Exploiting an Opportunity Ch. 03


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"Wait, I thought you..."

"No, I have an incestuous relationship with someone else, not my brother. Although I would love to fuck him, he feels that it is wrong and won't do me. The bastard!"

I had Indy lie down and Cathy sucked on his cock for a minute then held it as I mounted him. She pointed it right at my vag and as I eased down onto it she gasped as she watched it stretch my pussy lips apart before his head plunged into me. I stroked up and down little by little as my juices coated his thick shaft and allowed me to take more and more of him.

"So who are you fucking?" I asked her.

"Well nobody currently..." she answered with a wink.

I thought about this for a moment before recalling that her Dad was overseas with his company on an extended assignment building a factory or something. I smiled and returned her wink. "So what do you do to keep busy?" I asked.

"My Mom and Aunt Betty." Another wink. Wow. So Cathy screwed her Dad and made love to both her Mom and her Aunt. Incest with everyone but her brother.

"So the whole incest thing grosses him out?" I pressed for more information.

"Oh no! He fucks Mom, Aunt Betty and both of her daughters, but he refuses to touch me."

"Damn, then he is a stupid bastard!" said Indy, and we all laughed.

"Awww, that is so sweet of you to say..." Cathy cooed and kissed him. She lay down next to him and watched me ride his cock slowly. "So do you like fucking your sister?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, she's great."

"She's a great fuck huh?"

"Oh yeah, a great fuck."

She nibbled on his ear. "How long have you two been fucking?"

"Two days."

"What!? Two days?"

"Yeah, she was my first and you were my second, but I..."

"My god Leia! He was a virgin two days ago?"

I just smiled and leaned forward and kissed him. "Yeah, but had I known before that he had such an awesome thick cock, I probably would have jumped him ages ago."

With that Indy started pumping his cock in and out of my pussy faster and faster. "Oh really?" he asked.

"Yeah, really."

Cathy grabbed me and forced me to sit upright. She straddled Indy's head and sat on his face. "Oh fuck Leia you make me so hot!" and we kissed.

I felt her tongue invade my mouth and her hands groped my tits and pinched my nipples. I returned the favor squeezing her breasts and toying with her puffies as wet sloppy sounds came from our pussys. Then Cathy reached down to my pussy and I felt her fingers rubbing around my clit. They were soaking wet and she used just exactly the right amount of pressure on the base of my clit. She broke the kiss and called out.

"Make her cum Indy! Fuck her! Fuck her hard and fast!"

Then she began biting my neck and as Indy pounded my pussy like a mad man my orgasm burst like a dam.


I felt my pussy spasming around Indy's cock and he cried out. I felt him cumming and blasting his load into my belly. Hell I felt like I was going to explode. There was so much cum in me and he fit so tight that none could leak out and he groaned with the effort of releasing his seed.

Cathy lept from his face and came around behind me, I had no idea what she was doing. Then grabbing my hips she said "Leia roll left onto your back!"

I did and as soon as Indy's dick flopped out of my pussy, I felt the flood of cum start to escape, but Cathy's face was suddenly there. She dove down and started eating the cum as fast as it poured from me. Her tongue lapped up the gobs of thick, white seed and she swallowed it down happily. And she was humming as she did so.

At first I was shocked and a little weirded out, but then I realized that Indy's cum was indeed tasty, and that she and I had gone 69 a few minutes a go and I found pussy to be very nice as well... so why not savor the flavor? I wondered, could I do it? My musing was interrupted by Indy. He rose up on one elbow and looked deep into my eyes. There was that connection again. He leaned in close and kissed me so tenderly. Not a passionate kiss, but a loving kiss. I almost felt like he was kissing my soul. I was so damn close to crying.

"Thanks Leia, for everything... For giving me a chance, for teaching me, for Cathy too, but mostly for letting me love you. Not just the sex, but rediscovering my love for you, my sweet big sister. I had forgotten how important you are to me... I never will again."

We kissed again and again and again. And yes, I did cry. A good cathartic, healthy, happy cry. And my brother-lover held me through it all. Cathy moved up beside me and wrapped her arms around me as well. Soon we fell asleep.

