Episode I - Our Shared Hope


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Lim was even more concerned about having little clue what to do. Kissing? Kissing was fine, but what about... other things? Loo-See had tried to enlighten her, but Lim had been too embarrassed to listen to her mother, calling a halt to the conversation. Maybe she should leave. Go and try to fit in a training session. At least Lim knew about that. At least she felt confident about her Jedi skills. Yes, she had rushed into this. No way did Lim want to disappoint Obuna, let alone have her friend laugh about her manifold physical shortcomings with others.

Decided, Lim stood. At that moment, Obuna reentered the room. And the lavishness of the furnishings dimmed in comparison to her. Lim was speechless at the sight of the Togruta Goddess that had appeared.

Obuna giggled a little self-consciously, her orange cheeks now a shade of vermillion, her long headtails pulsing. "It's tradition, the mating costume of my people. Do you like it?"

Obuna spun slowly. She was wearing a long white robe, its hem flowing across the marble tiles. It was diaphanous, as if just the lightest of mists was cloaking her, and it was entirely open from neck to floor at the front. Lim found herself irresistibly drawn to look at where the other woman's legs met her body, an area of smooth skin meeting folds of flesh that were entirely exposed.

Looking higher, Obuna's breasts were barely concealed by the sheer material. Their elegant curves and swells were more than evident, as were her wide, umber areola. And then Obuna's face, looking more lovely than Lim had ever realized. She couldn't stifle her gasp of astonishment and appreciation. Lim began to panic, thinking, 'this is too much, too much for tiny, ugly me, what was I thinking?'

Sensing Lim's consternation, Obuna quickly stepped forwards and caressed the other woman's cheek soothingly. "I'm sorry, Lim, too much, too soon? And I sense my clothing is making you uncomfortable."

Lim found her voice, but spoke falteringly. "Not uncomfortable, no. Inadequate maybe. You're... you're... beautiful. And... I... I'm... well I'm just me. How could you ever...?"

Obuna finished Lim's sentence. "...do this?" With that she kissed Lim hard and eased just the very tip of her tongue into her friend's mouth. Lim moaned involuntarily.

Obuna whispered. "Listen, Lim. It's OK, sit down and we'll go really slow, OK?"

Lim nodded. When both women were sitting, Obuna gently pushed Lim back and down onto a large pillow. Then she rested her head on Lim's chest, listening to her labored breathing. Labored breathing, and something else, a double thudding sound.

Sitting up again, she smiled at Lim. "So I guess there is more of the Zabrak to you than appears on the surface."

Lim blushed. "That? Well yeah. I've got the whole twin heart thing from Mom. And...?"

"And?" Asked Obuna.

"Well, um... give me your hand."

Lim took her friend's hand and ran it through her hair, pushing Obuna's finger-tips against her skull in various places. "Here... and here... and all along here..."

Obuna's smile broadened. "You're just a little horny, right?"

Lim grinned, feeling slightly less uncomfortable. "Kinda, just under the skin. Apparently they won't grow any bigger."

A further thought crossed Lim's mind. She was shocked by it, but the words had passed her lips before she could stop herself.

"And there are some other things. But... but... I'd have to get undressed."

Obuna purred, "please do," in such a seductive way that -- before she really realized what she was doing, Lim stood, loosened, and eased off her robes.

Standing naked, Lim's fleeting confidence sank away, and she felt vulnerable and unlovely. She wrapped an arm defensively across her meager breasts and placed another between her legs as an ineffective shield.

Lim couldn't breathe and felt the room spinning. Then Obuna's arms were around her and -- for the first time -- Lim thought maybe, just maybe, it would all be OK.

Obuna kissed Lim softly, and said one word, "where?"

A little reassured, but mostly thinking that her friend must just be pitying her, Lim slowly moved her upper arm. Sitting below her tiny breasts were three zig zag curves, the outer two red, the inner black. They were faint and thin, swooping under each small mass of flesh, and up to her sternum.

Obuna seemed mesmerized by them, tracing their path with a a finger-tip. "Exquisite," she breathed.

Lim grudgingly acknowledged her friend's words. "Thanks, more things to thank Mom for, I guess. Though I'd have preferred to inherit her breasts."

Obuna looked confused. "But it was your breasts I was referring to, angel. Your vestigial Zabrak markings are lovely, but your breasts are absolutely adorable." She leaned and kissed each nipple, sending thrills down Lim's spine.

