Experiences at the Surgery Pt. 04


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As if to demonstrate this last point Marion picked up a pair of white men's underpants from the desk and brandished the crotch area in front of me. It was heavily stained with crusty off white semen stains and worse...!

She tossed them aside and addressed Solange. "So you know what to do don't you?

I want him milked three times, and if he gives you any trouble or can't get it up, remove the tampon and use the medium size electro stimulator at level 10 on his prostate. That should get you half a beaker full. Oh and for goodness sake get rid of all that hair on him. If we are going to refer him for a circumcision we need him to be ready for the specialist's consultation."

A small squeal erupted from Simon when he heard this revelation. Looking at him again I saw his penis was now partially erect. He really was very well endowed...

"Right Jane, let's get you ready for the Punishment Room. Empty your bladder if you must using the squat toilet and then I have a mild tranquilliser for you to take so you don't get overwrought when I'm thrashing you.."

"I'm fine thank you," I said, more concerned with using the dreaded squat toilet than how full my bladder was.

"Right take this and then come along," she handed me a pill and glass of water and swept from the room.

I swallowed the pill with a sip of water and then put the glass down and followed, butterflies in my tummy, a crazy mix of fear, excitement and yes, arousal. This was what everything had been building up to. Marion the Mistress, in her domain.

Me, the novice, out of my depth and under her thumb...

We went up the back staircase and down the landing. Marion produced a chain with large heavy keys on it from a pocket, stopped at one of the doors, and unlocked it. I followed her in...

Chapter 3

This was the room. This was the place where I had seen Fay take her punishment, I recognised the windows. It seemed half a life time ago, even though it was merely weeks.

It wasn't a dark or forbidding place. It was bright and airy, with no ceiling as such, but heavy beams supporting dark stained roof joists. It looked almost Elizabethan. The wooden floor was dark and polished. There were only a few pieces of furniture. An iron bedstead with small bedside table was at one end by the window. In the middle there was a black leather armless chair, a small wooden horse reminiscent of something I'd seen in my old school gym, and against the wall by the door, a dark wooden St Andrews's cross.

The sight of that took the pleasant aspect of the room and put it in a much darker place.

Marion closed the door, and pointedly locked it.

"Take off your vest, put it on the bed and stand by the chair," her voice without any emotion.

I pulled my vest over my head, straightened my ruffled hair, and stood by the chair, waiting...

When Marion appeared in front of me, her uniform had gone. She was now clad in a black silk laced corset with a balcony bra, and matching stockings and suspenders. I had never seen her in any state of undress before, and I greedily took in her appearance.

Her tits, and tits was the right way to describe them, were, for a woman of her age, firm almost meaty in their solidity and fronted with deep brown areolae and inverted nipples.

Further down heavy thighs concealed most of her genitalia, but there was an eruption of hair bursting out between her thighs that was a mix of brown and grey...I'd never seen anyone with grey pubes before, but on Marion their unusualness looked entirely appropriate. And when she turned to put the various things in her hands on the bed I saw her generous bottom, white and full with a little cellulite disfiguring an almost Rubeneque canvas...

"When I sit down, I expect you to put yourself across my thighs with your legs to my right," her voice matter of fact.

She sat down, and slowly I lowered myself into position. My head felt like it was too low, I was almost touching the floor, but it was clearly what was required as in a moment her left forearm was pressed into my shoulder blades holding me firm.

"This is merely an aperitif, Jane. You said you'd never been spanked, so enjoy the experience, and count. If you lose count or wriggle too much we'll start again..."

I was going to say something, but the first swat of her hand across my right buttock took my breath away...

"One.." I managed to get out just before the next stinger hit my left buttock...

Two..er..." and another blow hit my right buttock...

The pain from one swat was only just beginning to fade as the next blow landed. Marion was well practiced and knew exactly the right frequency to strike at.

In less than a minute I'd received some thirty swats, and my poor behind was not only hot, but getting bothered...

