Falling for My Mum Ch. 02


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I saw you at about 6.45 enter the hall from the outside, pulling down your umbrella as you did. As if the weather gods were reflecting our mood, the fine summer weather had broken that day. Fuck you looked good. You had obviously come from your business meeting and were dressed the part in an expensive plain green suit. The skirt was short and clung provocatively to your splendid derriere, flaring out slightly before coming to an abrupt halt half way down your thigh, leaving a good six inches of superbly sculpted leg above the knee. Your legs were bare and your feet squeezed into a pair of patent black leather court shoes with a definite pointed toe and four inches of stiletto. You had the crispest of white blouses on with several buttons undone, your hair was tied up with just a few blonde tendrils artfully escaping to frame your lovely face. Over your shoulder was a patent leather black handbag. The business look was topped off by a pair of fuck-me black square-framed spectacles. I bet you'd got everything you wanted out of that business meeting, I chuckled.

You walked up to the arrivals board and stood, hand on hip, looking up at the board. Finishing my orange juice I stalked around the circle of bystanders until I was directly behind you. Siding one had round your waist and the other over your eyes, I pulled you back into me.

"Hello sexy," I whispered in your ear. You opened your mouth to scream, then your brain stopped you, recognising the voice. You swung round, amusement and fury fighting it out on your face and in your eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here?" you asked and I still wasn't sure which emotion had won out. Pulling you into a deep kiss, one arm around the waist the other in your hair, I felt you melt into my embrace.

"I came to see you Cat, to make sure that you wouldn't forget me," I grinned. I could tell that you weren't going to be mad for long and, already, your natural affection was winning out. You smiled.

"Silly boy," you said putting a long nail on my chest. "Still, I'll forgive you if you keep kissing me like that."

"That sounds like a challenge," I grinned and kissed you again, my tongue sliding into your mouth. I could sense your excitement growing and I gripped your hand. "Come with me," I said and headed over towards one of the disabled toilets.

"Jeez Tommy, what are you doing," you protested, "No, we can't, the people, your Dad," you hissed but I ignored you and pulled you into the big cubicle. Closing the door behind us I locked it.

"Fuck them Mum, fuck them all. I know this is mad but I need you now. Call me selfish and bloody crazy but when you meet Dad, I want it to be after we've fucked." You looked shocked and a little angry but I could tell you were also excited and touched.

"Bloody hell darling, you're mad but I love you for it. This is the stupidest thing anyone's ever done for me and to me, but God I want you for it." You said and pulled me into a long, passionate snog. Our tongues duelled with each other, probing deep into each other mouths, betraying our desperation for each other. I pushed you back against the ceramic wall of the toiler and you could feel my raging cock in your groin through the thin expensive fabrics of our suits. I could feel your hands at my zipper, as my own hands roamed freely over your magnificent breasts through the crisp cotton blouse.

You freed my cock and we both gave a low hiss of excitement as your hand started to jerk it. It was already rock hard, had been since the moment I'd spotted you sauntering into the hall looing a million dollars. Fuck how I wanted you, Cat. You reached down and hoicked up your skirt around your waist. You had on a lace and silk green thong and I could just make out the sparse strands of blonde pussy hair beneath. You pulled the thong aside and almost wrenched my cock into position, so urgent were we.

With a low growl of triumph I thrust home, hearing you give a groan as I pinned you to the wall. One leg was off the floor and wrapped around my back and arse, pulling me into you, the other raised on tiptoe to give yourself the correct elevation. Your hand was on the back of my hair and we were kissing loudly, urgently as our hips moved like snakes against each other. There was love behind this to be sure but there was also deep, desperate urgency, to mark each other before the return of your husband. It was hard, it was dirty, I think the right word to use is rutting as harsh as that sounds.

There were no words, we didn't need them, we just started at each other, taking each other in, giving ourselves to each other utterly, it was an affirmation of what had gone before and promise of what was to come despite the enforced abstinence that was going to be necessary over the coming days before, inevitably, Dad fucked off again and abandoned us.