Astonished, Lim found herself moving her lower hand. "And... and there is... this..."

Her smooth mound was etched with the same alternating red and black tracery. Thin, serrated lines radiating from the center, forming a sun-like motif. Lim stuttered, "I... I think it's kinda... kinda pretty. I never... never showed anyone..."

Obuna kneeled, her robe billowing around her, and placed one kiss at the heart of the symbol. "It's perfect, you're perfect, Lim. Now, shall we go to my bedroom?"

It was Lim's turn to say one word, a barely audible, "yes."

-- -- --

Both hearts pounding, Lim followed Obuna to her chamber. It had no door, just a curtain dividing it from the corridor. Obuna pulled it back and waved Lim inside. As the drape fell back in place, the Togruta eased the flimsy robe off her shoulders and the two girls embraced naked. Lim's uncertainty remained, but a rising tide of desire was beginning to displace it.

As she kissed her friend with surging passion, Lim was certain of one thing, she wanted much more than just kissing. Tentatively, her hand cupped Obuna's sculpted rear, and she felt the other woman's breathing deepen at her touch. Obuna moved her mouth down to Lim's neck, and she moaned as the Togruta's lips and warm breath tingled.

Lim pulled back and looked at her friend's large, soft areolae longingly. But she still worried about what to do, about what Obuna might like. "May I... May I kiss them? Would that be OK?"

Obuna giggled. "Of course. Tell you what, you can do anything you like. Just think what you might like someone to do to you, then do that. If there's a problem, I'll tell you, agreed?"

"Agreed," said Lim, with a smile.

She bowed and first rubbed her nose gently against Obuna's silky flesh. The pale blue lines that framed her friend's face also covered her body, making her look like a sensuous puzzle, one that Lim longed to solve. Then, with a little hesitation and an upward glance to check again for permission, she took Obuna's right nipple in her mouth. As her lips closed, Lim could feel her friend's muscle fibers contract and her flesh harden. It was the most erotic feeling, but topped quickly by Obuna putting her hand between Lim's legs and beginning to stroke her.

Lim had pleasured herself before, of course, many times. But the sensations caused by another doing the same were at a different level of intensity, overlaid by an emotional vortex that was now churning inside her. She could no longer focus on her friend's breasts. Instead she straightened, closed her eyes, and let the feelings of arousal generated by Obuna's digits flow through her, enlivening her nerves, making her twitch, and tense, and now -- as the other girl pressed harder -- whimper and sigh.

And then Obuna paused her manual stimulation, and Lim stared at her almost pleadingly, so greatly did she miss the sensual massaging. The young Togruta smiled, understanding Lim's desire, and seemingly pleased with the needs she was awakening in her friend.

"It's OK, Lim, it feels nice doesn't it? I just thought maybe we could get more comfortable. I could do something else, something I'm sure you'll like."

Lim's voice had once more deserted her and -- understanding Obuna's meaning -- she tried, not wholly successfully, to suppress an excited squeal, while shyly nodding her agreement.

"You're so sweet, Lim. Your blushes are just adorable."

While speaking, Obuna kissed Lim and led her to the bed. It's covers were a deep, silky burgundy. They caressed Lim's skin as her friend lay her down on her back. Obuna crawled slowly, like a stalking animal, until her face hung above Lim's, hands either side of her head. The Togruta's lekku were softly vibrating. "Don't worry, Lim, that just means I like you."

Despite her longing for her friend, Lim was worried. Not only was Obuna a beauty, she had a natural and languid eroticism, and was clearly entirely comfortable in both her own orange skin and the things the two girls were doing. For Lim, this was new and strange and almost scary. She didn't understand the swirling yearning she felt, how her breathing was so fast, her heart beats so fluttering. And she could not help but compare Obuna's womanly body to her own slight, girlish frame. It didn't make sense, how could this Goddess want her?

Some Togruta are empaths, and it seemed that Obuna had this ability, or maybe she was just very observant. Either way, she kissed Lim, then whispered in her ear. "Relax, honey, you're gorgeous, and I want this. You don't have to trust my words, just feel."

Lim closed her eyes and focused, becoming at one with the Universe, reaching out mentally, her being blending with the infinite. Then suddenly a thought crossed her mind. She opened her eyes. "Oh, you meant, like with my fingers, right?"

Obuna tilted her head sideways, a crooked smile on her face, and gesturing with her eyes that, yes, that had been her general intent.