Just counting and mentally bracing myself for the next blow was all that I could manage. A quiver started in my left thigh.. I couldn't control it...and I'd a nasty feeling that I was seeping down below...

"Stand up Jane, and what do you say now?"

"Thfank you Matron," I blathered, the pain from my now reddened bottom interfering with my ability to communicate coherently...

"Right over to the horse, and get ready for the main course."

I bent my self over the horse. The height seemed slightly wrong, I felt too tall for it and couldn't get comfortable. The throbbing in my bottom faded...

Marion produced a large wooden box from under the bed, and put it down in front of me and opened it.

It was lined in red quilted velvet, and its contents were predictably the instruments of pain she had available. Whips, crops, paddles, canes, floggers, dildos, butt plugs and various other pieces I didn't recognise were all in their allotted space. The longer items clipped into the lid and the smalller ones in the base.

Marion selected two small metal clamps, made me stand up and then brutally attached one to each of my nipples. The serated jaws bit deep into my tender skin and I howled.

"Oh do shut up Jane, we haven't started yet and you're making more noise than a baby. I think you need something for your mouth."

Predictably the next thing that came out of the box was a small plastic bag. Marion extracted a pair of white lacy hipster briefs and after turning them inside out, shoved them in my mouth and then pinned the gusset to my nose. A strong smell of urine assaulted my membranes causing me to flinch.

Marion noticing this remarked. "Yes they are rather pungent aren't they Jane. The lady who provided them yesterday morning lost control of her bladder whilst we were discussing her case.." Marion put the small plastic bag down in the lid of the case. The name Dawn was clearly visible.

My blood ran cold. It couldn't be...? Could it? I mean Dawn was a reasonably common name wasn't it? And I thought she'd told me she was married with a young son?.. Not that that would make any difference... But if it was her it explained her bad mood the previous day...

I was so distracted by the name on the plastic bag that I didn't really pay attention whilst Marion adjusted me and the horse to her liking and secured my legs to the legs with leather cuffs.. Nor did I see her pick up the paddle.

I was bounced out of my reverie by the first resounding thwack from the paddle to my right buttock.

"Harrumph.." I squealed into the knickers..



Thwack... "Yeoww..two."

Thwack... "aargh...three..."

By the time we got to twelve my eyes were watering, and my bottom was on fire...and I wanted her to stop..

There were three more...tears were now running down my cheeks.

Marion paused. I saw her put the paddle back in the case...and she then selected a rather nasty looking short cane with a leather bound handle and a wrist strap...my bottom...burning as it already was, tremored at the thought of the sting from it...

"Before we continue with the next nine I will just assess how you are doing Jane. Do you understand?"

"Yuff Matron.." I managed to spit through my mouthful of lacy polyester..

"Good, good, and perhaps a little bit of readjustment.." This was said I was sure for her own benefit...

Moments later she stood me up and the clips on my nipples were released. I mistakenly thought this might improve matters, but of course I was very naive, and as the blood surged back to my tortured nips the aching increased. She forced me back down over the horse and then, I felt a finger delve down in between my legs and part my labia.. There was no gentleness to her manipulations...

"Mmm, interesting...you are really quite dry...I would have expected more arousal...Never mind, let's see what happens when we change a few things," and the next moment each of my poor labia was assaulted with one of the metal clips...

I groaned as the dull ache of the teeth of the clips cut into my defences...

"And I think we should adjust those panties too," Marion said in a devilish little voice, "I seem to remember there were more treasures to discover..." and with that I was uprighted again the clip was opened, the panties moved and the clip refastened...

A sweet smell of Dawn's pussy now assaulted my nose on top of the ammoniacal scent of her pee, and...in a few moments these combined scents made my clitoris stir...

She forced me back down again, the blood rushing back to my head.

Readjusting to the pains and smells assaulting me, I again didn't prepare for the first bite of the cane...

