Double My Pleasure


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I stood up to remove my footwear and pants and to give myself a second to cool down. While I was doing so, Susan stood up as well and removed her top and bra. At last I finally had a full view of her top, and I drank in the sight. I don't know how a woman of her age could have breasts so large without noticeable sag or droop, but she did. Her perfectly shaped, massive mountains were capped by large, erect nipples that seemed to stand out at least a half an inch.

Seeing me ogling her, Susan turned her body side to side and asked, "Do you like?"

I caught her in my arms when she was sideways to me so that both breasts were pointing out to my right. Turning her head back toward me, I replied, "Oh, I like a lot. You are a magnificently beautiful woman." Then I kissed her deeply. As we continued to kiss, my right hand played across her breasts – caressing, cupping, circling her aureole with a finger, then finally grasping a large nipple between thumb and forefinger to massage it delicately. When she let out a moan of pleasure, I increased the firmness of my attention until I was twisting and pulling her nipple. Her moaning got louder. I could stand no more and dove my head directly to suck in her taut nipple.

I sucked and lapped and kissed her breasts with wild abandon. It seemed the more aggressive I was, the more Susan egged me on. She repeated, "Yes! Oh Yes, Adam! Suck my titties!" and variations thereof. The sense of urgency and conviction in her voice steadily grew –matching my own sense of urgency.

Finally, she pushed me away and literally threw her skirt and panties to the floor. Stepping out of them, she looked at me and demanded, "Fuck me now. I want your cock inside me." I wanted nothing more, but I knew that in my state that I wouldn't last long. I wanted to bring Susan to orgasm as well, and thought it would be best to hold off on my own for now.

Pulling off my shirt, I warned her, "I'm so turned on, I won't last long. Maybe we should hold off a little for your sake."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing," her tone seemed a little scolding. "Just fuck me, and I'll take care of the rest." She laid on the sofa and spread her legs wide for me. I could see that her womanhood was dripping wet. Her high heels stood out to the sides like a sexy targeting mechanism.

I obediently got on top of her, but still thought I should go slow. I pushed just the head of my cock past her labia and planned to do some teasing of us both with a sexy, slow entry. However, Susan grabbed my ass and thrust her hips up into mine, plunging me completely into her warm love chamber. "Fuck me, don't play with me." Her hot voice was full of wanton abandon.

Never the one to make the same mistake twice, I started pumping her enthusiastically. She immediately responded with a lusty litany, "Yeah, fuck me, Big Man. Pump that hard cock in my wet pussy." Her voice and her words were so sexy that I had to consciously fight the urge to come. She was fingering her clit furiously and thrust her pelvis up to bang into mine on every stroke.

I greedily wanted all her bountiful treasures at once. So, I managed to grab a breast and direct her nipple to my mouth without disturbing my rhythm too much. I hungrily gobbled as much of her breast as would fit in my mouth. "Oh Yes!" Susan screamed and clutched my head to her tit. "Fuck me harder. Fuck me faster." She commanded. I eagerly complied.

I was sucking and fucking for all I was worth. Her velvet pussy seemed to excite every nerve in my cock. I could hold out no longer, and with Susan's continual verbal demands to fuck her, I came like a tidal wave. It was now my turn to yell out, "Shitttnngghh." Well, it was really more of a grunt as I became speechless. Wave after wave of my hot juice was pumped deep into Susan's pussy. I nearly blacked out from the intensity of my orgasm; but somehow I was able to detect that as soon as I started coming, Susan switched from intelligible words to simple screams of pleasure.

My own climax was one of the longest and strongest that I ever had, but Susan's made mine seem short in comparison. When she quieted down a little and started kissing me, I changed my angle and increased my thrusting strength and speed. She quickly responded with another climax. I performed this trick one more time. At last, when she came down from her third round of orgasms, she whispered, "Okay, I think I'm done." With that I collapsed on top of her, spent.

When at last I found the strength to move again, we found a way to snuggle in beside each other on the couch. We played with each other the way lovers do in the afterglow. Susan got a little serious and said, "Thank you, Adam. That was wonderful. I don't think that I've felt that good since... Well, I can't ever remember feeling that good."

