Everybody Needs a Hobby Ch. 24


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"Good morning George, good to see you again." I turned just in time to meet Ginny as she reached out to hug me and pulled my head down for a quick kiss on the cheek. She was adorned much like I last saw her except for the couple extra undone buttons that offered an abundant amount of cleavage. Ginny took me by the hand and led me into the store; "Becky's in back; she'll be out in a minute. Can I get you some coffee or anything?"

"No thanks," I said as I sat in a seat she offered me. Surrounded by boots I flashed back to the shoe store where Becky and Britt ambushed me, leading to an evening I won't forget until I take my last breath. Ginny's voice bumped me off the path before my mind took me to the dressing room of that famous lingerie store.

"So feel free to wander around the ranch. Becky knows the place as well as anyone and if need be, she knows where I hide the spare key to the house." I felt her hand on my thigh before as she continued; "If you decide to go in the old barn or the cabin, just be real careful; I'm not sure what condition they're in and I wouldn't want either of you to get hurt." Her hand had moved dangerously close to being out-of-bounds when Becky thankfully made her appearance.

I stood to greet her as she walked into my arms and gave me big hug. "Sorry about the boyfriend thing; Kayla has a big mouth," nibbling my ear before we ended the hug.

"Not a problem," I said as I held her at arm's length by both hands to take her in; "I take all the good press I can get. You look very nice today." Becky released one hand and did a little pirouette. She wore a short jean skirt with a red-checked shirt that was tied under her breasts showing off her firm tummy. On her feet was a pair of short-shaft boots in red that complemented her hair color.

"Thank you kind sir, "she said with a smile and a curtsy.

"So are we ready to go?"

"Yep," she said as she skipped behind the counter and grabbed her purse. "Bye Virginia," she said as she gave her aunt a kiss on the cheek. Ginny pulled her into a hug and I heard a whispered conversation that caused Becky's cheeks to match the color of her shirt. Becky gave me an embarrassed smile as she grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the store entrance.

I just caught Ginny's parting "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," followed by her and Kayla's laughter as Becky pulled me outside the door.

"Kids," Becky mumbled and shook her head as she pulled me to my truck. I wasn't sure whether it was safe to laugh or stoically agree, so I just let it pass. I opened the passenger door and helped her in. Her skirt rode high up her leg, nearly to her hip, as she slid into the seat. I got an eye full before I closed the door and walked around the front of the truck.

"I almost forgot," she said as I slid in behind the wheel; "I packed us a picnic lunch and it's in my car. We can pull around back and get it."

"Okey Dokey," I said, awarded with a giggle as I fired up the V-8. We pulled around behind the building and alongside her car; "I'll get it, "before she could open her door.

"Thanks," heading me her keys. "It's in the trunk and there's a blanket there too," giving me a wink.

I popped open the trunk that was being fully utilized; in other words, it was packed. In the center was a good sized igloo cooler that I pointed to and gave her the quizzical 'Is this it?' look. She grinned and nodded her head. It weighed a ton as I grabbed it and managed to get it into the back seat and then was reminded not to forget the blanket. I found it amongst a collection of books and shoes and various mystery boxes and bags. I closed her trunk and threw the blanket into the backseat, ready to hit the road.

Becky had moved into the 'girlfriend seat', the middle front and was buckled in and ready to go. "Is this okay," she asked sheepishly.

"Sure, why wouldn't it be?" I asked as I buckled up and turned the ignition.

"Well regardless of what Kayla says, Britt is your girlfriend, not me, and I didn't want to presume anything or...well you know," as her voice trailed off.

I gave her bare knee a squeeze before putting it in gear and heading out. Becky got me pointed in the right direction and then fiddled with the radio until she found something to her liking and turning it down to where it was just background music. "I love a full-size truck," she said as she stretched out her arms and legs. "You just can't get comfortable in a little one."

