?" Fernando asked.

"No," Mary answered, smiling, "your foster parents run this place."

"Cool!" Fernando exclaimed. Mary opened the door and ushered Fernando inside. Jamie saw them enter and rushed to the door.

"Fernando!" Jamie exclaimed, giving Fernando a tight hug, and catching him completely off guard.

"You two have met?" Mary inquired.

"No," Jamie answered, "but I've seen his picture, and I knew he would be coming here today, Fernando, come meet your foster parents." Jamie took Fernando's hand and led him behind the counter where Anthony was topping a pizza.

"Anthony," Jamie announced excitedly, "Please welcome your foster son, Fernando Gomez!"

"Hold on a sec," Anthony said, "let me get this in the oven."

Anthony, wiping his hands on a towel, "Fernando, welcome to our family! MARIA!"

Anthony wrapped his arms around Fernando, giving him a loving hug and a kiss on his cheek. Maria came out from the kitchen.

"Baby," Anthony stated, "our foster son, Fernando Gomez, Fernando, your foster Mom, Maria Chevas."

"Sweetheart," Maria said, as she prepared to give Fernando a hug, "we've been looking forward to your arrival, and you're a most welcome addition to our family!" Maria lovingly hugged Fernando.

Fernando, with tears in his eyes, "You folks sure know how to make a guy feel welcome, you make me feel like I belong here, with you! What should I call you?"

"Well," Anthony said, "she's Maria, and I'm Anthony, unless you prefer something else."

"You're feeling so much like parents to me," Fernando replied, "is it OK if I just call you Mom and Dad?"

"I think we'd be honored," Anthony said, "if we can call you our Son. I think Jamie needs some help with these orders, it's Valentines Day, and we're starting to get busy."

"I can see that you guys are going to get along just fine," Mary said, "so let me get out of your hair, and my hubby is supposed to be taking me out for dinner tonight. Oh, Fernando, I'll pick you up at about 8:00 AM tomorrow morning and take you to your new school and get you registered, and your records transferred. Happy Valentines everyone."

"Mary," Maria remarked, smiling, "I think you gave us an awesome Valentines gift!" Mary left.

"Dad," Fernando asked, "I don't know anything about the business, but is there anything I can do to help you?"

"The servers probably could use some help," Anthony replied, "ask Jamie and Ruth what you can do to help them out, and I'm certain they can keep you busy. Thanks, Son."

During the next half hour, Jamie had Fernando trained to bus tables and wipe them down, and to get drink refills for the patrons. Jamie also gave Fernando a nickname, when he started to call him 'Fernie'.

About 7:30 PM Chuck and Serena walked in and Fernando spotted his sister instantly.

"SERENA!" Fernando called out, and literally ran to her, throwing his arms around her, and she, of course, returned the hug to him. It was the first time, since before the incident at school had taken place, that they had seen each other.

"Serena, you need to meet my foster parents," Fernando said, leading Serena and Chuck to where Anthony was making pizzas.

"Dad," Fernie said, "I'd like you to meet my sister, Serena Gomez, and her boyfriend, Chuck." The three shook hands. "Is it okay if I take them back to the kitchen to meet Mom?" Anthony nodded, and Fernando led them back into the kitchen.

"Fernando!" Maria exclaimed, "we don't bring customers into the food prep area."

"Dad said I could," Fernando stated, "Mom, this is my sister, Serena Gomez, and her boyfriend, Chuck, Guys, this is my foster Mom, Maria Chevas." Again, the three shook hands.

"Why don't you men go back out front," Maria said, "I'd like to talk with Serena for a few minutes." Chuck and Fernando left the girls.

"Serena," Maria asked, "I'm not trying to be nosy but, how is your relationship with your parents?"

"Not too great," Serena said, "Papa was down on me, because I was dating an American boy, and things got worse when he realized I was covering up for Fernando. I'm sure you're aware of the way many Hispanics feel about homosexuality. Papa is very old school Argentine when it comes to that, and Mama takes Papa's opinion as law."

"Are you still living at home?"

"When I'm not staying with Chuck I am," Serena said, grinning.

"The reason I was asking," Maria stated, "the only clothes that Fernando has right now, is what he is wearing. I wondered if there was any possibility of sneaking some of his clothing out of the house without interference from his father."