It didn't last long, such sex can't last long or else we'd burn each other up. Burying my head in your shoulder, kissing you there, I emptied my balls into your cunt - it wasn't a pussy at that moment, it was definitely a gorgeous cunt - and I felt and heard you gasp in my ear as you were filled by my juice.

Gradually, normality returned, if you can call a mother and her son fucking in a Heathrow toilet normal. We looked into each other's eyes and kissed gently, lovingly again.

"Whatever happens next Mum, know I love you more than life itself and I'll take this memory to my grave."

"Oh God angel," you almost sobbed, "What the fuck are we going to do?" I smiled and kissed you gently. I slid my cock from your pussy and slipped your thong back into place. I wiped my cock on a piece of loo roll before replacing it in my trousers.

"We are going to love each other and be with each other as much as we can Cat," I said calmly. "But for now, we go and play happy families."

Straightening our clothes and giving you a moment to readjust your makeup, we stepped out of the private cubicle and back into the hustle and bustle of the real world. Dad's flight was on time and he greeted us with pleasure and a little surprise to see me there too. I shrugged it off with a casual excuse and we made our way to your black BMW. I slipped into the back behind the passenger seat so I got a great view of you on the drive home, while Dad got into the passenger seat in front. I just loved watching your legs move back and forth as you worked the pedals, simple pleasures. One further pleasure was watching you occasionally squirm ever so slightly in your seat. I smiled, knowing that as you chatted to Dad, your son's juices were deep inside your beautiful pussy.

* * * * *

The next few days, when Dad was at home, were horrible. It felt unbearable to have you so close and yet not to be able to show my affection to you, to show you that you were the most special, amazing, wonderful sexy woman in my life. I wondered if I might go mad. All I could do was exchange the occasional touch, nothing overtly sexual as it was too risky, but those which, though seemingly innocent, conveyed the depths of our emotions - a light touch of fingers on the back of the hand, a quick squeeze of the hand or of the shoulder. It was torture. We couldn't risk being seen out in public either because of the danger of being seen by someone we knew in St Albans. I won't spend ages describing our difficulties as I know it was as hard for you, Cat, as it was for me, in some ways even harder. I didn't have to pretend to be the good, faithful wife after all. I didn't have to lie next to Dad each night, my body tingling, craving a loving touch and being ignored by the man to whom I had pledged my life.

One of the things that consoled us and got us through those first few days was the thought that we'd all be going to Florida soon on one of our regular trips to the house you owned there. Sure, Dad was coming with us but he always got bored there and tried to find excuses to bugger off north to New York or somewhere else on business and we had talked about the chance of getting at least a couple of days together alone in the sun. We were due to fly out on the last Sunday in July but the Friday evening before we left, I suggested that we should go to the cinema to watch a new arthouse picture that had been released a couple of weeks before and had got excellent reviews. Dad said no, as I knew and hoped he would, but you jumped at the chance for us to spend time together alone.

It was a warm evening again and you were wearing that same lime green flowing summer dress that you'd worn at the cricket. We made our way to the cinema and the business there was brisk but not overly heavy. It had been a bit too warm for people to want to spend two and a half hours cooped up in a hot cinema theatre. There was quite a crowd for the new blockbuster that had been released the night before but only a handful of people for our more highbrow choice, something which suited my purposes perfectly. Did you know or suspect I wonder? Probably, knowing you as I do.

Having purchased our drinks and popcorn, we entered the dark theatre in time for the trailers. It was unreserved seating and I led us straight to the back row. You looked at me, smiled and shook your head but did not divert us to somewhere more prominent. We settled into our seats, the old fashioned red velvet upholstered tip seats, none of your swan it new leather recliners here, and instinctively reached for each other's hand. Gently I played with your fingers, running hand over your wedding ring, the symbol of what had created me and yet now stood between us and our happiness. Slowly, as the film started and progressed leisurely, I caressed your hand, fingers and wrist and every so often I heard you give a deep, low sigh.