I answered with a "uh-huh," as I was negotiating traffic. I was looking forward to getting out of town and away from all the knuckleheads I had to share the roads with everyday. Becky continued to squirm around next to me and about the time we cleared the last traffic light I was able to give a little attention to my passenger. The redhead now had her back to me, leaning against my side, her red hair draped on my shoulder. She had somehow managed to shuck her boots and had her bare feet propped up on the dash. She wiggled her delicate toes, enjoying the sun that filtered through the city-smudged windshield. My eyes followed down her long legs as they disappeared under the denim that rode up nearly to her, well you know where it stopped. It was a beautifully distracting sight and I was glad that we were on the road-less-traveled.

"So," she said, breaking the spell of her luscious legs; "Gina and Kate will have their store all moved to your place today?"

"That's the plan. They have some moving outfit that is going to load up the last of the bigger items. I offered to help, but they said that they had it covered. Britt's helping and she insisted that I keep our appointment for today."

Becky shifted in her seat and drew my right arm around behind her neck and slouched down until she was snuggled under my arm. She held my forearm and my hand rested on her bare belly; "There, that's better; are you okay?"

My fingertips played at the waist band of her skirt and she snuggled closer. "Yeah, this is nice," I said; "I always enjoy a nice ride in the country."

Her fingers played with mine as we ran down the road. The trees that lined the road cast shadows that flickered on her legs and feet. "So can I ask you a personal question?" she asked softly.

"Uh yeah, I guess," causing my fingers to halt.

She squeezed my hand, her fingers laced in mine over the top; "So I know that Britt is what you would traditionally call your girlfriend, right?"

"Uh yeah, I consider her my girlfriend."

"And Kate and Gina are...?"

I had to pause and think this through, so I straightened up a little, causing us to have to reposition ourselves. My hand moved up and Becky retained control of its placement, now firmly ensconced on her left breast. I could feel her nipple poking the palm of my hand through the multiple layers of red-checked fabric. "Well I guess if I had to title them, they would be friends...good friends."

"Friends with benefits?" she giggled as she squeezed my hand, thus squeezing her own tit.

"Yeah," I laughed as I did my own squeezing, capturing her firm nipple between two fingers. Becky squealed and kicked her feet as I teased her.

"So," pressing her hand down firmly on mine in an attempt to make me behave; "am I a friend too?"

"Well you're certainly more than a passing acquaintance; particularly after our time together in a certain dressing room," giving her another squeeze.

"Yeah," she sighed and relaxed her hold on my hand; "that was the best sex I've ever had. I still can't quite believe what we did in that store. Just thinking about it gets me...well you know." I could feel her blush without seeing her.

There was a long pause as she held my hand to her breast, flexing her fingers laced in between mine; "So I guess I've been wondering about how you felt about the situation you find yourself in?"

"My situation?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know, living with your girlfriend and her two friends, having sex with all three of them and then picking up the occasional stray?" She whispered the last sentence, like she was unsure whether she should say it or not.

"Well first off," pulling her tighter to me; "I don't know the Webster's definition of stray, but if you are referring to yourself, you are a beautiful woman that we happened to run into and everything that has happened after that, well you can call it fate or whatever, but we're all adults and no one is forcing anything on anyone. Trust me, in my wildest dreams; I could never imagine that my life would be like it is at this moment. I try not to think too hard on things that are out of my control."

There was another long pause; "So did that make any sense?" I asked.

"Yes and no," she replied as she slid my hand back down onto her bare belly and held it there. "I'm probably just putting too much thought into it, you know. I guess I imagine myself in Britt's position and I'm not sure I could do it, you know, share you and all. I mean, I admire her for being so confident and free but at the same time I guess I worry about what could happen between her and you, and well all of us."

She paused again and rubbed the back of my hand with hers. "Okay, I'm definitely over-thinking this, cuz that's what I do, but say another girl comes along, say the girl from the barbecue place, the one with the tattoo."

"Yeah, Addie," I said, maybe a little too quickly.

"Yes, Addie," Becky replied curtly; "so Addie comes in for some pictures and before it's over she and Britt are all wrapped up in each other and Addie falls head over heels for her and tries to keep her for herself. What would you do, do you think?"

"Well," as I shifted in my seat once more, my fingertips nudging at the waistband of her skirt; "first off, I don't think anybody will ever keep Britt. As you may have noticed, the girl is pretty independent. If anything, she'd be the keeper, but I don't think that's in her nature either. Again, I guess I don't dwell on what-ifs and that kind of thing because in the end, I probably don't have much say in the matter. Now if you were to ask me how I would feel if Britt left me, of course, I would be hurt, but I have to assume that I would also understand why we were no longer together and that would have to make it easier to take...I think."

