Dreaming of a white Christmas Ch. 08


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"What have you been doing to these Angie?"

She moved closer and nibbled my ear before whispering; "They're just for you Terry, enjoy them while you can."

I certainly did enjoy them and the milk that seemed to flood from them the moment I got my lips around them and it went on for a long time. Moving back and forth between them seemed to make no difference to the endless river of unusually bitter tasting energy source. This was the first time it beat me, fifty minutes of suckling the gorgeous constant flow bloated me and I had to stop.

I reluctantly removed my mouth from the black pebble on the smooth brown orb and sat back with my head on the top of the sofa and my eyes closed.

"Oh Angie... Angie what, what, what have... are you doing to me?"

"Stay there."

I felt the weight lift from my knees and then from my thighs.

"Ah, ah, ah stay there with your eyes shut."

My knees were pushed apart, my robe opened and a hand surrounded my chubby followed by something hard, almost sharp, then warmth on my now hard willy. I looked down to see the mass of black wavy hair bobbing up and down, it felt good, sexy, unbelievable that I was sharing my life with such a lovely young girl, a girl a third of my age. I couldn't believe my luck.

The head bobbing stopped and Angie looked up with the mass of black waves regaining a modicum of shape and the big toothy grin smiling at me.

Hands slid up the outside of my thighs, to the waistband of my underpants and pulled down wards, I lifted my arse and felt the cloth slide past my buttocks followed by my knees closing and the navy blue bundle slipped right down my legs and off my feet.

Angie stood turned round and did a slow dance which turned into a striptease and what a bloody tease, first the light blue wraparound skirt slowly became unwound while her bum gyrated to reveal the bright red knickers, the skirt fell in a pile on the floor and the knickers just as slowly slid down those chunky legs so land on the skirt.

She turned and still gyrating her bum ran her hands all over herself, paying particular attention to her breasts, which looked a lot fuller than I expected with the amount of breastfeeding we'd just done, and her immaculately naked fanny. All through this she was singing 'Just for you' and each time that line cropped up she seductively pointed to me.

When Angie got to the end of the song she resumed her position astride my thighs but this time she held my cock in place and slipped her fanny down onto it and started some very vigorous hip thrusts leading to her whimpering and tensed up shaking against me with my head jambed between her tits when she came. By then I was holding her tight against me and kissed between her breasts until she relaxed.

I felt her slowly starting to move again and tried to push up into the warm fanny, Angie matched my movements and in no time I felt my little swimmers doing their job and leaving my body amid big convulsions... I slowed and stopped with Angie matching me.

Her arms slipped away from holding my head between her tits.

"That was magic Angie."

She held my jaw with both hands and brought our mouths together for a kiss. A nice kiss, no tongues or chewing lips but plenty of feeling.

We stayed there in that position for ages just holding onto each other until Angie complained her legs had gone dead and moved off to one side, carefully making sure she was sitting on my robe to keep any mess off the sofa.

"I can't believe it's three years Terry."

"Me neither Angie, I still can't believe my luck."

"Your luck! I'm the lucky one to have been given a roof over my head when I needed it."

"I've loved every minute of sharing my little house with you and Freddy and especially my bed with you." I looked at the clock and thought about what I may have been doing three years ago. "You were asleep by now and it must have been about the time Danni phoned." I reached over to get my phone and went back over the call history. "There we are, four minutes ago."

I accidentally touched the call button and Danni answered it before I realised. "Hello Danni, I was just looking at my phone... yes the decorations are all done... gone a bit over the top because, well I'll tell you all about it when I see you... yes we're in tomorrow... that'll be fine, see you then... Merry Christmas... bye."

"She's coming round tomorrow afternoon, after the school run."

"As simple as that you arranged bags of baby clothes... and clean knickers for me."

"There's magic for you."

"You should really think again about buying it you know. When the flats are rebuilt... and they will be... I'll be gone and this will be your man cave again."

"Let's go to bed."

After visiting the bathroom we settled in bed, Angie had positioned my head between her breasts and hugged. In that position one arm was kind of trapped between us and the other settled across her tummy, I rubbed it for a few moments thinking how firm it feels now there is less of it and finally moved my head down to kiss it.