"I should be thanking you," I corrected. "We really found something special there, didn't we though?" I kissed her lovingly on the lips and continued. "I look forward to many similar experiences and to building our relationship in other ways."

Susan looked a little shocked. "Really, you want to build arelationshipwith me?"

"Yeah. I think we both know that what we just shared was more than good sex." I could see that she agreed with my statement, but she continued to argue.

"But what about my age?"

"Inconsequential," I assured her. Giving her derriere a loving squeeze, I elaborated. "And besides your age hasn't kept you from being one the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Even if one of us loses our looks before the other, relationships are built from what's in here." I carefully touched where her heart was, avoiding her breasts.

She swallowed hard. "Well, what about Lauren?" she inquired.

"Well, what about her? She left me. I mean, I loved Lauren with all my heart and soul. I would have never cheated on her with anyone – even you Susan I hate to say. But since she cheated on meanddumped me, I guess I'm free to be with anyone. And I happily choose you." I went to kiss her, but she didn't respond.

Susan was uncharacteristically quiet for a few moments. Then her tone became even more somber. "There's something we have to talk about, Adam."

Before she continued, we heard the front door open, and we both sat up. In a moment Lauren was in the living room. I had nothing to hide and just sat there with everything hanging out, ready to confront Lauren. Susan, in contrast, got kind of skittish and retreated behind the couch.

Initially shocked by the scene of her mother and ex-boyfriend in the buff, Lauren's demeanor quickly to turned to pained outrage. I didn't care. I was ready to bask in her outrage.

"How could you do this to me?!!" She yelled at me so loudly that I suspected the neighbors could hear. "I thought we were in love! You said you loved me! But I find you cheating on me, with my own mother no less!"

I stayed calm. "Why are you upset? I came here looking forward to a sweet reunion with you." I bent down to pull the necklace out of my pocket. "Look I even brought you a gift. But it wasyoucheated onmefirst, and you left me."

"What?!!" Lauren clearly looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Your mother told me that you've been seeing Steve every night while I was gone. Can you deny that's where you were now, with your precious Dr. Steve." My voice was dripping with venom. "You couldn't even break up with me yourself and asked Susan to do it for you."

"What? What? I had to pull a late shift tonight at the hospital. I called my mom at lunch to ask her to tell you I'd be late." She was convincing, but I wasn't buying.

"Don't try to get out of this," I spat. "Susan showed me the text you sent her. It said that she shouldn't let me call you because you didn't want to ruin your date with Steve. I called twice anyway, and you didn't answer either time."

Much of her anger had dissipated by the time she responded. "I left my phone at home today." She looked up at Susan, revelation on her face. "Mom?" Her voice was like that of a little child.

"Lauren, Sweetie. I can explain if you let me. I didn't want you to find out this way." Susan's emotions were a jumble.

"Oh, I bet you didn't want me to find out." Some of Lauren's fury was returning, but directed at her mother. "Let me get this straight. You lied to my boyfriend, who you know I love more than anything and want to marry; convinced him that I betrayed him, then seduced him?" She seemed more sad than mad at this point. "We've always been so close and honest. We've always shared everything. You've never done anything to hurt me. Why now? Why this?" Tears were welling in her eyes and my heart was breaking. Unwitting or not, I had lead to her pain. I felt shame and guilt, and there was a huge hole in my heart where Lauren's love had once lived.

"It's because I do love you so much and didn't want to hurt you that I felt driven to do this." Susan replied uneasily.

"Oh, that makes a lot of sense. You hurt me because you didn't want to hurt me." Lauren wiped tears from her eyes.

"Just listen for a moment." Susan collected her thoughts. "Remember the time that we talked about how lucky you were to have Adam and how unlucky I am to have no one." Lauren looked like she remembered. "Do you remember how you said that you would share Adam with me if you could figure out how it would work? You said that you loved me that much – enough to share the other love of your life."

"Yea, but my point was that it couldn't work out. I thought it was just talk."

