Ex-wife Wants Him Back

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Ex-wife wants her man back.
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I had taken a consulting job. I wanted to be closer to my daughter, Zaida, and it was good money that allowed me to live wherever I wanted. I kept things simple...small apartment down the road from where my ex-wife, Tina lived. I got to see Zaida more often, but had plenty of opportunity to travel. Tina and I were getting along better, almost too much so. But I knew that she still saw her role as caretaker for her mother as primary, so I pushed back thoughts of reconciliation.

It had been a good week. I had buttoned up a big consulting contract for my boss, and he had shown his gratitude with a hefty bonus. I was in the best financial shape of my life and had socked away savings and paid off debt. Life was good. I still wanted companionship, but I had only been divorced less than two years.

When the phone rang with Tina's tone, I wondered what was up. I still worried when she called, because normally Zaida called me on her own phone.

"Hello?" I tried not to sound too interested or too terse.

"Hey. How was your trip?" she asked, knowing I had been on a trip to Louisiana, which was my least favorite place.

"It was okay. Got the work done, but didn't go out much. You know how I hate New Orleans. But they like my work, so I'll be going back quite a bit."

"Too bad I just sold the house, or you could stay there." She dead-panned.

"You want me to move away? I thought this arrangement was working for us." I tried not to sound too defensive.

"Not at all! I was trying to be funny. It's a good thing I sold it." She had made some money on it, but I didn't begrudge her that. She still thought I was broke. The less she knew, the better. "I feel a little guilty not sharing the profit with you."

"You shouldn't. I turned it over to you, and you did well with it. So what's up?" I wanted to get back to my cold beer and movie. It wasn't my weekend with Zaida, and I didn't have anything pressing. A weekend off was sorely needed.

"Zaida is having a sleepover with Abby, and I don't want to stay here. Mom and Dad need some space." Since her grandmother had died, Tina's folks had become resentful of her and Zaida still living with them, and it showed. "I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie together."

I didn't know how to respond. We had gone to dinner, the three of us, quite a bit since I moved to New Braunfels, but Tina and I had not been alone together since we decided to divorce. "Umm, yeah, we could do that. What movie do you want to go see?" I was also surprised, because I knew that Tina hated going to the movies on the weekend.

"I thought we could watch a movie at your place. I'll bring pizza and wine. And we can use my iTunes account to rent a movie." She liked the thought of paying for everything...made her feel in control.

"That's not necessary. I'm doing just fine. Come on over. I have wine, and I'll order a pizza."

"You have wine?" She was surprised.

"I do. I keep a few bottles, just in case I have company." I wanted to say 'just in case I have a woman over,' but knew it would just piss her off.

"Okay, then. Can I come over in an hour? That should give you time to clean things up." I could hear the grin in her voice. What she didn't know was that I had a regular cleaning service now, and my place was perfect.

"Come on over. No cleaning is necessary. Gate code is 0303." She didn't know if that was a slap in the face to her or what.

"Okay. I'll be there in a few."

While I was waiting, I ordered the pizza and looked for a movie. She knocked on my door 30 minutes later. It was the first time in a long time that I had really noticed her, and she was dressed to the nines. Tight jeans, heels, and a tight white tank top, and dangly silver earrings and full makeup to top it all off. I must have been visibly surprised.

"What's wrong?" she asked coyly.

I was stunned. "Um, I'm not sure. Are you going on a date later?"

"No. I'm here on a date with you, silly. Pay for the pizza, and let's sit on the couch together and eat."

I hadn't noticed the pizza guy right behind her. I paid for the pizza, opened the wine, and we sat down the watch the movie. After a couple of pieces, she closed the pizza box and put it in the fridge. Watching her walk, I noticed that she had lost some of her pudge.

"You look great. You've lost weight." I complimented her.

"I feel great. Zaida and I are running...not as far as you do, but we're being more active. I feel great, too. I've never felt better." She smiled at me. I didn't want to say 'I told you so,' but it was true. When she returned to the couch, she sat almost on top of me. "Please put your arm around me."

I complied, not know where this was headed. The movie ended, and I couldn't have told you what it had been about. She smelled good and looked good, and I was interested. But I dare not say anything. She said it for me.

"I have a surprise for you. Zaida and I are moving to our own place."

"Really? Where to?"

"Next door. I sign the lease tomorrow. Is that okay with you?" She seemed worried it wouldn't be.

"It's great. I'll get to see Zo more, and I appreciate that."

"I have something else for you." She whispered.

I was speechless and not sure what to expect. She stood up in front of me and began to undress.

"What are you doing?" I asked, already shaking.

"I'm doing what I should have done years ago. I'm giving myself to you." As she peeled off her tight jeans, I saw that she was wearing a very tight, white, sheer thong. And she was trimmed her pubic hair very close. "I miss making love to you. And I never should have taken you for granted. You loved me, even when I was hard on you and the boys, and you gave up time with them for me. I never should have asked you to do that. I'm sorry. And all I can do now is try to show you that I love you, and that you're my priority."

Again, I was speechless.

"Dr. Richards, take me. Touch me like you used to. Make love to me. Suck my breasts and let me spread my legs for you." She took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

Tina laid down, pulling me on top of her, then pulled her panties to one side and guided my now-throbbing cock to her pussy. I was shaking, not knowing what to do, and she whispered in my ear, "Dr. Richards, I love you. I'm yours. Enjoy my body." With that I thrust into her. She was already wet, and her breasts where heaving under her tight top. I thrust into her several times, then turned her over.

