Dynamic Duo Pt. 01


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Before he could intervene a second time, Aunt Madge stopped him and told him. If her let Shia get away she would disown him. Chris smiled, and looked around. Shia was his other half and after tonight, everyone would know. Chris knew he had to say something tonight, but first he has to speak with his daughters, being somewhat shy, he asked each girl for a dance at which point, he told them his plans. Both girls approved, and were willing to help.

Shia had a great time talking with friends, family. Chris watched, wanting to rip he arms off of any other man that touched her, especially James. Then things took an interesting turn, Jim joined him and congratulated him. According to the other man, Shia was besotted. Soon, the party slowed and the music softened. The girls shared a look. It was time.

As everyone talked, Chris walked over to Shia and took her hand. She looked at him, slightly puzzled. Her friend stepped back. Chris being ever the gentleman cleared his throat and spoke truthfully his feelings he'd held inside all of the previous years.

"Dance with me." Chris whispered.

Smiling, Shia wrapped her arms around him as they sway to the soft r and b over the speakers. Chris held her so firmly, that Shia had to keep reminding herself he was only a friend and her boss also.

Soon, the song faded, and the two were not aware that anyone else in the room. Chris took a deep breath.

"Twenty, I can't believe they are twenty." Chris whispered.

Shia nodded. Chris was not done. I'm through hiding you know. I have hidden for over fourteen years; I didn't want to risk you leaving, so I hid. He stopped and led her to a bench. Shia was scared now. What was he trying to say?

Shia shook, as Chris pulled out a velvety box, kneeling on one knee before family and friends, he asked the one question he'd waited to ask for over a decade.

She didn't answer right away and Chris was terrified. He looked up, and she was nodding Y ES!

Everyone was cheering. He lifted her, twirling her around, screaming that she said yes. Soon everyone congratulated them and the girls insisted on planning the wedding.

Shia and Chris agreed, and the girls had calls to make. Before Chris drove Shia home, his family teased him and said it was about time.

Several weeks flew by. Shia was amazed at how quickly plans fell into place. She literally had to do nothing. Her sister was matron of honor. Chris' brother was best man. Her girls were bridesmaids as well as Chris's nieces. The pastor of her church already had the ceremony prepared. All she and Chris had to do was show up at the wedding. She decided to select a gown, and Annette had already chosen three. A part of her swished Momma was here, but Madge reminded her that she was always I their hearts.

One night, as she was lounging at Chris's home, the two needed some alone time, Chris sighed. Shia looked at him. He smiled. "So, this time next week, you'll be Mrs. Chris Brighton. I like the sound of that."

Shia smiled, "Well, Mr. Brighton, just be ready sir. I promise you this; you are headed into the venture of your lifetime." They kissed. The two had decided to live separately as soon as they announced their engagement, but Chris found that he needed Shia with him all of the time. Chris laughed and Shia loved the sound of his laughter.

On a clear fall afternoon, Shia and Chris took their vows before family and friends. The small church was packed. LaKita and LaTika both stood with their parents. Soon, the ceremony ended, and Chris and Shia celebrated into the night.

LaKita and LaTika were the happiest they had ever been.


LaKita was twenty-two years old. She and her sister finally separated and moved to different parts of the country. She missed her family, especially her Mom and new stepdad. This was their birthday weekend and she and LaTika decided to visit home as a surprise for her parents. Besides, it had been two years since they had seen them and were excited when Mom told them they would have new sibling before Christmas



"Kita, where are you? I'm almost there. I wanted to arrive at the same time. "LaTika explained.

"Hey girl, I'm approaching Main Street now. Let's meet up at Aunt Annette's, and then we can go to the house together." LaKita stated.

Soon the girls arrived at Annette's home. Annette greeted them, holding each young woman tightly. It had been two years since her babies had left and now they were home. Shia and Chris had no idea. Annette called Chris, asking was now a good time to stop by.

Chris answered and told her to stop by. Shia was going stir crazy. His sister and mother were already there and at eight months pregnant, Shia was cranky.