Conditioned by society and my parents to associate a cane with guilt and shame, the psychological effects of being caned was the pinnacle of my humiliation.

The first five strokes were quite gentle...to the point that if it'd not already been spanked and paddled would probably not have hurt at all...

But the fact that I had been so thoroughly warmed up meant as each bite of the cane cut into me, I screeched into the panties..."Eearggh.."

"Is that three left or four Jane?"

"Threeee," I managed to say through my mouth full of panties..

"Yes, four, I thought so. You should have counted them out loud you know..didn't I tell you to?"


"Yes I thought I had. Well I'll add a couple of extras as a forfeit for all the fuss you're making..."

I groaned loudly, but deep down, the sting from the cane and the scent of pussy had fuelled my arousal.

Marion's domination and my incapacity to do anything about it made me desperate for relief...

There was a pause. I waited my breathing ragged, bracing myself for the next assault on my poor buttocks...and then there was a loud noise.

I thought for a moment she'd wielded the cane once more, but there was no impact, and then the noise sounded again, but this time, three times...

Marion's heels clicked on the floor as she went to the door behind me. I heard the key turn in the lock and then the door creaked on it's hinges...

"So its you Solange...Come in, I wondered where you'd got to. You nearly missed the fun... she only needs six more...oh and you'd better bring him in too.."

"Thank you Madame Matron, I'm sorry to be a little late, but Simon has only yielded me two spendings, and he simply hasn't responded to the Electro Butt plug..."

"Mmm that's a surprise, it normally works. Well perhaps the sight of the kiss of the cane on Jane's recalcitrant bottom will have he desired effect...

Right young Simon come over here and stand by the side here so you can watch Solange decorate Jane's pretty cheeks..."

I could hear a certain amount of moving about, but didn't dare rise from my exposed position for fear of getting even more bites from the cane. My mind raced as to what was going on... one thing was quite clear though and that was Solange would administer the rest of my punishment. Fay's description of her rang again my ears, "A butch Lesbian sadist," I think it had been...

"So Simon, seeing as you will probably have to endure something similar one day, I will give you a little commentary about what you can expect to see in the next few minutes. And by the way, do not touch your little cock, or I will have that bound with electrodes..."

He whimpered...

"Good, so to summarise Jane is on her third treatment. She is a somewhat conflicted bisexual with very limited experience, So far I have established that she is quite a horny little slut underneath her cool facade. She has enjoyed all the stimulation she has received apart from the paddle...you can even see a little moisture on her pudenda if you crouch down and look.."

Marion paused, and I heard some movement behind me. The very thought of young Simon studying what was going on between my thighs was deeply embarrassing.

"We have now moved on to the final phase of Jane's treatment today, and she has had a couple of light touches from the cane. You can see she has marked a little. She is here to settle her account for some of the infractions she accumulated in our meetings so far. She has been rather disobedient.

However, she has a nice clean bottom so there is no danger of going her fouling herself when we turn up the volume so to speak. She also has quite a full bladder, which is probably just starting to worry her.

Her excitement will probably increase as we progress with her punishments, but I have no intention of relieving her. She has safe words in place, and has signed up for a further five treatments.

Right Solange, if you would like to continue, I will be over here by her head to make sure I can take care of anything that needs attention..."

There was another pause, marked only by the sounds of clothing being shed and discarded on the floor. I guessed this was Solange...and my bottom clenched involuntarily...

The next thing I knew was a whistling through the air and immediately afterwards an explosion of pain across my bum.


"One," Solange's voice was calm..

No sooner than that and another whistle and another searing blow hit my bum..


"Wait!" It was Marion..."i want to just check something," her heels clicked across the floor again, and then I felt fingers diving between my legs feeling my pussy. I knew what was coming next...

"Ah...that's more like it. She's positively dripping now," and the fingers were withdrawn. "See?..."

If I hadn't been virtually upended with all the blood already rushing to my head, my blush would have pleased Marion no end...

"Right continue Solange. Four more,... and make them count."