"Ride me, Tina. Take off your shirt. Show me your breasts, and ride me while I fuck you and suck your tits."

Tina peeled off her shirt, revealing her perfect breasts that were so beautiful, then lowered them to me while her pussy contracted around my cock.

"Fuck me, Dr. Richards. Suck my tits and fuck me!" She rode me while I sucked her tits. I could tell she was close as she sat upright and starting grinding on my cock. I loved watching her move this way, and seeing her panties pulled, opening her pussy to me while I grabbed her tits was beyond sexy. I pushed her hips faster and faster.

"YES, Jesse, Baby! Don't stop fucking me! Use my body for your pleasure. Fuck me deeper, harder!"

I pushed her hips faster and watched her climax. She threw her head back in ecstasy.

"Oh my god! You're amazing! What you do to my body, Dr. Richards, is heaven! Did you cum?"

I shook my head no.

"Do you want to be on top?"

I shook my head yes, and we flipped.

"You like being on top, don't you, Dr. Richards? You like to look at me while I spread my legs for you and let you fuck me." I lost control, thrusting into her wildly, watching her eyes, which begged me to cum inside her. Watching her tits bounce as I slammed into her. She squeezed my cock with her pussy while spreading her legs further apart, then whispered to me, "Explode inside me. Take me. You can fuck me any time you like. I'll give you a key to my apartment, and you can come in whenever you want. I'll spread my legs for you whenever you want me, Jesse."

With that, I exploded inside her, spraying my seed into her womb. My eyes rolled back into my head as I climaxed. I stayed inside her until my manhood loosened. I held her, and we fell asleep.

Saturday morning, I woke to see her still there, in my arms, sleeping peacefully.

This is a step forward.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This is just a sex scene. No start, no background, not even an understanding of why they got divorced. Suspect they did not chest as they seemed at ease with each other. But thr money comment didn't make much sense. Alimony worries, I assume? Problem is too much to assume. And then an abrupt end.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Allow me to guess, The "real man" she divorced her husband for, after a year an a half, Dumped her after going through her money. So now she's lonely, feeling rejected, unable to cope with reality Now the shoe's on the other foot. This is why she came back. Sometimes. the grass on the other side of the fence looks great however looks can be deceiving and that "real Man" took her for all he could get...and skipped.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Okay... confusing.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

My ex wife came over last night and we screwed. Yes that is a less than one page story. You showed your ‘skill’ as a writer and I need to know no more about your thoughts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No beginning or end.

Sorry three stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

RAAC = instant dislike try again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Umm there isn't much here. If you read one of the other stories with same characters, we learn she was a shrew and control freak. But not much else. Lame. How does this get a 4 star on here?

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 2 years ago

Ridiculous premise. Divorced people don't behave like this. Even in Fantasyland. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Sometimes, when you are apart like they've been, you realize it was not the best idea. I hope they get back together and if age permits, have another baby.

danoctoberdanoctoberabout 4 years ago

Why people reconcile. Sharing time with someone you feel comfortable in your skin with.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good as it...

...stands (4*) but has potential for a much better longer story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Watch it !!

Your Dr better watch out, this ex is too confident and pushy. Keep your guard up Son, and ensure the exit is free of obstructions.

mmbny47mmbny47over 5 years ago
Nice writting poor story line

She fucked his best friend behind his back, She fucked him over once. WHY in the fuck would he let her have a chance to make as fool of him again??? No pussy is that good,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Wimp or stupid

He saw the fact they we're getting along better was a big difference from before.

He noted her wanting to pay for everything as old behavior of her"s trying to be in control.

He started to whine when he thought she wanted him to move away.

He did not trust her to let her know he was doing well and making money.

He stated his ex-wife's mother was still the most important focus in her life.

All that and he rolled over, even after a divorce, and let her walk back into his life and take over.

Wimp and stupid.

jharpjharpabout 6 years ago

I'm curious, why did they divorce? And what prompted her to want him back?

weathermanksweathermanksabout 6 years ago

I love a happy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Good Start

A little short IMO though it seems there should be a sequel !

penneydog55penneydog55about 7 years ago
Ah what's next ? Part 2 I hope

To me it's not finished? I could be wrong? So half rewards but Thanks anyway


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
A very ambitious technique.

Coming into the middle of a dysfunctional relationship is very difficult for the reader. Since every aspect of the relationship is unknown, there is no context in which the reader can understand the words and actions. Unless you expect the readers to be just your tools for a literary effect, you have to give us somewhere to begin, and for us to build upon that. We have a divorced couple with a child, who appear to be exploring reconciliation, or maybe just a sexual relationship, or maybe one of the spouses is continuing with the manipulation of the other, or maybe one of the spouses is part of a plot to take financial or emotional or physical advantage, or maybe . . . it never ends. Like coming into the middle of a conversation, without being able to ask for explanations or what has transpired previously. Unless the current conversation is really interesting, most listeners drift away realizing they are not part of what is going on.

Your story reads like it was written for someone else. Was that your goal?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
didn't work for me

very little background. the reconciliation seemed extremelt forced. Without any insight about what went wrong with them, hard to pull for them being together again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
too much

Too much fantasy. There is never that much "remorse" poured in any reignition of a relationship, especially from a woman who "NEEDS to be in charge"...

A lot of wishful fiction

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Dr. Richards?

She calls him Dr. Richards? WTF?

Note, just twice she called him "Jesse". ALL other times are Dr.Richards, or babe, or baby. That's not realistic, I don't think.

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