Angie stroked my hair, "Come back here you nutter." She patted her breast.

I couldn't believe how quickly things progressed with the house purchase as first thing in the morning the solicitors called for some more information and I had to prove where the money came from, all to do with money laundering.

Later Danni arrived with two in tow, Angie let them in and I heard:



"F... Blinking heck."

"Where's Freddy?"

Then as they came through to the lounge:


"Wowwwwww. Fweddyyyy" I thought he was going to be knocked over with the speed they came together for a hug.

"I know you said 'over the top' but where on earth did all this come from?"

"First things first, who's ready for a drink?"

"Pink jooose peas arncle Derry."

"Me too please."

"Tea Danni?"


In the kitchen I started preparing the bits then picked up little bags of sweets and from the passage I held them up, so the children couldn't see, for Danni's approval. "Who would like one of these?" I handed the 3 bags out and returned with finished drinks.

"So why all this?" Danni gestured to the excess of decorations.

"Last Christmas here."

Danni's head snapped round to look at me like the result of a punch; "Last? Why last?"

"I'm buying number six, just along the road so I thought I'd give one last airing to every decoration that's ever been on show here."

"Apart from those dogs."

"Oh yes." I laughed as I described to Angie how I'd purchased a set of three glass baubles of dogs wearing Christmas hats and my niece stole them off the tree and nobody knew until Danni found the broken glass in a pocket, fortunately before it went in the washing machine.

"So why move?"

I explained about the repossession and the bargain price and what a lovely house it is etcetera.

I didn't say about renting this one out.

"Have you got a date yet?"

"No not yet, it'll be till next year."

"Well I never expected this to happen. Maybe when you were with Molly, possibly then. We really thought you were going to start a family with Molly."

"Well, I simply couldn't resist a bargain when it cropped up."

"Uncle Terry."

"Yes Carly?"

"This is silly." She pointed to a decoration.

"What is silly about a snowman riding a camel?"

"It just is, camels are from the desert and it's hot."

We all laughed and shortly after it went quiet when they left.

I negotiated exchange of larger items of furniture with Brian and Dianna as their rooms are so much bigger, their lounge and dining room furniture simply will not fit in my smaller house and I purchased the spare double bed and a number of other items. The bedrooms all have fitted wardrobes and all kitchen appliances built in so none of those to deal with so really the main bulky items were the beds and office furniture. Brian and Dianna had been filling boxes with items they didn't use regularly and stacked them in a bedroom for a month or more so they were already quite organised.

All the searches came back clear and I couldn't believe we were being begged to move by the original repossession date of the tenth. Brian and Dianna had to be out by then regardless and were quite keen to get it over and done with in one go.

A total of five extra people helped the four of us move, that's two neighbours, my brothers in law and Dianna's Brother over the course of the tenth and the two days of the weekend, we swapped houses using a selection of hand carts and boxes scrounged from the supermarkets, mostly cardboard vegetable trays which stacked very nicely on carts. It wasn't as chaotic as I expected it to be as we carried items back and forth and luckily the weather was dry.

Due to the short notice, I suggested the boxes stacked in the bedroom could stay for a while full of things they wouldn't need immediately and we also agreed to let garage contents stay until New Year when we'd have more time.

The outside decorations stayed put as did a little of my indoor bling.

Sunday evening we got a takeaway dinner for twelve, including Freddy and Jenny, around the seemingly massive dining table to say thanks to all who'd helped us, after they had gone we rapidly cleared away the evidence of dinner, bathed and bedded Freddy, showered and collapsed into bed... together.

"Any regrets Terry?"

"I feel like a dog with two tails, I've always liked these houses."

A rock hard nipple was placed in my mouth and following the three days of hard labour I enjoyed the relaxing peace with my hand resting on Angie's tummy until the blackness of sleep gradually overtook my senses.

I woke in the morning to an empty bed, stretched out to see what ached and I felt... not too bad for a pensioner. I found a toilet and pissed, splashed some water in relevant places and used a towel. Slipping on a robe I looked around the bedrooms to find them empty of living souls but piles of boxes all over the place.