Becky rubbed the back of my hand, silent in thought. "Turn right at the next stop," she said, silent once more.

I made the turn and asked, "So did any of that answer any of your concerns?"

Becky pulled her feet off the dash and sat back next to me, her bare leg against my jeans. She retained control of my hand and once again I had tit in hand. "I don't have real concerns, I guess. I just see what you and Britt have and I hope someday to have someone like you in my life...I mean to have something like Britt has with you. I can't tell you how happy I am to be a part of whatever this is, you know with Britt and you and maybe the others? Like I said, I tend to over-think things or maybe just think too much. Anyway, we're almost there; another mile or so and then we'll start seeing a white fence. That's the start of Virginia's ranch."

"Well," I said as I gave her breast a playful squeeze, "We're pretty happy to have you as part of our lives now too. I know that Britt thinks the world of you and between you and me, Kate and Gina are definitely looking forward to getting to know you better, if you catch my drift." The white three-rail fence came into view and I felt Becky shiver at my mention of the other girls. We were quiet as we passed what seemed like miles and miles of fence until we came to a big double gate with stone pillars.

"Here it is," she said as I turned onto the entry road. A large banner-like sign spanned the gateway, 'Strait Shooter' spelled out in two-foot high letters.

"Strait Shooter?" I inquired as we pulled up to the locked gate.

"Yeah," as she pulled on her boots and dug around in her purse for the key to the gate; "Virginia's a big George Strait fan. I don't think her ex was too happy with her giving the ranch that name," she laughed as she slid over to the passenger door. "I'll lock the gate behind us after you pull in." She gave me a wink and bailed out of the truck and skipped over to the big wooden gates.

I pulled in and waited until she had us locked in. Jumping back in, she slid back beside me, but not before slipping in between me and the steering wheel and collecting a big kiss. "I couldn't wait any longer," she said as she sat back down beside me. "We're another half mile or so from the house," she said, pointing in the only direction we could go. I put the truck back in gear and rested my hand on her bare thigh. Shifting, Becky soon had my hand captured between her legs and I could feel the heat of excitement. She grabbed my wrist and held me there and sighed audibly.

Too soon, the road widened and a big barn came into view. As we pulled into the clearing, I spotted the main house; a big two story with a front porch and a couple hitching rails out front. On the other side of the clearing was a myriad of fences that made up a small arena and corrals. Half a dozen horses made their way to the fence when they saw us arrive. "You can park anywhere," Becky said as I found a shade tree I could tuck the cab of the truck under.

"A couple of local boys take care of the horses for Virginia when she's not here," she said as I got out of the truck and stretched the kinks out. Becky came around the truck and took my hand and led me to the corrals. She told me their names, which I quickly forgot as I watched her lovingly tend to each horse. I stood there, leaning against the fence when I felt a nudge at my crotch. I jumped back like I'd been snake bit and Becky giggled.

"That's Don," she informed me as I now looked down at the gray muzzle of a curious donkey. "He was just saying 'Hi'," she said as she walked over and squatted down to rub Don between his long ears. "Don's my buddy," she said; "Virginia rescued him from a defunct petting zoo. If I'm here for awhile, I'll let him out and he'll follow me around like a dog." She gave him a final scratch; "Okay big boy, we have things to do, but I'll see you before I go." The donkey answered with a loud bray in protest as Becky led the way to the barn.

Just inside the door, she stopped and washed her hands in a big sink and then opened a refrigerator sitting next to it. "Oh good, remind me to give them some apples before we leave, okay?"

I didn't answer as my mind tried to take in the interior of huge structure. Not near as big as my own warehouse, but architecturally, it was more than a barn really should be. Giant timber trusses spanned the building. A large hayloft made up the upper level on the far end of the building with what I assumed were tack rooms and general storage below. Along one side were stalls that connected to the various corrals outside and there was enough space for the horses and Don and at least six more of their friends. "Virginia figured she might board horses when she retires," Becky said, answering my un-asked query. The other side of the barn was evidently the motorized transportation area. There was a fairly new Dodge pick-up, an old flatbed truck, a newer looking John Deere 4-wheel rig called a Gator and a couple of older tractors. Once again keying on my interest, Becky chimed in, "The Gator is my favorite; we'll be taking it out later," as she took me by the hand and led me toward a set of stairs that led up to the hay loft.