Serena, grinning, "Maria, Chuck and I are a step ahead of you! When CPS had Fernando in Juvie Hall, still trying to find a foster home, we gathered up all his clothes and shoes, his boom box and his CD's. They're all in Chuck's car right now, we just need to transfer them to your car before we leave here tonight."

"That's pretty smart thinking on your part." Maria stated.

"Papa said that Fernando was no longer welcome there, and he was planning to discard all of Fernando's stuff in the trash." Then, grinning, "I wonder how he will feel, when he can't find it. The only thing we couldn't get was his bike, it was too big to fit in Chuck's car."

"Honey," Maria said, "You might want to go back out and spend some time with your brother. I hope you know you're always welcome here, or at our home, to see your brother. I know you care a lot for him."

"Thanks, Maria, with Mama and Papa being like they are, I'm really the only family that Fernando has, and I love my little brother so much."

"You're wrong, Serena, Fernando has already stolen our hearts, and we already consider him our family. I'm going to tell you something that is not for publicity. Antonio and I were never able to conceive, and that why we never had children."

"With Fernando in our care, we're going to learn to be parents, for the first time. He is a beautiful and precious young man, and he deserves to be allowed to grow up in his own skin, without fear. Please rest assured that your brother is in a loving home, and that we truly care about him."

"Thanks, Maria," Serena said, "I know now that I can go to sleep, knowing that my brother is in good hands. I guess I need to get back out front and spend some time with Fernando and Chuck." Maria nodded.

Serena returned to the table and resumed her seat next to Chuck. Fernando was all over the place, bussing tables, and getting patrons refills on drinks. Anthony called Fernando over.

"Son," Anthony said, "take a break and spend some time with your sister."

"But Dad," Fernando remarked, "there's work to be done."

"Jamie and Ruth can handle the guests, and you don't get to see your sister that often," Anthony stated, "I'm telling you to take a break!"

"Okay, Dad," Fernando said, reluctantly, "call me if you need me."

Fernando sat with Serena and Chuck, and Serena asked him what his new home was like, and his room.

"I don't know, yet," Fernando answered, "my case worker dropped me off here tonight, I guess I'll find out, after we close and go there. Mary, my caseworker, will be picking me up there, to take me to my new school tomorrow morning, and after that I'll be riding the school bus."

It was about 9:10 PM and the pizzeria was officially closed for the evening, all the guests were gone, except for Chuck and Serena. Jamie and Ruth came to their table and picked up the dirty dishes and glasses. Jamie laid two $10 bills in front of Fernando.

'What is this for?" Fernando asked, pointing at the money.

"That's your cut out of our tips," Jamie replied, "for helping Ruth and me take care of the customers and bussing the tables for us."

"I didn't do it for money," Fernando said, "I was just trying to help out."

"Look, Fernie," Jamie explained, "when someone helps out the servers, and give the customers good service, they tend to give bigger tips. It's normal practice for the servers to share the tips with the busboy. That $20 is your share, for the help you gave us, and you did very well Fernie. And Chuck, Anthony said that since you and Serena are part of the family, your meal is on the house."

Chuck, walking over to Anthony, "We didn't expect to eat for free, Anthony, thanks for dinner. Knowing that Fernando is in your care has sure taken a load off our minds."

"I'm sure," Anthony replied, "it's going to be a challenge, to suddenly become parents to a teenage boy, but I think Maria and I are looking forward to that challenge. He is certainly a beautiful young man, and Maria and I are proud to have been approved to be his caretakers."

"Anthony, we didn't tell Fernando, but Serena gathered up his clothes and a some of his personal items, and it's all in my trunk. Can I transfer his stuff to your car, and then we'll get out of your hair."

"That was very thoughtful of you," Anthony said, smiling, and reaching into his pocket for his keys, "it's that dark blue Malibu in the parking lot out front," and handed the keys to Chuck.

"See you in about five minutes," Chuck said, walking out of the door.

Serena was keeping Fernando occupied, so it was still a secret to Fernando. Jamie and Ruth loaded the dishwasher, while Maria washed the larger pots and pans, and Anthony counted the money and filled out the deposit ticket.

DJ showed up at the same time that Chuck was ready to return the car keys to Anthony and tapped on the door. Anthony walked over and let them both inside.

"Chuck," DJ said, "It's good to see you, how is it going?"

"A lot better, thank you," Chuck replied, "did Jamie tell you?"

