Duplicity Ch. 03


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"Do I have a choice?" she queried sharply. "Was I the one who created this myth about myself? You told me no one would ask who my mother and father were, but that's all anyone ever wants to know. Who would befriend me when there's so much unknown about me?"

"No darling girl. I'm sure it hasn't been easy for you, but it needn't be so difficult if you would just be sweet and agreeable. Truly, everyone will believe anything from someone they like and you are not being very likeable are you? Oh yes I've heard how you've made no effort to befriend anyone at all. That just won't do. My darling, you always did keep everyone at arms length. None of us are truly satisfied with our lot in life, but one must make do."

If only he knew, Evelyn thought as she bite her lips to keep from refuting him. She was too exhausted to argue.

Edward studied her closely and noted the dark circles under her eyes. "Well dearest I've come with the answer to all your troubles!" he declared loudly with a broad grin.

At that Evelyn face turned ashen and her dark blue eyes widened in panic. "My troubles? -- did he--- how--?" she sputtered out at the same time Edward announced with flourish: "You're to be married!"

"I'm -- what?"

He placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled in in to press a hard, firm kiss upon her cheek but quickly jumped to his feet away from her when the parlor doors swung open to the butler with a tea tray. It took a moment for the tea to be poured while Evelyn's tired feverish mind flooded with questions. She had thought at first that somehow Edward had heard of her carriage ride with Lord Davenport. But marriage! That was the last bit of news she had expected him to bring to her!

Finally the butler bowed low and withdrew and they were alone once more.

"Edward! What do you mean I am to be married? To whom?" she queried.

"Well it was my idea and Father readily agreed. As soon as I heard of his dilemma, the answers all fell into place. Anyway, it's the perfect solution and Father has agreed to a handsome dowry for you my dear. It's almost equal to the one Elizabeth received. You'll have a proper title, and a better one to come. Wouldn't you like that? To eventually be Duchess? Oh it really does solve everything! I'm quite clever when it comes to these things you know. I've married off a school chum to a lovely young lady just last year. I've written to you about Charles Hensley haven't I?"

"Edward, please make sense," she plead.

Edward's cheeky dimpled grin widened as he relayed, between sips of his tea, how she was betrothed to the eldest son of the Duke of Northumberland; none other than the Marquess of Davenport! The king had given his whole hearted blessing and a contract was signed. As Edward excitedly recounted recent events as he perused the dishes of cakes before him, he completely missed the growing look of horror on Evelyn's face.

"So no more of this charade for you! No more Warwicks" Finally Edward finished speaking just as he decided against all the cakes with a disdainful grimace. Instead he looked at Evelyn expectantly with a pleased look on his eager face. He fully expect her to cry out in joy and declare him the smartest man in all of England at any moment.

For a moment there was no sound at all except for the ticking of a mantelpiece clock. Evelyn's ashen face turned more pale as she sat in stunned, stony silence.

"Evelyn?" Edward finally said. "Are you not pleased? I've ensured your happiness! A most worthy fellow is the Marquess of Davenport! I've dined with him on several occasions. Most interesting fellow if I recall correctly. He's most admired for his bravery during the Continental campaign. Something to do with surviving a winter without food and crossing the Alps barefoot or something. Women seem to like that sort of thing, I'm told. Evelyn? Well say something! Tell me how happy I've made you!"

A small hysterical laugh bubbled up to Evelyn's lips. She quickly pressed her fist to her mouth but could not contain another shrill laughter from bubbling over. Oh she was so tired she must have heard wrong! The thought of it was beyond irony.

Edward stood over her with a bewildered look on his face as he anxiously sipped from his teacup. "Really Evelyn" he exclaimed after a time. Then a look of understanding crossed his brows and he cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Well, I suppose it would be best if Lady Warwick were to have a talk with you about uh ....what you might expect uh.... as a wife that is. Such matters of delicacy ought to remain within the feminine domain. You needn't be frightened though. It's all... very natural." He cleared the frog from his throat, looked even more embarrassed and uncomfortable as he drained his teacup.

"Oh Edward!" Evelyn nearly shrieked between peals of laughter that turned to sobs. Suddenly Evelyn turned pale and somber again as she turned her horror filled dark blue eyes upon Edward. "When did you say my betrothal was settled?"

"Last night."

"And he has agreed to this? Lord Davenport, I mean?"

"Well I'd imagine he knew something was in the works," Edward replied sheepishly. "I was given the impression that he cares little for the specifics. Why else would he have left the whole decision to his father to sort out? Quite sensible really, if you ask me. Marriage is an affair of contracts, estates and titles. It's much too important for one to just settle on one's own."

Romance was best saved for the cinq à sep away from the home, Edward thought to himself with a wicked chuckle. Best not to say that to Evelyn.