I awoke feeling wonderful. I was happy and warm and felt well loved. Sandwiched between my brother and my, well, girlfriend I guess. Sure why not. I hadn't been looking for a girlfriend-lover but it seemed I had found one. If she would be willing that is. I could feel her arms around me and her breath on the back of my neck. Indy was on his back and I had snuggled in close and thrown a leg over his hip. This felt so... right. Yeah this was what I needed, where I wanted to be.

Of course, now that I was comfortable, I needed to pee. As I extricated myself, Indy and Cathy stirred and then snuggled together, filling the gap where I had lain. After relieving myself I came back and just watched them for a few minutes. They looked so sweet together. I knew I had incredibly strong feelings for my brother, but Cathy... Well we had known each other for the past four years of college and had been on the swim team for the whole time. We had been naked together in the locker room and showers countless times but there had never been any sexual tension between us. Sure, I had always thought she was a very pretty girl, but now... Now I looked at her face and it was so angelic as it rested on Indy's chest. Her red hair was still fairly short , maybe just an inch or so longer than mine (short hair is more comfortable under a swim cap). I sighed and contemplated joining them again then glanced at the clock...


They jerked awake.

"Oh my god it's late! Mom will be home any minute! Get your asses up, we gotta hurry!"

Indy jumped up and threw on his clothes while Cathy and I stripped the sodden bedding and sprayed air freshener. I threw open my sliding door to help air out the room. We ran downstairs with the dirty linens and I heard the garage door opening. We looked about in panic. Two naked girls and Indy trapped in the laundry room between the garage and the kitchen... Indy saved the day. Grabbing two bikinis of mine from the hamper he thrust them at us.

"Go jump in the pool, put them on once you're in. I'll go jump in the shower."

He dashed upstairs and Cathy and I made it into the pool and started trying to dress. That was when we realized that we only had one top between us.

"You take it!" I said.

"Hell no, you take it." Cathy insisted. "She'll assume that I'm just impulsive." I barely got it on before Mom came out.

"Hey Sweetheart, so here you are!"

"Oh, hi Mom!" I was obviously flustered and nervous. Mom stood there a moment watching Cathy swimming laps topless. Mom was wearing a matching blazer and skirt in a light grey with lavender pinstripes, a black shell top and black hose and heels. She removed her jacket and draped it over the chaise. Her top was just low cut enough to be alluring and attractive without being too risque for the office and had spaghetti straps. Without the blazer, it was very sexy. Mom squatted at the pool edge and since I was lower than her, I could see straight up her skirt. I stifled a gasp. She was not wearing panty hose, but stockings, and I could just make the black lace of her panties.

"Leia, you want to tell me what's going on?" she asked.

"Uh... just swimming some laps with Cathy from the swim team... You remember her don't you?"

"Yes, I think so, but why is she topless? And I know you were too. I saw you tieing it on from the kitchen."

"Well..." My mind was a mix of emotions and I knew that although I wanted to tell her everything, we, and she were not ready for that. So maybe tell her only a little bit of the truth...

"Okay Mom, I hadn't planned any of this but I have recently discovered that I'm Bi and Cathy is my girlfriend. I hope it's not a disappointment..."

Mom smiled at me. "Oh Honey! Of course it's not! I think a young woman like you should explore your feelings, desires and emotions before getting into a long term relationship. If she is important to you, then she is welcome in our home." She had said the last part loud enough for Cathy to hear and she swam over smiling and gave me a kiss.

"See, I told you your Mom would understand." she said. "Most moms are more open minded that dads ever are."

Mom laughed, "Yes well maybe because most moms these days have had a lesbian lover in college."

I looked at her. "Are you saying that you..."

Mom smiled. "Did I? Yes. Do I consider myself Bi? Yes to that too. But that is private. Still I am happy for you, but what about your brother? Swimming topless with him home?"

"Well that is my fault," Cathy said. "You see he seems so sad and awkward and Leia said he doesn't date so I thought what the hell, why not give him a little peep show? You know, maybe it might encourage him to get out some. Besides it's only some small tits."