The main recipient of her ire was her loving husband Chris. He was patient and did everything he could to make her happy. His wife and child were the most important people in his world right now. Last night, the twins called, and Shia was so happy to talk with their daughters.

Chris wanted to see them. They both moved away two years ago, and neither had an opportunity to visit home. After the baby was born and old enough, they were traveling to see their daughters.

Shia was ordered to sit by Mom and Chris knew she would be annoyed. He decided to sit with her and let her channel her discontentment towards him. Just as she sat, Annette walked in. Shia sighed, Another person is here that will treat me like I'm helpless.she thought.

"Hey baby Sis. I know you don't want to be bothered, but I brought some people that really want to see you with me." Annette added smiling.

"Really, Annette, I don't want company. Shia started to complain when behind Annette her daughter walked in. Shia squealed with joy and the girls hugged their Mom. Chris was next and everyone was excited to see that they had come home. They were not staying long but wanted to see their Mom and dad. Soon everyone was visiting and Shia was simply overjoyed.

The girls visited for a few days, but promised to try and come home when the baby arrived. Chris hugged them and told them to come back anytime. LaKita returned to work relaxed and happy. Nothing would ruin her good mood.

"Seales, welcome back. I see the week off did you a world of good." Her boss stated.

LaKita smiled, "Yes sir, it was wonderful."

"Well, I'm glad. It's nice to see you smile. Now, let's get to work." He added.

LaKita didn't waste a moment. Soon the day began, and she worked several caseloads. Her boss was impressed. Unbeknownst to LaKita, the CEO of the company stopped by for a visit.

Brandon Wend started this company when he was twenty years old. Many people were astonished that a kid from the middle of nowhere had the ability to manufacture and produce a product that would be desired worldwide. His offices maintained immaculate records on his products.

As he entered the main office, he saw her. She was working at her computer and concentrating so hard, that she never realized he entered the room.

LaKita was working when she realized everyone was quiet. She looked up. Standing in the middle of her office was the most handsome man she'd ever seen.

"Ms. Seales, come here." Her boss called.

LaKita joined them, eyeing the new man carefully.

"LaKita, this is Mr. Wend. He is the founder and CEO of the company. He is doing quality control checks and because of your efficiency, our office has been highlighted." He explained.

LaKita smiled, and Bradford almost forgot to breathe. Her hazel eyes sparkled, and he watched her carefully. He had to call Thomas. His brother was better at reading people than he was. He wanted him to meet this woman.

The meeting was short with him shadowing the office becoming more and more impressed. He would talk with Thomas and they would consider revamping the offices and modeling them after this branch.

He had many questions and wanted only the lovely LaKita to answer. So, he called on her constantly throughout the day.

Brandon left the main office and returned to his hotel. He called his brother. Thomas was across the country attending a medical conference. He was a partner in the company, but left the day to day running to his brother.

"Who is she? Do I need to hire the detective?" Thomas teased as soon as he picked up.

Brandon chuckled, "She is a Nubian goddess that I plan to marry one day. I've done my research. She has a sister a twin. Guess what, the twin lives in Washington. She is in the same city as you in fact."

Thomas was intrigued, "Really, and what is the name of my future sister-in-law."

Brandon sighed, "LaKita Seales, She fascinates me."

Thomas smiled, "I want to meet this girl."

Brandon took a deep breath, "First, I have to get past her dislike of me. She truly detests me, but I will win her over."

Thomas laughed, "Ah ha, A challenge. This girl has me fascinated."

Brandon smiled, His brother always put him at ease. Changing to topic, he asked about his presentation, "Hey, are you ready for tomorrow?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Thomas replied.

The brothers chatted a bit more and then hang up.

LaKita was home. Her mind kept drifting to her handsome boss. He was so smug, conceited, and egotistical. He thought he knew everything. Well, it was his company and his product, so maybe he did. However, did he have to be so smug about it. He'd ask her questions then wait for an answer just to redirect and frustrate her to no end. By the time the day ended, she wanted as much space between them as she could muster. Then he smiled, and her body throbbed. Damn it! She thought, What is it about egotistical jerks that get to me? She was turned on by him. "How can a man that looks that damn good be such an ass?" She asked out loud. As she contemplated, LaTika called.

