Donna Goes To Coventry


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After retrieving the key, I left the basement and went to our bedroom. Laying on our bed, I cried, just glimpsing a fraction of the pain Dave must be feeling. This was going to take longer than I thought. Suddenly I heard the front door slam. Before I could get there, I heard Dave's car start and drive off. To avoid having them pushed constantly in his face I retrieved all the DVDs from the basement and spent an hour finding a new hiding place for them under the floorboards in my walk in robe. By that stage it was time to pick up the kids.

Dave came home just as dinner was ready. He sat down and talked to the kids, almost normally, but didn't so much as make eye contact with me. At 9.30 he excused himself and went back to the basement. The kids asked me if I'd done something to hurt their dad. That upset me more than anything else so far. I pretended ignorance.

After they went to bed, I spent 15 minutes making Dave a coffee just how he likes it. Tray in hand I tried the basement door, locked again. With the key I'd retrieved, I unlocked it. Picking up the tray again I pushed. It didn't budge, just pushed against the new bolt that Dave must have installed earlier. There was no answer to my knocking and plaintive calls. At a loss on what to do, I went to bed and cried myself to sleep. I was too sad even to masturbate, even though the urge was there.

Dave was gone by the time I awoke the next morning. After getting the kids off, I went into the basement. I made Dave's bed and opened the small ground level window to disperse the lingering smell of vomit. Sitting on the desk was our laptop. I opened the lid and once it came out of hibernation, up flashed a website called the nine stages of mourning. I glanced through the first three stages. Shock, denial, anger then scrolled down to the last one, acceptance. I fought back a tear as I imagined Dave feverishly trying to work out where he was up to and wishing to get to the end. I went to work.

Over to Dave

After staggering to the basement five minutes after my marriage ended, I was incapable of everything but lying there, spewing and stewing. When I heard Donna leave to pick up the kids I retrieved the DVDs from under her dresser. I knew I didn't have the mental strength yet to actually watch them. They were all marked with numbers and I could only presume they were similar to the one I had glimpsed. I still had no idea what to do when the bitch came down and pretended to care about me. I don't know whether it was my dodgy stomach or listening to her blatant lies that made me spew after she'd finished. Not trusting my voice I simply opened the drawer to expose her lies. My sense that I wanted to hurt her was partially satisfied, when she screamed and ran out of my sanctuary.

I was still lying there when I heard the ting from the phone that signified the upstairs extension had been picked up. I lifted the handset and was treated to a full and frank confession. I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself by saying goodbye to Janet as well.

I spent the next morning copying all the DVDs to my laptop. Admiring the initiative she took with the locksmith, I returned to my hurt position and awaited the inevitable visit. I was not the slightest bit surprised by her full confession, I mean, what choice did she have? I waited for the bits where she apologised or showed some sort of remorse and was shocked when not only were they not forthcoming but she seemed proud of something. I was still processing this when she left. After I heard her car leave I went out, dropped the hard drive back-up at work and bought a deadbolt.

When I returned home I was going to hide again but once I saw my kids, I pretended things were normal for their sakes. Knowing I still couldn't control my anger, I ignored Donna. Returning to my hideaway I decided on an internet search to try to find out how I should be thinking. I knew I didn't think like other men so wasn't surprised when I couldn't recognise myself in the nine stages of mourning. I had always thought of myself as a simple man, so came up with my own list. Anger, confusion, protect what is mine, revenge. I also knew that I was a decisive man, so by the 24 hour mark, knew what had to happen. That is why I ignored Donna's frantic knocking later. She was no longer part of my plan. She was irrelevant.

Back to Donna

The next day was a Friday and as it turned out, the start of the new reality. Dave joined us for breakfast and appeared normal, in a hollow kind of way, around the kids. But he didn't so much as acknowledge my existence. He went to work without a glance, kiss or word. I gave him the space I knew he needed to work through all this. He returned at his usual time and it was more of the same. On the weekend he went to the kid's sports events and did yard work as usual. Not a word was exchanged with me. Sure, I spoke to him but it was entirely a one way process. I did take every opportunity to remind him that I loved him. The kids knew something was up but never raised it again.