A little bell went off in my head; "Wait a sec," as I let go of her hand, "I forgot my camera; I thought I might take some reference shots while we're here." I sprinted back to the truck and grabbed the Nikon from the backseat. Back in the barn, I looked around but Becky was nowhere in sight. "Becky?" I yelled.

"Up here," she yelled back. I followed the sound of her voice upward and spied her standing against the rail at edge of the loft. Light filtered in through small skylights, lighting the golden bales of hay stacked high behind her. I brought the camera to my eye and she instantly began to pose, changing it up every few seconds. A dozen shots later, I lowered the camera; "One more,"" she said. I looked up and watched as she untied and unbuttoned the shirt and dropped it beside her. Carefully, she stepped up on the middle board of the guard rail and leaning on the top rail, she spread her arms wide like she was going to fly. Artistically, it was an okay shot. The subject matter was great, but the denim skirt and the boots were kind of distracting.

I took a couple shots, but she couldn't move around much, balanced on the rail as she was. I lowered the camera once more, ready to move on with the tour; "Hold on, one more," she said as she stepped down from the rail. I took the moment to check the shots on the back of the camera; "Okay," she said and I looked up to see her in all her glory, standing on the top rail, naked as a jay while she held onto a rope connected to an overhead pulley.

"Jesus, be careful," I shouted, torn between taking the shot or running up the stairs to get her off her precarious perch.

"I'm okay," she said from high above; "If I fall, you can just catch me. So how does this look?"

I now concentrated on the shot and it was hot. The light behind her glowed and enough light fell on her front to cast small shadows under her breasts and her pussy was seductively shrouded but for a glimmer reflecting off the nectar that seeped out her girlish slit. "Can you safely sweep your hair over your shoulders," I asked as I snapped shot after shot. Before I knew it I'd taken another twenty or more shots, but still worried, I shot up the stairs, three steps at a time. Becky awaited my help, still holding the rope but now facing the wall of hay and straw. I couldn't resist a couple more shots before setting the camera down and rescuing her. Her pussy was conveniently situated at tongue level and I had no option but to sample the redheads offering. I lapped the length of her lips, finishing at the tip of the arrow-shaped landing strip she so artfully maintained above her sex while my hands reached around and grabbed an ass cheek each. Becky squealed as the tip of my tongue parted her pussy. Holding tight to the rope, she swung her legs over my shoulders and then leaned in and grabbed the back of my head. Her confidence in my sense of balance strengthened me and I stepped back from the rail and turned, heading toward a pallet of bags of grain I'd spotted as I'd rushed onto the loft.

Flying blind, I bumped into the pallet with my knees. I leaned in a bit and feeling the top of the stack at about my belt line, I felt confident enough to lean in further and deposit my prize on her back. Lucky for her, the bags were a fairly forgiving fabric as opposed to a scratchy old burlap bag. Her chest heaved as she fairly panted with anticipation. Her upper chest flushed red and her nipples looked painfully stiff. The look on her face was a cross between fear and elation, not knowing what was going to happen next but knowing she would love it, whatever was coming her way.

I threw her a curve she didn't see coming; "Don't ever do anything like that again, "I barked; a flash of genuine panic shown in her eyes. "I should spank you good; you scared the shit out of me!"

"I'm sorry," she squeaked, but I caught a glimmer of passion in her eyes this time as she obediently rolled over and assumed the position, on her knees, butt in the air and shoulders on the sacks of feed. My cock throbbed at her offering. I massaged each round globe for a second and without warning gave her right cheek a pop which sounded worse than it really was. Becky yelped and then moaned as I kissed the reddening area. I repeated the process three or four times until each side had a rosy glow. The moaning was continuous now as I caressed and kissed. Her tight pucker winked at me and her inner lips peaked out as I spread her ass cheeks.