"About what" DJ asked.

"Anthony and Maria are fostering Fernando, as of tonight," Chuck said, pulling DJ toward the table, "and this is Fernando." Fernando stood up.

DJ was helpless, he took one look at Fernando, and was compelled to take him in his arms and squeeze the daylights out of him.

"Fernando, I'm DJ, and I'm so very happy for you," DJ said, "I don't think you could have ever found better foster parents than what Maria and Anthony will be. I guess, if you're living with them, I will see you often, I'm a frequent flier here." DJ smiled at Fernando.

Fernando, smiling back, "I'm happy to meet you, DJ, and I look forward to seeing you again soon."

Jamie, Ruth and Maria came out from the kitchen, the night's work done. Anthony clocked Ruth and Jamie out.

"Let's see," Anthony looked at the schedule, "Jamie has his long day at school tomorrow, so he is off, and Ruth, you're in at 5:00 to close tomorrow, and you'll be working with Lindsey, she is in at 4:00."

"Right," Ruth replied, "goodnight, see you tomorrow." She left.

"You ready to head home, baby?" DJ asked.

"You know I am," Jamie replied, "but wait a minute." Then, walking over to Fernando and putting his arm around his shoulders, "Great job, Fernie, Ruth and I appreciated your help, I expect I'll see you Friday, Good night everybody." Jamie and DJ walked out.

"We're out of here," Chuck said, "Serena and I both appreciate what you are doing for Fernando."

"We're happy to be Fernando's fosters," Anthony said, smiling, "and I think everything is going to be fine. Goodnight, you two."

Finally, about 9:30 PM, Maria, Fernando and Anthony walked out, Anthony locking the door. Fernando instinctively took a seat in the back, while Anthony drove. They stopped by the bank and Anthony dropped the deposit into the night depository. Then they headed toward Fernando's new home. Fernando is excited, but apprehensive too.

Maria unlocked the front door, holding it open for Fernando, whose feet seemed glued to the stoop. Anthony literally pushed Fernando inside. Maria headed to the kitchen to make some Mexican Hot Cocoa, with cinnamon, which was a regular habit for the Chevas family.

"Let me give you a tour, Son," Anthony said. "This, of course is the sitting room, and then here is the eat-in kitchen. That door leads to the back yard, and this door to the hallway. On the left is the full bathroom, and beyond that, is our master bedroom, which also has a bathroom with just a shower stall."

"Now," Anthony said, "on this side are the two spare bedrooms, both a bit smaller than the Master bedroom. One of these is yours, either the one across from our bedroom, or the one across from the bathroom, and it's your choice, we don't care which one you choose."

Both rooms had full sized beds, and both had a single window that faced the street, both had a 5-draw chest of draws, and equal sized closets, and both rooms had wall to wall carpeting. The only notable difference was a desk in one room. Fernando looked at both rooms at least four or five times.

"I don't know, Dad," Fernando said, "I kind of like the room across from the bathroom, but I also like the desk in the other room."

"You know, Son, that desk isn't nailed down, we can move it to the other room if you wish." Fernando nodded, and smiled.

Anthony and Fernando picked up the desk and carried it into Fernando's 'new room'. Maria hollered 'Come on Guys!' and they both headed to the kitchen to drink Hot Cocoa with Maria cookies. (for those unfamiliar, Maria cookies are a popular Mexican cookie, similar in flavor to vanilla wafers, and loved by toddlers)

After finishing the Cocoa, Anthony asked Fernando to help him bring some stuff from the trunk of the car that belonged in Fernando's room. A confused Fernando said he'd be glad to. He was almost in shock when he found out that it was his stuff, that Serena and Chuck salvaged from his Papa's house. He was especially happy to have his Boom Box and his CD's back.

Maria asked Fernando if he had some clean pajamas, and Fernando told her that he'd not worn PJ's since he was about 5 or 6 years old, and that he preferred to just sleep in his underwear. (Fernando fibbed a bit, he actually prefers to sleep in his birthday suit)

Anthony suggested that Fernando go to bed, as he would need to be up quite early in the morning because Mary Stewart would be picking him up at 8:00 AM. He and Maria wanted to make sure that Fernando had a decent breakfast before Mary took him to school.