By the end of the following week, I'd had enough. I tried to confront Dave to find out where he was at and really bared my soul. I also tried to warn him that as it was over two weeks since I'd had sex, I was getting super horny. It just didn't seem right even getting the movies out of hiding while Dave was hurting. Nothing worked. He just turned and walked away every time. Another weekend passed with no end in sight.

Monday afternoon I got a fright. Janet rang. She was the receptionist at the town's one and only law practice. Dave had rung for an appointment and had a meeting scheduled for Thursday. She also said that her Reg had started acting all funny around her as well. The news about Dave's appointment put me in shock. Surely our marriage hadn't been damaged that much. Hadn't Dave listened to a word I'd said? Surely he believed I loved him and wanted to grow old with him. I asked Janet to have a hypothetical talk to the best divorce lawyer to see what advice Dave would likely receive.

Janet rang back before Dave got home with her results. The lawyer would advise him that my behaviour in the marriage was irrelevant. In a no fault regime, I would be awarded custody of the kids, be given occupancy of the children's home and be awarded the bulk of our assets. Dave would be stuck paying child support and alimony. Thus reassured that Dave would be secure in our marriage after this advice, plus the need to avoid public humiliation, I relaxed again and decided to continue giving him time and space to reach the same conclusion. To be honest with myself, I didn't know what to say to him anyway.

Life continued on the new norm. Dave took Thursday off and I felt I had to prove my superiority and generally relaxed attitude by telling him that I knew he was seeing a lawyer. I even summarised Janet's advice and urged him to bow to the inevitable by forgiving me. As usual, he made no comment.

Janet rang at the end of the day to say she had been fired. Reading between the lines, Dave must have let on that she had tipped me off about his appointment to her bosses and they had let her go for not being discrete. I apologised of course but pointed out that I hadn't asked her to tip me off. I vowed to give Dave a piece of my mind. His selfish behaviour was starting to affect my friendships. Of course that came to nothing. He just ignored me when he got home.

Another uncomfortable weekend followed. The kids both went away and I had hopes that Dave would leave for a few hours too so I could, um, use my DVD collection for its intended purpose, but he hung around doing yard work the whole time. The tension, both around the house and within my groin, was getting unbearable. To force the issue I tried talking to him, asking what he intended, but he just ignored me. I even hinted that unless he did his husbandly duty soon, I wouldn't be responsible for my actions. Nothing. He just continued preparing his own food and doing his own thing.

On Sunday my Mum and Dad visited. Dave sat down with us for a while and acted normal. I don't think my folks even realised that he didn't once address me. Monday Dave was still at home when I left for work. Tuesday, he was home before me. Something was going on, but I had no idea what.

Great news Wednesday. Dave looked at me. I heard him get up early and joined him for coffee in the kitchen. I told him that if he didn't snap out of his funk today, then I had no choice but to go out on one of my trips tomorrow. I hoped like hell that he would respond and do his duty. The thought of doing one of my trips now he knew about them, made me feel kind of uncomfortable. After I'd finished, Dave just stared at me. Then he went to work leaving his coffee half finished. When he came home, I asked if he'd made a decision but he'd gone back to ignoring me. Once again I explained that I loved only him. That night, I lay naked in bed expecting a visitor but was disappointed.

On Thursday I confirmed my decision to Dave. I was honest and said that I intended bringing a guy home that afternoon. With his now erratic work hours, I requested that he stayed away from the house until at least 6PM and make sure the kids did as well. I repeated again why it was so important that I bring them home, reiterating the whole camera thing. I promised to continue to be discrete. Dave said nothing but from the back I could see that his ears went red. I don't know why he was angry, it was all his fault after all.

The day went pretty much as planned. I brought home the first guy that said yes rather than being as fussy as I usually was. It was nowhere near as natural and flowing as usual. That niggling feeling of unease just wouldn't completely disappear. In fact I struggled to get off just the once. We did anal for a while but I just wasn't in the mood. I kicked him out early and finished the afternoon with one of my favourite home movies. Afterwards I had a brilliant idea. I would suggest to Dave that we could watch one or more of the movies together. That way he could see that there was absolutely no emotional attachment involved. Shit, I hardly ever even kissed the guys. Who knows, Dave might even get turned on as well. If only I could get comfortable enough to start watching the movies with Dave in the house, things would be almost back to normal.