That last instruction was all the French bitch needed. The last strokes were wickedly harsh, and my screams though dulled by Dawn's panties were loud. I tried to say Mustard, but the pain and my tears got in the way, so I was unintelligible..

It was over..., I shivered with the shock of what they had done to me. Fortunately the agony in my bottom started to fade... and then I was stood up, released from the ankle clamps and the clips on my poor pussy lips roughly removed. Finally, the panties were pulled from my mouth and unclipped from my nose.

My hands immediately went to my poor behind...

"Leave you bottom alone Jane," Marion barked, and I dropped my hands to my sides.

After I had recovered a little I turned towards my aggressors.

I was surprised to see Marion was now reclined on the bed with her legs wide apart. Solange, completely nude was on her knees by the bed, her face buried between Marion's thighs and moving up and down with short staccato movements. She was clearly attending to Marion's clitoris. Marion groaned and gasped with pleasure.

Simon was standing still in the middle of the room. He was watching the tableau in front of him, his penis now fully erect, his right hand gently stroking the shaft. It was a mighty tool, probably eight inches in length, the glans a deep purple colour and swollen to its limit wth the sight of all the eroticism around him.

I was still desperately turned on too. I needed to cum, and cum quickly. Faced with a choice, I chose Solange as my instrument. I crouched down behind her on my hands and knees, and carefully leant towards her, insinuating my nose between her bottom cheeks with their fading bruises.

Immediately, the small of her arousal enveloped me, and she, detecting my presence, opened her thighs a little revealing her hairless fig. The labia were full, damp and deep pink and smelt of raw lust. They were so tempting... so I licked gently.

She shivered slightly, and encouraged, I licked again, this time with more pressure. Her labia yielded slightly and my tongue was bathed with her heat and lots of sweet sap...

I settled into a rhythm, as she in turn was with Marion... a human chain of tongues and vulvas...

I could hear Marion breathlessly giving Solange instructions.

"Harder...up a bit... yes there, now come on ... come on ...I'm so close.."

Imagery of Solange's face, wedged deep in those heavy thighs with Marion's bristly fur rubbing her came to me, and spurred me on...my fingers reaching down to my clitoris to assuage its need...

On and on we went, our breathing getting even more ragged, my cheeks burning with the heat from Solange's core and my clit, big, bold and throbbing demanding more...

Soon enough Solange went into a spasm, her thighs gripping and her vulva yielding its nectar of reward. That did for me and my own body convulsed into orgasm. My fingers deep inside my tunnel..

And Marion ...she too cried out soon after, and Solange's movement slowed and stopped...

For a while the only sound was heavy breathing from the three of us...

I recovered my senses and stood up, I'd completely forgotten about Simon. He was still standing in the middle of the room, but his mighty tool was now subdued. The only clue as to its recent activity, the shiny tip of a reddened glans peeping out from it's foreskin and a small puddle of white semen on the polished floorboards...

"I'm leaving now Matron if that's alright. I want to put some cream on my poor buttocks," I said, not interested as to whether I'd get a reply or not.

I gathered my vest and for some reason the white boy shorts belonging to someone called Dawn...

Once downstairs I pulled on my vest, jeans and bomber jacket, my poor buttocks were so hot and sensitive I left all the buttons on my jeans undone.

And then I was in the cool evening air heading home. My thoughts bouncing between the pain, my recent pleasure and a dark haired forty something year old woman called Dawn...

I got back to the flat, put the kettle on and then made my way to the bathroom to inspect my poor sore behind...

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Continue The Story of Jane & Marion!

Super read thus far, hopefully you'll continue the very erotic tale of Jane's submission at the hands of both Marion & Solange. Looking forward to Chapter 5 - and possibly even more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Just some Constructive Criticism

This, so far... isn't bad, but could sharpen up Marion and the Mc's relationship.

CroonyCroonyover 6 years ago
Thank you

Excellent as always Jane

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