"Hello." LaKita answered.

"Uh oh, what's his name? How do I get rid of him?" LaTika teased.

LaKita smiled, "Brandon Wend. He's CEO of the company I work for. He is egomaniac, but too damn good looking. He had so many questions. Every few minutes he called me to him. I swear, if this happens tomorrow, I'm going to snap."

LaTika laughed. LaKita was very short-tempered. This reaction did not surprise her.


LaTika hang up after talking with her sister for over an hour. She had a workshop the next morning and needed her rest. Going to bed, she wondered about the man that flustered her sister so. Tika smiled, it was good for her sister to be challenged.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to LaTika, across town, Thomas Wend was up working. He smiled as he thought of the conversation he had with his twin earlier. Shaking away foreign thoughts, he had to focus. He had to present new equipment to technicians. He was nervous and decided to peek in on the audience. He saw an incredibly beautiful woman. She was a nurse or someone that used medical equipment. She was attending his presentation. He watched her and her friends and as each moment passed, he forced his body to calm and stood before his audience. LaTika was not really paying attention, and then she heard his voice. Her heart pounded.

Thomas spoke, but without causing interruptions, eyed the lovely woman intently. Soon, it was time for a break and he headed straight to her table. She didn't speak but her coworkers had many questions. As he addressed them, she excused herself. One of the women said something about working with LaTika. It was then he noticed her note pad, LaTika Seales was written neatly across the top of the page.

Just like clockwork, he remembered his brother was fascinated by a woman with a similar name. Thomas smiled, it seemed he and his brother had found two sisters that they wanted to get to know.

The break ended and Thomas finished his presentation.

LaTika was quiet. He was handsome, but something about him captivated her. She could not figure out what, but she had plans to figure it out. The short break ended and the group returned to the seminar. LaTika was riveted. As the session concluded, Thomas approached her.

"Hello, I'm Thomas Wend. You already know that. I was wondering if we could go out for a cup of coffee or something." He asked nervously.

LaTika examined him closely. Thomas Wend was a handsome man. LaTika could not keep her eyes off of him. He was also sweet, shy even. She smiled, "I'm LaTika Seales." Thomas gasped. He smiled, "So, will you join me for a coffee?"

LaTika smiled, "Of course."

The two ended up having a light dinner and got to know each other really well. Thomas was nervous. He knew she had a sister, because his brother was just as captivated by her. He decided to bit the bullet and tell her about his brother.

LaTika laughed, "Let me get this straight. Your brother is CEO of Wend Corp. He mentioned my sister to you. Oh, buddy this is good. Call him."

Thomas explained if he was working he would not like being disturbed. But dialed anyway. Brandon had actually called LaKita over to his suite.

LaKita had just arrived. He opened his door and for a moment he forgot to breathe. "Hello, Miss Seales, come in. Thank you for coming over. Let's have dinner and I can tell you why I asked you to come here."

Please, sit. I'll be right back." Brandon stated. He went to get his phone which rang as they were leaving. It was Thomas. "Excuse me, it's my brother."

LaKita waited as he answered, then she heard him say "What?"

"Um, Miss Seales, my brother has someone that wants to speak with you." He transferred the phone to speaker.

LaKita spoke, "Hello,"

LaTika teased, "Really Kita, you tried to keep a secret from me."

LaKita laughed, "Tika, what are you doing? How did you figure it out?" The women chatted and the men simply watched. Both girls' phones rang. They squealed. They had a new brother and had to go home to meet him.

"Um, we can take you." Brandon stated. "My jet can fly us to Washington to pick up your sister, and Thomas and I can escort you to your parents.

LaKita hugged and thanked him. "Tika, airport, now." And the four took off.

Within the hour, Brandon and LaKita were in flight to pick up their siblings. As they landed, Thomas and LaTika prepared to board the plane. As they entered the two men greeted each other. The girls were introduced and they talked. Thomas and Brandon were twins. Thomas was in fact fifteen minutes younger than his brother. Brandon, as the oldest, was also the bossier of the two. LaKita could relate. She was the older twin.