Our arms were on the shared rest between our seats and, after a while, I moved our interlinked hands down to your lap. I could feel the Lycra of the dress against my fingers and could feel your heat of your body radiating through the fabric. I looked at you, admiring your profile, your long nose, delicate eyelashes behind your black glasses, your eye makeup done perfectly to draw subtle attention to them, the big hoop earrings that I adored on you. The tiny visible signs of age and experience leant your face a softness and glow. Looking at you, I couldn't believe how lucky I was and despite all the difficulties we were experiencing at the moment, you were worth difficulties a hundred times worse. So involved was I in my reverie that I quickly lost track of the film.

Feeling the heat of my stare, you looked over and gave a seductive smile. You leaned over and whispered in my ear, your lips just brushing against my earlobe.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it was rude to stare at your date?" With one hand splayed over your flat tummy, I drew you into a kiss with the other, sliding my tongue hungrily over your lips and into your warm, moist mouth. You tasted deliciously as always and our tongues danced as the images on the screen flickered in front of us.

"She told me it was ok when the woman was as beautiful as you," I replied.

I continued to kiss you as my hand crept down onto your thigh and started to ruck up your dress, bunching the fabric in my hand until I had enough to allow my hand to dive underneath the dress and onto your bare thigh. I heard and felt you gasp into my mouth, "Tommy, no!" you whispered but I ignored you, feeling that your body wanted me to go on no matter what your mouth was saying. As I reached the top of your thighs I knew I was right. Bare flesh met my curious fingers.

"Didn't your mother tell you always to wear knickers Cat?" I whispered back, breaking the kiss for a moment. You gave a tiny mewing sound of shame and excitement, as my fingers came into contact with your wet pussy lips. Gently I rubbed my fingers along your lips, opening tem softly as you gripped the chair with your hands and continued to kiss me. I pressed the heel of my hand against your clit and I heard you gasp again.

"Oh fuck Tommy, please..." you moaned and screwed your eyes tight.

"Please what Mum?" I teased and you pulled back and looked me in the eye in a half-hearted attempt to be motherly before you could open your mouth though I saw the woman in you win out over the mother and you licked your lips.

"Don't stop angel," you said and kissed me again, more fiercely this time than before. First one finger, then two pushed their way into your fiery pussy and I marvelled at how wet you were, how wet I'd made you and boy did that make me feel good.

Suddenly I slide off my chair, you slapped my head "No, no, not that!" you hissed but I wasn't going to be put off. I gathered up the skirts of your dress and with one last, wicked look, I draped them over my head and stared at my own personal Nirvana, your beautiful pussy, my own Genesis. I kissed and nibbled your thighs, it was so dark in there I loved it, my other senses heightened, touch, taste and, above all, smell. I adored the scent of your womanhood, it was fucking intoxicating, as if it had been designed especially for me and no one else. Slowly, inexorably it drew me towards it and, as my tongue touched your pussy lips, I felt you positively jump in your seat and grp my head through your dress, your fingers scrunching my hair.

I kissed with gentle, butterfly kisses at first and then deeper, more intense, my tongue running free over your lips and clit, my chin getting soaked with your juices. I could hear every tiny gasp and moan, as you desperately tried to repress the sounds so as not to alert the few other cinema goers. You tasted wonderful, so rich and creamy, like the most expensive gourmet meal you could ever taste. Fuck I could do this all day I thought, I still think that Cat. My tongue probed deep inside you as I heard you whisper almost silent encouragement.

"So bad, so very bad, don't stop baby, eat your Mummy out like a good boy, oh fuck Tommy I love you so...sooo muuuuuch!" that last word disappeared into a low moan as you gripped the seat arms and stared straight ahead as your lower body shook violently with the force of your orgasm. I lay still, watching your lower body recover before inching my way out. I knelt on my haunches and looked up at you, a proud grin on my face as you slapped it gently admonishingly and then, finding my face wet with your juices began to wipe your fingers across my chin and then lick them clean.

When the light came back up and we left the theatre, a clear dark patch lay in the middle of the red velvet seat you had been occupying. You blushed almost as red as the seat as we scurried out, heads down, laughing.

When we got home Dad was looking serious and a little guilty.