"It wasn't just talk for me, Dear." Susan looked at the ground to collect her thoughts, and I was struck by the bizarreness of conducting this conversation with Susan and I nude. "You see, I fell for Adam about the same time you did. As your loved blossomed, so did mine. But mine was one sided. As your happiness with Adam grew, I began to resent you. I didn't want to feel that way, but I couldn't help my heart. I knew that if things continued the way they were that I would feel nothing but jealousy at your wedding. Since the day you were born I've always dreamed about being a happy, proud mother at your wedding. But these feelings I have for Adam were just going to make me a bitter, envious mother at your wedding. I was even afraid I would ruin your wedding somehow."

We all waited for Susan to continue. "I was growing to hate you, and that was something I just couldn't live with. Eventually, I decided I couldn't live at all anymore. One day at lunch, I went to the top of my building at work. I was on the edge, my toes hanging over, fully prepared to jump."

"Oh, Mommy, No!" Lauren was visibly disturbed by her mother's revelation. "I could never be happy if you killed yourself."

"Standing there on the brink, I came to that very realization. I hadn't left a note, because if I told you the truth, I thought it would poison your happiness with Adam. But while I was standing there with the wind whipping my face, I realized that if I just killed myself for no good reason that it would probably eat at you. I was afraid that you might see suicide as a good option for yourself, and I couldn't allow you to take such a wonderful life as yours one day." You could hear the distress in Susan's trembling voice.

"That's when I started devising this plan. A plan to have at least a taste of Adam. I recalled that you said you really would share him with me if you could, I began planning how I could be with Adam whether you thought it would work or not. I thought that if I could be with him once that I could put my jealously aside. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that I can live with you hating me, but I couldn't live with myself if I hated my own daughter. "

"So can you put your jealousy aside?" Lauren was no longer furious or crying, just a little deflated.

"Yes, because Adam clearly loves you so. I've put aside the feelings I have for him, and I'm truly happy for you. Please don't leave Adam just because of my trick. He would have never done this if I hadn't of tricked him. If you hate me, I can understand it. But know that I truly love you as I should again – as a mother should love and care for her daughter. No jealousy. No envy."

Lauren and Susan gazed at each other in silence for several moments. Then as one they walked to the end of the couch, and hugged warmly as mother and daughter should. Both burst into tears, but the tears didn't seem to be flavored with as much grief this time. At one point, Lauren said, "I'm so glad you didn't kill yourself, Mommy." Other than that, no words were exchanged. Plenty of love was communicated, however. I was once again struck by the absurdity of the situation. Mother and daughter sharing a tender moment, but mother naked except for high heels. Cheating boyfriend naked on the couch. I was in the middle of it, but the situation boggled my mind.

After a long time, they released their embrace. Lauren turned her attention to me while Susan remained at the far end of the couch. Slipping in next to me on the couch Lauren quietly asked, "Maybe you thought we were over, but it sure didn't take you long to find a replacement. Did it?"

"Please, Lauren, you have to understand. I was devastated. I was hurt, and I wanted to hurt you too."

"So, you were motivated by spite." Lauren probed.

"Yes. Partly. If I hadn't of been so mad and dying to lash out at you, I would have been too sad to do anything no matter how attractive the woman consoling me was." I wanted so badly to repair things with Lauren, but my words weren't quite working too well.

Lauren raised her eyebrows and asked, "So you do find my mom attractive then?"

"Yes," I had to admit, "If I said no, you'd know I was lying. But that doesn't mean anything. You are the only one for me. I didn't know I could love anyone as much as I love you. You know how I found this?" I held the necklace up.

"No. Tell me," she commanded, taking the present from me.

"It was in the jewelry store where I was ordering an engagement ring for you." Lauren looked up at me, astonished. "That's right. I was going to surprise you on our seven month anniversary and ask you to marry me." It would be no surprise now, but one way or the other, I felt I had to use that information in this situation.

Happiness leapt onto Lauren's face for the first time that day. "Really? On our 'anniversary?' That's so romantic." Lauren put an arm around my bare chest to hug me as she kissed me on the cheek. The kiss was like air to a drowning man.

Then Laruen pulled back and looked at the necklace. "It's so pretty. Help me put it on," she requested. I gladly obliged her, reaching around to fasten the clasp behind her. She sat up and back a little. "How does it look?"

"Beautiful, because it's on you." A bit corny, I know; but it was how I felt. Lauren must have sensed my sincerity.