LaTika shook her head, all of her sympathy with Thomas.

As the two bantered back and forth, LaTika and LaKita could not help but admire the two handsome men. They were handsome, almost too handsome to be real. The men noticed that both girls were silent.

Brother, they are curious. I wonder if they are connected as we are? Brandon sent.

Thomas chuckled, They could be, Brandon. Let's see. I'll project a thought to LaKita, if she reacts, then it would seem our brides are gifted as well as beautiful. Thomas replied.

Wait, I'll send to my own lady. You send to yours. Brandon suggested, instantly jealous of the idea of this mate receiving images from another male, even his brother.

Thomas chuckled; the girls looked over at them. Thomas sent to LaTika. Just as Brandon sent a soothing a sexy thought to LaKita. LaKita gasped as her body flamed and the naughtiest thought entered her head. At the same time, LaTika was watching Thomas. She knew.

"Kita, there is something different about them." She whispered.

Thomas and Brandon then sat with them. The girls eyed them even more warily. "Ladies, we mean no harm. We were just curious. We have never met anyone that is like we are. You two are gifted just like we are. Only another person that has this psychic ability would receive the images we just sent you." Thomas explained.

'The pilot announced that they were about to land, and everyone buckled in. As they exited the airport, LaTika and LaKita stayed close, as the brothers walked behind them. Soon, they rented a car and headed to the hospital where there mom had just given birth.

As they arrived, they were greeted by family and soon forgot about their escorts. Thomas and Brandon seemed to fade into the background. That was not usual, they were always unnoticed. As the girls walked into their mother's room. The sense of love, and genuine affection covered the two men. They knew, for certain that this is what they wanted.

Chris looked up and saw them. The look on his face told the women all they needed to know. Daddy was glad his little girls were home, but he most definitely did not like the guys that brought them home.

"Hello, gentlemen, welcome. I'm Chris, their stepfather. Thank you for getting them here." He added. He shook both men's hands. He had questions, but they could wait. He had a new son, and wanted his daughters to meet their brothers.

The two smiled, "No problem sir. It was our pleasure."

Then a nurse entered and everyone but immediate family had to leave. Knowing they had work the next day, the girls went home. The flight back was quiet. Finally, the girls shared a look and asked, "What are you?"

The brothers smiled, "Just regular guys. We have some psychic gifts. It's hereditary." Brandon explained.

LaKita and LaTika shared a look. "That's why you two are so successful. You can read people." LaTika exclaimed.

The girls were captivated. They often did special thins with one another as they grew up. But as they grew older, they wanted their own identities so as they grew older they sought more independence. Both women were silent. The brothers waited. They were nervous. No one spoke. Then Thomas had to say something. "You have a great family. Thanks for allowing us to take you to see them."

LaTika smiled, "No, thank you guys. We can never repay you for this."

LaKita added in. "Tika's right. Thanks." The four just chatted for the rest of the flight. Soon, the fight came to an end. The plane landed in Washington, LaTika and Thomas exited. As the four split up,

Thomas and LaKita finished their journey home.

"Look, thank you for doing this for us. Mom and Chris have always wanted a new baby. I just can't believe I'm a big sister to a newborn at my age." She laughed. Brandon smiled.

"Yes, he was cute. Bet he'll be spoiled rotten. You know, I can give you time if you want to go back and help your Mom." Brandon suggested.

LaKita smiled. "No, she has Aunt Annette and many friends around. Besides, Tika and I are going home for a long visit in the spring. I'm saving my vacation days for that trip." She watched him. "You know, Brandon, you're a nice guy."

Brandon smiled, "Don't let that secret get out." Soon, the pilot announced that they were approaching to land and he smiled. LaKita watched him, fascinated.

The end of part one.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

B.s. “ short”; 4 chapters. Short is 2-3 pages.

Fefe1969Fefe1969about 8 years ago
5 Stars

Enjoyed the chapter.

crazysexykool93crazysexykool93about 8 years ago
good start!

Interested in seeing where this goes!

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