"Never the less Lord Davenport will not object once he learns its to be you. You've grown into quite a beautiful woman if a brother is allowed to say such things. You have met him, haven't you? At any rate, I wanted to inform you first. Turn your mind towards the idea as it usually matters more to the bride"

"Do you mean he-- he doesn't know?" Evelyn sputtered incredulously.

"I'm sure he knows something.... Hardly matters as I'm sure he'll be pleased to have a wife as beautiful as you. Have you met? I assumed that you have. Everyone of this lot is bound to run into everyone else eventually."

"How could such a thing have happened without my knowledge or consent?" she asked weakly as her lashes fluttered.

Somehow this was not at all the reaction Edward had been expecting from her at his good news. Was she just in shock? He watched helplessly as she suddenly cupped her hands over her face and burst into tears.

"Oh there there! Did you hope for romance then? Why that stuff of falling in love you young girls read about is purely fiction I assure you. Many happy marriages were made this way! Now, now. You cried less from being stung by a bee when you were five! There, no more tears dearest! I thought you wanted nothing more than to be away from here?"

Evelyn was inconsolable and Edward let her cry with a look of utter helplessness. Certainly not the reaction he had expected. Then another thought occurred to him. "He's not so very old you know. Quite a handsome fellow too. You ought to be pleased. And if he proves disagreeable you'll have so many homes you won't ever have to see him. He's quite wealthy you know, but I think Father intends to give you Windmore Castle as your dowery. Wouldn't that be grand?"

"Thank you Edward," Evelyn said finally when she calmed herself a bit. " You must think me most ungrateful. You were doing what you thought was best for me. But this is the lot of women is it not? Her life has never been her own from the moment she was borne. Her only protection is her honor but that is so easily taken--" She burst into a fresh flood of tears.

"It's not as bad as all that!" he said indulgently. "Here, have your tea. That'll do you good. You'll soon get use to the idea and will be happily planning your wedding.. We'll even put off telling Davenport himself until you feel more amiable to it idea. Whatever makes you happiest."

Her dark blue eyes shone brightly with lingering ears even as she looked up at him eagerly. "Yes Edward! I need a period of adjustment. It's all so sudden. Time, that's what I need I'm sure. Please, if you could keep it a secret for just a bit longer, even from him... I'm sure... I will make it right!"

********************************************** After Edward left, Lady Warwick was in a state. She could not get over the excitement of having the king's youngest son under her roof, and was most displeased that she didn't get an audience with him. She pressed Evelyn with questions but soon gave up when Evelyn, red-eyed and weary, excused herself with claims of a headache. Lady Warwick knew by now that Evelyn would never say anything she didn't want to, the most disagreeable child! Even so, a prince had been in her home! There were calls to be made that morning and she already knew how she would let it slip that royalty had been in her parlor!

So the Lady Warwick and her sisters were not at home when the Lady Ann Seymour came to visit with the Warwicks. The Earl wasn't feeling well enough for visitors which left Lady Evelyn to greet the Baroness alone.

Evelyn drew an uneasy breath. She was still trembling from the latest revelation but she did as she should and invited the Lady Ann to sit in the same parlor Edward had vacated not two hours earlier. "My cousin is not at home and I'm afraid I am a poor substitute," Evelyn said with as much composure as she could muster.

"My dear child!" Lady Ann exclaimed, forgoing the usual formalities. "How pale and tired you look. Whatever could be the matter?"

Evelyn smiled weakly as fresh tears threatened to spill again. Lady Ann saw the slight tremble in Evelyn's chin at the subject of friendship, and took note of Evelyn's red and swollen eyes and puffy cheeks were two indentations were starting to form just above her cheekbones. The girl was a wreck and Lady Ann was determined to discover the cause.

"I can't possibly trouble you Lady Ann. You'll think me so silly."

Ann took ahold of Evelyn's hands and pulled her towards a window seat. It was a narrow seat that forced the two ladies to sit quite close as was Ann's intention. The older woman's beautiful face was full of warmth and sympathy. "I too was not borne into this lot. For many years I have been an outsider much like yourself. They can be most unkind to newcomers so I've made it my duty to befriend the friendless. I see something troubles you child and I gladly extend my friendship to you as well."

"I shouldn't trouble you--"

"Of course you have Lady Warwick as your confident," Ann said quickly and took note of Evelyn's slight cringe. Ann then produced a silky handkerchief and pressed it warmly into Evelyn's hands. "However one can never have too many friends. My only regret is that I didn't come to you sooner. You are still just a child really. My own daughter is a year or two younger than you. She is away at school but I fear when she returns her debut will not be any easier on her as has been on you."

"It has been rather trying," Evelyn admitted as she held Ann's handkerchief in her listless hands, too physically exhausted and emotionally drained for pretenses.