"Cat, darling, something's come up. I..well, I can't go to Florida, I'm sorry. A deal is in danger of falling through and I've got to stay I London. I'm sorry but it can't be helped."

You looked at him coldly. "Very well Richard, if that's the way it is, so be it. But Tom and I will still go, you know that right?" He nodded vigorously, pleased and relieved that you weren't making more a scene.

"Yes, yes, of course. You guys have fun, you always enjoyed Florida more than me anyway." Holy fuck, I thought, two whole weeks together and we exchanged a knowing smile.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very nice 5 stars

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

This is a beautiful love story. What, where, when and how lovers will relate to each other is both amazing and wonderful. This is another author who knows how to use the English language to write erotic literature.

TSreaderTSreaderabout 8 years ago

So well written! A great chapter to this story! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Well written, playful, loving and warm, even very possible. Keep it coming as the possibilities are endless.

kennyboy82kennyboy82over 8 years ago

As a long time admirer of both Cat Moore the woman and Cat Moore the author, this story is simply superb. It's hard to believe that it's written by anyone other than a person with close and intimate knowledge of her. I'm jealous!

Really liked the story, well written, and highly erotic. Is there any more to follow?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Absolutely delicious!

Best mom/son story on here in a couple of years! Pretty please can we have more?!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
if TT keeps on like this my head's going to explode

The pure lust between Tommy and his mother Cat is breathtaking, for all the reasons given by my fellow fan. That they couple in pure abiding love goes without saying, but they also "rut" like mindless animals. TT's great touches are almost enough in themselves to make a reader cream his shorts. I love how Cat fiddles with her son's fly--a mother who has a deft hand with the zipper on her boy's pants is a joy in any family. And this mother knows how to push her kid's buttons. When Tommy suddenly takes her aside for a quick incestuous fuck he discovers that mom's not wearing any panties--she wants to assure herb boy easy access to what he values most in the whole damn world. Tommy calls it his "own personal Nirvana," and, revealingly, "my own Genesis." That it certainly is. It's his own mother's cunt, her "gorgeous cunt," the cunt he came out of as a little baby, the cunt he just cannot get enough of. It's so cool how Tommy's evolved into his new role, as the owner of that beautiful, incomparable hairy hole between his mommy's thighs. He tells her, "when you meet Dad, I want it to be after we've fucked." The brazen lad relishes the idea of his mother talking with his dad with her own son's semen trickling down her ass and legs. This brilliant author had better give us ch. 3 pronto or he'll be sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Pure lust

Thank you for the continuation of this lust filled story of mother son love. While there is no doubt that this mother son couple love each other, primal lust makes this story hot. The son can't control his desire to relive his hard cock in mummy's pussy at every opportunity. Mom to is now addicted to the incest orgasm and submits to her son's filthy request to pull her from the waiting area and go together into a public restroom where her son hikes her skirt and drops his pants and then leaning her against the bathroom wall proceeds to mount his own dear mother. The author calls it "rutting" as the mother and son make passionate love each seeking their orgasm before the unfaithful wife's husband arrives to be met by his loving family. The son howls in delight as he fills his mothers womb with his seed and then escorts her to meet daddy. The pair relish in the depraved pleasure of cuckolding daddy, they ride home with his seed seeping from mummy's pussy. I look forward to part three as the incestious lovers go on vacation together. Will they join the mile high club? Will the son ravage his mothers pussy while she talks to her husband on the phone? Will he take her to a lingerie shop and have her dress like a whore for his pleasure during their getaway? Will he do a faux wedding and pretend to marry her? I don't know what will happen in part three but can't wait to read more adventures of this son taking his rightful place between mommy's thighs and groaning in orgasm as he claims her sexually. For mommy there is no greater complement than to feel her own son grow hard as they kiss, take her pussy with his hardness and ultimately hear him moan and feel him cum deep in her womb. Mommy will have her most intense orgasm knowing that her young stud, her own dear son is sending millions of sperm into her in hopes of breeding her, regardless of the result the young bull has chosen her as worthy of bearing his child.

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