After I could cum no more, I showered and prepared Dave's favourite meal. I really went all out on it.

Back to Dave

It had taken me almost two weeks to arrange the meeting. From what Donna had told me and from the phone call to Janet that I'd eavesdropped on, I knew she thought I had only two options. Continue to go along knowingly with her lifestyle or get ruined and publically humiliated in a divorce. Neither of those were anywhere near acceptable to me. I knew my third path would be unthinkable to her. Far from desperately trying to keep her behaviour secret, I intended to let the world know. Far from being embarrassed, my only fault, as I could see it, was loving Donna to the point of complete naivety.

The meeting was arranged for tonight. I'd invited her parents, my parents, all our friends and neighbours, some of her work mates and even other parents from the kid's sports groups. I'd booked a small hall for the 60 or so people and even organised catering. I had initially wanted to shield the kids from the hurt but Donna forced my hand by making me responsible for keeping them away from the house until 6PM. I took off from work early and picked them up from school. We killed some time by going to a local burger joint.

I was at a bit of a loss on how to broach the subject with them and I guess I must have dithered a bit. I need not have worried as Kate broke the silence. With a glance at John she opened.

"Dad, is this about mum cheating on you?"

I bruised my jaw as it bounced off the table. Recovering, I just nodded.

"We wondered how long it would take you to find it out."

They then went on to reluctantly explain to me how they'd come home unexpectedly, more than once, to find their mum busy. They'd never seen anything apart from a guy leaving once, but the noises were self-explanatory. Interestingly they didn't know about the DVDs. They thought that every time the bedroom door was closed and their mum screamed, there was a guy involved. I explained the real deal. They both looked sick when I explained that I'd found out about it and the reason I'd picked them up today was that Donna had announced her intentions and told me to keep them busy until she was finished.

Kate tearfully explained how three months ago she had confronted her mother and begged her to stop. Her mum had seemed very embarrassed and worried. She had promised to call it all off in return for Kate not telling me. She had taken her mum at her word and assumed it was all over and the danger of family destruction averted.

Both kids cried and assured me that they had been trying to find an opportunity to tell me until the confrontation three months ago, but never raised the courage. They accepted that no normal man could condone her behaviour and almost eagerly agreed to accompany me tonight. Ironically their presence was very reassuring.

With late comers, the meeting didn't start till almost 7.30PM. No one had a clue why they were there. After everyone was fed and seated I launched into my PowerPoint presentation. To say everyone was stunned was an understatement. I asked the kids to leave the room when I showed still photos from the DVDs. I only showed the bare minimum to get the point across that Donna was a serial offender. Several of the audience recognised travelling reps who dealt with their own businesses. By and large, it was less embarrassing than I had anticipated.

I waited for the clamour to die down after my presentation ended. They were well beyond stunned when I told them that even though I was now aware of her activities, Donna had done it again that day. They all nodded vigorously when I explained what I intended doing. Reg was a great help and support. I had worded him up last week. Two of the neighbourhood single ladies, one widow and one divorcee were extremely friendly. The ones who took it hardest were Donna's parents of course. They wouldn't stop apologising. They were also worried about what effect this would all have on the kids and offered what support they could.

Donna's father was the last to leave. Everyone else had drifted away, a strategic few with copies of the presentation. He wanted to know if there was any hope for our marriage. Two days ago I wouldn't have hesitated in saying no. Then yesterday I realised that Donna had to be really sick in the head and my vows meant I should support her. If only the crime hadn't been so horrific. So, in answer to her father's question, I was honest and explained that if Donna showed full remorse for her actions and could prove she suffered from some diagnosed condition and sought treatment then I may reconsider my plan. I doubted this was the case though. Our family doctor had been sitting in the second row. Surely he would have said something.