She once again put her arm around my chest and brought her face close to mine. Lauren's eyes were intensely serious as she looked into mine. She whispered, "Do you swear that you'll love me no matter what?"

It was my turn to have watery eyes. "Yes." I choked out. "I'll always love you more than you can even imagine. Nothing and no one can change that."

Lauren continued to peer into my eyes for a few moments, apparently weighing the veracity of my words. She must have been satisfied because she leaned to give me a warm, loving kiss. Again, I felt as though her kiss rescued me from a deadly abyss.

I should have been satisfied, but my jealousy of Dr. Steve was amplified by the whole affair. Plus, it only seemed fair to hear the same from her. I separated myself from the bliss of her kiss, and against my better judgment I asked, "Do you swear that you'll always love me too?"

"Yes. I'll always love you," was her thrilling reply. "You're the only man for me." With that she placed her lips back on mine.

This time, there were flames of passion in her kiss. Lauren thrust her tongue into my mouth. We kissed with a level passion that we had never reached before. Both of us had thought our perfect relationship was over. Now that we had regained each other, our feeling seemed more intense than ever. Lauren's hand slid down my torso to rest between my legs. She began fondling my manhood and balls. Her touch was like magic, causing an immediate stirring.

I stroked her rear, squeezing it lovingly but possessively. I then slipped my hand under her blouse to feel her bare back. I ran my finger up and down her back, marveling at the smooth softness which hid muscles like small bands of steel underneath.

I couldn't get enough of Lauren and was focused on devouring every last bit of her love from her lips when Susan sat down on the couch close behind me. I had completely forgotten she was there, but now her hand was reaching around to play with the hair on my chest. Lauren lovingly broke off our kiss and said to me, "I know you love me with all your heart." She smiled and kissed me sweetly. "But I think your heart is big enough to share a little of it."

With that, Lauren placed her hand on my chin and turned me around to face Susan. Susan's lovely face was close to mine. I stayed frozen, uncertain; but Susan brought her mouth to mine for a passionate kiss. I was like a stone until Lauren kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, "It's okay. Go ahead. I want this. I want to share your love with my mother."

Slowly, I began returning Susan's kiss. I let my lips enjoy dancing across hers. Susan's tongue played across my lips and darted between them. Still a little tentative, I gave a little rein to my desires and greeted her tongue with my own. Behind me, Lauren rewarded my increased involvement with her mother's mouth by stroking my back and sides and by seductively kissing my neck and shoulders.

Emboldened by Lauren's support of my actions, I put an arm around Susan and drew her to me. Hungrily, I dined on her sweet mouth again. "Yes, that's it," Lauren encouraged, pleasure evident in her voice. I was somewhat concerned when Lauren sat up away from me, but I shouldn't have been. In a moment, Lauren touched my shoulder and said, "I know they're not as spectacular as my mom's, but I hope you still like my little titties."

I turned to see Lauren topless, arching her back to display her perfectly formed C cups for me. They were far from little, and she knew it. But I went along with her game. "Lauren, no one could ever call your titties little. And you know that I find them so exquisite that I'm obsessed with them." I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her flat, firm tummy. I pulled her down, kissing my way up her body to her glorious breasts, which I inundated with enthusiastic kissing and nibbling.

"I just wanted to make sure," Lauren cooed. "After all, you're going to be enjoying my mom's, which are like the eighth wonder of the world. So, I want to know you can still appreciate mine."

"Oh, I appreciate them, alright." I greedily sucked one of her pert nipples into my mouth. Lauren gasped with pleasure, while I groaned with the same feeling. After a few moments of devouring first one breast then the other, I felt Susan's massive mountains pressing against the side of my face. Talk about being in heaven; I was surrounded by beautiful breast flesh.

"I could use a little attention, too," I heard Susan say. Lauren pulled away a little, and I took it as a signal to turn my attention to Susan. Lauren's breasts were truly flawless and had the pertness of youth on their side, but Susan's were so well formed and so large that there was no way I could have a favorite. I eagerly gave Susan the attention she requested. Susan was somewhat above me, and I was practically drowning in her ample bosom – what a way to go. I sensed Lauren get up again, but this time I didn't worry and just concentrated on making love to Susan – doing my best to pleasure her in addition to me.