That was just what Lady Ann had hoped to hear. She picked up her handkerchief and tenderly dabbed at the tears on Evelyn's cheeks. "My dear girl, there is no reason why we shouldn't be friends. I am new to you, but I have been a trusted confident to Lady Warwick for many years now. As much as I love her, I know her faults. Perhaps because I am much older and with a daughter of my own, I am in a much better position to provide guidance and perhaps even comfort."

"Lady Warwick has her own sisters to look after," Evelyn agreed in a soft voice.

Lady Ann clicked her tongue on the roof her mouth. "There now, Lady Evelyn. Such sadness in one so young and beautiful. It simply breaks my heart as I think I see my own Bess before me."

Evelyn smiled through her tears at her new friend. The golden gilded clock on the mantel chimed again, taking Evelyn back back to what Edward had said to her earlier that morning. What had he said to her about holding herself guarded against others, and putting off all would-be friends to shield her vulnerable little heart? Perhaps this was redemption coming to her now in the form of the kindly Lady Ann Seymour who so unguardedly offered Evelyn her friendship.

All the emotions that played across Evelyn's face was plain for Lady Ann to see. "Unburden yourself, as much as you wish," Lady Ann said kindly. "Know that your secrets will be safely and jealously guarded by me."

Lady Ann Seymour listened intently as Lady Evelyn gave her new friend a broad strokes version of what she had endured. Ann felt her fist clench and she felt bitter bile rise in her throat when Evelyn mentioned, almost in passing that Lord Davenport "did not appear a gentleman." Ann had an idea what Evelyn meant. .

"Oh my sweet child!" Ann declared at last with a cheery chuckle. "Such are the ways of men or haven't you learned! No man behaves the way women think they ought to. Of course now that there's a betrothal, all that came before is trivial."

"Still I cannot marry him!" Evelyn declared. "I-- simply can't!."

Lady Ann pressed her shoulder against Evelyn's and dropped her forehead against the young woman's bowed head. "What will you do? Shutter yourself in a convent? Or will you remain a spinster for the rest of your days? Silly girl. You are far too beautiful for such a fate. Would marriage to the Marquess be so terrible? Do you not find him pleasing to look at, even a little? I know so many young ladies who swoon at the sight of him."

"I--" Evelyn sputtered. "I cannot tell you--- or tell anyone why, but this marriage is most horrifying to me."

"Perhaps you love him already and fear these new feelings in you? That is often the case of first love for girls your age."

"I don't know what it is to be in love," Evelyn answered with downcast eyes, her pale face suddenly flush with a deep rosy color.

Ann chose her next words carefully. "But you do feel something?" she guessed. "Something perhaps you can't yet admit to yourself? You don't know whether to stay or go when he is near? You blush at the mention of his name? Perhaps there are feelings... deep inside you... as though your insides have turned to liquid? Oh my dear girl! Every woman have experienced what you're experiencing now. Not many get to actually have the object of their affections."

"You must understand, Lady Ann," Evelyn cried earnestly. "I never asked for any of this. I simply cannot fathom what Lord Davenport has planned for me. I know whatever it is, I wouldn't be able to bear it. Whatever shall I do? My guardian contracted me to him. I think there is no escape for me, other than to--"

"To what? Run away?" Lady Ann guessed correctly. "Where might you run too? A young lady such as yourself, defying the Marquess of Davenport? Who will give you shelter? Have you thought this through, child?"

From Evelyn's slumped shoulders and look of limpid distress, it was clear that she had not.

Lady Ann reached forth and cupped Evelyn's small, sad face in her hands with all the warm and tenderness of a loving mother. "Do not fret my child. I will help you devise a plan. Trust in my friendship!"

End of Chapter 3

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Horseman68Horseman68over 7 years ago
Better and then Better.

Great story that keeps getting better. So much potential and can't wait to see where it goes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

One can only hope that Lady Ann is not as duplicitous as the title hints!

LaChatteNoireLaChatteNoireover 10 years ago
Great fun

I'm really enjoying your characters and the direction you're taking with this story, but I hope that you will get an editor. There are a lot of typos and grammatical errors that can be rather distracting. For example, the Prince of Whales belongs in The Little Mermaid!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This is very well written and I'm itching to know what happens next

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Oh, please, please, please! Keep developing this great story further! It's one of the most intriguing and exciting in here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Where are you!?!

Waiting in anticipation here for the next installment!! We need you!

wws_wwswws_wwsover 10 years agoAuthor

Thanks for your comment. Hoping that if you'll stick with me here and you'll be entertained with an interesting story along with some steamy scenes. As always I appreciate any and all feedback. Happy Holidays.

missthomasmissthomasover 10 years ago

well done! i loved how you had a longer chapter. cant wait to see what lady ann will do she seems quite sneaky. tsk tsk john hes got fate on his side, but we shall see.

cant wait for more!

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