Lim stroked up Obuna's inner thigh, the Togruta closing her eyes and breathing deeply as she did. And then Lim reached her goal. Soft, yielding folds of flesh, simply asking to be parted. And, as Lim's fingers moved inwards, and her friend moaned gently, the physical evidence of the Togruta's emotional state was undeniable. Lim withdrew her sticky hand and held it between her and Obuna's face, the latter grinning broadly. "See, now, stop worrying, and let me check how you are doing down there."

The same smile still on her face, Obuna moved backwards, and Lim spread her limbs to allow her friend space. Locking her eyes on Lim's, the Togruta ran her tongue slowly and deliberately around her ochre lips, and a burning aching began to suffuse the young Jedi. She whispered hoarsely, "please."

Obuna parted Lim and bowed her head down to meet her friend's flesh. The first touch of the Togruta's probing tongue had Lim's entire body flinch. This was new, very new, and so, so good. Lim clenched the bedclothes in her fists and bit her lip, eyes closed, as Obuna lapped and sucked and nuzzled.

Lim wasn't sure that she could cope, the intensity of stimulation hovered achingly between divine and excruciating, indeed it became hard to tell the difference. Moaning now, she reached down and the two girls clasped both hands. Lim crossed her legs behind Obuna's body and pulled her close. She held on to her lover's hands for dear life, as the Togruta pushed her remorselessly into realms of pleasure that Lim never even knew existed.

And then Obuna pushed yet harder, and Lim burst past what her body and mind could tolerate. She tensed every sinew as she blew through the pinnacle of ecstasy, plummeting screaming down from it into a sea of sapphic sensuality. One in which Lim felt more at one with the Universe than when she connected with The Force. And -- even in her enervated state -- Lim had a moment of clarity. This was not like The Force, it was The Force. The profundity of connecting so intimately with another being, the height to which that connection had elevated her, the super nova bursting from her euphoric flesh and overwhelmed mind. That was the true power, the power that bound all living, and loving, things together.

As Lim's empyreal climax slowly subsided, Obuna moved up the bed and cradled her lover. Her arms around Lim's trembling body, her kisses on her cheeks, her skin pressing so close to Lim's fevered flesh.

Lim's breathing gradually returned to normal, and she opened her eyes. She didn't feel like the same girl, something inside her had changed, opened out, opened out to possibilities of exhilaration, to the intoxication of two souls briefly touching, and to how this all made cosmic sense.

The words tumbled out of Lim before she could process them, let alone weigh their full meaning. "I love you Obuna."

Obuna hugged Lim. "I've been told I'm good, but I didn't realize I was that good. That was truly lovely, Lim, but let's take it slow, OK? First, let's get you nice and calm again. Roll over, I'm going to find some oil."

Lim did as she was asked. Obuna left briefly, returning with a glass bottle. Dripping a little of its contents onto her palms, she began to massage her friend's shoulders, and upper arms, moving down her spine to her lower back, then back up again. In a few minutes, she heard the sound of Lim softly snoring.

Checking that her friend was really asleep, Obuna addressed her very quietly, a note of confusion in her voice. "I don't know, Lim, maybe I love you too, let's see, shall we?"

-- -- --

Lim slept deeply, but one image tumbled through her mind, a beautiful, orange-skinned girl, with blue headtails, nude and mouthing, 'I love you,' silently.

And then she woke suddenly, aware that her shoulder was being shaken. Glancing up, the very same vision was before her eyes. "Hey, sleepyhead, it's been an hour. Time to get up."

Lim groggily sat up and yawned. "Sorry, that was... I guess that was a lot." She looked at her friend sheepishly.

The young Jedi thought that she should say something, address the Bantha in the room. "I'm... I'm sorry what I said. I was... it was..."

Obuna stroked Lim's cheek. "It's OK, first times are intense, I remember. Though, I must say, it's the only time that anyone has professed love for me on a first date."

Lim checked to see the emotions behind Obuna's words, but her lover's face only conveyed tranquil happiness. More confident that the Togruta was not upset, she continued. "I guess, that's it... but... Well, as you say, it's not like I have anything to compare things to... but..."

Lim took Obuna's hand and looked into her eyes. "I felt something, something, well, different, bigger maybe. Are you... are you... Force sensitive?"

Obuna had been looking worried, but now relaxed a little. "Not really, not like you. I can't move boulders or anything." Then, with a note of returning concern, she continued. "But... but sometimes... sometimes I... see things. Things that aren't there. Things that haven't happened yet."