"Yes, I worry about him too. Maybe a little turn on would be good for him..." she said wistfully and glanced at his room. The drapes were open but we couldn't see if he was watching.

"Mom? How was your day?" I asked.

"Oh it was brutal! We had a pair of depositions and a legal brief to finish before end of business and I am exhausted!"

"Well, why don't you join us?" I asked.

"That sounds nice but I'd have to go change and I just don't know if I have the energy..."

"So swim in your underwear!" Cathy suggested. "Or don't swim in your underwear, either way just get in the pool!"

Mom grinned and stood up. First she kicked off her heels and dropped her skirt. Then she removed her top. I marveled at how nice she looked in her stockings, garter belt, sexy bra and panties, all in black.

"Holy shit!" Cathy exclaimed. "You always dress like that for work?"

Mom smiled and posed. "No, but when dealing with difficult people, like opposing counsel, I find that dressing sexy beneath my suit makes me feel confident, powerful and I feel like... like... like I have a secret weapon, you know?"

"Looks to me like you have a whole arsenal of weapons there and I don't think it's much of a secret!" Cathy said.

Mom laughed and sat to remove her stocking and then her garter belt. "You know for some really difficult days I wear leopard print lingerie." She glanced at Indy's room one more time. I took a gamble.

"You know I have no idea what the chlorine might do, it would be a shame to ruin your bra and panties..."

Mom looked at me and slowly smiled. "Okay. So be it." She took off her bra and panties and stood there a moment grinning as the daring act thrilled her.

"Fuck yeah!" shouted Cathy. A moment later she and I were naked as well.

Before Mom dove in I marveled at just how beautiful she was. At 41 years old she was still fit and firm. While I was 5'8" she was only 5'6", and not only were her tits bigger at a 36 D, but her hips were just wide enough to balance her bust and she still had an incredibly tiny waist with a flat and firm stomach. Her dark brunette hair fell in luscious waves onto her shoulders and I gazed upward at her dark bush and saw that she too had a smooth pussy.

Mom looked at me, "What?"

Without thinking I blurted out, "You're beautiful!"

She smiled and dove in. We swam and frolicked for a bit then Mom dove deep and surfaced right in front of me. Cathy was on the other end of the pool. I lowered my voice to barely above a whisper,

"Damn Mom, you look so sexy. No wonder Indy gets nervous around you."


"Yeah, you look awesome and well he's just like most young guys, you know, focused on the big titties, and well, yours are so big and beautiful without being too huge and well, fuck Mom, I am so jealous! I would give anything to have tits like yours!"

"Why thank you baby, but then you wouldn't have won the athletic scholarship and all those medals. They create a lot of drag..." Then she grinned, "But they do make nice floaties!"

I glanced up behind her and could just barely make out Indy in his room. Damn! I wanted so badly to tell her to go fuck her son or to wave him down to join us... But I was pretty sure it was too soon. I still didn't know if she would go through with it or if it would upset her. I mean, maybe her incestuous relationship with her siblings was where she drew the line. Maybe her kids were off limits. Kids? Yeah, kids, because if I was being honest I wanted her too. What a shock that was. I had been surprised that she turned me on last night and only today had my first lesbian affair. Now I looked at her swimming the backstroke and I wanted to kiss and caress those big titties so badly. Still more time and information was needed. But at least Indy was getting a glimpse of her beauty. It was just too bad that he was going to waste a nice load of cum.

After a few more minutes I saw that Mom was relaxing and floating on her back. I whispered to Cathy and we slipped out of the pool. I gathered all of Mom's clothes and Cathy grabbed our stuff.

"Mom? I've got your things. Cathy will bring you a robe and towel. You relax and we'll start on dinner. Okay?"

"Okay Sweetie."

I laid her clothes on her bed and then went to get a terrycloth robe from her closet. I almost grabbed the first one until I noticed that one was a couple of inches shorter than the other. Checking the sizes I saw that the shorter one was a size smaller too. I took it and a towel and found that Cathy had grabbed us each a pair of panties and an oversized T-shirt. We ran downstairs and mixed Mom a strong cocktail and I gave everything to Cathy to deliver. I insisted that she not dress yet. I wanted Mom to see how attractive she was.