Donna resumes

By 6.45PM dinner was ready and I was wondering where everyone was. Calls to Dave's, John's and Kate's mobiles all went unanswered. I rang Kate and John's friend's place, where they normally went on Thursday afternoons. No answer. I rang both my and Dave's parent's home phones and mobiles. No answer on any of them. I rang Janet. She called me a bitch and hung up on me. What was all that about?

At last, in desperation, I drove around to all our popular haunts. They were nowhere to be seen.

I returned home at just after 10PM. Dave's car was in the driveway and the basement door was again locked. I looked in on the kids and they both seemed asleep. Wondering where the hell they'd been I returned downstairs. I noticed the laptop was just inside the front door. Firing it up, a slide entitled. 'Discussion', was displayed. I hit the escape button and a series of photographs was displayed down the left hand side of the screen. Clicking on one with mounting dread, I stared at the ensuing full screen photo. It was one of clearly me with my ass just as clearly impaled on a cock, again clearly not belonging to my husband. I repeated this twice more to reveal two more photos showing my, and different men's faces. The third photo was from the dreaded disc 11. That day I'd brought two guys home. Stupid me, but it had always been my favourite fantasy. I'd been busy cowgirling one guy when the other one pushed me forwards and roughly entered my ass. Now I normally love anal, but this just made me feel cheap. I screamed at them to stop but was helpless as the guy behind me continued to ass rape me. Luckily he didn't last long. After he'd finished, he held my arms while the other guy roughly sodomised me as well. It was horrible and put me off my trips for two months. Maybe because being forced was my second favourite fantasy, I kept the disc but hardly ever watched it, keeping it for my more moody days. It did occur to me that the video showed evidence of me be raped that I could take to the police but that would expose me to Dave amongst others.

It suddenly became clear to me where Dave had been all evening. But surely he wouldn't 'out' himself would he. Publically declare his cuckoldry to the world. I agreed with Janet. That would be social suicide for a high profile community member such as Dave. But what else could it mean? I was staggered to the point of confusion. How could Dave disrespect me by airing our dirty laundry in public? Shit, if he kept things up at this rate, he was in danger of losing me. Then an insidious thought struck me. To this point I had only considered the effect of public exposure on Dave. Who had he told? Most people who heard that a girl had slept with 28 guys in three years would think she was a slut. They didn't know the full story. They didn't know I was just scratching an itch, in a very discrete manner, to save my marriage.

Numb, I went to bed. All I could think of was, why had Dave done this? If he didn't care about being publically humiliated then the only thing holding our marriage together was his fear of losing his house, his kids and the nest egg we'd worked so hard to accumulate. What if he showed the same callous disregard for those as well? For the first time I considered the possibility that my marriage was in serious trouble. I think I finally got to sleep at around 4AM.

I awoke extremely groggy at 8.15 the next morning. The laptop was where I had left it last night and the house was empty. Staggering through my morning routine I managed to get to work only 15 minute late. I was in such a rush that I didn't even realise that the first two people I bid good morning didn't respond. I sat at my desk and started typing the work I had left unfinished on Wednesday. It wasn't until morning tea that I noticed anything odd. Some of the other girls were as friendly as usual but others ignored me completely. Putting it down to Fridayitis, I didn't worry too much about it.

At lunch, I went to the sandwich shop where my friends could always be found. None of them were there. I ate a lonely lunch. I rang three of them but no one picked up. Thinking nothing of it, I went back to work. This time the atmosphere was noticeably different. Absolutely no one acknowledged my return. One of the bosses came out an hour later and stared around the silent room with confusion. He dropped some hand written notes in my inbox then returned to his office. I tried to start conversations with my neighbours but they just kept typing.

Confused, I went home at the end of the day. The house was again empty. No people, no cars. Wandering around, I noticed that all the camping gear was missing. I loved camping and for the other three to go without me was a low blow. There was no answer to anyone's mobile. With Janet apparently gone as a friend for some reason, I started ringing my other friends. The first two didn't answer but the husband of the third did. We chatted for a few minutes then he said he would get his wife. After two minutes he returned and rather coldly said his wife wasn't available and hung up. It was rather strange.