The Togruta broke away from Lim's gaze and looked at her lap. "But things that sometimes do happen... only... only later."

Obuna flicked her eyes back at her friend, hoping that she had not said too much.

Lim digested this news, but when she eventually spoke, her tone was lighter. "I think maybe we should talk more. But another time. You literally blew my mind, can you teach me how to do the same for you?"

Obuna grinned happily. "Of course." Then her face clouded. "Oh, shit, I forgot. The reason I woke you. Your communicator keeps flashing. Someone really wants to talk to you."

Grabbing the device, Lim saw that her father had been trying to reach her. This was strange, why had he not used The Force, particularly if it was urgent?

"Obuna, it's my Dad. It could be important. Is there somewhere I could...?"

"Of course, you can stay right here. Let me get us a drink. Shout when you are done, OK?"

With that she withdrew. Lim didn't bother with the electronic device. She remembered to throw on her robes, before sitting cross-legged, and opening her mind to both The Force and her father.

"I am here, Dad. What is happening."

Oo-Ree-Ell sounded concerned. "Where were you? I couldn't reach you. It was like... like something was drowning out my messages. Are you OK?"

Lim didn't feel like getting into a sexually themed debriefing right now. "I'm fine, I'm with Obuna. I was... busy. What is it?"

The Jedi Master seemed to be adopting a tone that was lighter than his urgent attempts at contact would suggest. "It's probably nothing. But I have to go away for a while. Something... something has come up. Jedi business. I... I wanted to speak to you before I left."

An undercurrent in her father's voice was beginning to freak Lim out. "Dad, you're scaring me. What's going on?"

The image of Oo-Ree-Ell in her mind frowned. "I cannot tell you. I may be able to explain when I return."

"How long are you going to be, does Mom know?"

"Your mother knows, and I'm not sure. It could be a while. I... I want you to look after your mother, OK? She's a powerful and capable woman, but... I'd just feel happier if I knew you were keeping an eye out for her. Can you do that?"

Lim was really worried now, but tried to sound reassuring, judging that this was what her father needed. "Of course, the two of us will be fine, don't worry."

Oo-Ree-Ell smiled. "That's my girl. Now I have to go, I wanted to speak more, but you were... busy."

The Jedi Master's expression as he said this led Lim to believe that her father saw all too clearly what had been occupying his daughter. Lim could feel herself blushing, and decided to change the subject. "May the Force be with you, Dad. I'll look after Mom. Be safe!"

With that, her father was gone, and Lim found herself wondering why she had added the final admonition.

"Obuna, you can come in."

The Togruta stepped into the chamber, carrying two glasses, she hadn't bothered to dress. "Is everything OK? Lim?"

Lim replied with a furrowed brow. "I'm not sure, I'm really not sure."

"Do you have to go?" Obuna seemed to be balancing concern with disappointment.

"I'm afraid I do. But... but that was amazing... truly amazing. And... well... next time... assuming you'd like there to be a next time... it's your turn first, OK?"

Obuna stepped forward and kissed Lim. "I'd like there to be a next time. And I'll hold you to that promise. But go now. By the look of you, making love isn't the top of your list right now anyway."

"No, sorry. Mood-killer, right? But I really, really have to go."

Lim kissed Obuna with passion, but then left. As she made her way home, the bright memory of her time with her friend was clouded by the news of her father's unexplained trip.

Lim decided that she really needed to talk to her mother.

-- -- --

Lim-Rel's story will continue in Episode II

-- -- --

Star Wars Glossary

Some elements of this story may be unfamiliar to people not steeped in Star Wars lore. I've tried to explain a few of the more recherché things here, but sadly neither images, nor external links (both of which would help), are allowed. I'm going to assume that no reader needs me to explain either Jedi or Sith to them.

  • Delta-7 a small, one person star fighter, frequently used by Jedi.

  • Iridonian a native of Irodonia, or someone descended from one (see Zabrak).

  • Lekku fleshy "tails" that hang down from the heads of various species on either side of the face, and also sometimes at the rear, in a hair-like manner. They are also called headtails. While not fully prehensile, they do have motor function and can indicate state of mind (see Togruta and Twi'lek).

  • Montrals fleshy horns that protrude from the skull of Togruta. These can be large in males, but tend to be less prominent in females (see Togruta).