Anthony informed Fernando that there was a clean wash cloth and bath towel on the rod in the bathroom, if he desired to take a shower. He also suggested that Fernando get clean clothes out that he planned to wear in the morning, and Fernando followed his suggestion immediately, laying out clean clothes on the desk, and then stripped down to his briefs.

Anthony sat on Fernando's bed, and turned on the bedside table lamp. He then drew Fernando into his arms and hugged him, lovingly.

"Goodnight, Son," Anthony said, "sleep tight and I'll wake you in the morning." He then leaned over and kissed Fernando on the forehead.

"Dad," Fernando spoke softly, "you and Mom make me feel so welcome, and wanted—and—loved."

"Son," Anthony replied, "you are all of those, welcome, wanted, and loved, Maria and I are very happy to have you living with us."

"I love you, Dad, and please tell Mom I love her too."

"Will do, Son, goodnight." Anthony turned out the ceiling light and closed the door behind him.

After Anthony left, Fernando threw back the covers, slid his briefs down and off, dropping them on the floor. He pulled the covers back up, turned out the lamp, and fell asleep within about five minutes, a tired and very happy boy.

Maria and Anthony went to bed shortly thereafter, and Anthony relayed Fernando's message to Maria.

"Sweetheart," Maria responded, "he is such a sweet, innocent and loveable young man, how could anyone not love him. I fail to comprehend how his father could have done him that way! I'm glad we were around to salvage him, he could have become a statistic."

"Honey," Anthony queried, "would you think I've lost my mind, if I said I'd like to have Fernando as a permanent Son?"

"Do you mean, like, adoption?" Maria asked, "I think we should let things rest as is for now, and just be foster parents, but maybe down the line. We need to get some sleep, goodnight baby."

Anthony, holding Maria close, "Good night sweetheart, I love you."

(to be continued...)

* * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE * * * * * *

As I am writing this, on May 9th, 2018, my life is turning upside down. I ran into some financial difficulty and failed to pay a few months of my mortgage. They are foreclosing on my home, and I need to be out by May 31st and I'm not certain where I will end up.

My son has recently purchased a Sixty-acre piece of land in western Texas, and is wanting me to relocate there, with him, and homestead it, and I'm leaning in that direction, but it is a 2000-mile move, and right now there are no buildings on the property, no electric, and no internet. During the next few weeks I have a lot of packing and storing to do, plus a lot of other crap to take care of.

Due to the above, I am not certain when I will have the time to write Part 30 and get it uploaded, however, I have no intention of leaving my readers stranded, with no ending to the story, and it has quite a way to go.

Doug, aka o2byoung

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o2byoungo2byoungover 5 years agoAuthor
On my way back! DJ Part 30 is coming!

It's been a long, hot and interesting summer. We (my son and I) arrived in Sierra Blanca, Texas, in the wee hours of July 4th. Scott, my son, is finally back on the road somewhere in the lower 48, (He is an OTR truck driver) and I am finally driving UBER again in El Paso.

It's been hard on both of us, both financially and emotionally, but I think we're gradually getting it together. I've rented a mobile home, and finally got Hughesnet re-installed just yesterday. (I've suffered three months of Internet deprivation.) Tomorrow is Friday, Sept. 21st. and I just turned 77 on Monday, the 17th.

I drive mostly on the weekends, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and am anxious to continue this story. I plan to start writing DJ, Part 30 next week. We'll see how Fernando adjusts to his foster home, try to catch up with M&M (Matt and Marie), Jamal and Rusty, Gloria & Jerry, and, of course, the stars of the story, DJ and Jamie. Let's not forget that Randy and Daryl's wedding is coming up also. This story has a long way to go and I want to thank my readers for hanging with me. I hope to have Part 30 ready to upload in the next week or ten days.

Doug, aka o2byoung

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Sorry for you having to move. Wishing you a smooth move. I know that everyone is wishing you well and thank you For the story you do have the gift. Thanks Bobby

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Your personal life comes first and foremost. I do appreciate your stories but, you need to take care of you first. They are very down to earth and resemble our every day lives.

Good read.

Reader777Reader777almost 6 years ago

I’ve been enjoying this story very much. I’m sorry to hear about your present situation and I hope everything works out well for you and quickly. I’ll be looking forward to the continuation of the story when you get settled. Thanks for writing for our enjoyment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for another great chapter.I hope things turn out well for you i'll try to be patient and wait for next chapter.

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