Downstairs was much tidier but still not as it will be. In the kitchen I found freddy sitting at the little table with chocolate coloured cereals round his mouth, "A o Derry."

"Hello Freddy have you got cocoa pops?"


"Where's Mummy?"

I followed the direction of the mucky hand to the dining room.

"Good morning Angie."

"Oh you're up. Good morning."

She put down the items from the dishwasher she was sorting into a drawer and joined me for a quick kiss, I held on for a little bit more before breaking off. "Breakfast I think." We returned to the kitchen and sorted boxes of pots and pans while bread became toast and water became tea.

We spent the day finding places for thing and things for places and the doorbell rang, I was somewhat surprised a single bed was being delivered for Freddy, complete with Winnie the Pooh headboard and Tigger duvet cover and pillow case. He was made up with the surprise and spent the rest of the day rolling himself up in it. I soon dismantled the cot and carefully fixed the fittings to it so they didn't get lost and laid it on the spare bed for now. Angie made some comment about it may come in handy which made no sense to me.

Over the next few days we got everything sorted and arranged much easier and quicker than I expected, all of my family came round at some point for a cup of tea and a poke around, as did Elainer, she in particular fell in love with the kitchen and I insisted she came round one day to cook dinner like she had done three years before, oh my God I thought she was was having a fit with the excitement and promptly started making the shopping list and plans for the twenty-third which seems to have become 'our date'.

In the mean time all the other events managed to go ahead but we were very conscious of the covid situation and made contingency plans for everything in case the rules changed again, on top of sorting out 'moving-in' I managed to get Christmas decorations up and of course I had to buy some new ones for the new home.

As it happens additional covid restriction weren't introduced and Christmas kicked off with Elainer, just like before, she and Angie cooked the most amazing dinner while I spent time with Freddy and bathed him before nanny tucked him into his bed. Over dinner several times Elainer asked if there was any news to which the answer was 'I think we're up to date' or something similar. We had plenty of wine but Angie didn't seem to be keeping up. We shared more than a laugh or two and far too much fantastic vegetarian food but it was so nice and I even made the comment that if all vegetarian food was this good I could turn veggie. Elainers friend arrived to take her home and big hugs all round were followed with waving as her car vanished into the chilly night.

Half hour or so later the kitchen was spick and span, we checked on Freddy and went to bed via the bathroom. "Merry Christmas Angie."

"Merry Christmas Terry and thank you for tonight."

"For what?"

"Letting me entertain Mum and... and everything else you have done for me, for bathing and feeding Freddy earlier, for letting me entertain Mum, for everything."

"It should be me thanking you and your mum for such lovely food and for a lovely daughter."

Angie thumped my chest and we cuddled together like our lives depended on it.

I woke in the dark on Christmas Eve, very dark way and way down the bed with my head resting on Angie's belly I laid there for a short while enjoying the rhythmic movement of my head going up and down in time with her breathing until my bladder complained.

We spent the day doing the final things before Christmas and Danni dropped off the presents for me to take in the morning, as soon as it was dark we went for a walk to see the Christmas lights, Freddy seemed to get transfixed and excited about reindeers of which there were plenty to see this year. Typical Freddy, wouldn't go in the buggy and then ran out of steam, good ol' Terry ended up carrying him home, changed him into pyjamas and in bed without a glimmer of waking.

"What time are leaving in the morning?"

"About nine, any later and the kids will be screaming the place down. The alarm clock is set for 07:30." I mentally calculated we'd get a full eight hours sleep.

"Merry Christmas Terry and thanks again for everything." Angie leant in for a kiss.

I wasted no time after the kiss and moved down the bed to fill my mouth with a right tit, the flavour of the milk 'still had quite a tang' was the last thing I remembered as my hand found her firmer tummy and the blackness of contented sleep overcame my senses.

I saw there was about half an hour to go before the alarm was due to burst into life. I knew Angie was still sound asleep from her breathing pattern but I watched the green numbers on the clock for a few minutes before I gave in and gently slipped from the bed to turn off the alarm and start my morning ablutions.

"Arncle Derry."

I turned to see Freddy had followed me into the bathroom "Merry Christmas Freddy."