I put my clothes on and then checked the fridge. I had everything out on the counter when Cathy got back inside and came over and kissed me.

"You're sneaky, and I like the way you think." she said. "Get your mom relaxed and showing a little leg and cleavage with dinner and see what happens huh?"

"Sure, why not?" I said then stopped. "Wait what do you mean?"

"I saw the way you looked at her, you'd love to do her wouldn't you? Hell Leia, I would!"

"Yeah well giving Indy a show was more on my mind, but... damn. Yeah, I would. But that's not gonna happen."

"So what are we doing?"

"Well each other later but dinner will be prawns and scallops on the grill with a salad. The salad is your job."

"Got it!" she said.

I skewered the prawns and scallops and went out to turn on the gas grill and then ran upstairs to Indy's room.

"Well?" I asked.

"Well what?"

"Did you see your beautiful mother in all her naked glory?"

"Oh, shit, yeah! What was that all about?"

I related what had happened and told him that it was a gift from me for the awesome sex this afternoon.

"So are you and Cathy really a couple now?"

"Well, yeah, for now, sure. I really liked it today and so did she. Oh don't worry, we both still want threesomes with you and I might have a few more solo lessons for you before you're ready for your finals..."

He grinned. "Okay so what now?"

"Well Cathy is making salad and I am grilling seafood. You have only one job, try not to stare or make Mom uncomfortable. After all you have seen her in her swimsuit and it shows more than this."

Dinner went well and afterwards Mom went to her room and Cathy helped me make my bed. She had decided to spend the night since Mom was cool with it all. Indy went to his room and probably gamed or something.

Cathy made love to me again. This time it was slow and sweet and relatively quiet. I had two more orgasms. One when we went to bed and another when we awoke the next morning.

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prop69prop69over 7 years ago
love the story

Looking forward to chapter 4

horny2doithorny2doitover 7 years ago

WOW - very hot and arousing ! Great story line and introducing new characters and ideas. Obviously, Leia will keep screwing her brother and now her Mom giving Leia permission to have a lesbian relationship with Cathy and her Mom not being shy about swimming nude in front of Cathy and all 3 women looking each other over. I can see a 3-way girl-girl-girl session or two and Indy will keep banging Cathy too. Nice way to expand the story and have more hot sex encounters !! Now how do they get Mom to screw Indy ?? Cannot wait for another few chapters as there is much to be done yet. Thank you.

rodavrodavover 7 years ago

It would be nice if the mom eventually found out that her kids are engaged in incest. But did not get upset because she also opened up about her incestuous relationship with her own siblings.

peebeeandrollopeebeeandrolloover 7 years ago

Really nice you made Cathy a redhead, even better was finding out the Mother was bold and considered herself bi.

nit2gethernit2getherover 7 years ago
Very nice

I love the story and disagree that the chapters need to be longer. Just keep the next one coming this fast. I loved that you made Cathy a sexy red head. I am not sue Mom would have been that willing to get naked with her son home but it worked and was very sexy.

Turtle1952Turtle1952over 7 years ago

love this please keep them cumming!

sabra16023sabra16023over 7 years ago
Great story

Keep writing. Waiting for next chapter. Thanks

va45va45over 7 years ago
Good point

Very good and loving chapter. Sis is loving her Lesbian side, has a lover. Now it is time for mom to enjoy and sharE son and the new couple.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
So good

I love the how fast the chapters come out and we're not left waiting for months. I wouldn't mind longer chapters either. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I like where this is going

I had some doubts about the whole bro/sis relationship going astray but if she finds a stable and entertaining partner in Cathy and Indy somehow got in his moms pants then I'm down with it all. Seeing how their mom is open to new (not to her though stuff I see no actual problems with that plan, Cathys family might even join in in the future. Now that would be a lot of fun, if only her brother wasn't such a stuck up bastard.


WetPantyFetishWetPantyFetishover 7 years ago

I love your story and writing style. If I could change anything it would be longer chapters/installments. It seems like just as I get going, and into the story, it ends. Keep up the great writing, and I can't wait for more. Thanks, Tony <:/)

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