"Wee wee."

I pulled his nightwear and nappy down before lifting him to the toilet. "There's a clever boy." and the sound of piss on porcelain took over. I started running a shallow bath for him and as soon as he'd finished on the toilet I removed his pyjamas and lifted him straight into the tub and added a little bubble bath, maybe a little too much, or even a lot too much, as the suds started growing quite big until only his head and shoulders were showing.

"Is it cwismus?"

"Yes Freddy it is Christmas day, if you're lucky we may see Father Christmas today... but only if you're a good boy.

"Merry Christmas Tommy."

Someone hugged to my back and rubbed her hands over my chest as I tried to shave.

"And a very merry Crimble to you BBWAngie."

"Oh is there a Freddy in those bubbles?"

"Yes there is and do you know what Mummy."


"Freddy was a lovely dry boy today."

"Oh were you? You are so clever. Can I get in there with you?"

Trying to fill the tub to stop her Freddy slipped right down into the bubbles and sat up again rather quickly with the look that he couldn't quite make up his mind whether to cry or not. Angie stepped in with him and added more water.

I got on with my ablutions then left to get dressed and make some breakfast

Christmas morning was the usual chaos, after the little breakfast we loaded the car and drove to Danni's, I dropped Angie and Freddy to the predictable pandemonium of excited children, said I had to get something else and drove to the side road. I dressed as Santa and returned to the door carrying a big red bag where I was mobbed by the selection of youngsters. I handed out lots of presents then put the rest under the tree before bidding a Merry Christmas, with lots of ho, ho, ho's I left, walked round the corner ho, ho'ing and waving until out of sight and to safety. I got to the car, removed the red clothes and drove back to the house. I was mobbed with shrieks of missed Santa and he left some under the tree.

And the festivities began with ripping gaily decorated paper from random surprise items.

I was given a drink and allowed to sit. De ja vue kicked in as we chatted and remembered 2018. Danni's father-in-law, Gordon, monopolised Angie again, asking about the flats as he only lived about a mile from there. He tried to pour prosecco down her but she kept saying she was driving.

All too soon eighteen of us were seated around the three dining tables brought together for the occasion and the sound of crackers and whistles were followed by silly jokes, followed by Sellotape to adapt the tissue paper hats to fit all sizes and then the rattle of cutlery on china. As always Danni and Jack produced an amazing meal, Gordon had the honour of carving the turkey and his wife, Pamela, did the same with the Christmas pudding. Freddy enjoyed the dinner, unlike the first time when he slept through it.

After dinner Angie helped eleven year old Elizabeth with her big set of make-up and after washing up I helped ten year old Zoe build one of the designs in her new Meccano set, yep she has the biggest collection I've ever heard of. Several sets of snoring surrounded us at various times and every one of them vehemently denied dropping off when they awoke.

I ate too much, I drank too much and I slept too much, apparently I snored too much too but I didn't know anything about that at the time. Angie didn't drink much but she also said she was driving home so I took that as a go ahead to enjoy a tipple or two. We partied, we sang, we... heck yeah we did Christmas proud and Danni did the family proud as she always did.

Tea time seemed to be straight after dinner but we tucked in to another amazing spread and shortly after that it was bed time for the youngsters, I found myself giving piggy backs to some of them and assisting with refereeing the water fight with three of them in the bath. Nothing changes.

10pm Gordon always gave a speech, a bit of a family story for the two years since the last Christmas get together, raised a toast to 'Family' and raised his glass initially directly towards Angie and then said a prayer followed by singing 'We'll meet again' and then the party broke up with loads and loads of hugging and kissing.

I saw tears shining in the light from the house as we settled in the car.

"OK? Why the tears?"

"Your folks are so lovely."

"My folks? I think so but I'm biased but what about Elainer your mum?"


"I'd be hard pushed to compare them."

The chatter on the way home continued with the last twelve hours.

"I thought Bella and Kerim would be together by now, they always seem to be with each other but they don't live together, do they."

"That's Kerim for you... doing a bloody good job with Elizabeth and Zoe though."

"Yeah poor kids really need a mother figure."